#Requires -Version 4.0 function Test-MrSyntax { <# .SYNOPSIS Analyzes PowerShell scripts for syntax and parameter compliance. .DESCRIPTION The Test-MrSyntax function analyzes PowerShell script files for compliance with syntax and parameter standards. It checks if full parameter names are used, validates parameter sets, and ensures all mandatory parameters are specified. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the path(s) of the PowerShell script files to be analyzed. Supports pipeline input. .EXAMPLE Test-MrSyntax -Path C:\Scripts\SampleScript.ps1 .NOTES Author: Mike F. Robbins Website: Twitter: @mikefrobbins #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ If (Test-Path -Path $_) { $True } else { Throw "'$_' is not a valid path." } })] [string[]]$Path ) PROCESS { foreach ($file in $Path) { $Commands = Get-MrSyntax -Path $file foreach ($command in $commands) { $commandType = 'NotFound' try { $cmdlet = Get-Command -Name $command.Cmdlet -ErrorAction Stop $commandType = $cmdlet.CommandType if ($cmdlet.CommandType -eq 'Alias') { $cmdlet = Get-Command -Name $cmdlet.ResolvedCommand } } catch { continue } if ($null -ne $command.Parameters) { #Verify that full parameter names are specified (no aliases) $parameters = Test-MrParameter -Cmdlet $command.Cmdlet -Parameter $command.Parameters #Determine parameter set $ParamSet = Resolve-MrParameterSet -Cmdlet $cmdlet.Name -Parameter $parameters.ParameterName #Verify that only parameters in one parameter set are specified $ValidateParamSet = Test-MrParameterSet -Cmdlet $command.Cmdlet -Parameter $command.Parameters -ParameterSet $paramSet.ParameterSet #Verify that all mandatory parameters in the parameter set are specified $MandatoryParams = Test-MrMandatoryParameter -Cmdlet $cmdlet.Name -Parameter $parameters.ParameterName -ParameterSet $paramSet.ParameterSet foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $command.Cmdlet CommandType = $commandType Parameter = $parameter.Parameter ParameterType = $parameter.ParameterType Valid = $validateParamSet.Where({$_.Parameter -eq $parameter.Parameter}).Valid Missing = $mandatoryParams.Where({$_.Cmdlet -eq $command.Cmdlet}).Missing File = $file PSTypeName = 'Mr.TestSyntax' } } } } } } } |