.Synopsis This script checks a remote computer using WMI for any Automatic services that are not running. .DESCRIPTION The script makes a WMI query for all services that have an Automatic start mode, but are stopped. This is useful for checking servers after patching for any services that didn't start automatically. .NOTES By: Jason Wasser Modified: 4/27/2015 09:50:22 AM Changelog: * Removed OutputType since it wasn't working consistently. * Rewrite script to output actual service objects. .PARAMETER ComputerName Enter the name of a computer or a list of computers. Accepts pipeline input. Default: localhost. .PARAMETER FilterCleanExit Use to automatically exclude services which start but then exit because they have nothing else to do (or are trigger start). Use this switch if you need to filter out services that stopped cleanly with an exit code 0. .PARAMETER ExclusionList Service names that should be excluding from the query. A default list of known services that are set to Automatic but do not run (i.e. Performance Logs and Alerts) is provided. .EXAMPLE Get-StoppedAutomaticService -ComputerName server1 Lists the stopped automatic services from server1. .EXAMPLE Get-StoppedAutomaticService -ComputerName server1,server2 Lists the stopped automatic services from server1 and server2. .EXAMPLE Get-StoppedAutomaticService -ComputerName (Get-Content c:\temp\computerlist.txt) Lists the stopped automatic services from a list of computers in a text file. .EXAMPLE Get-StoppedAutomaticService -FilterCleanExit Get a list of stopped automatic services that exited cleanly. This should exclude services that do start, but have no further work to do (includes Trigger Start) .EXAMPLE Get-Content C:\Temp\serverlist.txt | Get-StoppedAutomaticService | Start-Service Get a list of stopped automatic services from a list of computers and then start the services. #> Function Get-StoppedAutomaticService { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeLine=$true, ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, # Filter services with exit code 0 [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeLine=$false, ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch]$FilterCleanExit, # Exclusion List $ExclusionList = @('clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32','clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64','SysmonLog','ShellHWDetection','sppsvc','gupdate','MMCSS','RemoteRegistry','ccmsetup') ) begin{} process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { try { $hostdns = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($Computer) } catch [Exception] { Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message) $Computer." return } Write-Verbose "Checking services on $computer" write-Verbose "Exclusion List:" $ExclusionList | ForEach-Object {Write-Verbose " * $_"} if ($FilterCleanExit) { $StoppedAutomaticService = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -ComputerName $computer -Filter "state = 'stopped' and startmode = 'auto' and exitcode != 0" | Where-Object { $ExclusionList -notcontains $ } } else { $StoppedAutomaticService = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -ComputerName $computer -Filter "state = 'stopped' and startmode = 'auto'" | Where-Object { $ExclusionList -notcontains $ } } if ( $StoppedAutomaticService ) { Write-Verbose "Services needing attention:" $StoppedAutomaticService | ForEach-Object {Write-Verbose " * $($_.DisplayName)"} $StoppedAutomaticServiceObject = @() $StoppedAutomaticServiceObject += Get-Service $ -ComputerName $StoppedAutomaticService.PSComputerName $StoppedAutomaticServiceObject # } else { Write-Verbose "$Computer`: All services ok." } } } end {} } |