function Get-MonCheck { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns registered checks. .DESCRIPTION Returns registered checks. .PARAMETER Tag The tag to filter by. .PARAMETER Name The name to filter by .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-MonCheck Returns all registered checks. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string[]] $Tag = '*', [string[]] $Name = '*' ) process { $checks = foreach ($checkItem in $script:checks.Values) { #region Filter by Name $foundName = $false foreach ($nameItem in $Name) { if ($checkItem.Name -like $nameItem) { $foundName = $true break } } if (-not $foundName) { continue } #endregion Filter by Name #region Filter by Tag $foundTag = $false foreach ($tagItem in $Tag) { if ($checkItem.Tag -like $tagItem) { $foundTag = $true break } } if (-not $foundTag) { continue } #endregion Filter by Tag $clonedCheck = $checkItem.Clone() $clonedCheck['PSTypeName'] = 'Monitoring.Check' [PSCustomObject]$clonedCheck } $checks | Sort-Object Name } } |