
function Add-VmsArchiveStorage {
        Adds a new Archive Storage configuration to an existing live recording storage configuration.
    .PARAMETER Storage
        Specifies the Recording Server to which the storage configuration should be added. This should be a
        RecordingServer object such as that returned by the Get-RecordingServer cmdlet.
        Specifies the name of the storage configuration.
    .PARAMETER Description
        Specifies the optional description of the storage configuration.
        Specifies the path under which the new storage folder will be created on the Recording Server or UNC
    .PARAMETER Retention
        Specifies the retention, as a [timespan], after which the recordings will be deleted, or archived if
        you choose to add an archive storage to the new storage configuration after it is created. The minimum
        timespan is 60 minutes, and the maximum is 2147483647 minutes.
    .PARAMETER MaximumSizeMB
        Specifies the maximum size for the live storage before data should be archived or deleted.
    .PARAMETER ReduceFramerate
        Specifies that the framerate should be reduced when taking recordings from the previous live/archive storage area
        WARNING: Framerate reduction when the codec is anything besides MJPEG results in keyframes only, which is usually 1 FPS.
    .PARAMETER TargetFramerate
        Specifies the desired framerate for recordings stored in this archive storage area.
        WARNING: Framerate reduction when the codec is anything besides MJPEG results in keyframes only, which is usually 1 FPS.
        PS C:\> Get-RecordingServer | Get-VmsArchiveStorage -Name '90 Day Retention' | Add-VmsArchiveStorage -Name 'Last 80 Days' -Path C:\MediaDatabase\ -Retention (New-Timespan -Days 90) -MaximumSizeMB (10TB/1MB)
        Adds an archive to every storage configuration on every recording server where the name is '90 Day Retention'. The storage
        and archive names imply that the first 10 days are in the live drive, and the archive contains the last 80 days. The retention
        of the archive is set to 90 days because that value specifies how old the recordings in that container must be before they are
        eligible for deleting or archiving to the next archive in the chain. We use the helpful TB and MB multipliers to specify the
        maximum size of 10TB.

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]




            if ($_ -lt [timespan]::FromMinutes(60)) {
                throw "Retention must be greater than or equal to one hour"
            if ($_ -gt [timespan]::FromMinutes([int]::MaxValue)) {
                throw "Retention must be less than or equal to $([int]::MaxValue) minutes."

        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]


        [ValidateRange(0.00028, 100)]
        $TargetFramerate = 5

    process {
        $archiveFolder = $Storage.ArchiveStorageFolder
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Recording storage '$($Storage.Name)'", "Add new archive storage named '$($Name)' with retention of $($Retention.TotalHours) hours and a maximum size of $($MaximumSizeMB) MB")) {
            try {
                $taskInfo = $archiveFolder.AddArchiveStorage($Name, $Description, $Path, $TargetFrameRate, $Retention.TotalMinutes, $MaximumSizeMB)    
                if ($taskInfo.State -ne [videoos.platform.configurationitems.stateenum]::Success) {
                    Write-Error -Message $taskInfo.ErrorText

                $archive = [VideoOS.Platform.ConfigurationItems.ArchiveStorage]::new((Get-ManagementServer).ServerId, $taskInfo.Path)

                if ($ReduceFramerate) {
                    $invokeInfo = $archive.SetFramerateReductionArchiveStorage()
                    $invokeInfo.SetProperty('FramerateReductionEnabled', 'True')

                Write-Output $archive
            catch {
                Write-Error $_