
    Script for migrating from Autopatching schedule on SQL VM to Azure Update Manager(AUM) schedule
    This script is for migrating from Autopatching schedule on SQL VM to Azure Update Manager(AUM) schedule
    Before running this script, ensure you have:
    - SQL VM is running
    - Autopatching is enabled
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Name of the ResourceGroup whose VMs need to be migrated
    Name of the VM to be migrated
    import-module -Name ".\MigrateSQLVMPatchingSchedule.psm1"
    Convert-SQLVMPatchingSchedule -ResourceGroupName myrg -VmName myvm-1

function Convert-SQLVMPatchingSchedule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $context = Get-AzContext
    if ($context -eq $null) 

    #set values
    $configName = "MigratedSchedule-"+$VmName
    $WindowsParameterClassificationToInclude = "Critical", "Security";
    $RebootOption = "IfRequired"
    $scope = "InGuestPatch"

    # Get the VM details
    $vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VmName -ErrorAction Stop

    # Get the subscription ID
    $SubscriptionId = $vm.Id.Split('/')[2]
    $location = $vm.Location

    try {
        # get current autopatching settings
        $currentPatchSettings = (Get-AzVMSqlServerExtension -VMName $VmName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName).AutoPatchingSettings
        if ($currentPatchSettings -eq $null -or $currentPatchSettings.Enable -eq $false) {
            Write-Warning "Auto patching is not enabled on VM."
        Write-Host "current autopatching settings:: "
        Write-Host " Maintenance schedule: $($currentPatchSettings.DayOfWeek)"
        Write-Host " Maintenance start hour (local time): $($currentPatchSettings.MaintenanceWindowStartingHour)" 
        Write-Host " Maintenance window duration (minutes): $($currentPatchSettings.MaintenanceWindowDuration) "    
    catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while trying to retrieve the autopatching settings."
        Write-Error "Error message: $_"

    try {
        $convertedSchedule = Convert-Schedule -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VmName $VmName `
                        -DayOfWeek $currentPatchSettings.DayOfWeek `
                        -MaintenanceWindowStartingHour $currentPatchSettings.MaintenanceWindowStartingHour `
                        -MaintenanceWindowDuration $currentPatchSettings.MaintenanceWindowDuration        
    catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while converting autopatching settings to AUM schedule."
        Write-Error "Error message: $_"
    # enable MU
    try {
        $temp = Set-AzVMOperatingSystem -VM $vm -Windows -PatchMode "AutomaticByPlatform"
        $AutomaticByPlatformSettings = $vm.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.PatchSettings.AutomaticByPlatformSettings
        if ($null -eq $AutomaticByPlatformSettings) {
           $vm.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.PatchSettings.AutomaticByPlatformSettings = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.WindowsVMGuestPatchAutomaticByPlatformSettings -Property @{BypassPlatformSafetyChecksOnUserSchedule = $true}
        } else {
           $AutomaticByPlatformSettings.BypassPlatformSafetyChecksOnUserSchedule = $true
        $temp = Update-AzVM -VM $vm -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
    catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while enabling MU on the VM."
        Write-Error "Error message: $_"

    try {
    # create new maintenance config
    $maintConfig = New-AzMaintenanceConfiguration `
        -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName `
        -Name $configName `
        -MaintenanceScope $scope `
        -Location $location `
        -StartDateTime $convertedSchedule.scheduleStartOn `
        -TimeZone $convertedSchedule.timezoneId `
        -Duration $convertedSchedule.duration `
        -RecurEvery $convertedSchedule.recurEvery `
        -WindowParameterClassificationToInclude $WindowsParameterClassificationToInclude `
        -InstallPatchRebootSetting $RebootOption `
        -ExtensionProperty @{"InGuestPatchMode"="User"}
    catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while creating new maintenance configuration."
        Write-Error "Error message: $_" 
    # assign VM to maintenance config
    try {
    $temp = New-AzConfigurationAssignment `
        -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
        -Location $location `
        -ResourceName $VmName `
        -ResourceType "VirtualMachines" `
        -ProviderName "Microsoft.Compute" `
        -ConfigurationAssignmentName $configName `
        -MaintenanceConfigurationId $maintConfig.Id
    catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while assigning the maintenance configuration to VM."
        Write-Error "Error message: $_"

    Write-Host "Attached new maintenance schedule $configName to VM : $VmName"
    Write-Host "New maintenance schedule:: "
    Write-Host " Recurrence: $($maintConfig.RecurEvery)"
    Write-Host " Schedule start time: $($maintConfig.StartDateTime)" 
    Write-Host " Duration: $($maintConfig.Duration)" 
    Write-Host " Schedule expiration time: $($maintConfig.ExpirationDateTime)"
    try {
        # disable automated patching, this takes upto 1-2 mins
        Write-Host "Disabling Autopatching setting..."
        $temp = Update-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName  $ResourceGroupName -Name $VmName -AutoPatchingSettingEnable:$false
    catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while disabling Autopatching. Please update manually."
        #Write-Error "Error message: $_"

    Function for getting current timezone id on VM. If not found, prompts user to enter timezone id
    This function is for getting current timezone id on VM. If not found, prompts user to enter timezone id
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Name of the ResourceGroup
    Name of the VM
    Get-TimezoneId -ResourceGroupName myrg -VmName myvm-1

function Get-TimezoneId {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    try {
        Write-Host "Reading timezone on VM"
        $rgName = $ResourceGroupName
        $vmName = $VmName
        $output = Invoke-AzVmRunCommand `
         -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
         -VMName $vmName `
         -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" `
         -ScriptString "Get-Timezone"

        $timezoneinfo = $output.value[0].message
        $timezoneId = ($timezoneinfo | Select-String -Pattern '^Id\s*:\s*(.*)').Matches.Groups[1].Value

        return $timezoneId
    catch {
        # Write-Error "An error occurred while getting Timezone on Vm: $_"
        # return ""
    if ($timezoneId -eq $null -or $timezoneId -eq "") {
        Write-Host "Could not read Timezone from VM"
        $valid = $false
        while (-not $valid) {
        # Prompt user to enter timezone ID
        $timezoneId = Read-Host "Please enter a timezone ID. Refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones?view=windows-11 for valid timezones"
        # Validate the entered timezone ID
        $valid = Validate-TimezoneId -TimezoneId $timezoneId
        Write-Host "you entered timezone: $($timezoneId)"
        return $timezoneId

    Function for validating timezone id entered by user
    This function is for validating timezone id entered by user
    .PARAMETER TimezoneId
    time zone id value
    Validate-TimezoneId -TimezoneId "UTC"

function Validate-TimezoneId {
    Param (
        # Define valid timezone IDs
        $validTimezoneIds = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones().Id

        if ($validTimezoneIds -contains $TimezoneId) {
            return $true
        } else {
            Write-Host "Invalid timezone ID: $TimezoneId"
            return $false

    Function for converting current autopatching schedule to AUM schedule
    This function is converting current autopatching schedule to AUM schedule
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Name of the ResourceGroup
    Name of the VM
    .PARAMETER DayOfWeek
    Current DayOfWeek setting
    .PARAMETER MaintenanceWindowStartingHour
    Current MaintenanceWindowStartingHour value
    .PARAMETER MaintenanceWindowDuration
    Current MaintenanceWindowDuration value
    Convert-Schedule -ResourceGroupName myrg -VmName myvm-1 -DayOfWeek "Sunday" -MaintenanceWindowStartingHour 22 -MaintenanceWindowDuration 90

function Convert-Schedule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $timezoneId = Get-TimezoneId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VmName    

    $currentDateTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId([DateTime]::Now,$timezoneId)

    $currentDateWithMaintenanceStartTime = [DateTime]($currentDateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + "{0:hh\:mm}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Hours $MaintenanceWindowStartingHour))

    # if schedule is daily, then the start time should be today
    # unless the time has already passed, then it would be the next day
    # else if the schedule is weekly, and the current day matches today, then the start day is today,
    # unless the time has passed, then it would be the next day that matches the day of week
    if($DayOfWeek -eq "Everyday") {
        $recurEvery = "Day"

        if ($currentDateTime -lt $currentDateWithMaintenanceStartTime)
            $scheduleStartOn = $currentDateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + "{0:hh\:mm}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Hours $MaintenanceWindowStartingHour)
            $scheduleStartOn = $currentDateTime.AddDays(1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + "{0:hh\:mm}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Hours $MaintenanceWindowStartingHour)
    else {
        $recurEvery = "Week " + $DayOfWeek 

        if (($currentDateTime -lt $currentDateWithMaintenanceStartTime) -and ($currentDateTime.DayOfWeek -eq $DayOfWeek)) 
            $scheduleStartOn = $currentDateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + "{0:hh\:mm}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Hours $MaintenanceWindowStartingHour)
        else {
            for($i=1; $i -le 7; $i++)
                if($currentDateTime.AddDays($i).DayOfWeek -eq $DayOfWeek)
                    $scheduleStartOn = $currentDateTime.AddDays($i).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + "{0:hh\:mm}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Hours $MaintenanceWindowStartingHour)

    if($MaintenanceWindowDuration -le 90) {
        $duration = "01:30"
    else {
        $duration = "{0:hh\:mm}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Minutes $MaintenanceWindowDuration)

    return @{ 
                recurEvery = $recurEvery 
                scheduleStartOn = $scheduleStartOn
                duration = $duration
                timezoneId = $timezoneId

#Export-ModuleMember -Function Convert-SQLVMPatchingSchedule