@{ RootModule = "MonitorConfig.dll" ModuleVersion = '1.0.2' CompatiblePSEditions = @("Core", "Desktop") GUID = '552fa35c-0b32-42f6-858a-64d5ed0b05e6' Author = 'MartinGC94' CompanyName = 'Unknown' Copyright = '(c) 2023 MartinGC94. All rights reserved.' Description = 'Manage brightness and other monitor settings with DDC/CI and WMI.' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' FormatsToProcess = @('MonitorConfigFormat.ps1xml') FunctionsToExport = @() CmdletsToExport = @('Get-MonitorBrightness','Get-MonitorColorSettings','Get-Monitor','Get-MonitorDetails','Get-MonitorVCPResponse','Reset-MonitorSettings','Save-MonitorSettings','Set-MonitorBrightness','Set-MonitorColorSettings','Set-MonitorVCPValue') VariablesToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() DscResourcesToExport = @() FileList = @('MonitorConfig.deps.json','MonitorConfig.dll','MonitorConfig.psd1','MonitorConfigFormat.ps1xml','en-US\MonitorConfig.dll-Help.xml') PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @("Display", "Monitor", "Settings", "Options", "Configuration", "Config", "DDC", "DDC/CI", "MCCS", "Brightness", "Contrast") ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = @' 1.0.2: Remove ValidateRange attributes from the Value and ALSBrightness parameters of Set-MonitorBrightness. Don't throw when scanning for VCP features, unless the monitor handle is closed. 1.0.1: Add positions for various parameters. 1.0: Initial release. '@ } } } |