.Synopsis This script allows the user execute cgi commands to a Nagios site by using the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. .DESCRIPTION The purpose of the script is to automate the process of disabling/enabling nagios notifications and/or checks for Nagios hosts and their services. The script utilizes Invoke-WebRequest to post to the nagios cmd.cgi. Paramaters: $computername - what nagios refers to as host for which you wish to enable/disable checks and notifications. Hosts are case-sensitive. $action - integer of nagios cmd.cgi for the action you wish to take Disable checks of all services on this host $action=16 Enable checks of all services on this host $action=15 Disable notifications for all services on this host $action=29 Enable notifications for all services on this host $action=28 Acknowledge service problem $action=34 Force service check $action=7 $NagiosCoreUrl - the base url of your nagios installation (i.e. $username - the htaccess username $password - the htaccess password .NOTES Author: Jason Wasser Modified: 5/19/2015 Version: 1.8 Currently the script only supports enabling/disabling of active checks and notifications. Changelog: version 1.8 * Added Disable-NagiosServiceNotifications and Enable-NagiosServiceNotifications * Added Disable-NagiosGlobalNotifications and Enable-NagiosGlobalNotifications version 1.7 * Added logic for hostgroups and service groups version 1.6 * Converted to Functions and script module version 1.52 * Added host problem acknowledgement. version 1.51 * Added logic for user not entering a password. version 1.5 * Added service problem acknowledgement. * Added force service check. * Added disabling/enabling service checks for host groups * Added disabling/enabling service checks for service groups. version 1.0 * Initial re-write of Set-NagiosCLI.ps1 now using Invoke-WebRequest. Future developments could include scheduled downtimes. Known Issues: * To run the script as a scheduled task as a service account will require running Internet Explorer once as the user. .EXAMPLE .\Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 29 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin This will disable notifications for all services on host server1 including the host. .EXAMPLE .\Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 28 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin This will enable notifications for all services on host server1 including the host. .EXAMPLE .\Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 16 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin This will disable checks for all services on host server1 including the host. .EXAMPLE .\Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 15 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin This will enable checks for all services on host server1 including the host. .EXAMPLE .\Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername (get-content c:\temp\computerlist.txt) -action 29 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin This will disable notifications for a list of computers found in the c:\temp\computerlist.txt file. #> #requires -version 3.0 Function Invoke-NagiosRequest { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ByHost')] Param ( # Nagios Host [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0, HelpMessage = "What nagios refers to host(s) for which you wish to enable/disable checks and notifications. Nagios is case-sensitive for hosts (i.e. server01 != SERVER01).", ParameterSetName='ByHost')] [alias('host')] [string[]]$ComputerName, # Nagios cmd.cgi action by number [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1, HelpMessage = "Integer of nagios cmd.cgi for the action you wish to take Disable checks of all services on this host action=16 Enable checks of all services on this host action=15 Disable notifications for a service on this host action=23 Enable notifications for a service on this host action=22 Disable notifications for all services on this host action=29 Enable notifications for all services on this host action=28 Acknowledge host alert action=33 Acknowledge service alert action=34 Force service check action=7 Disable checks of all services on host group action=68 Enable checks of all services on host group action=67 Disable checks of all services in a service group action=114 Enable checks of all services in a service group action=113 ")] [ValidateSet(7,11,12,15,16,22,23,28,29,33,34,67,68,113,114)] [int]$action, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$service, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$servicegroup, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$comment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$hostgroup, # Nagios base url [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=2,HelpMessage="The base url of your nagios installation (i.e.")] [string]$NagiosCoreUrl, # Nagios username [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=3)] [string]$username, # Nagios password [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=4)] [string]$password ) Begin { # Function for making the actual CGI POST command. Function Submit-NagiosRequest { Param ( [string]$NagiosObject ) Write-Output "###########################################################################" Write-Output "Submitting cgi command to Nagios for $NagiosObject" $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Credential $Credential -Body $formFields -Method POST -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # If there was a problem with the hostname or other problem the errorMessage DIV field will be displayed. If not display the infoMessage of success. $Message = $WebRequest.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") | Where-Object "classname" -Match "errorMessage|infoMessage" | select -ExpandProperty innerText if ($Message) { $Message } Write-Output "###########################################################################" } # Building URI for Nagios CGI $cgiurl="/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi" $uri = $NagiosCoreUrl + $cgiurl # Credential verification if (!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-UserLogin -username $username -Password $password } } Process { # Here we need to separate out the Nagios commands that potential # loop through a list of nagios hosts for the enabling/disabling # of checks and notifications from the other commands such as host # groups, service groups, acknowledgements, and future development. switch -Regex ($action) { # List of action integers that are not computer/host based "67|68" { foreach ($hg in $hostgroup) { switch ($action) { # Enable checks of all services on host group 67 { if (!$hg) { $hg = Read-Host "Please enter the hostgroup (case-sensitive)" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;hostgroup=$hg;ahas=$true;cmd_mod=2} } # Disable checks of all services on host group 68 { if (!$hg) { $hg = Read-Host "Please enter the hostgroup (case-sensitive)" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;hostgroup=$hg;ahas=$true;cmd_mod=2} } } Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject $hg } } "^113$|^114$" { foreach ($sg in $servicegroup) { switch ($action) { # Enable checks of all services in a service group 113 { if (!$sg) { $sg = Read-Host "Please enter the service group (case-sensitive)" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;servicegroup=$sg;ahas=$false;cmd_mod=2} } # Disable checks of all services in a service group 114 { if (!$sg) { $sg = Read-Host "Please enter the service group (case-sensitive)" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;servicegroup=$sg;ahas=$false;cmd_mod=2} } } Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject $sg } } "^11$|^12$" { Write-Verbose "Enabling/Disabling Global Nagios Notifications" $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;cmd_mod=2} Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject 'GlobalNotifications' } default { # For all other host/computer commands. if (!$ComputerName) { $ComputerName = Read-Host "Please enter a Nagios host name (case-sensitive)" } foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) { $computer = $computer.ToUpper() switch -Regex ($action) { # Acknowledge Host Problesm 33 { if (!$comment){ $comment = Read-Host "Please enter a comment for acknowledgement" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2;com_data=$comment;sticky_ack=$true;send_notification=$true} } # Acknowledge Service Problem 34 { if (!$service) { $service = Read-Host "Please enter the service name (case-sensitive)" } if (!$comment){ $comment = Read-Host "Please enter a comment for acknowledgement" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2;com_data=$comment;sticky_ack=$true;send_notification=$true} } # Force service check 7 { if (!$service) { $service = Read-Host "Please enter the service name (case-sensitive)" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2;start_time=(Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss");force_check=$true} } "22|23" { if (!$service) { $service = Read-Host "Please enter the service name (case-sensitive)" } $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2} } # All other commands for enabling/disabling checks or notifications for hosts default { $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;ahas=$true;cmd_mod=2} } } Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject $computer } } } } End { } } # End of Invoke-NagiosRequest Function ######################################################################################################## |