function Get-VideoDeviceStatistics { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the camera device statistics including used storage space, and the properties of each video stream being retrieved from the camera .DESCRIPTION Uses the RecorderStatusService2 client to call GetVideoDeviceStatistics and receive the current video device statistics of all cameras, or filtered by Recording Server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-RecordingServer -Name 'My Recording Server' | Get-VideoDeviceStatistics Gets the video statistics of all cameras on the Recording Server named 'My Recording Server'. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VideoDeviceStatistics -AsHashTable Gets the video statistics of all cameras and returns the result as a hashtable where the keys are the camera ID's. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies one or more Recording Server ID's to which the results will be limited. Omit this parameter if you want device status from all Recording Servers [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Id')] [guid[]] $RecordingServerId, # Specifies that the output should be provided in a complete hashtable instead of one pscustomobject value at a time [Parameter()] [switch] $AsHashTable, # Specifies the runspacepool to use. If no runspacepool is provided, one will be created. [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool] $RunspacePool ) process { $disposeRunspacePool = $true if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RunspacePool')) { $disposeRunspacePool = $false } $pool = $RunspacePool if ($null -eq $pool) { Write-Verbose "Creating a runspace pool" $pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ([int]$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1)) $pool.Open() } $scriptBlock = { param( [uri]$Uri, [guid[]]$DeviceIds ) try { $client = [VideoOS.Platform.SDK.Proxy.Status2.RecorderStatusService2]::new($Uri) $client.GetVideoDeviceStatistics((Get-Token), $deviceIds) } catch { throw "Unable to get video device statistics from $Uri" } } Write-Verbose 'Retrieving recording server information' $managementServer = [videoos.platform.configuration]::Instance.GetItems([videoos.platform.itemhierarchy]::SystemDefined) | Where-Object { $_.FQID.Kind -eq [videoos.platform.kind]::Server -and $_.FQID.ObjectId -eq (Get-ManagementServer).Id } $recorders = $managementServer.GetChildren() | Where-Object { $_.FQID.ServerId.ServerType -eq 'XPCORS' -and ($null -eq $RecordingServerId -or $_.FQID.ObjectId -in $RecordingServerId) } Write-Verbose "Retrieving video device statistics from $($recorders.Count) recording servers" try { $threads = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject] foreach ($recorder in $recorders) { Write-Verbose "Requesting video device statistics from $($recorder.Name) at $($recorder.FQID.ServerId.Uri)" $folders = $recorder.GetChildren() | Where-Object { $_.FQID.Kind -eq [videoos.platform.kind]::Camera -and $_.FQID.FolderType -eq [videoos.platform.foldertype]::SystemDefined} $deviceIds = [guid[]]($folders | Foreach-Object { $children = $_.GetChildren() if ($null -ne $children -and $children.Count -gt 0) { $children.FQID.ObjectId } }) $ps = [powershell]::Create() $ps.RunspacePool = $pool $asyncResult = $ps.AddScript($scriptBlock).AddParameters(@{ Uri = $recorder.FQID.ServerId.Uri DeviceIds = $deviceIds }).BeginInvoke() $threads.Add([pscustomobject]@{ RecordingServerId = $recorder.FQID.ObjectId RecordingServerName = $recorder.Name PowerShell = $ps Result = $asyncResult }) } if ($threads.Count -eq 0) { return } $hashTable = @{} $completedThreads = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject] while ($threads.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($thread in $threads) { if ($thread.Result.IsCompleted) { Write-Verbose "Receiving results from recording server $($thread.RecordingServerName)" if ($AsHashTable) { $hashTable.$($thread.RecordingServerId.ToString()) = $null } else { $obj = @{ RecordingServerId = $thread.RecordingServerId.ToString() VideoDeviceStatistics = $null } } try { $result = $thread.PowerShell.EndInvoke($thread.Result) | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ } if ($AsHashTable) { $hashTable.$($thread.RecordingServerId.ToString()) = $result } else { $obj.VideoDeviceStatistics = $result } } catch { Write-Error $_ } finally { $thread.PowerShell.Dispose() $completedThreads.Add($thread) if (!$AsHashTable) { Write-Output ([pscustomobject]$obj) } } } } $completedThreads | Foreach-Object { [void]$threads.Remove($_)} $completedThreads.Clear() if ($threads.Count -eq 0) { break; } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250 } if ($AsHashTable) { Write-Output $hashTable } } finally { if ($threads.Count -gt 0) { Write-Warning "Stopping $($threads.Count) running PowerShell instances. This may take a minute. . ." foreach ($thread in $threads) { $thread.PowerShell.Dispose() } } if ($disposeRunspacePool) { Write-Verbose "Closing runspace pool in $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" $pool.Close() $pool.Dispose() } } } } |