#Requires -Version 3.0 function Get-MrSyntax { <# .SYNOPSIS List PowerShell commands and parameters in the specified PowerShell script. .DESCRIPTION Get-MrSyntax is a PowerShell function that uses the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to determine the commands and parameters within a PowerShell script. .PARAMETER Path Path to one of more PowerShell PS1 or PSM1 script files. .EXAMPLE Get-MrSyntax -Path C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1 .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts\*.ps1 | Get-MrSyntax .EXAMPLE Get-MrSyntax -Path (Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts\*.ps1) .NOTES Author: Mike F Robbins Website: Twitter: @mikefrobbins #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ If (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -Include *.ps1, *.psm1) { $True } else { Throw "'$_' is not a valid PowerShell PS1 or PSM1 script file." } })] [string[]]$Path ) PROCESS { foreach ($file in $Path) { $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($File, [ref]$null, [ref]$null) $AST.FindAll({$args[0].GetType().Name -like 'CommandAst'}, $true) | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Cmdlet = $_.CommandElements[0].Value Parameters = $_.CommandElements.ParameterName File = $file } } } } } |