
#Requires -Version 4.0
function Get-MrVariableType {

    List variables and whether they're defined as parameters or in the body of a function.
    Get-MrVariableType is an advanced function that returns a list of variables defined in a
    function and whether they are parameters or user defined within the body of the function.
    Provide a ScriptBlockAst object via parameter or pipeline input. Use Get-MrAst to create this
     Get-MrAST -Path 'C:\Scripts' | Get-MrVariableType
     Get-MrVariableType -Ast (Get-MrAST -Path 'C:\Scripts')
    Author: Mike F Robbins
    Twitter: @mikefrobbins

    param (


        $variables = $Ast.FindAll({$args[0].GetType().Name -like 'VariableExpressionAst'}, $true).Where({$_.VariablePath.UserPath -ne '_'})

        $parameters = $Ast.FindAll({$args[0].GetType().Name -like 'ParameterAst'}, $true)

        $diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $parameters.Name.VariablePath.UserPath -DifferenceObject $variables.VariablePath.UserPath -IncludeEqual

        foreach ($variable in $variables) {

                Name = $variable.VariablePath.UserPath
                Type = if ($variable.VariablePath.UserPath -in $diff.Where({$_.SideIndicator -eq '=='}).InputObject) {
                       } else {
                LineNumber = $variable.Extent.StartLineNumber
                Column = $variable.Extent.StartColumnNumber


