function Copy-ConfigurationItem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [pscustomobject] $InputObject, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [VideoOS.ConfigurationApi.ClientService.ConfigurationItem] $DestinationItem ) process { if (!$DestinationItem.ChildrenFilled) { Write-Verbose "$($DestinationItem.DisplayName) has not been retrieved recursively. Retrieving child items now." $DestinationItem = $DestinationItem | Get-ConfigurationItem -Recurse -Sort } $srcStack = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Stack $srcStack.Push($InputObject) $dstStack = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Stack $dstStack.Push($DestinationItem) Write-Verbose "Configuring $($DestinationItem.DisplayName) ($($DestinationItem.Path))" while ($dstStack.Count -gt 0) { $dirty = $false $src = $srcStack.Pop() $dst = $dstStack.Pop() if (($src.ItemCategory -ne $dst.ItemCategory) -or ($src.ItemType -ne $dst.ItemType)) { Write-Error "Source and Destination ConfigurationItems are different" return } if ($src.EnableProperty.Enabled -ne $dst.EnableProperty.Enabled) { Write-Verbose "$(if ($src.EnableProperty.Enabled) { "Enabling"} else { "Disabling" }) $($dst.DisplayName)" $dst.EnableProperty.Enabled = $src.EnableProperty.Enabled $dirty = $true } $srcChan = $src.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq "Channel"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value $dstChan = $dst.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq "Channel"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value if ($srcChan -ne $dstChan) { Write-Error "Sorting mismatch between source and destination configuration." return } foreach ($srcProp in $src.Properties) { $dstProp = $dst.Properties | Where-Object Key -eq $srcProp.Key if ($null -eq $dstProp) { Write-Verbose "Key '$($srcProp.Key)' not found on $($dst.Path)" Write-Verbose "Available keys`r`n$($dst.Properties | Select-Object Key, Value | Format-Table)" continue } if (!$srcProp.IsSettable -or $srcProp.ValueType -eq 'PathList' -or $srcProp.ValueType -eq 'Path') { continue } if ($srcProp.Value -ne $dstProp.Value) { Write-Verbose "Changing $($dstProp.DisplayName) to $($srcProp.Value) on $($dst.Path)" $dstProp.Value = $srcProp.Value $dirty = $true } } if ($dirty) { if ($dst.ItemCategory -eq "ChildItem") { $result = $lastParent | Set-ConfigurationItem } else { $result = $dst | Set-ConfigurationItem } if (!$result.ValidatedOk) { foreach ($errorResult in $result.ErrorResults) { Write-Error $errorResult.ErrorText } } } if ($src.Children.Count -eq $dst.Children.Count -and $src.Children.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($child in $src.Children) { $srcStack.Push($child) } foreach ($child in $dst.Children) { $dstStack.Push($child) } if ($dst.ItemCategory -eq "Item") { $lastParent = $dst } } elseif ($src.Children.Count -ne 0) { Write-Warning "Number of child items is not equal on $($src.DisplayName)" } } } } |