.SYNOPSIS Gets courses a user is enrolled in. .PARAMETER UserId Specifies the unique ID of a user. .PARAMETER User Specfies a Moodle user. .EXAMPLE Get-MoodleUserCourse -UserId 1 Gets all courses that user #1 is enrolled in. .EXAMPLE Get-MoodleUser 1 | Get-MoodleUserCourse Gets all courses that user #1 is enrolled in. #> function Get-MoodleUserCourse { # [OutputType([MoodleCourse])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='id')] param ( # The unique user id. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="id",Mandatory,Position=0)][int] $UserId, # The user to return courses for. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="pipeline", ValueFromPipeline)][MoodleUser]$User ) Begin { $Url = $Script:_MoodleUrl $Token = $Script:_MoodleToken if (!$Url -or !$Token) { Throw "You must call the Connect-Moodle cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets." } $function = 'core_enrol_get_users_courses' } Process { $path = "webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=$Token&wsfunction=$function&moodlewsrestformat=json" if ($User) { $UserId = $User.Id } $path = $path + "&userid=$UserId" $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ([uri]::new($Url, $path)) $results | Foreach-Object { New-Object -TypeName MoodleCourse -Property @{ Id = $ ShortName = $_.shortname FullName = $_.fullname CategoryId = $_.category IdNumber = $_.idnumber Visible = if ($_.visible) { $true } else {$false } } } } } |