#if (-not (Test-Path -Path $script:pathConfiguration)) { New-Item -Path $script:pathConfiguration -ItemType Directory -Force } #region Data & Config # DATA: Stores the data actually present on each target for each applicable check $script:data = @{ <# TargetName = @{ CheckName = @{ Timestamp = $null Result = $null Message = "" } } #> } # CONFIG: Stores configuration data, specifically that relating to targets $script:configuration = @{ <# TargetName = @{ Name = 'TargetName' Tag = 'tag1','tag2' Capability = 'WinRM' } #> } # CONFIG: Stores the limits specified by the monitoring system. $script:limits = @{ <# TargetName = @{ CheckName = @{ TargetName = 'TargetName' CheckName = 'CheckName' AlarmLimit = $null WarningLimit = $null Operator = 'GreaterThan|GreaterEqual|Equal|NotEqual|LesserEqual|LesserThan|Like|NotLike|Match|NotMatch' } } #> } #endregion Data & Config #region Runtime # RUNTIME : Stores the registered config source configuration $script:configSources = @{ <# SourceName = @{ Name = 'SourceName' ImportScript = { ... } ExportScript = { ... } } #> } # RUNTIME : Stores the registered data source configuration $script:dataSources = @{ <# SourceName = @{ Name = 'SourceName' ImportScript = { ... } ExportScript = { ... } } #> } # RUNTIME : Stores the various checks that have been registered $script:checks = @{ <# CheckName = @{ Name = 'CheckName' Tag = 'tag1' Check = { ... } } #> } # RUNTIME: Stores registered connection types $script:connectionTypes = @{ <# CapabilityName = @{ Name = 'CapabilityName' Connect = { ... } Disconnect = { ... } } #> } #endregion Runtime $script:triedAutoImport = $false |