
function Write-MimSyncConfigCache
   Write the Sync Server Configuration XML to a cache folder on disk
    1. Test the cache folder age
    2. Export the server configuration to the folder
   Write-MimSyncConfigCache -CacheLocation C:\Temp
   Write-MimSyncConfigCache -CacheAge ([TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(60))

        # Cache Folder (defaults to $env:ProgramData\MimDsc\Svrexport)
        $CacheLocation = "$env:ProgramData\MimDsc\Svrexport",

        # Cache Age (defaults to one day)
        $CacheAge = [TimeSpan]::FromDays(1)
    Write-Verbose "Using CacheLocation: $CacheLocation"
    Write-Verbose "Using CacheAge: $($CacheAge.TotalMinutes) (in minutes)"

    ### Create the folder if it doesn't already exist
    if(-not (Test-Path -PathType Container $CacheLocation))
        mkdir $CacheLocation | Out-Null

    $CacheCreationTime = Get-Item -Path $CacheLocation | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CreationTime
    if ([DateTime]::Now.Subtract($CacheCreationTime) -ge $CacheAge)
        Write-Verbose "Cache expired, wipe it"
        Remove-Item -Path $CacheLocation -Recurse

        Get-MimSyncServerXml -Path $CacheLocation     
        Write-Verbose "Cache still valid, leave it"