.SYNOPSIS Invoke-NagiosXiApi is a wrapper script for interacting with the Nagios XI REST API. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-NagiosXiApi is a wrapper script for interacting with the Nagios XI REST API. With the Nagios XI API you can get a host and service status as well as a number of other data. If your Nagios XI account has admin access you can perform other actions through the API such as configuration management and reading the Nagios XI system status. Requirements: * Nagios XI 5 or higher * Nagios XI Url * Nagios XI account with API access * Nagios XI API key - Each user is generated a unique API key in the Admin, Manage Users section of Nagios XI. .NOTES Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja Modified: 4/11/2017 09:07:56 AM Version 0.5 .PARAMETER NagiosXiApiUrl The Url of the Nagios XI API. Example: .PARAMETER NagiosXiApiKey Each Nagios XI user is generated a unique API key which can be used with the API. Only API keys associated with admin accounts are allowed to perform system and configuration actions. Read-only accounts can read object status. It is recommended that you create a read-only account to pre-populate the NagiosXiApiKey default value in the MrANagios.psm1 script module. .PARAMETER Resource The resource is the specific resource and action to take. See the Nagios XI API documentation for valid resources. .PARAMETER Method The REST method you wish to perform (i.e. GET, POST, DELETE). See Nagios XI API documentation. .PARAMETER Query Use the Query parameter to get specific hosts or services. .EXAMPLE Invoke-NagiosXiApi -Resource objects/host hostlist -------- @{recordcount=331; host=System.Object[]} Return a list of all host objects for Nagios XI in JSON format. .EXAMPLE Invoke-NagiosXiApi -Resource objects/servicestatus servicestatuslist ----------------- @{recordcount=2389; servicestatus=System.Object[]} Return a list of all services and their status in JSON format. .EXAMPLE Invoke-NagiosXiApi -NagiosXiApiKey 'j2k35j123k5j1k351' -Query 'host_name=SERVER01' servicestatuslist ----------------- @{recordcount=10; servicestatus=System.Object[]} Return the status of the services on host named SERVER01 with a specified API key. .EXAMPLE Invoke-NagiosXiApi -Resource objects/servicestatus -Query 'host_name=in:SERVER01,SERVER02' servicestatuslist ----------------- @{recordcount=20; servicestatus=System.Object[]} Return the status of services on hosts SERVER01 and SERVER02. .EXAMPLE Invoke-NagiosXiApi -Resource objects/servicestatus -Query 'host_name=lk:SERVER' servicestatuslist ----------------- @{recordcount=2389; servicestatus=System.Object[]} Return the status of services of hosts with SERVER in the name. #> function Invoke-NagiosXiApi { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias()] Param ( [string]$NagiosXiApiUrl, [string]$NagiosXiApiKey, [string]$Resource = 'objects/host', [string]$Method = 'Get', [string]$Query ) Begin { $ValidResources = @( 'system/applyconfig' 'system/importconfig' 'system/status' 'system/user' 'config/host' 'config/service' 'config/hostgroup' 'config/servicegroup' 'objects/hoststatus' 'objects/servicestatus' 'objects/logentries' 'objects/statehistory' 'objects/comment' 'objects/downtime' 'objects/contact' 'objects/host' 'objects/service' 'objects/hostgroup' 'objects/servicegroup' 'objects/contactgroup' 'objects/hostgroupmembers' 'objects/servicegroupmembers' 'objects/contactgroupmembers' 'objects/rrdexport' 'objects/cpexport' ) if ($ValidResources -contains $Resource) { Write-Verbose "Valid Resource, continuing." } else { Write-Verbose 'invalid resource' return } } Process { Write-Verbose 'Invoking Nagios XI REST API' $Uri = $NagiosXiApiUrl + $Resource + '/?apikey=' + $NagiosXiApiKey + '&' + $Query Write-Verbose "Uri $Uri" Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri } End { } } |