#Requires -Version 3.0 function Get-MrParameterSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves parameter sets for specified PowerShell commands. .DESCRIPTION The Get-MrParameterSet function retrieves parameter set information for the specified PowerShell command names. It lists each parameter set along with its parameters and identifies the default parameter set. .PARAMETER Name Specifies an array of command names. This parameter is mandatory and accepts values from the pipeline. .EXAMPLE Get-MrParameterSet -Name Get-ChildItem, Set-Location .NOTES Author: Mike F. Robbins Website: Twitter: @mikefrobbins #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$Name ) PROCESS { foreach ($n in $Name) { # Retrieve command information $commandInfo = Get-Command -Name $n -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Check if command exists if ($commandInfo) { # Iterate through each parameter set of the command foreach ($parameterSet in $commandInfo.ParameterSets) { # Create and output custom object with parameter set details [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $n ParameterSets = $parameterSet.Name Parameters = $parameterSet.Parameters IsDefault = $parameterSet.IsDefault } } } else { Write-Warning "Command '$n' not found." } } } } |