#region Configurations $basePath = Join-PSFPath $env:APPDATA 'WindowsPowerShell' 'Monitoring' if (Test-PSFPowerShell -Elevated) { $basePath = Join-PSFPath $env:ProgramData 'WindowsPowerShell' 'Monitoring' } Set-PSFConfig -Module 'Monitoring' -Name 'Source.Path.Config' -Value (Join-Path -Path $basePath -ChildPath Config) -Initialize -Validation 'string' -Description 'The path where the "Path" data source stores its configuration data.' #endregion Configurations #region Create Configuration Source $scriptblockImport = { param ( [string] $Type, [string] $TargetName ) #region Import Targets if ($Type -match '^All$|^Target$') { foreach ($fileItem in (Get-Item "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Monitoring.Source.Path.Config')\*.target")) { $baseName = $fileItem.BaseName | ConvertFrom-Base64 if (-not (($baseName -eq $TargetName) -or ($baseName -like $TargetName))) { continue } $data = Import-PSFClixml -Path $fileItem.FullName $script:configuration[$data.Target] = $data.Value } } #endregion Import Targets #region Import Limits if ($Type -match '^All$|^Limit$') { foreach ($fileItem in (Get-Item "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Monitoring.Source.Path.Config')\*.limit")) { $baseName = $fileItem.BaseName | ConvertFrom-Base64 if (-not (($baseName -eq $TargetName) -or ($baseName -like $TargetName))) { continue } $data = Import-PSFClixml -Path $fileItem.FullName $script:limits[$data.Target] = $data.Value } } #endregion Import Limits } $scriptblockExport = { param ( [string] $Type, [string] $TargetName ) $pathConfiguration = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Monitoring.Source.Path.Config' #region Export Targets if ($Type -match '^All$|^Target$') { $wasFound = $false foreach ($key in $script:configuration.Keys) { if (-not (($key -eq $TargetName) -or ($key -like $TargetName))) { continue } if ($key -eq $TargetName) { $wasFound = $true } $object = [pscustomobject]@{ Target = $key Value = $script:configuration[$key] } $object | Export-PSFClixml -Path (Join-Path -Path $pathConfiguration -ChildPath "$($key | ConvertTo-Base64).target") -Depth 5 } # Delete logic. Applies when using Remove-MonTarget if ((-not $wasFound) -and (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $pathConfiguration -ChildPath "$($TargetName | ConvertTo-Base64).target"))) { Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $pathConfiguration -ChildPath "$($TargetName | ConvertTo-Base64).target") -Force } } #endregion Export Targets #region Export Limits if ($Type -match '^All$|^Limit$') { $wasFound = $false foreach ($key in $script:limits.Keys) { if (-not (($key -eq $TargetName) -or ($key -like $TargetName))) { continue } if ($key -eq $TargetName) { $wasFound = $true } $object = [pscustomobject]@{ Target = $key Value = $script:limits[$key] } $object | Export-PSFClixml -Path (Join-Path -Path $pathConfiguration -ChildPath "$($key | ConvertTo-Base64).limit") -Depth 5 } # Delete logic. Applies when using Remove-MonTarget if ((-not $wasFound) -and (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $pathConfiguration -ChildPath "$($TargetName | ConvertTo-Base64).limit"))) { Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $pathConfiguration -ChildPath "$($TargetName | ConvertTo-Base64).limit") -Force } } #endregion Export Limits } $paramRegisterMonConfigSource = @{ Name = 'Path' Description = 'Uses the filesystem as data backend for monitoring configuration' ImportScript = $scriptblockImport ExportScript = $scriptblockExport } Register-MonConfigSource @paramRegisterMonConfigSource #endregion Create Configuration Source #region Ensure Path Exists $pathConfigCache = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Monitoring.Source.Path.Config' if (-not (Test-Path -Path $pathConfigCache)) { $null = New-Item -Path $pathConfigCache -ItemType Directory -Force } #endregion Ensure Path Exists |