.Synopsis Set-AzureCustomRouteTable assists in creating and modifying Azure route tables. .DESCRIPTION Set-AzureCustomRouteTable assists in creating and modifying Azure route tables. The function will create a new route table if it doesn't exist, or modify a route table if it does exist. Additionally the route table can be applied to an existing subnet in an Azure virtual network. .NOTES Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja Modified: 2/15/2016 04:48:12 PM Version: 0.9 .PARAMETER RouteTableName Enter a name for the route table to be created/modified. .PARAMETER Location Enter an Azure data center location. Get-AzureLocation | Select-Object -Property Name .PARAMETER RouteTableLabel Enter a description for your route table. .PARAMETER VirtualNetworkName Enter a name of an existing virtual network if you wish to apply the route table. This parameter also requires the SubnetName. .PARAMETER SubnetName Enter a name of an existing subnet in your Azure virtual network. .PARAMETER CustomRouteCsvPath Enter a path to a CSV formatted file with proper fields. Format: RouteTableName,Location,RouteTableLabel,RouteName,AddressPrefix,NextHopType,NextHopIpAddress,VirtualNetworkName,SubnetName BogusRouteTable2,East Us,Custom Route table,AzureUsEast-1,,Internet,,, BogusRouteTable2,East Us,Custom Route table,AzureUsEast-2,,Internet,,, BogusRouteTable2,East Us,Custom Route table,AzureUsEast-3,,VirtualAppliance,,DefaultVirtualNetwork,Subnet-1 .EXAMPLE Set-AzureCustomRouteTable -RouteTableName DMZRouteTable -Location 'East US' -RouteTableLable 'Custom Route Table for DMZ' Creates or modifies route table named DMZRouteTable. The script will ask you to enter the routes to add to this subnet. .EXAMPLE Set-AzureCustomRouteTable -RouteTableName DMZRouteTable -Location 'East US' -RouteTableLable 'Custom Route Table for DMZ' -VirtualNetworkName DefaultVNet -SubnetName DMZSubnet Creates or modifies route table named DMZRouteTable. The script will ask you to enter the routes to add to this subnet. It will then apply the route table to the DMZSubnet in the virtual network DefaultVNet. .EXAMPLE Set-AzureCustomRouteTable -CustomRouteCsvPath C:\Temp\Set-AzureCustomRouteTable.csv Creates or modifies route tables listed in the CSV file, including adding routes, and applying route tables to subnets. .LINK .LINK #> #Requires -Modules Azure function Set-AzureCustomRouteTable { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string]$RouteTableName, [string]$Location, [string]$RouteTableLabel, [string]$VirtualNetworkName, [string]$SubnetName, [string]$CustomRouteCsvPath ) Begin { # Initialize $CustomRoute array $CustomRoute = @() $RouteTable = $null #region Set-AzureCustomRoute <# .PARAMETER #> function Set-AzureCustomRoute { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$RouteName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$AddressPrefix, # Azure is case sensitive on these values [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Values are case-senstive.')] [Validateset('VPNGateway','VNETLocal','Internet','VirtualAppliance','Null','',IgnoreCase = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$NextHopType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$NextHopIpAddress ) # A route name was entered, so we're going to add it to an object. if ($RouteName) { Write-Verbose 'Route name not null, continuing.' $CustomRouteProperties = [ordered]@{ RouteTable = $RouteTable RouteName = $RouteName AddressPrefix = $AddressPrefix NextHopType = $NextHopType NextHopIpAddress = $NextHopIpAddress } Write-Verbose 'Creating Custom route object' $CustomRoute = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $CustomRouteProperties Write-Verbose 'Adding custom route to route table.' Set-AzureRoute -RouteTable $CustomRoute.RouteTable -RouteName $CustomRoute.RouteName -AddressPrefix $CustomRoute.AddressPrefix -NextHopType $CustomRoute.NextHopType -NextHopIpAddress $CustomRoute.NextHopIpAddress } # No route name entered, assuming all done and returning the $CustomRoute Object else { Write-Verbose 'No route name entered, assuming all done.' return $null } } #endregion #region Set-AzureCustomRouteCSV function Set-AzureCustomRouteCSV { param ( $CustomRouteCsvPath ) # Verify the Csv File actually exists if (Test-Path -Path $CustomRouteCsvPath) { $CustomRouteCsv = Get-Content -Path $CustomRouteCsvPath | ConvertFrom-Csv foreach ($CustomRoute in $CustomRouteCSV) { # Verify Route table, create if necessary. $RouteTable = Test-AzureCustomRouteTable -RouteTableName $CustomRoute.RouteTableName # Set the azure custom route Write-Verbose "Adding custom route $($CustomRoute.RouteName) to route table $($CustomRoute.RouteTableName)" Set-AzureRoute -RouteTable $RouteTable -RouteName $CustomRoute.RouteName -AddressPrefix $CustomRoute.AddressPrefix -NextHopType $CustomRoute.NextHopType -NextHopIpAddress $CustomRoute.NextHopIpAddress # If a Virtual Network and Subnet were provided, then apply the route table to that virtual network and subnet. if ($CustomRoute.VirtualNetworkName -and $CustomRoute.SubnetName) { # But first we need to validate that the Virtual Network and Subnets exist # Coming soon Write-Verbose -Message "Applying Route Table $($CustomRoute.RouteTableName) to subnet $($CustomRoute.SubnetName) in virtual network $($CustomRoute.VirtualNetworkName)" Set-AzureSubnetRouteTable -VirtualNetworkName $CustomRoute.VirtualNetworkName -SubnetName $CustomRoute.SubnetName -RouteTableName $CustomRoute.RouteTableName Write-Verbose -Message "Verifying Route table has been applied." Get-AzureSubnetRouteTable -VirtualNetworkName $CustomRoute.VirtualNetworkName -SubnetName $CustomRoute.SubnetName -Detailed } } } else { Write-Error "$CustomRouteCSV path not found." } } #endregion #region Test-AzureCustomRouteTable # This function is to test to see if the custom route table exists. # It will create the table if it doesn't exist. function Test-AzureCustomRouteTable { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$RouteTableName ) # We first need to validate if the table already exists. If it already exists then we need to add the routes. try { $RouteTable = Get-AzureRouteTable -Name $RouteTableName -ErrorAction Stop } catch [Hyak.Common.CloudException] { # Route Table does not yet exist so we will need to create it. Write-Verbose $Error[0].Exception.Message } catch { Write-Error "An error occurred when trying to determine if the route table $RouteTable exists." return } # Does the Route table already exist in Azure in that $Location? if ($RouteTable) { # Route Table exists. Write-Verbose "Route table $RouteTableName already exists." Write-Output $RouteTable } # Route Table does not exist in $Location. else { # If the route table doesn't exist, create it now. Write-Verbose "Creating new route table." # Create Custom Route Table if (!$RouteTableName) { $RouteTableName = Read-Host -Prompt 'RouteTableName' } if (!$Location) { $Location = Read-Host -Prompt 'Location' } if (!$RouteTableLabel) { $RouteTableLabel = Read-Host -Prompt 'RouteTableLable' } $RouteTable = New-AzureRouteTable -Name $RouteTableName -Location $Location -Label $RouteTableLabel Write-Output $RouteTable } } #endregion } Process { #region MainProcess # Enter custom routes via CSV if ($CustomRouteCsvPath) { Set-AzureCustomRouteCSV -CustomRouteCsvPath $CustomRouteCsvPath } # Manual else { # This is for "manually entry" # This loop will continue until the CustomRoute.RouteName is $null. do { # Test to see if the route table already exists if (!$RouteTableName) { $RouteTableName = Read-Host -Prompt 'RouteTableName' } $RouteTable = Test-AzureCustomRouteTable -RouteTableName $RouteTableName Write-Host 'Getting custom routes.' Write-Host 'Enter blank values to stop.' $CustomRoute = Set-AzureCustomRoute $CustomRoute } while ($CustomRoute) # View Custom Route Table routes # Write-Verbose "Routes have been added to $RouteTableName" Get-AzureRouteTable -Name $RouteTableName -Detailed # If a Virtual Network and Subnet were provided, then apply the route table to that virtual network and subnet. if ($VirtualNetworkName -and $SubnetName) { # But first we need to validate that the Virtual Network and Subnets exist # Applying Azure Custom Route table Write-Verbose -Message "Applying Route Table $RouteTableName to subnet $SubnetName in virtual network $VirtualNetworkName" Set-AzureSubnetRouteTable -VirtualNetworkName $VirtualNetworkName -SubnetName $SubnetName -RouteTableName $RouteTableName } } #endregion } End { } } |