function Test-MonHealth { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns cached data and compares it with configured alert limits (if present). .DESCRIPTION Returns cached data and compares it with configured alert limits (if present). .PARAMETER TargetName Filter by target. .PARAMETER Tag Filter by assigned tag to that target. .PARAMETER CheckName Filter by applied check. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-MonHealth Returns all scanend data for all targets and all checks. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string[]] $TargetName = '*', [string[]] $Tag = '*', [string[]] $CheckName = '*' ) begin { #region Utility Function function Add-Result { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $Name, $Data, [hashtable] $Result, [string] $CheckName, [string] $TargetName, $WarningLimit, $ErrorLimit, [string] $Operator, [switch] $Finalize ) #region Finalize and return objects if ($Finalize) { foreach ($resultItem in $Result.Values) { #region Case: No data gathered yet if (-not $resultItem.Timestamp) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' $resultItem continue } #endregion Case: No data gathered yet #region Case: Stale Data if ($resultItem.Timestamp.Add((Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Monitoring.Data.StaleTimeout')) -lt (Get-Date)) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' $resultItem continue } #endregion Case: Stale Data #region Case: Valid Data switch ($resultItem.Operator) { 'GreaterThan' { if ($resultItem.Value -gt $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -gt $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'GreaterEqual' { if ($resultItem.Value -ge $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -ge $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'Equal' { if ($resultItem.Value -eq $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -eq $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'NotEqual' { if ($resultItem.Value -ne $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -ne $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'LessEqual' { if ($resultItem.Value -le $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -le $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'LessThan' { if ($resultItem.Value -lt $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -lt $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'Like' { if ($resultItem.Value -like $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -like $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'NotLike' { if ($resultItem.Value -notlike $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -notlike $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'Match' { if ($resultItem.Value -match $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -match $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } 'NotMatch' { if ($resultItem.Value -notmatch $resultItem.WarningLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Warning' } if ($resultItem.Value -notmatch $resultItem.AlarmLimit) { $resultItem.Status = 'Error' } break } default { $resultItem.Status = 'No Limit' } } $resultItem #endregion Case: Valid Data } } #endregion Finalize and return objects if (-not $Result[$Name]) { $Result[$Name] = [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Monitoring.HealthResult' Target = $TargetName Check = $CheckName Value = $Data.Result Timestamp = $Data.Timestamp Message = $Data.Message WarningLimit = $WarningLimit ErrorLimit = $ErrorLimit Operator = $Operator Status = 'Healthy' } } else { # Can only happen when processing limits that have matching data $Result[$Name].WarningLimit = $WarningLimit $Result[$Name].ErrorLimit = $ErrorLimit $Result[$Name].Operator = $Operator } } #endregion Utility Function Import-Config } process { foreach ($targetItem in (Get-MonTarget -Name $TargetName -Tag $Tag)) { Import-Data -TargetName $targetItem $result = @{ } foreach ($key in $script:data[$targetItem.Name].Keys) { if (-not (Test-Overlap -ReferenceObject $key -DifferenceObject $CheckName -Operator Like)) { continue } Add-Result -Name $key -Data $script:data[$targetItem.Name][$key] -Result $result -CheckName $key -TargetName $targetItem.Name } foreach ($limitItem in $script:limits[$targetItem.Name].Values) { if (-not (Test-Overlap -ReferenceObject $limitItem.CheckName -DifferenceObject $CheckName -Operator Like)) { continue } $paramAddResult = @{ Name = $limitItem.CheckName Result = $result CheckName = $key TargetName = $targetItem.Name WarningLimit = $limitItem.WarningLimit ErrorLimit = $limitItem.ErrorLimit Operator = $limitItem.Operator } Add-Result @paramAddResult } Add-Result -Result $result -Finalize } } } |