.Synopsis Acknowldge all open host problems in Nagios XI. .DESCRIPTION Get a list of open host problems from Nagios XI using Invoke-NagiosXiApi and then acknowledge each of them. Open service problems are services in Nagios that are warning, critical, or unknown and that have not been acknowledged on all servers including those that are up and not in a scheduled down time. All parameters have default values, but you should change your NagiosXiApiUrl and NagiosXiApiKey to match your environment. See the documentation for Invoke-NagiosXiApi. .PARAMETER Comment Provide a comment for the acknowledgement. .EXAMPLE Submit-NagiosXiOpenHostProblemsAcknowledgement #> function Submit-NagiosXiOpenHostProblemsAcknowledgement { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias()] Param ( [string]$NagiosXiApiUrl, [string]$NagiosXiApiKey, [string]$NagiosCoreUrl, [string]$Comment = 'Acknowledged by Mr. Automaton.' ) Begin { } Process { Write-Verbose 'Getting Nagios XI open host problems.' $OpenHostProblems = Get-NagiosXiOpenHostProblems -NagiosXiApiUrl $NagiosXiApiUrl -NagiosXiApiKey $NagiosXiApiKey foreach ($OpenHostProblem in $OpenHostProblems) { Write-Verbose -Message "Submitting Nagios acknowledgement for $($" Submit-NagiosHostAcknowledgement -ComputerName $ -comment $Comment -NagiosCoreUrl $NagiosCoreUrl } } End { } } |