#Requires -Version 3.0 function Resolve-MrParameterSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves and returns the parameter set currently in use for a given PowerShell cmdlet and a set of parameters. .DESCRIPTION The Resolve-MrParameterSet function analyzes one or more PowerShell cmdlets and determines which parameter set is being used based on the specified parameters. It resolves any parameter aliases and finds the matching parameter set for each cmdlet, returning a custom object containing the cmdlet name and the name of the parameter set in use. If no parameters match a specific set, the function defaults to the cmdlet's default parameter set. .PARAMETER Cmdlet Specifies one or more cmdlets to analyze. This parameter is mandatory and accepts an array of string values, each representing a cmdlet's name. .PARAMETER Parameter Specifies an array of parameters to resolve against the cmdlets' parameter sets. This parameter is optional. .EXAMPLE Resolve-MrParameterSet -Cmdlet Get-Process -Parameter Name .EXAMPLE Resolve-MrParameterSet -Cmdlet Get-Service, Get-Process -Parameter DisplayName, Id .NOTES Author: Mike F. Robbins Website: Twitter: @mikefrobbins #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]]$Cmdlet, [string[]]$Parameter ) foreach ($command in $Cmdlet) { $commandInfo = Get-Command -Name $command $parameterSetsInfo = $commandInfo.ParameterSets | Select-Object -Property Name, @{label='Parameters';expression={$}} # Resolve parameter alias $paramAliases = Get-MrParameterAlias -Name $command $resolvedParameters = foreach ($param in $Parameter) { $alias = $paramAliases | Where-Object Aliases -contains $param if ($null -eq $alias) { $param } else { $alias.Name } } # Determine the parameter set in use $inUseParamterSet = $null foreach ($set in $parameterSetsInfo) { $isMatch = $resolvedParameters | ForEach-Object {$_ -in $set.Parameters} if ($isMatch -notcontains $false) { $inUseParamterSet = $set.Name break } } if (-not $inUseParamterSet) { $inUseParamterSet = $commandInfo.ParameterSets | Where-Object IsDefault -eq $true | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Name } [pscustomobject]@{ Command = $command ParameterSet = $inUseParamterSet } } } |