
Function Get-MimSvcObjectID
        $AttributeName = 'DisplayName',

        .PARAMETER Uri
        The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of MIM Service. The following example shows how to set this parameter: -uri "http://localhost:5725"

        $Uri = "http://localhost:5725"
        $resolver = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportObject
        $resolver.SourceObjectIdentifier = [Guid]::Empty
        $resolver.TargetObjectIdentifier = [Guid]::Empty
        $resolver.ObjectType              = $ObjectType
        $resolver.State                  = 'Resolve'
        $anchorPair = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.JoinPair
        $anchorPair.AttributeName  = $AttributeName
        $anchorPair.AttributeValue = $AttributeValue
        $resolver.AnchorPairs = $anchorPair
            Import-FIMConfig $resolver -Uri $Uri -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            if ($resolver.TargetObjectIdentifier -eq [Guid]::Empty)
                ### This did NOT resolve to an object on the target system
                Write-Error ("An object was not found with this criteria: '{0}:{1}:{2}'"   -F  $ObjectType, $AttributeName,  $AttributeValue)
                ### This DID resolve to an object on the target system
                Write-Output ($resolver.TargetObjectIdentifier -replace 'urn:uuid:')
            if ($_.Exception.Message -ilike '*the target system returned no matching object*')
                ### This did NOT resolve to an object on the target system
                Write-Error ("An object was not found with this criteria: '{0}:{1}:{2}'" -F  $ObjectType, $AttributeName,  $AttributeValue)
            elseif ($_.Exception.Message -ilike '*cannot filter as requested*')
                ### This is a bug in Import-FIMConfig whereby it does not escape single quotes in the XPath filter
                ### Try again using Export-FIMConfig
                $exportResult = Export-FIMConfig -Uri $Uri -OnlyBaseResources -CustomConfig ("/{0}[{1}=`"{2}`"]" -F $resolver.ObjectType, $resolver.AnchorPairs[0].AttributeName, $resolver.AnchorPairs[0].AttributeValue ) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($exportResult -eq $null)
                    Write-Error ("An object was not found with this criteria: '{0}:{1}:{2}'" -F  $ObjectType, $AttributeName,  $AttributeValue)
                    Write-Output ($exportResult.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectIdentifier -replace 'urn:uuid:' )
               Write-Error ("Import-FimConfig produced an error while resolving this object in the target system. The exception thrown was: {0}" -F $_.Exception.Message)