
Set-IPAddress allows you to set an IP address, subnet mask, gateway,
and DNS servers for a network adapter.
Set-IPAddress allows you to set an IP address, subnet mask, gateway,
and DNS servers for a network adapter.
Windows 8/2012 and above have built-in cmdlets for Set-NetIPAddress, but any downlevel
clients and servers are stuck with netsh. This script can still be used for Windows 8/2012
and above since the WMI methods are still available.
* Write-Log -
* Send-Log -
Created by: Jason Wasser
Modified: 11/23/2015 01:47:23 PM
* Set $PSDefaultParameterValues for Write-Log
* Moved sleep to the End section to save time.
* Do we even want to attempt to feed computer names or just assume locally?
This would require more testing and working with remote wmi. Plus changing
an IP address of a remote computer during the script would not work well.
* Re-enable DHCP
Set-IPAddress -NetworkAdapterName "Local Area Connection" -IPAddress -SubnetMask -Gateway -DNSServers,
Sets the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS servers for Local Area Connection.
Set-IPAddress -NetworkAdapterName "Local Area Connection" -IPAddress -SubnetMask
Sets the IP address and subnet mask for Local Area Connection.
Set-IPAddress -NetworkAdapterName "Local Area Connection" -IPAddress -SubnetMask -ReplaceExisting $false
Adds the IP address and subnet mask to Local Area Connection keeping the existing IP configuration.

function Set-IPAddress {
        # Network Interface Name
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0)]

        # IP address
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1)]

        # Subnet Mask
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 2)]

        # Gateway
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]

        # DNS Server(s)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]

        # Default to replace existing IP configuration.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$ReplaceExisting = $true,

        # Path to log file
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String]$LogFileName = "C:\Logs\SetIPAddress.log",
        # Include to send copy of log via email
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Email Parameters
        [string]$SmtpServer = "",
        [string]$ToAddress = "",
        [string]$FromAddress = "",
        [string]$Subject = "Automaton Alert $(get-date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") - Set-StaticIPAddress for $($env:COMPUTERNAME)",
        [string]$MessageBody = "Please see attached.`n`nSincerely,`nYour friendly AutoMaton.",
        [int]$Port = 25,
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
    Begin {
        # Set Default Log Path for Write-Log
        $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{"Write-Log:Path" = "C:\Logs\SetIPAddress.log"}

        # Worker Function that actually changes the IP configuration.
        function Set-IP {
            # IP Address and Subnet Mask
            if ($IPAddress) {
                if (!$SubnetMask) {
                    Write-Log "Subnet Mask was not provided." -LogPath $LogFileName -Level Error
                else {
                    Write-Log "Setting IP Address(es) for $($NetworkAdapter.NetConnectionID)`: $IPAddress" -LogPath $LogFileName
                    Write-Log "Subnet Mask(s): $SubnetMask" -LogPath $LogFileName
                    $StaticIPResult = $NetworkConfig.EnableStatic($IPAddress, $SubnetMask)
                    if ($StaticIPResult.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
                        Write-Log "Error setting IP: $($StaticIPResult.ReturnValue)" -Level Error
            else {
                # No IP address specified.
                Write-Log "No IP address specified." 
            # Gateway
            if ($Gateway) {
                Write-Log "Setting Gateway: $Gateway" 
                $GatewayResult = $NetworkConfig.SetGateways($Gateway, 1)
                if ($GatewayResult.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
                    Write-Log  "Error setting gateway: $($GatewayResult.ReturnValue)"  -Level Error
            else {
                # No gateway specified
                Write-Log "No gateway specified." 

            # DNS
            if ($DNSServers) {
                Write-Log "Setting DNS: $DNSServers" 
                $DNSResult = $NetworkConfig.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(@($DNSServers))
                if ($DNSResult.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
                    Write-Log "Error setting DNS: $($DNSResult.ReturnValue)"  -Level Error
            else {
                # No DNS Specified
                Write-Log "No DNS specified." 

            # After making the change we should log the new configuration.
            $NetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "Index = $($NetworkAdapter.Index)"

            Write-Log "New IP Configuration: $($NetworkConfig.IPAddress)" 
            Write-Log "New Subnet Configuration: $($NetworkConfig.IPSubnet)" 
            Write-Log "New Gateway Configuration: $($NetworkConfig.DefaultIPGateway)" 
            Write-Log "New DNS Configuration: $($NetworkConfig.DNSServerSearchOrder)" 

        # Begin Logging
        Write-Log "--------------------------------------------" 
        Write-Log "Beginning $($MyInvocation.InvocationName) on $($env:COMPUTERNAME) by $env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME"
    Process {
        # Get the network adapter that matches the provided name. Wildcards are supported, but for safety we can only match one adapter.
        # Although it is better to filter left, I chose to use Where to filter the network adapter name
        # to be able to use standard wildcards for quicker shorthand (i.e. -NIC *local*).
        #$NetworkAdapter = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetConnectionID like '$NetworkAdapterName'" -ErrorAction Stop
        $NetworkAdapter = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_NetworkAdapter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.NetConnectionID -like "$NetworkAdapterName"}
        if ($NetworkAdapter) {
            if ($NetworkAdapter.Count -gt 1) {
                Write-Log "More than one network adapter matches $NetworkAdapterName"  -Level Error
            else {
                #$NetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IpEnabled = 'True' and Index = $($NetworkAdapter.Index)"
                $NetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "Index = $($NetworkAdapter.Index)"
                # By default we will replace the existing IP configuration with what was supplied.
                if ($ReplaceExisting) {
                else {
                    # If we want to keep the existing IP address configuration, the $ReplaceExisting must be false.
                    # This would be used if the user wished to add an additional IP address to an adapter.
                    # We have to read the current IP address and subnet mask and then add it.
                    # Reading the current IP address(es) may return a IPv6 which cannot be assigned through
                    # the current WMI method. We need to strip out any IPv6 addresses and their corresponding
                    # subnet masks.
                    $CurrentIPAddress = @()
                    $CurrentSubnet = @()
                    $CurrentIPAddress += $NetworkConfig.IPAddress | Where-Object {($_ -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"}
                    Write-Log "Current IP Address(es): $CurrentIPAddress" 
                    foreach ($Address in $CurrentIPAddress) {
                        $CurrentSubnet += $NetworkConfig.IPSubnet[[array]::IndexOf($NetworkConfig.IPAddress, $Address)]
                    Write-Log "Current Subnet(s): $CurrentSubnet" 
                    # Composite arrays of existing IP address(es) and additional IP address(es).
                    $IPAddress = $CurrentIPAddress + $IPAddress
                    $SubnetMask = $CurrentSubnet + $SubnetMask
        # No matching network adapter found.
        else {
            Write-Log "Unable to find a network adapter named $NetworkAdapterName"  -Level Error
    End {
        # Adding a pause to allow the network card to apply the new settings.
        Write-Log "Pausing to allow the network card to apply the new settings." 
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

        # Clean up
        Write-Log "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) complete." 
        Write-Log "--------------------------------------------" 
        # Send the user a copy of the log if requested.
        if ($SendLog) {
            # Creating anonymous credential
            if ($Credential.Username -eq $null) {
                $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('anonymous', (New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString))
            Send-Log -Path $LogFileName -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -ToAddress $ToAddress -FromAddress $FromAddress -Subject $Subject -Username $Username -Password $Password -Port $Port
        # Rotate Log file
        if (Test-Path $LogFileName) {
            $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddhhmmss"
            $LogFilePath = Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFileName
            Rename-Item $LogFileName -NewName "$($LogFilePath.BaseName)-$TimeStamp.log"