
Gets the user IDs of members of a Moodle cohort.
Specifies the unique ID of the cohort.
Specifies a Moodle cohort.
Get-MoodleCohortMembers -Id 1
Gets member IDs of a cohort whose ID is 1.
Get-MoodleCohort -Id 1 | Get-MoodleCohortMember
Gets member IDs of a cohort whose ID is 1.

function Get-MoodleCohortMember {
    param (
        [int] $Id,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="pipeline", ValueFromPipeline)]
        [MoodleCohort] $Cohort
    Begin {
        $Url = $Script:_MoodleUrl
        $Token = $Script:_MoodleToken
        if (!$Url -or !$Token) {
            Throw 'You must call the Connect-Moodle cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets.'

        $function = 'core_cohort_get_cohort_members'
    Process {
        $path = "webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=$Token&wsfunction=$function&moodlewsrestformat=json"

        if ($Cohort) {
            $Id = $Cohort.Id
        $path += "&cohortids[0]=$Id"

        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ([uri]::new($Url, $path))).userids