
function Resize-Image {
        Resizes a [System.Drawing.Image] object to the given height with the same aspect ratio.
        Resizes a [System.Drawing.Image] object to the given height with the same aspect ratio and outputs a new
        Image object which uses the same codec as the original image unless otherwise specified.
        PS C:\> $image = $camera | Get-Snapshot -Live | ConvertFrom-Snapshot | Resize-Image -Height 200 -DisposeSource
        Get's a live snapshot from $camera and converts it to a System.Drawing.Image object, resizes it to 200 pixels tall and disposes the original image.
        Don't forget to call Dispose() when you're done with the image!

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        $Quality = 95,

        [ValidateSet('BMP', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'TIFF', 'PNG')]


    process {
        if ($null -eq $Image -or $Image.Width -le 0 -or $Image.Height -le 0) {
            Write-Error 'Cannot resize an invalid image object.'
        [int]$width = $image.Width / $image.Height * $Height
        $bmp = [system.drawing.bitmap]::new($width, $Height)
        $graphics = []::FromImage($bmp)
        $graphics.InterpolationMode = [system.drawing.drawing2d.interpolationmode]::HighQualityBicubic
        $graphics.DrawImage($Image, 0, 0, $width, $Height)
        try {
            $formatId = if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OutputFormat)) {
                else {
                    ([system.drawing.imaging.imagecodecinfo]::GetImageEncoders() | Where-Object FormatDescription -eq $OutputFormat).FormatID
            $encoder = [system.drawing.imaging.imagecodecinfo]::GetImageEncoders() | Where-Object FormatID -eq $formatId
            $encoderParameters = [system.drawing.imaging.encoderparameters]::new(1)
            $qualityParameter = [system.drawing.imaging.encoderparameter]::new([system.drawing.imaging.encoder]::Quality, $Quality)
            $encoderParameters.Param[0] = $qualityParameter
            Write-Verbose "Saving resized image as $($encoder.FormatDescription) with $Quality% quality"
            $ms = [io.memorystream]::new()
            $bmp.Save($ms, $encoder, $encoderParameters)
            $resizedImage = [system.drawing.image]::FromStream($ms)
            Write-Output ($resizedImage)
        finally {
            if ($DisposeSource) {