function Get-MobileServerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets details about the local Milestone XProtect Mobile Server installation. .DESCRIPTION Gets details about the local Milestone XProtect Mobile Server installation. Properties include - Version - ExePath - ConfigPath - ManagementServerIp - ManagementServerPort - HttpIp - HttpPort - HttpsIp - HttpsPort - CertHash #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) process { try { $mobServerPath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Milestone\XProtect Mobile Server' -Name INSTALLATIONFOLDER [Xml]$doc = Get-Content "$mobServerPath.config" -ErrorAction Stop $xpath = "/configuration/ManagementServer/Address/add[@key='Ip']" $msIp = $doc.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Attributes['value'].Value $xpath = "/configuration/ManagementServer/Address/add[@key='Port']" $msPort = $doc.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Attributes['value'].Value $xpath = "/configuration/HttpMetaChannel/Address/add[@key='Port']" $httpPort = [int]::Parse($doc.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Attributes['value'].Value) $xpath = "/configuration/HttpMetaChannel/Address/add[@key='Ip']" $httpIp = $doc.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Attributes['value'].Value if ($httpIp -eq '+') { $httpIp = ''} $xpath = "/configuration/HttpSecureMetaChannel/Address/add[@key='Port']" $httpsPort = [int]::Parse($doc.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Attributes['value'].Value) $xpath = "/configuration/HttpSecureMetaChannel/Address/add[@key='Ip']" $httpsIp = $doc.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Attributes['value'].Value if ($httpsIp -eq '+') { $httpsIp = ''} try { $hash = Get-HttpSslCertThumbprint -IPPort "$($httpsIp):$($httpsPort)" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $hash = $null } $info = [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($mobServerPath).FileVersion; ExePath = $mobServerPath; ConfigPath = "$mobServerPath.config"; ManagementServerIp = $msIp; ManagementServerPort = $msPort; HttpIp = $httpIp; HttpPort = $httpPort; HttpsIp = $httpsIp; HttpsPort = $httpsPort; CertHash = $hash } $info } catch { Write-Error $_ } } } |