function Convert-CFXUser { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Username used for logon (SAMAccountName) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $Username, # Location of Citrix Profile for all users e.g. \\FileServer\CTXProfiles\%username%\Win2016\UPM_Profile [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $CitrixUPMProfilePath, # Location of Citrix Profile for all users e.g. \\FileServer\RedirectedFolders\%username% [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $RedirectedFoldersPath, # Location of FSLogix Profile e.g. \\FileServer\FSLogixProfileContainers\ - accepts multiple entries. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })] [string[]] $FSLogixProviderPath, # Allow overwrite of existing VHDs when copying to FSLogix providers. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch] $OverwriteFSLogix, # Set the user account as owner on FSLogix VHD and folder. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch] $SetFSLogixOwner, # Set the user account as owner on FSLogix VHD and folder. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({Get-ADGroup -Identity $_ -ErrorAction Stop})] [String] $ADGroupName, # FSLogix Folder Name Pattern. You can use %SID% or %username%. Default is: "%Username%_%SID%" [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $FSLogixFolderPattern = "%Username%_%SID%", # FSLogix virtual disk default size in GB. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $FSLogixVHDSizeGB = 30, # FSLogix VHDX Name Pattern. You can use %SID% or %username%. Default is: "Profile_%Username%.VHDX" [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidatePattern('\.VHDX{0,1}$')] # ErrorMessage = 'FSLogix VHD name must end with VHD or VHDX' [string] $FSLogixVHDXPattern = "Profile_%Username%.VHDX", # FSLogix command line tool path [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })] [string] $FRXPath = 'C:\Program Files\FSLogix\Apps\frx.exe', # Temporary Disk Location - Default is user temp folder $env:Temp [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })] [string] $TempFolderPath = $env:Temp, # Do not delete temp VHD created on temp folder [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DoNoCleanup ) begin { if ($Username.count -gt 1 ` -and ($CitrixUPMProfilePath -NotLike "*%username%*") ` -or ($RedirectedFoldersPath -NotLike "*%username%*") ) { throw "When providing multiple usernames, you must use %username% in parameters CitrixUPMProfilePath and RedirectedFoldersPath .`r`nFor example: \\FileServer\CTXProfiles\%username%\Win2016\UPM_Profile" } } process { foreach ($user in $Username) { try { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Working on $user" #region: Reset Variables $sid = $null $citrixProfilePath = $null $userRedirectedFoldersPath =$null $diskItemLength = $null $copyResult = $null $errorMessage = $null #endregion: Reset Variables #region: Confirm username is correct and retrieve SID $sid = Get-CFXADUserSID -Username $user -ErrorAction Stop #endregion: Confirm username is correct and retrieve SID #region: Calculate variables # Calculate name for FSLogix Folder and File - Check if FSLogix folder already exists, fail if so. $fsLogixPathParams = @{ FSLogixProfileRootPath = $FSLogixProviderPath FSLogixFolderPattern = $FSLogixFolderPattern FSLogixVHDXPattern = $FSLogixVHDXPattern Username = $user SID = $sid Overwrite = $OverwriteFSLogix } $fslogixFilePath = Get-CFXFSLogixPath @fsLogixPathParams -ErrorAction Stop # Calculate path for Citrix profile location $citrixProfilePath = Get-CFXProfilePath -Username $user -ProfilePath $CitrixUPMProfilePath -ErrorAction Stop #If profile not found, fail # Calculate path for Redirected folder profile location if ($Username.count -gt 1 -and $CitrixUPMProfilePath -NotLike "*%username%*") { throw "When providing multiple usernames, you must use %username% in parameter RedirectedFoldersPath.`r`nFor example: \\FileServer\RedirectedFolders\%username%" } $userRedirectedFoldersPath = Get-CFXProfilePath -Username $user -ProfilePath $RedirectedFoldersPath -ErrorAction Stop #If folder not found, fail #endregion: Calculate variables #region: Validate user is not member of AD Group if($ADGroupName){ Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Confirming $user is not a member of $ADGroupName" if(Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroupName | where-Object SamAccountName -eq $user){ throw "User: $user is already a member of AD Group: $ADGroupName" } } #endregion: Validate user is not member of AD Group <# #TODO: DELETE ME! #region: Create disk using FSLogix copy-profile $tempDiskPath = Join-PSFPath $TempFolderPath ($fslogixFilePath[0] | Split-Path -Leaf) Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Copying Citrix profile to new VHD: $tempDiskPath" New-CFXFSLogixVHD -citrixProfilePath $citrixProfilePath -Path $tempDiskPath -Username $user -FRX $FRXPath -ErrorAction Stop #endregion: Create disk using FSLogix copy-profile #> #region: Create disk using FSLogix create-vhd $tempDiskPath = Join-PSFPath $TempFolderPath ($fslogixFilePath[0] | Split-Path -Leaf) Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message " Create new VHD as: $tempDiskPath" New-CFXFSLogixVHD -Path $tempDiskPath -Username $user -FRX $FRXPath -ErrorAction Stop #endregion: Create disk using FSLogix create-vhd #region: Prepare disk and copy redirected folders to disk using robocopy Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Mounting VHD using FRX.exe: $tempDiskPath" $mountPoint = Mount-CFXProfile -FRX $FRXPath -DiskPath $tempDiskPath try{ $PrepareDiskError = $null Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Create Profile and Set permissions" Initialize-CFXFSLogixVHD -MountPointPath $mountPoint.Path -SID $sid -ErrorAction Stop $profilePath = Join-PSFPath $mountPoint.Path 'Profile' Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Copying Citrix UPM data" Copy-CFXData -SourcePath $citrixProfilePath -DestinationPath $profilePath -DataLabel 'UPMProfile' -ErrorAction Stop Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Copying Redirected folders to VHD." Copy-CFXData -SourcePath $userRedirectedFoldersPath -DestinationPath $profilePath -DataLabel 'RedirectedFolders' -ErrorAction Stop } catch{ $PrepareDiskError = $_ } finally{ Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Dismounting VHD using FRX.exe" Dismount-CFXProfile -DiskPath $DiskPath -Cookie $mountPoint.Cookie -FRX $FRX throw $PrepareDiskError } #endregion: Copy redirected folders to disk using robocopy #region: Copy disk to profile location(s) $diskItemLength = (Get-Item -Path $tempDiskPath).Length Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Copying VHD to FSLogix Providers." $copyResult = Copy-CFXFSLogixProvider -DiskPath $tempDiskPath -ProviderPath $fslogixFilePath -SetOwner:$SetFSLogixOwner -SID $sid #endregion: Copy disk to profile location(s) #region: Add user to AD Group if($ADGroupName){ Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Adding $user to $ADGroupName" Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroupName -Members $user -ErrorAction Stop } #endregion: Add user to AD Group $success = $true } catch { $errorMessage = $_ $success = $false Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error" -Level Warning -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $true -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet Write-Error $_ } finally { # Delete Temp Disk if(-Not $DoNoCleanup){ Remove-Item -Path $tempDiskPath -Force -ErrorAction Continue } } #return output for the user [PSCustomObject]@{ username = $user Success = $success SID = $sid CitrixProfilePath = $citrixProfilePath RedirectedFoldersPath = $userRedirectedFoldersPath VHDSizeGB = $diskItemLength CopyResults = $copyResult ErrorMessage = $errorMessage } } } } |