function Get-SystemSettingFromSource{ [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SrcURL, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataFilepath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$LogFilePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ErrorLogFilePath ) try{ #Checking Required Module $PackageArray = "CredentialManager","Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell" foreach($i in $PackageArray){ if(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $i){ } else { Install-Module -Name $i -Force } } $CurrentDate = (Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss') #User Logging Credentials $StoredCredential = Get-StoredCredential -Target PowershellLogin If(!$StoredCredential) { $PsCred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your Credentials" New-StoredCredential -Target PowershellLogin -Credentials $PsCred -Persist LocalMachine $StoredCredential = Get-StoredCredential -Target PowershellLogin } $TrgtUserName = $StoredCredential.UserName $TrgtPass = $StoredCredential.Password $Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $TrgtUserName, $TrgtPass #__________Connecting to Source CRM____________ $SrcCRMOrg = Connect-CrmOnline -Credential $Cred -ServerUrl $SrcURL $CurrentDate + " Connected to Source environment " + $SrcURL | Add-Content $LogFilePath #Saving attributes of organization in csv file $OrgAttribute=Get-CrmEntityAttributes organization | Where-Object {($_.IsValidForUpdate -eq $true) -and ($_.AttributeType -ne "virtual") -and ($_.AttributeType -ne "Uniqueidentifier") -and ($_.AttributeType -ne "memo") -and ($_.LogicalName -ne "TokenKey") -and ($_.LogicalName -ne "referencesitemapxml")} | Select-Object logicalname,AttributeType $OrgAttribute | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $DataFilepath $objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $WorkBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($DataFilepath) $Sheet = $WorkBook.sheets.item(1) $row = 1 $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,4)= 'Source name' $Sheet.Cells.Item($row+1,4)= $SrcCRMOrg.ConnectedOrgFriendlyName $Sheet.Cells.Item($row+1,4).Font.Size = 14 $Sheet.Cells.Item($row+1,4).Font.Bold = $True $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,3)= 'AttributeValue' #saving attributes value in same csv file foreach($i in $OrgAttribute){ $logicalname = $i.LogicalName $OrgAttributeValueResult = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $SrcCRMOrg -Entitylogicalname organization -Fields $logicalname,organizationid).CrmRecords foreach($j in $OrgAttributeValueResult){ $row+=1 $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,3)= $j.$logicalname } } $CurrentDate + " The System Setting is saved in csv file of instance " + $SrcURL + " in " +$DataFilepath | Add-Content $LogFilePath #Exiting csv file $objExcel.DisplayAlerts = 'False' $objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($DataFilepath) $workbook.Close() Start-Sleep 2 $objExcel.Quit() $CurrentDate + " Get-SystemSettingFromSource is successfully completed " | Add-Content $LogFilePath } catch{ Start-Sleep 2 $objExcel.Quit() $CurrentDate + " An Error Has Ocuured " | Add-Content $LogFilePath " ######## " | Add-content $LogFilePath $_.Exception.Message | Out-File $ErrorLogFilePath " ######## " | Add-content $ErrorLogFilePath } <# .SYNOPSIS This function is getting system setting form Source environment and save it to csv file .DESCRIPTION Author : Yash Gupta(YG). This function is a parameterised function. You should pass arguments to the function using Named parametered. The credentials will be saved in Window's Credential Manager. .OUTPUTS Csv File of System Settings, Success and Error Log. .EXAMPLE Get-SystemSettingFromSource -SrcURL <SourceURL> -DataFilepath <Path to save csv file> -LogFilePath <Path to save Success Logs> -ErrorLogFilePath <Path to save Error Logs> .EXAMPLE Get-SystemSettingFromSource -SrcURL "https://example.crm8.dynamics.com" -DataFilepath "C:\Migratesystemsetting\Source System Settings.csv" -LogFilePath "C:\Migratesystemsetting\Success.log" -ErrorLogFilePath "C:\Migratesystemsetting\Error.log" #> } function Set-SystemSettingInTarget{ [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TrgtURL, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataFilepath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$LogFilePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ErrorLogFilePath ) try{ $CurrentDate = (Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss') #Connecting to Target Environment $TrgtCRMOrg = Connect-CrmOnline -Credential $Cred -ServerUrl $TrgtURL $CurrentDate + " Connected to target environment " + $TrgtURL | Add-Content $LogFilePath $OrgResult = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -Entitylogicalname organization -Fields organizationid).CrmRecords $OrgGuid=foreach($i in $OrgResult){$i.organizationid.Guid} $ObjExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $WorkBook = $ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open($DataFilepath) $Sheet = $WorkBook.sheets.item(1) $ObjRange2 = $Sheet.Range("B2") [void] $ObjRange2.Sort($ObjRange2) $WorkBook.Save() #searching Attribute value in csv file $SearchText = "AttributeValue" $Found = $Sheet.Cells.Find($SearchText) if($Found){ $row = $Found.row + 1 $column = $Found.column } $WorksheetRange = $Sheet.UsedRange $RowCount = $WorksheetRange.Rows.Count Start-Transaction for($i=0; $i -le ($RowCount+1); $i++) { $DataType = $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column-1).Text $SettingName = $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column-2).Text $SettingValue = $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Text Switch($DataType){ #Setting interger values 'Integer' { $cv=[int]$SettingValue Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$cv} $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath $row+=1 continue } #Setting String values 'String' {if($SettingName.Equals('contentsecuritypolicyconfiguration')){ $row+=1 continue } $cv=[string]$SettingValue Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$cv} $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath $row+=1 continue } #Setting Boolean values 'Boolean' {If($SettingValue.Equals('Yes')){ Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$true} $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath } If($SettingValue.Equals('No') -or $SettingValue.Equals('Disable')){ Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$false} $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath if(($SettingName.Equals('syncoptinselection')) -and ($SettingValue.Equals('Disable'))){ $syncoptinselectionValue = $SettingValue $syncoptinselectionName = $SettingName } } If($SettingValue.Equals('')){ Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$null} $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" has no Value" | Add-Content $LogFilePath } $row+=1 continue } #Setting DateTime values "DateTime" { $cv=[datetime]$SettingValue Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$cv} $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath $row+=1 continue } #Setting Picklist values "Picklist"{ if(($SettingName.Equals('syncoptinselectionstatus')) -and ($syncoptinselectionValue.Equals('Disable')) -and ($syncoptinselectionName.Equals('syncoptinselection'))){ $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is diabled in source instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath $row+=1 continue } else{ $fg=Get-CrmEntityOptionSet -EntityLogicalName organization -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -FieldLogicalName $SettingName | Select-Object -Property Items $picklistvalue = $fg.Items | Where-Object {($_.DisplayLabel -eq $SettingValue)} $optionSetValue = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue -ArgumentList $picklistvalue.PickListItemId Set-CrmRecord -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -EntityLogicalName organization $orgguid @{$SettingName=$optionSetValue} } $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath $row+=1 continue } #Setting Lookup values "Lookup"{ if($SettingName.Equals('defaultemailserverprofileid')){ if($SettingValue.Equals('')){ #NEED TO SET $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" has no Value" | Add-Content $LogFilePath } else{ $emailserverprofileresult = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -Entitylogicalname emailserverprofile -FilterAttribute name -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue $SettingValue -Fields emailserverprofileid).CrmRecords $emailguid = foreach($j in $emailserverprofileresult){$j.emailserverprofileid.Guid} Set-CrmSystemSettings -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -DefaultEmailServerProfileId $emailguid $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath } } if($SettingName.Equals('acknowledgementtemplateid')){ if($SettingValue.Equals('')){ $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" has no Value" | Add-Content $LogFilePath } else{ $templateresult = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -Entitylogicalname template -FilterAttribute title -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue $SettingValue -Fields templateid).CrmRecords $tempid = foreach($k in $templateresult){$k.templateid.Guid} Set-CrmSystemSettings -conn $TrgtCRMOrg -AcknowledgementTemplateId $tempid $CurrentDate + " " + $SettingName +" is updated in target instance" | Add-Content $LogFilePath } } $row+=1 continue } } } Complete-Transaction $CurrentDate + " Set-SystemSettingInTarget is successfully completed " | Add-Content $LogFilePath " ######## " | Add-content $LogFilePath #Exiting csv file $workbook.Close() Start-Sleep 2 $ObjExcel.Quit() } catch{ Undo-Transaction Start-Sleep 1 $ObjExcel.Quit() $CurrentDate + " An Error Has Ocuured " | Add-Content $LogFilePath " ######## " | Add-content $LogFilePath $_.Exception.Message | Out-File $ErrorLogFilePath " ######## " | Add-content $ErrorLogFilePath } <# .SYNOPSIS This function is used to set all system setting to target CRM environment. .DESCRIPTION Author : Yash Gupta(YG). This function is a parameterised function. You should pass arguments to the function used named parametered. Use the same Datafile which was generated by Get-SystemSettingFromSource. The credentials will be saved in Window's Credential Manager. .OUTPUTS Set system setting to the target environment. .EXAMPLE Set-SystemSettingInTarget -TrgtURL <TargetURL> -DataFilepath <Path to save csv file> -LogFilePath <Path to save Success Logs> -ErrorLogFilePath <Path to save Error Logs> .EXAMPLE Set-SystemSettingInTarget -TrgtURL "https://example.crm8.dynamics.com" -DataFilepath "C:\Migratesystemsetting\Source System Settings.csv" -LogFilePath "C:\Migratesystemsetting\Success.log" -ErrorLogFilePath "C:\Migratesystemsetting\Error.log" #> } |