.SYNOPSIS Creates a new Moodle user. .PARAMETER Password Specifies the new user's password. .PARAMETER GeneratePassword If specified, allow Moodle to generate a password and email it to the new user. .PARAMETER Auth Specifies the new user's authentication type. Default is Manual. .PARAMETER UserName Specifies a unique user name for the new user. .PARAMETER Email Specifies a unique email address for the new user. .PARAMETER FirstName Specifies the new user's first name. .PARAMETER LastName Specifies the new user's last name. .PARAMETER Department Specifies the user's department. .PARAMETER IdNumber Specifies a free-text ID Number for the new user. .EXAMPLE New-MoodleUser -GeneratePassword -UserName jbloggs -Email -FirstName Joe -LastName Bloggs Creates a new user for Joe Bloogs with username jbloggs. Moodle will generate a password and email it to him. #> function New-MoodleUser { # [OutputType([MoodleUserDetails])] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( # The user's password. [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'suppliedpassword')][securestring] $Password, # Generate a password and email it to the new user. [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'generatedpassword')][switch][bool] $GeneratePassword, # Don't set a password, for use with external identity providers. [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'nopassword')][switch][bool] $NoPassword, # The user's authentication type. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Manual', 'LDAP', 'SAML2', 'OIDC', 'OAUTH2')] [string]$Auth, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$UserName, # The unique email address of the user. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Email, # The user's first name. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$FirstName, # The user's family name. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$LastName, # The user's department. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string] $Department, # The external "ID Number" of the user. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string] $IdNumber ) Begin { $Url = $Script:_MoodleUrl $Token = $Script:_MoodleToken $proxySettings = $Script:_MoodleProxySettings if (!$Url -or !$Token) { Throw "You must call the Connect-Moodle cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets." } $function = 'core_user_create_users' $path = "webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=$Token&wsfunction=$function&moodlewsrestformat=json" } Process { $body = @{ 'users[0][username]' = $UserName 'users[0][auth]' = $Auth.ToLower() 'users[0][firstname]' = $FirstName 'users[0][lastname]' = $LastName 'users[0][email]' = $Email 'users[0][department]' = $Department 'users[0][idnumber]' = $IdNumber } if ($GeneratePassword) { $body['users[0][createpassword]'] = 1 } elseif (!$NoPassword) { $marshal = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] $pass = $marshal::PtrToStringAuto( $marshal::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) ) $body['users[0][password]'] = $pass } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserName, "Create")) { $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri ([uri]::new($Url, $path)) -Body $body -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' @proxySettings $results | Foreach-Object { New-Object -TypeName MoodleUserDetails -Property @{ Id = $ UserName = $UserName Auth = $Auth FirstName = $FirstName LastName = $LastName Email = $Email Department = $Department IdNumber = $IdNumber } } } } } |