function Get-ADModernReport{ <# .SYNOPSIS New Experience to Manage Active Directory over interactive HTML. .DESCRIPTION This Module help to create a Dynamic Web Report to manage Active Directory. .EXAMPLE Create a sample report multipages for test, note by default only 300 objects will be listed. Get-ADModernReport .EXAMPLE Create a report for illimited objects Get-ADModernReport -illimitedsearch .EXAMPLE Create onepage report and save in specific folder, We can change the name output file like Mycompany.html Get-ADModernReport -SavePath C:\myfolder\ -htmlonepage .EXAMPLE Create report with companylogo and limited listed groups to 3000 and object to 5000 Get-ADModernReport -CompanyLogo C:\myfolder\ADWeb.PNG -maxsearchergroups 3000 -maxsearcher 5000 .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( #Company logo that will be displayed on the left, can be URL or UNC [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter URL or UNC path to Company Logo")] [String]$CompanyLogo = "", #Logo that will be on the right side, UNC or URL [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter URL or UNC path for Side Logo")] [String]$RightLogo = "", #Title of generated report [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter desired title for report")] [String]$ReportTitle = "Active Directory Over HTML", #Location the report will be saved [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter desired directory path to save; Default: C:\Automation\")] [String]$SavePath = $env:TEMP, #Find users that have not logged in X Amount of days, this sets the days [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Users that have not logged on in more than [X] days. amount of days; Default: 90")] $Days = 90, #Get users who have been created in X amount of days and less [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Users that have been created within [X] amount of days; Default: 7")] $UserCreatedDays = 7, #Get users whos passwords expire in less than X amount of days [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Users password expires within [X] amount of days; Default: 7")] $DaysUntilPWExpireINT = 7, #MAX AD Objects to search, for quick test on big company we can chose a small value like 20 or 200 [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "MAX AD Objects to search, for quick test on big company we can chose a small value like 20 or 200; Default: 300")] $maxsearcher = 300, #MAX AD Objects to search, for quick test on big company we can chose a small value like 20 or 200. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "MAX AD Objects to search, for quick test on big company we can chose a small value like 20 or 200; Default: 300")] $maxsearchergroups = 300, #OU Level Searching, Will be slow if there are a lot of OU; Default: Onelevel" [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "OU Level Searching, Will be slow if there are a lot of OU; Default: Onelevel")] [ValidateSet("Onelevel","Base","Subtree")]$OUlevelSearch = 'Onelevel', #Search on all AD objects whitout limit, can be long on Big Company. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Illimited search max value")] [switch]$illimitedsearch, #Show admins members with admincount 1. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Show admins members")] [switch]$Showadmin, #Generate One page, not recommanded for company with more 5K objects. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Onelinepage")] [switch]$htmlonepage, #To generate report from server without connection internet. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Server without connection internet")] [switch]$Offline, #Option to use if no want to start automatically hmtl page, used on script. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "No auto start html page")] [switch]$Noautostart ) if ($illimitedsearch.IsPresent) { $maxsearcher = 300000 $maxsearchergroups = 100000 } #region get infos function LastLogonConvert ($ftDate) { $Date = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($ftDate) if ($Date -lt (Get-Date '1/1/1900') -or $date -eq 0 -or $null -eq $date) { "" } else { $Date } } #End function LastLogonConvert # Skip Check if version powershell less 5.1 if (($Host.Version.Major) -lt "6") { #Check for Active Directory Module if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "ActiveDirectory")) { throw "AD RSAT Module is required, pls install it, operation aborted. to install module run : Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell" } #Check for ReportHTML Module if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "PSWriteHTML")) { Write-Host "ReportHTML Module is not present, attempting to install it" -ForegroundColor Red Install-Module -Name PSWriteHTML -Force Import-Module PSWriteHTML -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { Import-Module PSWriteHTML -ErrorAction Stop } #Check for GPMC module $GPMOD = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "GroupPolicy" if ($null -eq $GPMOD) { Write-Host "GPMC Feature is not present, Pls install it to get info. To install module : Install-windowsfeature GPMC" -ForegroundColor Red $nogpomod = $true } else { Write-Host Get All GPO settings -ForegroundColor Green $GPOs = Get-GPO -All | Select-Object DisplayName, GPOStatus, id, ModificationTime, CreationTime, @{ Label = "ComputerVersion"; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Label = "UserVersion"; Expression = { $_.user.dsversion } } } } else { $GPOs = Get-GPO -All | Select-Object DisplayName, GPOStatus, id, ModificationTime, CreationTime, @{ Label = "ComputerVersion"; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Label = "UserVersion"; Expression = { $_.user.dsversion } } } #Array of default Security Groups $DefaultSGs = $barcreateobject = $null $DefaultSGs = @() $DefaultSGs = ([adsisearcher]"(|(&(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1))(&(objectCategory=group)(admincount=1)(iscriticalsystemobject=*)))").FindAll() #region PScutom $Table = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $Groupsnomembers = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $OUTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $UserTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $ExpiringAccountsTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $Unlockusers = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $DomainTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $GPOTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $ADObjectTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $ComputersTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $DefaultComputersinDefaultOUTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $DefaultUsersinDefaultOUTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $TOPUserTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $TOPGroupsTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $TOPComputersTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $GraphComputerOS = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $barcreateobject = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $NewCreatedUsersTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $GmsaTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' #endregion PScustom #endregion get infos #region Dashboard <########################### Dashboard ############################> Write-Host "Working on Dashboard Report..." -ForegroundColor Green $dte = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) $usercomputerdeleted = 0 $deletedobject = 0 #this function replace whenchanged object, because whenchanged dont return the real reason, if computer is logged value when changed is modified. #Get deleted objects (computers, groups, users) in RecycleBin AD Get-ADObject -Filter {isDeleted -eq $true -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user' -or ObjectClass -eq 'computer' -or ObjectClass -eq 'group' -or objectClass -eq 'GroupPolicyContainer') } -IncludeDeletedObjects -Properties ObjectClass,whenChanged,DisplayName | ForEach-Object { if ($_.ObjectClass -eq "GroupPolicyContainer") { $Name = $_.DisplayName } elseif ($_.objectclass -ne "Group") { $usercomputerdeleted++ $Name = ($_.Name).split([Environment]::NewLine)[0] } else { $Name = ($_.Name).split([Environment]::NewLine)[0] } if ($_.whenChanged -ge $dte ) { $deletedobject++ } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $Name 'Object Type' = $_.ObjectClass 'When Changed' = $_.WhenChanged } $ADObjectTable.Add($obj) } $ADRecycleBinStatus = (Get-ADOptionalFeature -Filter 'name -like "Recycle Bin Feature"').EnabledScopes if ($ADRecycleBinStatus.Count -lt 1) { $ADRecycleBin = "Disabled" } else { $ADRecycleBin = "Enabled" } #Company Information $ForestObj = Get-ADForest $DomainControllerobj = Get-ADDomain $Forest = $DomainControllerobj.Forest $InfrastructureMaster = ($DomainControllerobj.InfrastructureMaster).Split('.')[0] $RIDMaster = ($DomainControllerobj.RIDMaster).Split('.')[0] $PDCEmulator = ($DomainControllerobj.PDCEmulator).Split('.')[0] $DomainNamingMaster = ($ForestObj.DomainNamingMaster).Split('.')[0] $SchemaMaster = ($ForestObj.SchemaMaster).Split('.')[0] $EnterpriseAdminTable = $DomainAdminTable = 0 #Get Domain Admins and Entreprise admins #search domain admins default group and entreprise andministrators #This is disapriecied because i dont wont to list the sensible informations ([adsisearcher] "(&(objectCategory=group)(admincount=1)(iscriticalsystemobject=*))").FindAll().Properties | ForEach-Object { #List group contains admins domain or entreprise or administrator $sidstring = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($_["objectsid"][0], 0)).Value if ($sidstring -like "*-512" ) { $admindomaine = $ Get-ADGroupMember -identity "$admindomaine" -Recursive | ForEach-Object { $DomainAdminTable++ } } if ( $sidstring -like "*-519" ) { $adminEnter = $ Get-ADGroupMember -identity "$adminEnter" -Recursive | ForEach-Object { $EnterpriseAdminTable++ } } } #Get objects in default OU $DefaultComputersOU = (Get-ADDomain).computerscontainer $DefaultComputersinDefaultOU = 0 Write-Host 'get All computer properties on default OU' Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties OperatingSystem,created,PasswordLastSet -SearchBase "$DefaultComputersOU" | ForEach-Object { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'Enabled' = $_.Enabled 'Operating System' = $_.OperatingSystem 'Created' = $_.created 'Password Last Set' = $_.PasswordLastSet } $DefaultComputersinDefaultOUTable.Add($obj) $DefaultComputersinDefaultOU++ } $DefaultUsersOU = (Get-ADDomain).UsersContainer Get-ADUser -Filter 'enabled -eq $true' -SearchBase $DefaultUsersOU -Properties Name,UserPrincipalName,Enabled,LastLogon | foreach-object { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'UserPrincipalName' = $_.UserPrincipalName 'Enabled' = $_.Enabled 'Last Logon' = (LastLogonConvert $_.lastlogon) } $DefaultUsersinDefaultOUTable.Add($obj) } #Get Last Locked Users Write-Host Get last locked users Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -UsersOnly | ForEach-Object { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'name' = $ 'samaccountname' = $_.samaccountname 'lastlogondate ' = $_.lastlogondate } $Unlockusers.Add($obj) } #Tenant Domain $ForestObj | Select-Object -ExpandProperty upnsuffixes | ForEach-Object { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'UPN Suffixes' = $_ 'Valid' = "True" } $DomainTable.Add($obj) } Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor White #endregion Dashboard #region groups <########################### Groups ############################> Write-Host "Working on Groups Report..." -ForegroundColor Green #Get groups and sort in alphabetical order #list only group with members, this can be interresed on big domain with a lot of groups, you can remove the where if you are in small company #I'm excluded the Exchange groups -ResultSetSize $maxsearchergroups $SecurityCount = 0 $CustomGroup = 0 $DefaultGroup = 0 $Groupswithmemebrship = 0 $Groupswithnomembership = 0 $GroupsProtected = 0 $GroupsNotProtected = 0 $totalgroups = 0 $DistroCount = 0 # Filter non privilelge groups $Skipdefaultadmingroups = "(&(!(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1))(!(&(objectCategory=group)(admincount=1)(iscriticalsystemobject=*))))" Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter $Skipdefaultadmingroups -ResultSetSize $maxsearchergroups -Properties Member,ManagedBy,info,created,ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion | ForEach-Object { $totalgroups++ $OwnerDN = $null if (!$_.member) { $Groupswithnomembership++ if ($($_.ManagedBy)) { $OwnerDN = ($_.ManagedBy -split (",") | Where-Object {$_ -like "CN=*"}) -replace ("CN=","") } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $ 'Type' = $_.GroupCategory 'Managed By' = $OwnerDN 'Created' = ($_.created.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) 'Protected from Deletion' = $_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion } $Groupsnomembers.Add($obj) } else { $Groupswithmemebrship++ $Type = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' if ($_.GroupCategory -eq "Security") { $SecurityCount++ $Type = "Security Group" } elseif ($_.GroupCategory -eq "Distribution") { $DistroCount++ $Type = "Distribution Group" } if ($_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -eq $True) { $GroupsProtected++ } else { $GroupsNotProtected++ } $CustomGroup++ $users = ($_.member -split (",") | Where-Object {$_ -like "CN=*"}) -replace ("CN="," ") -join "," $OwnerDN = ($_.ManagedBy -split (",") | Where-Object {$_ -like "CN=*"}) -replace ("CN=","") $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $ 'Type' = $Type 'Members' = $users 'Managed By' = $OwnerDN 'Created' = ($_.created.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) 'Remark' = $ 'Protected from Deletion' = $_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion } $table.Add($obj) } } #TOP groups table $obj1 = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Total Groups' = $totalgroups 'Groups with members' = $Groupswithmemebrship 'Security Groups' = $SecurityCount 'Distribution Groups' = $DistroCount } $TOPGroupsTable.Add($obj1) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor White #endregion groups #region Gmsa <########################### Group Management Service ############################> Write-Host "Working on GMSA report..." -ForegroundColor Green $filterGmsa = @( 'Created' 'KerberosEncryptionType' 'PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword' 'PasswordLastSet' 'Description' ) Get-ADServiceAccount -Filter * -Properties $filterGmsa | ForEach-Object { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'Enabled' = $_.Enabled 'Created' = $_.Created 'Encrypt Type' = $_.KerberosEncryptionType 'Managed_PWD' = ($_.PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword -split (",") | Where-Object {$_ -like "CN=*"}) -replace ("CN="," ") -join "," 'Password Last Set' = $_.PasswordLastSet 'description' = $_.description } $GmsaTable.Add($obj) } #endregion Gmsa #region OU <########################### Organizational Units ############################> Write-Host "Working on Organizational Units Report..." -ForegroundColor Green #Get all OUs' $OUwithLinked = 0 $OUwithnoLink = 0 $OUProtected = 0 $OUNotProtected = 0 #foreach ($OU in $OUs) Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -Properties ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion,whenchanged -SearchScope $OUlevelSearch | ForEach-Object { $LinkedGPOs = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' if (($_.linkedgrouppolicyobjects).length -lt 1) { $LinkedGPOs = "None" $OUwithnoLink++ } else { $OUwithLinked++ $GPOslinks = $_.linkedgrouppolicyobjects foreach ($GPOlink in $GPOslinks) { $Split1 = $GPOlink -split "{" | Select-Object -Last 1 $Split2 = $Split1 -split "}" | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$nogpomod) { $LinkedGPOs.Add((Get-GPO -Guid $Split2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).DisplayName) } } } if ($_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -eq $True) { $OUProtected++ } else { $OUNotProtected++ } $LinkedGPOs = $LinkedGPOs -join ", " $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'Linked GPOs' = $LinkedGPOs 'Modified Date' = $_.WhenChanged 'Protected from Deletion' = $_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion } $OUTable.Add($obj) $LinkedGPOs= $null } Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor White #endregion OU #region Users <########################### USERS ############################> Write-Host "Working on Users Report..." -ForegroundColor Green $UserEnabled = 0 $UserDisabled = 0 $UserPasswordExpires = 0 $UserPasswordNeverExpires = 0 $ProtectedUsers = 0 $NonProtectedUsers = 0 $totalusers = 0 $Userinactive = 0 $Createdlastdays = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-30)).Date $lastcreatedusers = 0 $neverlogedenabled = 0 $ExpiringAccountsTable = 0 $PasswordExpireSoonTable = 0 $SkipReadPSO = $false #Get all users right away. Instead of doing several lookups, we will use this object to look up all the information needed. $Alluserpropert = @( 'WhenCreated' 'DistinguishedName' 'ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion' 'LastLogon' 'EmailAddress' 'LastLogonDate' 'PasswordExpired' 'PasswordLastSet' 'Description' 'PasswordNeverExpires' 'AccountExpirationDate' 'msDS-PSOApplied' ) #Get newly created users $When = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$UserCreatedDays)).Date #Get expxired account and still enabled $dateexpiresoone = (Get-DAte).AddDays(7) $expiredsoon = 0 $expired = (get-date) #Get users that haven't logged on in X amount of days, var is set at start of script $maxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge.Days $filterusers = "(!(admincount=*))" if ($Showadmin.IsPresent) { $filterusers = "(samaccountname=*)" } Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $filterusers -Properties $Alluserpropert -ResultSetSize $maxsearcher | ForEach-Object { $totalusers++ $lastlog = (LastLogonConvert $_.lastlogon) #New created users if ( $_.whenCreated -ge $When ) { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'Enabled' = $_.Enabled 'Creation Date' = $_.whenCreated } $NewCreatedUsersTable.Add($obj) } #Expired users and still enabled if ($_.AccountExpirationDate -lt $dateexpiresoone -and $null -ne $_.AccountExpirationDate -and $_.enabled -eq $true) { if ($_.AccountExpirationDate -gt $expired) { $expiredsoon++ } else { $ExpiringAccountsTable++ } } #User Never loged and Enabled if (($null -eq $_.lastlogondate) -and ($_.Enabled -ne $false)) { $neverlogedenabled++ } #get days until password expired if ((($_.PasswordNeverExpires) -eq $False) -and (($_.Enabled) -ne $false)) { #Get Password last set date $passwordSetDate = ($_.PasswordLastSet) if ($null -eq $passwordSetDate) { if ($null -eq $_.lastlogondate) { #$daystoexpire = "User has never logged or must change password next logon, identified by code -999" $daystoexpire = -999 } else { $daystoexpire = -998 } } else { #Check for Fine Grained Passwords if ($($_."msDS-PSOApplied") -and $SkipReadPSO -ne $true ) { $PasswordPol = (Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable PSOeror).MaxPasswordAge.days if ($PSOeror) { Write-Host "Cannot read a PSO, pls check error or permissions" -ForegroundColor Yellow $PSOeror $SkipReadPSO = $true } $expireson = $passwordsetdate.AddDays($PasswordPol) $PasswordPol = $null } else { $expireson = $passwordsetdate.AddDays($maxPasswordAge) } $today = (Get-Date) #Gets the count on how many days until the password expires and stores it in the $daystoexpire var $daystoexpire = (New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End $Expireson).Days } } else { #Users not need change passwords $daystoexpire = 0 } if (($_.Enabled -eq $True) -and ($lastlog -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$Days))) -and ($NULL -ne $_.LastLogon)) { $userinactive++ } #Get User created Last 30 days if ( $_.whenCreated -ge $createdlastdays ) { $lastcreatedusers++ $barcreated = ($_.Whencreated.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) $rec= $barcreateobject | Where-Object {$ -eq $barcreated } if ($rec) { $rec.Nbr_users += 1 } else { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Nbr_users' = 1 'Nbr_PC' = 0 'Date' = $barcreated } $barcreateobject.Add($obj) } } #Items for protected vs non protected users if ($_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -eq $False) { $NonProtectedUsers++ } else { $ProtectedUsers++ } #Items for the enabled vs disabled users pie chart if (($_.PasswordNeverExpires) -ne $false) { $UserPasswordNeverExpires++ } else { $UserPasswordExpires++ } #Items for password expiration pie chart if (($_.Enabled) -ne $false) { $UserEnabled++ } else { $UserDisabled++ } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'UserPrincipalName' = $_.UserPrincipalName 'Enabled' = $_.Enabled 'Protected from Deletion' = $_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion 'Last Logon' = $lastlog 'Last Logon Date' = $_.LastLogonDate 'Created' = $_.whencreated 'OU' = (($_.DistinguishedName -split (",") | Where-Object {$_ -like "OU=*"}) -replace ("OU=","") -join ",") 'Email Address' = $_.EmailAddress 'Account Expiration' = $_.AccountExpirationDate 'Description' = $_.description 'Password Last Set' = $_.PasswordLastSet 'Password Never Expired' = $_.PasswordNeverExpires 'Days Until password expired' = $daystoexpire } $usertable.Add($obj) if ($daystoexpire -lt $DaysUntilPWExpireINT -and $daystoexpire -ge 0) { $PasswordExpireSoonTable++ } } #TOP User table $objULic = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Total Users' = $totalusers "Users with Passwords Expiring in less than $DaysUntilPWExpireINT days" = $PasswordExpireSoonTable 'Expiring Accounts' = $ExpiringAccountsTable } $TOPUserTable.Add($objULic) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor White #endregion Users #region GPO <########################### Group Policy ############################> if (!$nogpomod) { Write-Host "Working on Group Policy Report..." -ForegroundColor Green $GPOTable = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' #Get GPOs Not Linked #region gponotlinked $adObjects = $linkedGPO = $null # info: # gpLink est une chaine de caractere de la forme [LDAP://cn={C408C216-5CEE-4EE7-B8BD-386600DC01EA},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com;0][LDAP://cn={C408C16-5D5E-4EE7-B8BD-386611DC31EA},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com;0] [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$adObjects = @() [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$linkedGPO = @() $configuration = ($DomainControllerobj.SubordinateReferences | Where-Object {$_ -like '*configuration*' }).trim() $domainAndOUS = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(|(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=domainDNS))(gplink=*))" -SearchBase "$($DomainControllerobj.DistinguishedName)" -Properties gpLink $sites = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(objectClass=site)(gplink=*))" -SearchBase "$configuration" -Properties gpLink # construit une liste avec tous les gpLink existants $adObjects.Add($domainAndOUS) $adObjects.Add($sites) # Compare si GUID de la GPO existe dans les gpLink # gpLink est une chaine de caractere de la forme [LDAP://cn={C408C216-5CEE-4EE7-B8BD-386600DC01EA},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com;0][LDAP://cn={C408C16-5D5E-4EE7-B8BD-386611DC31EA},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com;0] $GPOs | ForEach-Object { if($adObjects.gpLink -match $ { $linkedGPO.Add($_.DisplayName) } } # cast en array pour prendre en considération le cas où un seul object $gponotlinked = ([array]($gpos | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -notin $linkedGPO}) | Select-Object DisplayName,CreationTime,GpoStatus) if (!$gponotlinked) { $gponotlinked = 0 } #endregion gponotlinked if (($GPOs).Count -eq 0) { $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Information = 'Information: No Group Policy Obejects were found' } $GPOTable.Add($obj) } Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor White } #endregion GPO #region Printers <########################### Printers ############################> Write-Host "Working on Printers Report..." -ForegroundColor Green $printersnbr = 0 $printers = Get-AdObject -filter "objectCategory -eq 'printqueue'" -Properties description,drivername,created,location | Select-Object name,description,drivername,created,location $printersnbr = ($ if (!$printers) { $printers = "No printers Found" } #endregion Printers #region Computers <########################### Computers ############################> Write-Host "Working on Computers Report..." -ForegroundColor Green function getwindowsbuild { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $OperatingSystemVersion ) switch ( $OperatingSystemVersion ) { '10.0 (22621)' {$Build ="2202" } '10.0 (19045)' {$Build ="2202" } '10.0 (22000)' {$Build ="2102" } '10.0 (19044)' {$Build ="2102" } '10.0 (19043)' {$Build ="2101" } '10.0 (19042)' {$Build ="2002" } '10.0 (18362)' {$Build ="1903" } '10.0 (17763)' {$Build ="1809" } '10.0 (17134)' {$Build ="1803" } '10.0 (16299)' {$Build ="1709" } '10.0 (15063)' {$Build ="1703" } '10.0 (14393)' {$Build ="1607" } '10.0 (10586)' {$Build ="1511" } '10.0 (10240)' {$Build ="1507" } '10.0 (18898)' {$Build ="00" } 'Default' {$Build ="000" } } return $Build } $filtercomputer = @( 'OperatingSystem' 'OperatingSystemVersion' 'ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion' 'lastlogondate' 'Created' 'PasswordLastSet' 'DistinguishedName' 'ipv4address' ) $ComputersProtected = 0 $ComputersNotProtected = 0 $ComputerEnabled = 0 $ComputerDisabled = 0 $totalcomputers = 0 $ComputerNotSupported = 0 $lastcreatedpc = 0 $ComputerProtected = 0 $endofsupportwin = 0 $allwin1011 = 0 #Only search for versions of windows that exist in the Environment $OSClass = $WindowsRegex = $null $WindowsRegex = "(Windows (Server )?(\d+|XP)?(\d+|Vista)?( R2)?).*" $OSClass = @{} Get-ADComputer -LDAPFilter "(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8192))" -Properties $filtercomputer -ResultSetSize $maxsearcher | ForEach-Object { $totalcomputers ++ if ($_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -eq $True) { $ComputersProtected++ } else { $ComputersNotProtected++ } if ($_.Enabled -eq $True) { $ComputerEnabled++ } else { $ComputerDisabled++ } #Computer Created last 30 jours if ( $_.Created -ge $createdlastdays ) { $lastcreatedpc++ $barcreated = ($_.created.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) $rec=$barcreateobject | Where-Object {$ -eq $barcreated } if ($rec) { $rec.Nbr_PC += 1 } else { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Nbr_users' = 0 'Nbr_PC' = 1 'Date' = $barcreated } $barcreateobject.Add($obj) } } if (($_.OperatingSystem -match 'Windows Embedded Standard')) { if ($_.OperatingSystemVersion -like '6.1*') { $_.OperatingSystem = 'Windows Embedded 7 Standard'} } if ($_.OperatingSystem -Like 'Windows Server® 2008 *') { $_.OperatingSystem = $_.OperatingSystem -replace '®'} if (($_.OperatingSystem -like '*Windows 10*') –or ($_.OperatingSystem -like 'Windows 11*')) { $Winbuild = getwindowsbuild -OperatingSystemVersion $_.OperatingSystemVersion #This is for windows 10 Entreprise version, if you are using Professional pls change the value to '2102' if ($Winbuild -le '2101') { $endofsupportwin++ } $allwin1011++ } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Name 'Enabled' = $_.Enabled 'Operating System' = $_.OperatingSystem 'Created Date' = $_.Created 'OU' = (($_.DistinguishedName -split (",") | Where-Object {$_ -like "OU=*"}) -replace ("OU=","") -join ",") 'Password Last Set' = $_.PasswordLastSet 'Last Logon Date' = $_.LastLogonDate 'Protect from Deletion' = $_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion 'Build' = $Winbuild 'IPv4Address' = $_.IPv4Address } $ComputersTable.Add($obj) if ($_.OperatingSystem -Like 'Windows*7*'){ $OSClass['Windows 7'] += 'Windows 7'.Count } elseif ($_.OperatingSystem -Like 'Windows 8*' -or $_.OperatingSystem -Like 'Windows Embedded 8*') { $OSClass['Windows 8'] += 'Windows 8'.Count } elseif ($_.OperatingSystem -match $WindowsRegex ){ $OSClass[$matches[1]] += $matches[1].Count } elseif ($null -ne $_.OperatingSystem) { $OSClass[$_.OperatingSystem] += $_.OperatingSystem.Count } #Get unsuported Machines switch ($_.OperatingSystem ) { {$_ -match 2003 -or $_ -match 2008 -or $_ -match 2000 -or $_ -match 7 -or $_ -match 'Vista' -or $_ -match 'XP' } {$ComputerNotSupported++} } $Winbuild = $null } if ($barcreateobject.Count -eq 1) { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Nbr_users' = 0 'Nbr_PC' = 0 'Date' = (Get-Date).AddDays(+1) } $barcreateobject.Add($obj) } $barcreateobject = ($barcreateobject | sort date) #region Pie chart breaking down OS for computer obj $GraphComputerOS = $null $GraphComputerOS = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $OSClass.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $hashcomputer = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $($_.key) 'Count' = $($_.value) } $GraphComputerOS.Add($hashcomputer) } #endregion Pie chart #Data for TOP Computers data table $OSClass.Add("Total Computers",$totalcomputers) $TOPComputersTable = [pscustomobject]$OSClass Write-Host "End region Computers Report..." -ForegroundColor Green #endregion Computers #region Resume $Allobjects = $null $contacts = (Get-ADObject -Filter 'objectclass -eq "contact"').name $totalcontacts = ($contacts).count $Allobjects = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]' $totalusers = $totalusers + (Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(admincount=*)").count $totalcomputers = $totalcomputers + (Get-ADComputer -LDAPFilter "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8192)"| select name ).name.count $totalgroups = $totalgroups + ($DefaultSGs.count) $Allobjects = @( [pscustomobject]@{Name='Groups';Count=$totalgroups} [pscustomobject]@{Name='Users'; Count=$totalusers} [pscustomobject]@{Name='Computers'; Count=$totalcomputers} [pscustomobject]@{Name='Contacts'; Count=$totalcontacts} [pscustomobject]@{Name='Printer server'; Count=$printersnbr} ) Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor White #endregion Resume #endregion code $SavePath = $SavePath + '\ADModern.html' #Option Offline, workstation wihtout internet if ($Noautostart.IsPresent) { $htmlvalue = $false } else { $htmlvalue = $true } if ($Offline.IsPresent) { $offline = $false } else { $offline = $true } if ($htmlonepage.IsPresent ) { HTMLOnePage } else { HTMLMultiPage } } function HTMLMultiPage { #region generatehtml $time = (get-date) Write-Host "Working on HTML Report ..." -ForegroundColor Green New-HTML -TitleText 'AD_ModernReport' -ShowHTML:$htmlvalue -Online:$offline -FilePath $SavePath { New-HTMLNavTop -Logo $CompanyLogo -MenuColorBackground gray -MenuColor Black -HomeColorBackground gray -HomeLinkHome { New-NavTopMenu -Name 'Domains' -IconRegular address-book -IconColor black { New-NavLink -IconSolid users -Name 'Groups' -InternalPageID 'Groups' New-NavLink -IconSolid users -Name 'Groups_Empty' -InternalPageID 'Groups_Empty' New-NavLink -IconMaterial folder -Name 'OU' -InternalPageID 'OU' New-NavLink -IconSolid scroll -Name 'Group Policy' -InternalPageID 'GPO' New-NavLink -IconSolid print -Name 'Printers' -InternalPageID 'Printers' } New-NavTopMenu -Name 'Objects' -IconSolid sitemap { New-NavLink -IconSolid user-tie -Name 'Users' -InternalPageID 'Users' New-NavLink -IconSolid laptop -Name 'Computers' -InternalPageID 'Computers' New-NavLink -IconSolid robot -Name 'Gmsa' -InternalPageID 'Gmsa' } New-NavTopMenu -Name 'About' -IconRegular chart-bar { New-NavLink -IconSolid chart-pie -Name 'Resume' -InternalPageID 'Resume' New-NavLink -Name 'Documentation' -IconSolid address-book { New-NavLink -Href '' -Name 'English' New-NavLink -Href '' -Name 'French' } } New-NavTopMenu -Name "Report date: $time" -PullRight -FlipHorizontal {} } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Dashboard' -IconRegular chart-bar { New-HTMLTabStyle -BackgroundColorActive Teal New-HTMLSection -Name 'Block infos' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 -Width "80%" { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor silver { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text "Domain : $Forest" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "AD Recycle Bin : $ADRecycleBin" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "FSMO Roles" -Alignment center -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Infra : $InfrastructureMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Rid : $RIDMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "PDC : $PDCEmulator" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Naming : $DomainNamingMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Schema : $SchemaMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -LineBreak } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightgreen -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $UserDisabled -Alignment justify -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Disabled Users' -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-user-slash fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor yellowgreen -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $userinactive -Alignment justify -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Users not login in Last 90 Days' -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-user-clock fa-3x" } } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightpink -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $neverlogedenabled -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Users Never loged' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-house-user fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor palevioletred -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $usercomputerdeleted -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Users/computer in RecycleBin' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-trash-alt fa-3x" } } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightblue -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($DomainAdminTable) 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New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($gponotlinked.count) -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'GPOs not Linked' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-scroll fa-3x" } } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor paleturquoise -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($ExpiringAccountsTable) -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Expired Account and still Enabled' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-umbrella-beach fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor mediumaquamarine -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $expiredsoon -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Account Expired Soon' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-bell fa-3x" } } } } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Created Machines / Users By date in last 30 Days' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Title 'Created Machines / Users By date in last 30 Days' -TitleAlignment center -Height 280 { New-ChartAxisX -Names $(($barcreateobject).date) New-ChartLine -Name 'User created' -Value $(($barcreateobject).Nbr_users) New-ChartLine -Name 'PC Created' -Value $(($barcreateobject).Nbr_PC) } } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -Invisible -Width "70%" { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Title 'Created Objects VS Deleted' -TitleAlignment center -Height "100%" { New-ChartToolbar -Download pan New-ChartBarOptions -Gradient -Vertical New-ChartLegend -Name 'Created users', 'Created Machines', 'Deleted Users/machines' New-ChartBar -Name 'Result Current 30 Days' -Value $lastcreatedusers, $lastcreatedpc, $deletedobject } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Objects in Default OU' -Width "80%" { New-HTMLChart -Gradient { New-ChartLegend -LegendPosition bottom New-ChartDonut -Name 'Users' -Value $DefaultUsersinDefaultOUTable.Count New-ChartDonut -Name 'Computers' -Value $DefaultComputersinDefaultOU } } } } New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -Name "Last Locked Users" -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkGreen -HeaderTextAlignment left { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $Unlockusers -HideButtons -DisableSearch } New-HTMLSection -Name 'UPN Suffix' -HeaderTextAlignment center -HeaderBackGroundColor Black -Width "60%" { New-HTMLTable -DataTable $DomainTable -HideButtons -DisableInfo -DisableSearch -HideFooter -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No UPN Suffixes were found' } New-HTMLSection -Width "60%" -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -name 'Groups Without members' { New-HTMLGage -Label 'Empty Groups' -MinValue 0 -MaxValue $totalgroups -Value $Groupswithnomembership -ValueColor Black -LabelColor Black -Pointer } New-HTMLSection -Name "Accounts Created in $UserCreatedDays Days or Less" -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkBlue { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $NewCreatedUsersTable -DisableInfo -HideButtons -PagingLength 6 -DisableSearch -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No new users have been recently created' } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Objects in Default OUs' -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -Name 'AD Objects in Recycle Bin' -HeaderBackGroundColor skyblue -Width "70%" { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' New-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $ADObjectTable -PagingLength 12 -Buttons csvHtml5 } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Computers in default OU' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' New-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $DefaultComputersinDefaultOUTable -PagingLength 12 -HideButtons } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Users in Default OU' -HeaderBackGroundColor brown { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' New-HTMLTable -HideFooter -DataTable $DefaultUsersinDefaultOUTable -PagingLength 12 -HideButtons } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Groups' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Groups' -IconSolid user-alt { New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -HideButtons -DataTable $TOPGroupsTable -DisablePaging -DisableSelect -DisableStateSave -DisableInfo -DisableSearch } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Active Directory Groups With Members' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $Table -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No Groups were found' } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Active Directory Groups Chart' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Group Types' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette2 New-ChartPie -Name 'Security Groups' -Value $SecurityCount New-ChartPie -Name 'Distribution Groups' -Value $DistroCount } } New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Custom vs Default Groups' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name 'Custom Groups' -Value $CustomGroup New-ChartPie -Name 'Default Groups' -Value ($DefaultSGs.count) } } New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Group Membership' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette3 New-ChartPie -Name 'With Members' -Value $Groupswithmemebrship New-ChartPie -Name 'No Members' -Value $Groupswithnomembership } } New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Group Protected From Deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette4 New-ChartPie -Name 'Not Protected' -Value $GroupsNotProtected New-ChartPie -Name 'Protected' -Value $GroupsProtected } } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Groups_Empty' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Groups Without Members' -IconSolid print { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -DataTable $Groupsnomembers } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'OU' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Organizational Units' -IconRegular folder { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Organizational Units infos' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $OUTable -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No OUs were found' } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Organizational Units Charts" -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'OU Gpos Links' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette2 New-ChartPie -Name "OUs with GPO's linked" -Value $OUwithLinked New-ChartPie -Name "OUs with no GPO's linked" -Value $OUwithnoLink } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Organizations Units Protected from deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name "Protected" -Value $OUProtected New-ChartPie -Name "Not Protected" -Value $OUNotProtected } } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'GPO' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Group Policy' -IconRegular hourglass { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -DataTable $GPOs } } New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -name 'Unlinked Details' -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal { New-HTMLTable -DataTable $gponotlinked } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Linked Vs Unliked GPOs' -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal { New-HTMLChart { New-ChartLegend -LegendPosition bottom New-ChartBarOptions -Gradient New-ChartDonut -Name 'Unlinked' -Value $gponotlinked.Count -Color silver New-ChartDonut -Name 'Linked' -Value $GPOs.Count -Color orange } } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Printers' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Printer server' -IconSolid print { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -DataTable $printers } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Users' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Users' -IconSolid audio-description { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Users Overivew' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -HideButtons -DataTable $TOPUserTable -DisableSearch } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Active Directory Users' -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString New-HTMLTable -DataTable $UserTable -DefaultSortColumn Name -HideFooter } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Users Charts" -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkBlue -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Enable Vs Disable Users' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette2 New-ChartPie -Name "Enabled" -Value $UserEnabled New-ChartPie -Name "Disabled" -Value $UserDisabled } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Password Expiration' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name "Password Never Expired" -Value $UserPasswordNeverExpires New-ChartPie -Name "Password Expires" -Value $UserPasswordExpires } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Users Protected from Deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name "Protected" -Value $ProtectedUsers New-ChartPie -Name "Not Protected" -Value $NonProtectedUsers } } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Computers' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Computers' -IconBrands microsoft { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Computers Overivew' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTable -HideFooter -HideButtons -DataTable $TOPComputersTable } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Computers' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString New-HTMLTable -DataTable $ComputersTable } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Computers Charts' -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkBlue -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Computers Protected from Deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette10 -Mode light New-ChartPie -Name 'Protected' -Value $ComputerProtected New-ChartPie -Name 'Not Protected' -Value $ComputersNotProtected } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Computers Enabled Vs Disabled' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette4 -Mode light New-ChartPie -Name 'Enabled' -Value $ComputerEnabled New-ChartPie -Name 'Disabled' -Value $ComputerDisabled } } } New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -name 'Potential Win10 End of support' { New-HTMLChart { New-ChartLegend -LegendPosition bottom New-ChartDonut -Name 'Endofsupport' -Value $endofsupportwin New-ChartDonut -Name 'Windows 10/11 supported' -Value ($allwin1011 - $endofsupportwin) } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Computers Operating System Distribution' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Computers Operating Systems' -TitleAlignment center { New-ChartTheme -Mode light $GraphComputerOS.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-ChartPie -Name $ -Value $_.count } } } } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Gmsa' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Group Managment Service' -IconSolid robot { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString New-htmlTable -DataTable $GmsaTable } } } } New-HTMLPage -Name 'Resume' { New-HTMLTab -Name 'Resume' { New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightgreen -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[0].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[0].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-users fa-3x" } } New-HTMLText -LineBreak New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor bisque -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[1].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[1].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-user fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightblue -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[2].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[2].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-laptop fa-3x" } } New-HTMLText -LineBreak New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightpink -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[3].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[3].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-address-card fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor khaki -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[4].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[4].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-print fa-3x" } } New-HTMLText -LineBreak } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'All Members' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Width "70%" { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Pourcent By AD Objects' -TitleAlignment center -Height 300 { New-ChartTheme -Mode light $Allobjects.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-ChartPie -Name $ -Value $_.count } } } } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'About' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLList { New-HTMLListItem -Text "Generated date : $time" New-HTMLListItem -Text 'Modern Active Directory _ Version : 1.5.0 _ Release : 08/2023' New-HTMLListItem -Text 'Author : Dakhama Mehdi<br> <br> Inspired ADReportHTLM Bradley Wyatt [thelazyadministrato](<br> <br> Credit : Thirrey Demon-Barcelo, Mattieu Souin, Mahmoud Hatira, Zouhair sarouti<br> <br> Thanks : Boss Przemyslaw Klys - Module PSWriteHTML- [Evotec](' } -FontSize 14 } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLImage -Source $RightLogo } } } } } #endregion generatehtml } function HTMLOnePage { #region generatehtml $time = (get-date) Write-Host "Working on HTML Report ..." -ForegroundColor Green New-HTML -TitleText 'AD_ModernReport' -ShowHTML:$htmlvalue -Online:$offline -FilePath $SavePath { New-HTMLHeader { New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { # New-HTMLImage -Source $CompanyLogo -AlternativeText 'My other text' -Width '20%' New-HTMLText -Text "Modern Active Directory" -FontSize 22 -Color White } -AlignContentText left -BackGroundColor Teal } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Dashboard' -IconRegular chart-bar { New-HTMLTabStyle -BackgroundColorActive teal New-HTMLSection -Name 'Block infos' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 -Width "80%" { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor silver { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text "Domain : $Forest" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "AD Recycle Bin : $ADRecycleBin" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "FSMO Roles" -Alignment center -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Infra : $InfrastructureMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Rid : $RIDMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "PDC : $PDCEmulator" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Naming : $DomainNamingMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text "Schema : $SchemaMaster" -Alignment justify -FontSize 15 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -LineBreak } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightgreen 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fa-house-user fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor palevioletred -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $usercomputerdeleted -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Users/computer in RecycleBin' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-trash-alt fa-3x" } } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightblue -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($DomainAdminTable.count) -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Domain Admins' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-user-edit fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor steelblue -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($EnterpriseAdminTable.count) -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Entreprise Admins' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-user-tie fa-3x" } } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor bisque -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $ComputerNotSupported -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Computers Not Supported' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-laptop-medical fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor orange -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($gponotlinked.count) -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'GPOs not Linked' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-scroll fa-3x" } } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor paleturquoise -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $($ExpiringAccountsTable) -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Expired Account and still Enabled' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-umbrella-beach fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor mediumaquamarine -AlignContentText right -BorderRadius 10px { New-HTMLText -TextBlock { New-HTMLText -Text $expiredsoon -Alignment left -FontSize 25 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text 'Account Expired Soon' -Alignment left -FontSize 15 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-bell fa-3x" } } } } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Created Machines / Users By date in last 30 Days' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Title 'Created Machines / Users By date in last 30 Days' -TitleAlignment center -Height 280 { New-ChartAxisX -Names $(($barcreateobject).date) New-ChartLine -Name 'User created' -Value $(($barcreateobject).Nbr_users) New-ChartLine -Name 'PC Created' -Value $(($barcreateobject).Nbr_PC) } } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -Invisible -Width "70%" { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Title 'Created Objects VS Deleted' -TitleAlignment center -Height "100%" { New-ChartToolbar -Download pan New-ChartBarOptions -Gradient -Vertical New-ChartLegend -Name 'Created users', 'Created Machines', 'Deleted Users/machines' New-ChartBar -Name 'Result Current 30 Days' -Value $lastcreatedusers, $lastcreatedpc, $deletedobject } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Objects in Default OU' -Width "80%" { New-HTMLChart -Gradient { New-ChartLegend -LegendPosition bottom New-ChartDonut -Name 'Users' -Value $DefaultUsersinDefaultOUTable.Count New-ChartDonut -Name 'Computers' -Value $DefaultComputersinDefaultOU } } } } New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -Name "Last Locked Users" -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkGreen -HeaderTextAlignment left { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $Unlockusers -HideButtons -DisableSearch } New-HTMLSection -Name 'UPN Suffix' -HeaderTextAlignment center -HeaderBackGroundColor Black -Width "60%" { New-HTMLTable -DataTable $DomainTable -HideButtons -DisableInfo -DisableSearch -HideFooter -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No UPN Suffixes were found' } New-HTMLSection -Width "60%" -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -name 'Groups Without members' { New-HTMLGage -Label 'Empty Groups' -MinValue 0 -MaxValue $totalgroups -Value $Groupswithnomembership -ValueColor Black -LabelColor Black -Pointer } New-HTMLSection -Name "Accounts Created in $UserCreatedDays Days or Less" -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkBlue { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $NewCreatedUsersTable -DisableInfo -HideButtons -PagingLength 6 -DisableSearch -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No new users have been recently created' } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Objects in Default OUs' -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -Name 'AD Objects in Recycle Bin' -HeaderBackGroundColor skyblue -Width "70%" { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' New-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $ADObjectTable -PagingLength 12 -Buttons csvHtml5 } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Computers in default OU' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' New-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $DefaultComputersinDefaultOUTable -PagingLength 12 -HideButtons } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Users in Default OU' -HeaderBackGroundColor brown { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' New-HTMLTable -HideFooter -DataTable $DefaultUsersinDefaultOUTable -PagingLength 12 -HideButtons } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Groups' -IconSolid user-alt { New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -HideButtons -DataTable $TOPGroupsTable -DisablePaging -DisableSelect -DisableStateSave -DisableInfo -DisableSearch } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Active Directory Groups With Members' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $Table -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No Groups were found' } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Active Directory Groups Chart' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Group Types' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette2 New-ChartPie -Name 'Security Groups' -Value $SecurityCount New-ChartPie -Name 'Distribution Groups' -Value $DistroCount } } New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Custom vs Default Groups' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name 'Custom Groups' -Value $CustomGroup New-ChartPie -Name 'Default Groups' -Value ($DefaultSGs.count) } } New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Group Membership' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette3 New-ChartPie -Name 'With Members' -Value $Groupswithmemebrship New-ChartPie -Name 'No Members' -Value $Groupswithnomembership } } New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Group Protected From Deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette4 New-ChartPie -Name 'Not Protected' -Value $GroupsNotProtected New-ChartPie -Name 'Protected' -Value $GroupsProtected } } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Groups Without Members' -IconSolid print { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -DataTable $Groupsnomembers } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Organizational Units' -IconRegular folder { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Organizational Units infos' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -DataTable $OUTable -TextWhenNoData 'Information: No OUs were found' } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Organizational Units Charts" -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'OU Gpos Links' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette2 New-ChartPie -Name "OUs with GPO's linked" -Value $OUwithLinked New-ChartPie -Name "OUs with no GPO's linked" -Value $OUwithnoLink } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Organizations Units Protected from deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name "Protected" -Value $OUProtected New-ChartPie -Name "Not Protected" -Value $OUNotProtected } } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Group Policy' -IconRegular hourglass { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' { new-htmlTable -DataTable $GPOs } New-HTMLSection { New-HTMLSection -name 'Unlinked Details' -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal { New-HTMLTable -DataTable $gponotlinked } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Linked Vs Unliked GPOs' -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal { New-HTMLChart { New-ChartLegend -LegendPosition bottom New-ChartBarOptions -Gradient New-ChartDonut -Name 'Unlinked' -Value $gponotlinked.Count -Color silver New-ChartDonut -Name 'linked' -Value $GPOs.Count -Color orange } } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Printer server' -IconSolid print { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Informations"' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -DataTable $printers } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Users' -IconSolid audio-description { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Users Overivew' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { new-htmlTable -HideFooter -HideButtons -DataTable $TOPUserTable -DisableSearch } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Active Directory Users' -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString New-HTMLTable -DataTable $UserTable -DefaultSortColumn Name -HideFooter } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Users Charts" -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkBlue -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Enable Vs Disable Users' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette2 New-ChartPie -Name "Enabled" -Value $UserEnabled New-ChartPie -Name "Disabled" -Value $UserDisabled } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Password Expiration' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name "Password Never Expires" -Value $UserPasswordNeverExpires New-ChartPie -Name "Password Expires" -Value $UserPasswordExpires } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Users Protected from Deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette1 New-ChartPie -Name "Protected" -Value $ProtectedUsers New-ChartPie -Name "Not Protected" -Value $NonProtectedUsers } } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Computers' -IconBrands microsoft { New-HTMLSection -Name 'Computers Overivew' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTable -HideFooter -HideButtons -DataTable $TOPComputersTable } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'Computers' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel -Invisible { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript -DateTimeFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' -ArrayJoin -ArrayJoinString ',' -NumberAsString -BoolAsString New-HTMLTable -DataTable $ComputersTable } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Computers Charts' -HeaderBackGroundColor DarkBlue -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Computers Protected from Deletion' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette10 -Mode light New-ChartPie -Name 'Protected' -Value $ComputerProtected New-ChartPie -Name 'Not Protected' -Value $ComputersNotProtected } } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Computers Enabled Vs Disabled' -TitleAlignment center -Height 200 { New-ChartTheme -Palette palette4 -Mode light New-ChartPie -Name 'Enabled' -Value $ComputerEnabled New-ChartPie -Name 'Disabled' -Value $ComputerDisabled } } } New-HTMLSection -Invisible { New-HTMLSection -name 'Potentiel Win10 End of support' { New-HTMLChart { New-ChartLegend -LegendPosition bottom New-ChartDonut -Name 'Endofsupport' -Value $endofsupportwin New-ChartDonut -Name 'Windows 10/11 supported' -Value ($allwin1011 - $endofsupportwin) } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Computers Operating System Distrubiton' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Computers Operating Systems' -TitleAlignment center { New-ChartTheme -Mode light $GraphComputerOS.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-ChartPie -Name $ -Value $_.count } } } } } } New-HTMLTab -Name 'Resume' { New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -Name 'All Members' -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLSection -HeaderBackGroundColor Teal -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightgreen -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[0].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[0].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-users fa-3x" } } New-HTMLText -LineBreak New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor bisque -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[1].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[1].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-user fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightblue -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[2].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[2].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-laptop fa-3x" } } New-HTMLText -LineBreak New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor lightpink -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[3].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[3].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-address-card fa-3x" } } } New-HTMLPanel -Margin 10 { New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor khaki -AlignContentText right { New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[4].count -Alignment left -FontSize 40 -FontWeight bold New-HTMLText -Text $Allobjects[4].name -Alignment left -FontSize 20 New-HTMLTag -Tag 'i' -Attributes @{ class = "fas fa-print fa-3x" } } New-HTMLText -LineBreak } } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'All Members' -Invisible { New-HTMLPanel -Width "70%" { New-HTMLChart -Gradient -Title 'Pourcent By AD Objects' -TitleAlignment center -Height 300 { New-ChartTheme -Mode light $Allobjects.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-ChartPie -Name $ -Value $_.count } } } } } New-HTMLSection -Name 'About' -HeaderBackGroundColor teal -HeaderTextAlignment left { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLList { New-HTMLListItem -Text "Generated date : $time" New-HTMLListItem -Text 'Modern Active Directory _ Version : 1.5.0 _ Release : 08/2023' New-HTMLListItem -Text 'Author : Dakhama Mehdi<br> <br> Inspired ADReportHTLM Bradley Wyatt [thelazyadministrato](<br> <br> Credit : Thirrey Demon-Barcelo, Mattieu Souin, Mahmoud Hatira, Zouhair sarouti<br> <br> Thanks : Boss Przemyslaw Klys - Module PSWriteHTML- [Evotec](' } -FontSize 14 } New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLImage -Source $RightLogo } } } } #endregion generatehtml } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ADModernReport # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIr0gYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIrwzCCK78CAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCDQdTtVa1NiS3Va # lB/GGqhHKfuauW1McSgjhI1VkLEXI6CCJOowggVvMIIEV6ADAgECAhBI/JO0YFWU # jTanyYqJ1pQWMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMHsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # DBJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcMB1NhbGZvcmQxGjAYBgNVBAoM # EUNvbW9kbyBDQSBMaW1pdGVkMSEwHwYDVQQDDBhBQUEgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2Vy # dmljZXMwHhcNMjEwNTI1MDAwMDAwWhcNMjgxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjBWMQswCQYDVQQG # 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