# Module Constants Set-Variable -Name MoolahXML -Value "MoolahDB-$env:COMPUTERNAME.xml" -Option Constant -Scope Script -Visibility Private -Description "XMLDB file"; Set-Variable -Name MoolahAST -Value "AssetDB-$env:COMPUTERNAME.xml" -Option Constant -Scope Script -Visibility Private -Description "XMLDB file"; Set-Variable -Name MoolahLOG -Value "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Moolah.log" -Option Constant -Scope Script -Visibility Private -Description "Log file"; Set-Variable -Name MoolahHIS -Value "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\TickerHistory.csv" -Option Constant -Scope Script -Visibility Private -Description "Ticker History"; $Script:MoolahDB = $null # # Non-Exported Functions # Dot Sourced Functions #. $PSScriptRoot\Local\NoneAtThisTime.ps1 # function Get-GuiltTrip { Clear-Host Write-Host "Looks like you have been enjoying " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Moolah " -NoNewline Write-Host "for a while now and " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "THANKS!! " -NoNewline Write-Host "for doing so." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host "Donations via PayPal, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Etherum, and LiteCoin are accepted." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host "Would like to make a donation to show your graditude " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine Write-Host "[Y or N]?" -NoNewLine $rslt = Read-Host; Write-Host " " if ($rslt -notmatch "N") { "Donor" | Out-File -FilePath $PWD\donor.txt -Append -Encoding ascii; $URL = "" Start-Process $URL } else { Write-Host "Thanks. Perhaps I will nag you later so you can show your graditude." } } function Set-NewLog { $logext = get-date -format "yyyyMMdd"; $oldlog = "Moolah-$logext" + ".log" Move-Item -Path Moo:MoolahLOG -Destination Moo:$oldlog; } function Write-LogHdr { $msg = "Executing Moolah on host " + $env:COMPUTERNAME; Write-Log $msg; Write-Log "****** Execution Info ********"; Write-Log " Execution path: $PWD"; Write-Log " Running as: $env:USERNAME"; Write-Log " Log File: $Script:MoolahLOG"; Write-Log " " } function Write-Log { param([string]$msg,[bool]$con,[string]$color) #$logext = get-date -format "yyyyMMdd"; #$Script:logname = "$PWD" + "\" + "$MyName" + "_" + "$logext" + ".log"; $timestamp = get-date -format "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"; $logrec1 = "$timestamp : "; $logrec1 += $msg; if ($con) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($color)) { Write-Host $msg } else { Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor $color } } if (!(Test-Path $Script:MoolahLOG)) { # file does not exist New-Item $Script:MoolahLOG -type file | Out-Null Write-LogHdr; } else { [int]$lncnt = (Get-Content $Script:MoolahLOG | measure-object -line).Lines if ($lncnt -ge 1000) { $logext = get-date -format "yyyyMMdd"; $oldlog = "$PWD\Moolah-$logext" + ".log" Move-Item -Path $Script:MoolahLOG -Destination $oldlog; New-Item $Script:MoolahLOG -type file | Out-Null Write-LogHdr; if (!(Test-Path $PWD\donor.txt)) { Get-GuiltTrip; } } } Add-Content $Script:MoolahLOG $logrec1 -force } function UpDate-SVNServer { param([string]$svnPath, [string]$cmd) # SVN server is determined by the .SVN directory in the $svnPath parameter Write-Host " " $logmsg = "Performing SVN $cmd on $svnPath" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Write-Host " Warning: VPN session can block access to SVN server" -ForegroundColor Yellow $rslt = Read-Host "Enter (Y) to SVN $cmd or (N) to skip or CTRL-C to exit" Write-Host " " if ($rslt -match "Y") { tortoiseproc /command:$cmd /path:$svnpath /closeonend:1 $ps = "dummy"; Write-Host "Waiting for TortoiseSVN to complete" -ForegroundColor Green While (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ps))) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5; $ps = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -match "TortoiseProc"} } Write-Host " " } } function Start-Code { param([string]$fileNM) Write-Host "Update $fileNM following the instructions and you'll be done with the setup work" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "Want to launch MicroSoft Visual Code to update $fileNM " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "[Y or N]?" -NoNewline $rslt = Read-Host; if ($rslt -match "Y") { $URL = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" Start-Process -FilePath $URL -ArgumentList $fileNM } else { Write-Host "Update $fileNM with your own favorite ASCII editor." -ForegroundColor } Write-Host " " Write-Host "Once $fileNM has been updated correctly you can launch the wallet application by " Write-Host "entering: " -NoNewline Write-Host "Start-Wallet " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "in the PowerShell Console or by clicking on the " -NoNewline Write-Host "Moolah shortcut icon " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "on the desktop." Write-Host " " Write-Host "Enter 'exit' to termincate the PowerShell console window" } function Set-MoolahShortCut { param([string]$ShortCutFile, [string]$cmd, [string]$ShortCutName, [string]$icon) $moolah_shortcut = $env:USERPROFILE + $ShortCutFile $arg = $cmd $sdesc = $ShortCutName $iconLoc = "$PSScriptRoot\Data\" + $icon if (!(Test-Path $moolah_shortcut)) { $Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell") $ShortCut = $Shell.CreateShortcut($moolah_shortcut) $ShortCut.TargetPath="C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" $ShortCut.Arguments=$arg $ShortCut.WorkingDirectory = $env:LOCALAPPDATA; $ShortCut.IconLocation= $iconLoc; $ShortCut.Description = $sdesc; $ShortCut.Save() } } function Get-MoolahDB { $FileIn = $env:Moolah_DL + ":\" + $Script:MoolahXML if (Test-Path Moo:$Script:MoolahXML) { # input file exist? $Script:MoolahDB = new-object "System.Xml.XmlDocument" $Script:MoolahDB.Load($FileIn) return $Script:MoolahDB; } else { $logmsg = "$FileIn not found" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" return $null } } function Wait-ForMount { param([string]$driveletter) $drltr = $driveletter + ":" $dl = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | Where-Object {$_.DriveLetter -match $drltr } While (!($dl -is [object])) { $logmsg = "Waiting for $drltr to be mounted" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Start-Sleep -Seconds 7 $dl = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | Where-Object {$_.DriveLetter -match $drltr } } } function Mount-VeVolume { param([string]$volname,[string]$drive) try { veracrypt /q /v $volname /l $drive } Catch { return $false } return $true } function Dismount-VeVolume { param ([string]$drive) veracrypt /q /d $drive } function Set-MoolahEnvironment { # Set Moolah_Online environment variable $default = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_Online","User") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($default)) { $default = "C:\bin\app"} Write-Host "Enter the Online path to the Moolah VeraCrypt container " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [$default]" -NoNewline $myOnline = Read-Host if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myOnline)) { $myOnline = $default; } Write-Host " "; if ($env:Moolah_Online -eq $null) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_Online",$myOnline,"User"); # Add it for the user permanently # [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_DB",$null,"User"); # Remove it # New-item -Path env:Moolah_Online -Value $myOnline | Out-Null # add it for this session only } else { Set-Item -Path env:Moolah_Online -Value $myOnline | Out-Null } $logmsg = " Moolah_Online set to $myOnline" Write-Log $logmsg $true if (!(Test-Path $myOnline)) { New-Item -Path $myOnline -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } Write-Host " " # # Set Moolah_Offline environment variable $default = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_Offline","User") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($default)) { $default = "D:\bin\app"} Write-Host "Enter the Offline path to the Moolah VeraCrypt container " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [$default]" -NoNewline $myOfline = Read-Host if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myOfline)) { $myOfline = $default; } Write-Host " " if ($env:Moolah_Offline -eq $null) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_Offline",$myOfline,"User"); # Add it for the user permanently #New-item -Path env:Moolah_Offline -Value $myOfline | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:Moolah_Offline -Value $myOfline | Out-Null } $logmsg = " Moolah_Offline set to $myOfline" Write-Log $logmsg $true if (!(Test-Path $myOfline)) { New-Item -Path $myOfline -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } Write-Host " " # # Set Moolah_VC environment variable $default = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_VC","User") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($default)) { $default = "Moolah"} Write-Host "What is the name of the Moolah VeraCrypt container? " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [$default]" -NoNewline $myMoolah = Read-Host if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myMoolah)) { $myMoolah = $default; } Write-Host " " if ($env:Moolah_VC -eq $null) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_VC",$myMoolah,"User"); # Add it for the user permanently #New-item -Path env:Moolah_VC -Value $myMoolah | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:Moolah_VC -Value $myMoolah | Out-Null } $logmsg = " Moolah_VC set to $myMoolah" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " # # Set Moolah_DL drive letter environment variable $default = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_DL","User") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($default)) { $default = "A"} Write-Host "What drive letter will be used to mount the Moolah VeraCrypt container? " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [$default]" -NoNewline $myMount = Read-Host if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myMount)) { $myMount = $default; } Write-Host " " if ($env:Moolah_DL -eq $null) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_DL",$myMount,"User"); # Add it for the user permanently #New-item -Path env:Moolah_DL -Value $myMount | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:Moolah_DL -Value $myMount | Out-Null } $logmsg = " Moolah_DL set to $myMount" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " # # Set Moolah_WL Wallet drive letter environment variable $default = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_WL","User") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($default)) { $default = "B"} Write-Host "What drive letter will be used to mount the Wallet VeraCrypt container? " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [$default]" -NoNewline $myWallet = Read-Host if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myWallet)) { $myWallet = "B"; } Write-Host " " if ($env:Moolah_WL -eq $null) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Moolah_WL",$myWallet,"User"); # Add it for the user permanently New-item -Path env:Moolah_WL -Value $myWallet | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:Moolah_WL -Value $myWallet | Out-Null } $logmsg = " Moolah_WL set to $myWallet" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " # } function Get-MoolahEnvironment { param([string]$WalletNM) if (($env:Moolah_VC -eq $null) -or ($WalletNM -match "Init")) { Set-MoolahEnvironment; if ($WalletNM -match "Init") { $scut = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop\Moolah.lnk" if (!(Test-Path $scut)) { Set-MoolahShortCut "\Desktop\Moolah.lnk" '-Command "& { Start-Wallet }" -NoExit' "Moolah Wallets" "Moolah.ico"; } $scut = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop\GnuCashMoolah.lnk" if (!(Test-Path $scut)) { Set-MoolahShortCut "\Desktop\GnuCashMoolah.lnk" '-Command "& { Start-GnuCash }" -NoExit' "GnuCash-Moolah" "GnuCash-Moolah.ico"; } $scut = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop\MoolahTicker.lnk" if (!(Test-Path $scut)) { Set-MoolahShortCut "\Desktop\MoolahTicker.lnk" '-Command "& { Get-CryptoTicker }" -NoExit' "Moolah-Ticker" "Moolah-Ticker.ico"; } Write-Host "Moolah environmental variables have been updated." -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host " To verify these variables exist a new PowerShell console session needs to started"; Write-Host " to display the current Moolah environment variables and create the Moolah Database." Write-Host " " Write-Host "This PowerShell console session is going to be terminated." Write-Host "Start a new PowerShell console session and enter the command: " Write-Host " Show-MoolahEnv" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host "Enter any key to continue" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Read-Host " " # Invoke-Expression 'cmd /c start powershell -Command {Show-MoolahEnv} -NoExit' } } } function Initialize-MoolahDB { $driveltr = $env:Moolah_DL + ":\"; $mvc = $env:Moolah_Online + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; if (Test-Path $mvc) { # Moolah container exists if (Test-Path $driveltr) { # assume Moolah container mounted } else { Write-Host "Mount $mvc on drive $env:Moolah_DL " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "[Y or N]? " -NoNewline $rslt = Read-Host; Write-Host " " if ($rslt -eq "Y") { if (Mount-VeVolume $mvc $env:Moolah_DL) { $logmsg = " $mvc is being mounted on $driveltr" Write-Log $logmsg $true } else { $logmsg = "Error mounting $mvc as $driveltr" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Write-Host " Perhaps the incorrect password was entered?"; Write-Host "Try executing " -NoNewline Write-Host "Show-MoolahEnv " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "again with the correct password." Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } } else { Write-Host "$rslt was not the correct response to mount $mvc" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Without the MoolahDB present it is not possible to proceed" -ForegroundColor Red Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } } } Wait-ForMount $env:Moolah_DL New-PSDrive -Name Moo -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $driveltr | Out-Null # Regular drive mount detection only working with PSDrive in # this code block for some reason. # Copy MoolahDB-<COMPUTERNAME>.xml to Moolah container $mDB = $driveltr + $Script:MoolahXML if (Test-Path Moo:$Script:MoolahXML) { Write-Host "$Script:MoolahXML is already present" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Start-Code $mDB } else { $src = "$PSScriptRoot\Data\MoolahDB.xml" $src1 = "$PSScriptRoot\Data\AssetDB.xml" Copy-Item -Path $src -Destination Moo:$Script:MoolahXML Copy-Item -Path $src1 -Destination Moo:$Script:MoolahAST Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 if (Test-Path Moo:$Script:MoolahXML) { Write-Host "Awesome $Script:MoolahXML is now present" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Start-Code $mDB } else { Write-Host "Sorry for some reaon $src was not copied to $driveltr $Script:MoolahXML " -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "$Script:MoolahXML needs to be located on $driveltr and configured correctly" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host " " Write-Host "Try copying this file manually to $driveltr"; Write-Host "$Script:MoolahXML will need to be updated using any ASCII editor to match your configuration." -foreground Green } } # } function Get-Wallets { param([string]$rtype) begin { $Script:WalArrays = @(); $logmsg = "Creating $rtype Object" Write-Log $logmsg $false " " } process { $WalletObj = New-Object -typename PSObject $WalletObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $rtype -Value $_.Name $WalletObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Application" -Value $_.Application if ($rtype -eq "GnuCash") { $WalletObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FileName" -Value $_.FileName } $WalletObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "KeepOnLine" -Value $_.KeepOnLine $Script:WalArrays += $WalletObj } # return an array of storage arrays end { $Script:WalArrays } } function Convert-FromUnixdate { param ($UnixEpoch) [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($UnixEpoch)) } function Convert-FromUnixDate { param ($UnixEpoch) [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($UnixEpoch)) } function Get-AssetValue { begin { $Script:AssetArrays = @(); [decimal]$Script:TotalFees = 0; [decimal]$Script:TotalCost = 0; [decimal]$Script:TotalGL = 0; } process { $AssetObj = New-Object -typename PSObject $CryptoName = $_.Name; $URI = "" + "$CryptoName"; try { $tresp = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI -UserAgent ""; } Catch { Write-Host "Error in processing $URI" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Verify that $CryptoName is a valid currency 'ID' " -ForegroundColor Yellow Read-Host "Press any key to continue" } if ($tresp.StatusCode -match "200") { $JsonObj = ConvertFrom-Json $tresp [decimal]$assetAmt = $_.Amt if ($assetAmt -ge 0) { $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ID -Value $ $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SYMBOL -Value $JsonObj.symbol #$AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RANK -Value $JsonObj.rank [int]$ts = $JsonObj.last_updated $dateTS = Convert-FromUnixDate $ts $curDate = Get-Date -Date $dateTS -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DATE -Value $curDate [decimal]$curPrice = $JsonObj.price_usd [string]$cPrice = [Math]::Round($curPrice,2); $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PRICE -Value $cPrice $hour = $JsonObj.percent_change_1h $day = $JsonObj.percent_change_24h $week = $JsonObj.percent_change_7d $ChgRate = $hour + "/" + $day + "/" + $week $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'CHG%/1h/24h/7d' -Value $ChgRate [string]$aAmt = [Math]::Round($assetAmt,8) $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AMT -Value $aAmt [decimal]$curValue = $curPrice * $assetAmt; [decimal]$Script:TotalGL += $curValue [string]$crv = [Math]::Round($curValue,2); $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VALUE -Value $crv [decimal]$assetCost = $_.AssetCost [decimal]$roi = (($curPrice - $AssetCost) / [Math]::Max($AssetCost,1)) * 100; [string]$sroi = [Math]::Round($roi,2); if ($assetCost -le 0) { $sroi = "0"}; $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ROI -Value $sroi $Script:TotalFees += $_.Fee $Script:TotalCost += $_.Total $AssetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Wallet -Value $_.Wallet $Script:AssetArrays += $AssetObj } } } # return an array of storage arrays end { $Script:AssetArrays } } function Get-AssetDB { param ([string]$dbPath ) $FileIn = $dbPath + "AssetDB.xml" New-PSDrive -Name A1 -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $dbPath | Out-Null # Regular drive mount detection only working with PSDrive in # this code block for some reason. # if (Test-Path $FileIn) { # input file exist? if(Test-Path A1:AssetDB.xml) { $AssetDB = new-object "System.Xml.XmlDocument" $AssetDB.Load($FileIn) return $AssetDB; } else { Write-Host "AssetDB: $FileIn notfound" -ForegroundColor Red Read-Host "Press any key to exit" exit } } function Show-CryptoTicker { param ([string]$WalletName) $assDB = Get-AssetDB $Script:aPath; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WalletName)) { $Asset = $assDB.SelectNodes("//Trans") | Where-Object {$_.TRTYPE -eq "Buy" -or $_.TRTYPE -eq "Exchange" } } else { $Asset = $assDB.SelectNodes("//Trans") | Where-Object {$_.Wallet -eq $WalletName -and ($_.TRTYPE -eq "Buy" -or $_.TRTYPE -eq "Exchange") } } if ($Asset -isnot [object]) { Write-Host "Error no assests found in the file, AssetDB.xml" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Verify your spelling and that the AssetDB's records are correctly configured." -ForegroundColor Yellow Read-Host "Press any key to exit"; exit } $TickerInfo = $Asset | Get-AssetValue $TickerInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize $InvestCost = [Math]::Round(($Script:TotalFee + $Script:TotalCost),2); $InvestROI = (($Script:TotalGL - $InvestCost) / $InvestCost) * 100; $InvROI = [Math]::Round($InvestROI,2) $InvGL = [Math]::Round($Script:TotalGL,2) if ($InvestCost -lt $Script:TotalGL) { # ROI Gain Write-Host " Investment Cost: $InvestCost Investment Value: $InvGL ROI: $InvROI" -ForegroundColor Green } else { # ROI Loss Write-Host " Investment Cost: $InvestCost Investment Value: $InvGL ROI: $InvROI" -ForegroundColor Red } $TickerInfo | Export-CSV -Path $MoolahHIS -Delimiter "," -Append -NoTypeInformation } # # Exported Functions <# .SYNOPSIS Displays the currrent Moolah environmental variable settings. .Description This function is called internally to validate environmental variables have been set correctly and to copy the initial MoolahDB-<COMPUTERNAME>.xml file. Execute this function anytime after the initial setup to display the current Moolah environmental variables. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 0.1.0: 11/01/2017 - initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Show-MoolahEnv { [cmdletbinding()] param() $logmsg = "Start-MoolahEnv 0.1.0" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " Write-Host "Current Enviornment variable for Moolah are:" -ForegroundColor Green Get-childitem -Path env: | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Moolah_*"} | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Host " " Write-Host "The variables " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "Moolah_DL, Moolah_Offline, Moolah_OnLine, Moolah_VC, and Moolah_WL " -NoNewline Write-Host "should be displayed." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host "Start-Wallet Init " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " to change any of the variable values." Write-Host " " Write-Host "Are the Moolah variables correct " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " [Y or N or Enter]?" -NoNewline $rslt = Read-Host; Write-Host " "; $driveltr = $env:Moonlah_DL + ":\"; $mDB = $driveltr + $Script:MoolahXML if (!(Test-Path $mDB)) { # MoolahDB not present switch ($rslt) { "Y" { Write-Host "Great with the Moolah variables set correctly, we can continue with the initial setup" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " "; Write-Host "Now verifying that $env:Moolah_VC exists and is mounted as drive letter $env:Moolah_DL" Initialize-MoolahDB; } "N" { Write-Host "Please re-execute " -NoNewline Write-Host "Start-Wallet Init " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host "to set the variables to the correct values." } Default { Write-Host "$rslt is neither 'Y' or 'N' so input has been ignored" -ForegroundColor Red } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Starts the Password Management application specified in the MoolahDB database. .DESCRIPTION The Password Management application database is contained in a the Moolah VeraCrypt container along with the MoolahDB-<COMPUTERNAME>.xml. The Moolah (default name) file is a VeraCrypt container that contains the Moolah database, Password Management database and other confidential data files. .INPUTS File: MoolahDB-<COMPUTERNAME>.xml The Moolah database resides in Moolah VeraCrypt container mounted as drive letter 'A'. .INPUTS File: Moolah The file, Moolah is a VeraCrypt container. .EXAMPLE Start-PwManager Starts the Password Management application. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 0.1.0: 11/01/2017 - initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Start-PwManager { [cmdletbinding()] param([bool]$StartPWM = $true) if ($StartPWM) { $logmsg = "Start-PwManager 0.1.0" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " Get-MoolahEnvironment; } # init variables $vol = $env:Moolah_Online.SubString(0,3) $ovol = $env:Moolah_Offline.SubString(0,3) $volPath = $env:Moolah_Online.SubString(3) $onPath = $env:Moolah_Online $ofPath = $env:Moolah_Offline $dltr = $env:Moolah_DL # Drive Letter to mount Moolah VeraCrypt container $onLine = $env:Moolah_Online + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; # Full local path of Moolah VeraCrypt container $ofLine = $env:Moolah_Offline + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; # Full offline path of Moolah VeraCrypt container $Script:aPath = $dltr + ":\" # # Validate and Restore Online Moolah VeraCrypt container if (!(Test-Path $Script:aPath)) { # Moolah VeraCrypt container not mounted if (!(Test-Path $onLine) -and !(Test-Path $ofLine)) { $logmsg = "Neither $onLine or $ofLine exist!" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Write-Host "Please read the instructions on how to create the Moolah container or" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "mount your offline media first. " -ForegroundColor Magenta Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit; } elseif (!(Test-Path $onLine)) { $logmsg = " $onLine not found" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" $rslt = Read-Host "Want to restore from offline copy? (Y or N) or CTRL-C to exit" if ($rslt -match "Y") { if ((Test-Path $ofLine)) { if (!(Test-Path $onPath)) { New-Item -Path $vol -name $volPath -ItemType directory | Out-Null} $logmsg = "Restoring $onLine from $ofLine" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Magenta" Copy-Item -Path $ofLine -Destination $onLine; } else { $logmsg = "Offline copy $ofLine not found" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" } } else { Write-Host "Sorry can't proceed without the mounting the $onLine container" -ForegroundColor Red Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit; } } } # # Mount Online Moolah VeraCrypt container on $env:Moolah_DL if (!(Test-Path $Script:aPath)) { # Moolah VeraCrypt container not mounted if (!(Test-Path $onLine)) { $logmsg = " $onLine not found" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit; } else { # $logmsg = "Updating offline copy $ofLine" # Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" if (!(Test-Path $ofPath)) { New-Item -Path $ovol -name $volPath -ItemType directory | Out-Null }; # Copy-Item -Path $onLine -Destination $ofLine; if (Mount-VeVolume $onLine $dltr) { Wait-ForMount $env:Moolah_DL New-PSDrive -Name Moo -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $Script:aPath | Out-Null # Regular drive mount detection only working with PSDrive in # this code block for some reason. if (Test-Path Moo:.svn) { # SVN Update process UpDate-SVNServer "$Script:aPath" "update"; } } else { $logmsg = "Error Mounting $onLine on $dltr" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit; } } } else { $psd = Get-PSDrive | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Moo"} if (!($psd -is [object])) { New-PSDrive -Name Moo -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $Script:aPath | Out-Null } } # # Start PwManager if ($StartPWM) { $myDB = Get-MoolahDB; if (!($myDB -is [Object])) { $logmsg = "Unable to load " + $env:Moolah_DL + ":\" + $Script:MoolahXML Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } $PwMgr = $myDB.SelectNodes("//Application") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PwManager"} if (!($PwMgr -is [object])) { $logmsg = "Application PwManager record not available in the Moolah DB" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } $URL = $PwMgr.Binary; $ARG = $Script:aPath + $PwMgr.ARG; $bName = $PwMgr.Process; $Script:pwmObj = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -match $bName} if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script:pwmObj))) { Try { Start-Process -FilePath $URL -ArgumentList $ARG } Catch { $logmsg = "Error starting $URL with $ARG" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit.." exit } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $Script:pwmObj = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -match $bName} } } # } <# .SYNOPSIS Starts any Crypto Currency Windows desktop wallet application provided the application provides a method of loading the wallet data from a specific folder. By default, the Exodus desktop application from is started with a specified wallet. If desired, many different wallets can exist but only one wallet at a time can be active. .DESCRIPTION Starts Exodus with a wallet contained in a VeraCrypt container. A GridView dialog is presented for the seletion of a specific wallet maintained in the wallet database. The Moolah database and Exodus wallet are two separate VeraCrypt containers and will be mounted as different drive letters. The Moolah container will be mounted as drive letter 'A' and the Exodus wallet will be mounted drive letter 'B'. Both an online, offline, and SVN copy of the Exodus wallet is maintained. The Online term is used to refer to a path location on Windows' 'C' drive. The Offline term is used to refer to path location on Windows that contains removable media like a MicroSD or USB drive. The SVN copy is optional. .PARAMETER Wallet The name of the wallet container to be mount on drive letter 'B'. .INPUTS User Enviornment variables for Moolah are: Name Value Description ---- ----- ----------- Moolah_DL A Driveletter for mounting the Moolah VeraCrypt container Moolah_Offline D:\bin\app Offline location of VeraCrypt containers Moolah_Online C:\bin\app Online location of VeraCrypt containers Moolah_VC Moolah Name of the Moolah VeraCrypt container Moolah_WL B Driveletter for mounting the Wallet VeraCrypt container .INPUTS File: Moolah (default name) The Moolah file is a VeraCrypt container with an Online location of C:\bin\app and a offline location of D:\bin\app. Confidential data files such as Moolah database, Password Manager database and other confidential files reside in this container. The Moolah container file is mounted as drive letter 'A'. .INPUTS File: A:\MoolahDB-<COMPUTERNAME>.xml This is an XML database containing wallet and application records. The DB structure is as follows: <MoolahDB version="1.0"> <Wallet Name="Exodus" Application="Exodus"> <SVN>0</SVN> <KeepOnLine>1</KeepOnLine> <Alert>1</Alert> </Wallet> <Application Name="Exodus"> <Binary>C:\Users\MrCrypto\AppData\Local\exodus\Exodus.exe</Binary> <Process>Exodus<Process> <ARG>--datadir</ARG> </Application> </MoolahDB> .INPUTS File: B:\<walletname> A VeraCrypt container containing the Exodus Wallet. The default folder for the Exodus Wallet is: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Exodus The contents of the default folder is moved to a VeraCrypt container and mounted as drive letter B. The process of moving Exodux's Wallet directory to a VeraCrypt container is performed manually prior to invoking the PowerShell automation script. See the documentation on how to setup the system. .OUTPUTS A offline backup of the Exodus wallet to a USB or MicroSD drive and optionally performs a SVN commit operation the wallet folder. .EXAMPLE Start-Wallet Exodus Mounts the Moolah VeraCrypt container as drive letter 'A' and the named wallet container 'Exodus' as drive letter 'B'. The container files are stored in the default online path of C:\bin\app and the offline path of D:\bin\app. The Password Manager and Exodus application are then launched. When the Exodus application is terminated, the contents of the online wallet container is copied to the offline path and optionally the online wallet container is removed. .EXAMPLE Start-Wallet Processes the same as the previous example, but a table of existing wallets is displayed for selection of the desired wallet to use. This is the default method used when started from the Moolah shortcut icon. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 0.1.5: 11/19/2017 - Logical chg to support Start-GnuCash 0.1.4: 11/12/2017 - Exit delay changes to 7 seconds. 0.1.0: 11/01/2017 - initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Start-Wallet { # Start-Exodus Params [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a Wallet name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[ValidateNotNullorEmpty("^[a-zA-Z0-1]{12}$")] [string]$Wallet = $null, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a record type value", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[ValidateNotNullorEmpty("^[a-zA-Z0-1]{12}$")] [string]$RecType = "Wallet" ) # $nodeType = "//" + $RecType; $logmsg = "Start-$RecType 0.1.5" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " Get-MoolahEnvironment $Wallet if ($Wallet -match "Init") { exit } $pwPath = $env:Moolah_DL + ":\" if (!(Test-Path $pwPath)) { # Moolah container not mounted Start-PwManager } else { New-PSDrive -Name Moo -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $pwPath | Out-Null $myDB = Get-MoolahDB; $PwMgr = $myDB.SelectNodes("//Application") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PwManager"} $bName = $PwMgr.Process; $Script:pwmObj = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -match $bName} $Script:aPath = $env:Moolah_DL + ":\" } # Select a RecType if not specified if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Wallet)) { $title = "Select a $RecType container to open"; $WalletSel = $Script:MoolahDB.SelectNodes($nodeType) | Get-Wallets $RecType | Out-GridView -Title $title -OutputMode Single if ($WalletSel -ne $null) { switch ($RecType) { "Wallet" { $Wallet = $WalletSel.Wallet } "GnuCash" { $Wallet = $WalletSel.GnuCash } Default { Write-Host "A $RecType is NOT valid. Must be 'Wallet' or 'GnuCash'." -ForegroundColor Red Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } } } else { Write-Host "A $RecType must be selected or specified for the $RecType application." -ForegroundColor Red Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } } # # $Wallet is the container name to open $vol = $env:Moolah_Online + "\" + $Wallet; # Local Path $ovol = $env:Moolah_Offline + "\" + $Wallet; # Offline Path $dltr = $env:Moolah_WL # Wallet drive letter # Load container and Application details $myWallet = $Script:MoolahDB.SelectNodes($nodeType) | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Wallet} if (!($myWallet -is [object])) { $logmsg = "$RecType $myWallet record not found in the MoolahDB" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } else { $myAppName = $myWallet.Application if ($RecType -eq "GnuCash") { $myGnuFname = $myWallet.FileName } $myWallet_Onl = $myWallet.KeepOnline $myWallet_Alt = $myWallet.Alert # Get Wallet application details $myApp = $Script:MoolahDB.SelectNodes("//Application") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $myAppName} if (!($myApp -is [object])) { $logmsg = "Application $myAppName record not found in the MoolahDB" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" Read-Host "Enter any key to exit" exit } else { $appBinary = $myApp.Binary $appProcess = $myApp.Process $appARG = $myApp.ARG; } # } # # Verify Wallet application is not currently running $ps = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -match $appProcess} if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ps))) { Write-Host "$appProcess is already running. Only run one instance at a time" -ForegroundColor Yellow Read-Host "Press any key to exit"; } else { if (!(Test-Path $vol)) { $logmsg = "$RecType $vol not found" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" $rslt = Read-Host "What to restore from offline copy? (Y or N) or CTRL-C to exit" if ($rslt -match "Y") { $logmsg = "Restoring $vol from $ovol" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Magenta" Copy-Item -Path $ovol -Destination $vol; } } if (!(Test-Path $vol)) { $logmsg = "$RecType $vol not found" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" } else { if (Mount-VeVolume $vol $dltr) { $mPath = $dltr + ":\"; Wait-ForMount $env:Moolah_WL New-PSDrive -Name Wal -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $mPath | Out-Null # Regular drive mount detection only working with PSDrive in # this code block for some reason. Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; if (Test-Path Wal:.svn) { # SVN Update UpDate-SVNServer $mPath "update" } Switch ($RecType) { "Wallet" { $logmsg = "Starting $appBinary with Wallet" $ARG = $appARG + " " + $mPath; } "GnuCash" { $logmsg = "Starting $appBinary with $myGnuFname" $ARG = $mPath + "GnuCash\" + $myGnuFname } } Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" $logmsg = " $vol" Write-Log $logmsg $true Write-Host " " $URL = $appBinary Start-Process -FilePath $URL -ArgumentList $ARG Start-Sleep -Seconds 4 $ps = "dummy" $logmsg = "Waiting for $appProcess to terminate" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Magenta" While (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ps))) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10; $ps = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -match $appProcess} } if (Test-Path Wal:.svn) { # SVN commit UpDate-SVNServer $mPath "commit" } $logmsg = "Unmounting $mpath" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Dismount-VeVolume $dltr; Start-Sleep -Seconds 7; $logmsg = "Updating offline copy of $Wallet to $ovol" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Try {Copy-Item -Path $vol -Destination $ovol;} Catch { $logmsg = "Error copying $vol to $ovol" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" } Write-Host " " if ($myWallet_Onl -ne "1") { $logmsg = "Removing Online copy of $Wallet $vol" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Remove-Item -Path $vol | Out-Null } # Shutting down PW Manager app $pwmName = ($Script:pwmObj).ProcessName; $logmsg = "Shutting down PW Manager $pwmName" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Magenta" Stop-Process -InputObject $Script:pwmObj; $psd = Get-PSDrive | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "Moo"}; if (!($psd -is [object])) { New-PSDrive -Name Moo -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $Script:aPath | Out-Null } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 if (Test-Path Moo:.svn) { # SVN Commit process UpDate-SVNServer $Script:aPath "commit"; } $logmsg = "Unmounting $Script:aPath" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Dismount-VeVolume $env:Moolah_DL; $onLine = $env:Moolah_Online + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; # Full local path of Moolah VeraCrypt container $ofLine = $env:Moolah_Offline + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; # Full offline path of Moolah VeraCrypt container $logmsg = "Updating offline copy of $env:Moolah_VC container to $ofLine" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Start-Sleep -Seconds 7 Try { Copy-Item -Path $onLine -Destination $ofLine -force } Catch { $logmsg = "Error copying $onLine to $ofLine" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" } # Write-Host " " Write-Host "PowerShell console will close in 7 seconds." -ForegroundColor Green Start-Sleep -Seconds 7 } else { $logmsg = "Error mounting $vol" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Starts GnuCash with a specific *.gnucash database. .DESCRIPTION Starts GnuCash after mounting a VeraCrypt container host the *.gnucash database A GridView dialog is presented for the seletion of a specific GnuCash container if a specific container name is not provided. .PARAMETER Container The name of the GnuCash container to be mount on drive letter 'B'. .INPUTS User Enviornment variables for Moolah are: Name Value Description ---- ----- ----------- Moolah_DL A Driveletter for mounting the Moolah VeraCrypt container Moolah_Offline D:\bin\app Offline location of VeraCrypt containers Moolah_Online C:\bin\app Online location of VeraCrypt containers Moolah_VC Moolah Name of the Moolah VeraCrypt container Moolah_WL B Driveletter for mounting the Wallet VeraCrypt container .INPUTS File: Moolah (default name) The Moolah file is a VeraCrypt container with an Online location of C:\bin\app and a offline location of D:\bin\app. Confidential data files such as Moolah database, Password Manager database and other confidential files reside in this container. The Moolah container file is mounted as drive letter 'A'. .INPUTS File: A:\MoolahDB-<COMPUTERNAME>.xml This is an XML database containing GnuCash and application records. The DB structure is as follows: <MoolahDB version="1.0"> <GnuCash Name="ExampleOnly" Application="GnuCash"> <FileName>gnu-business.gnucash</FileName> <KeepOnLine>1</KeepOnLine> <Alert>0</Alert> </GnuCash> <Application Name="GnuCash"> <Binary>D:\bin\gnucash\bin\gnucash.exe</Binary> <Process>gnucash<Process> <ARG></ARG> </Application> </MoolahDB> .INPUTS File: B:\<GnuCash container name> A VeraCrypt container containing the GnuCash *.gnucash database. .OUTPUTS A offline backup of the GnuCash container to a USB or MicroSD drive and optionally performs a SVN commit operation on mount folder. .EXAMPLE Start-GnuCash Finanical Mounts the Moolah VeraCrypt container as drive letter 'A' and the named GnuCash container 'Finanical' as drive letter 'B'. The container files are stored in the default online path of C:\bin\app and the offline path of D:\bin\app. The Password Manager and GnuCash application are then launched. When the GnuCash application is terminated, the contents of the online GnuCash container is copied to the offline path and optionally the online container is removed. .EXAMPLE Start-GnuCash Processes the same as the previous example, but a table of existing GnuCash containers are displayed for selection of the desired container. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 0.1.5: 11/15/2017 - Initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Start-GnuCash { # Start-GnuCash Params [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a GnuCash container name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[ValidateNotNullorEmpty("^[a-zA-Z0-1]{12}$")] [string]$container = $null ) # Start-Wallet $container "GnuCash" } <# .SYNOPSIS Displays Powershell console listing of current or historical ticker values of Crypto Currency provided by based on records in the AssetDB. By default, the console will be refreshed every 5 minutes. .DESCRIPTION Displays Powershell console listing of current or historical ticker values of Crypto Currency provided by based on records in the AssetDB. .PARAMETER Wallet Limits the ticker values display to assets contained in a specific wallet. By default, ticker values are displayed for all wallets. .PARAMETER LoopCtrl Sets the console refresh rated to a specific number of minutes. Five minutes is the default, but can be changed to any value between 6 through 9 minutes. .INPUTS User Enviornment variables for Moolah are: Name Value Description ---- ----- ----------- Moolah_DL A Driveletter for mounting the Moolah VeraCrypt container Moolah_Offline D:\bin\app Offline location of VeraCrypt containers Moolah_Online C:\bin\app Online location of VeraCrypt containers Moolah_VC Moolah Name of the Moolah VeraCrypt container Moolah_WL B Driveletter for mounting the Wallet VeraCrypt container .INPUTS File: Moolah (default name) The Moolah file is a VeraCrypt container with an Online location of C:\bin\app and a offline location of D:\bin\app. Confidential data files such as Moolah database, Password Manager database, AssetDB and other confidential files reside in this container. The Moolah container file is mounted as drive letter 'A' and contains the AssetDB and the historical CSV file. .INPUTS File: A:\AssetDB.xml This is an XML database containing wallet records and the associated assets in the wallet. The data in these records are extracted from the Exodus wallet transaction dump. See the documentation for an example of the AssetDB and it's record structure. .OUTPUTS A offline backup of the AssetdB to a USB or MicroSD drive and a historical file named, TickerHistory.csv. .EXAMPLE Get-CryptoTicker Displays current ticker value for assets defined in all wallets and updates the console every 5 minutes with new values. OutPut Example: .EXAMPLE Get-CryptoTicker Exodus1 Displays current ticker value for assets defined in the 'Exodus1' wallet and updates the console every 5 minutes with new values for assets in this wallet only. .EXAMPLE Get-CryptoTicker History Displays the historical ticker values recorded in the file, TickerHistory.csv in an Out-GridView dialog. Data display in the Out-GridView dialog can be filtered and/or sorted by each column. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 0.1.6: 11/30/2017 - Initial release .LINK .LINK #> function Get-CryptoTicker { # Get-CryptoTicker Params [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a Wallet name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[ValidateNotNullorEmpty("^[a-zA-Z0-1]{12}$")] [string]$Wallet = $null, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter minutes for refresh timeout", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [int]$LoopCtrl = 5 ) # # $logmsg = "Get-CryptoTicker version 0.1.6" # Write-Log $logmsg $true # Write-Host " " Start-PwManager $false Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 if ($Wallet -notmatch "History") { Show-CryptoTicker $Wallet Write-Host " " } else { Import-CSV $Script:MoolahHIS | Out-GridView -Title "Crypto Currency Ticker History" -OutputMode Single $logmsg = "Unmounting $Script:aPath" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Write-Host "Want to dismount drive $env:Moolah_DL? " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "[Y or N]" -NoNewline $rslt = Read-Host if ($rslt -match "Y") { Dismount-VeVolume $env:Moolah_DL; } exit } if ($LoopCtrl -lt 5) { $LoopCtrl = 5} [int]$LoopCntr = 0; $StopWatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $StopWatch.Start() $repeat = $true; try { While ($repeat) { $LoopCntr = $LoopCtrl - $StopWatch.Elapsed.minutes Write-Host "Will refresh in $LoopCntr minutes " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " Ctrl-C to exit " -NoNewline Write-Host "Data provided by" -ForegroundColor Magenta # $ticker = $StopWatch.Elapsed.ToString(); $curPos = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition $y = $curPos.Y - 1; #$curPos.X = 2; $curPos.Y = $y; $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $curPos Start-Sleep -Seconds 30; if ($StopWatch.Elapsed.minutes -ge $LoopCtrl) { Clear-Host; $Script:AssetArrays = @(); Show-CryptoTicker; Write-Host " " $StopWatch.ReStart(); } } } catch { } finally { #Write-Host "Performing clean up work" $StopWatch.Stop(); $fileSVN = $Script:aPath + ".svn" if (Test-Path $fileSVN) { # SVN Commit process UpDate-SVNServer $Script:aPath "commit"; } $logmsg = "Unmounting $Script:aPath" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Dismount-VeVolume $env:Moolah_DL; $onLine = $env:Moolah_Online + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; # Full local path of Moolah VeraCrypt container $ofLine = $env:Moolah_Offline + "\" + $env:Moolah_VC; # Full offline path of Moolah VeraCrypt container $logmsg = "Updating offline copy of $env:Moolah_VC container to $ofLine" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Green" Start-Sleep -Seconds 7 Try { Copy-Item -Path $onLine -Destination $ofLine -force } Catch { $logmsg = "Error copying $onLine to $ofLine" Write-Log $logmsg $true "Red" } } } # |