.VERSION 1.1 .GUID cb0c35a3-02a5-4601-b9c5-6d8354b91455 .DESCRIPTION Migrate legacy in-place holds to the Security & Compliance Center. .AUTHOR Aaron Guilmette .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT 2021 .TAGS SCC In-Place hold .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://www.undocumented-features.com/2019/01/10/migrating-from-exchange-online-ediscovery-and-in-place-hold-to-the-security-compliance-center/ .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Migrate Exchange Admin Center In-Place Hold Search to Security & Compliance Center Cases .PARAMETER AddCreatedByToEDiscoveryManagers Add the user listed in the CreatedBy parameter of the original mailbox search to the eDiscoveryManager role group. .PARAMETER Credential A credential object. If not present, you will be promtped. .PARAMETER Debug Enable debug logging. .PARAMETER Logfile Does just what you think it does. .NOTES 2021-04-07 - Migrated to PowerShell Gallery. 2019-01-10 - Added WhatIf support. The SCC cmdlets do not support the -WhatIf parameter,so in order to implement test support, I simply check for the presence of the -WhatIf parameter. - Added Identity parameter to support migrating an individual mailbox search. 2019-01-09 - Initial release. #> param ( [switch]$AddCreatedByToEDiscoveryManagers, $Credential, [switch]$Debug, [string]$Identity, [string]$Logfile = (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd) + "_Migrate-InPlaceHoldsToScc.txt", [switch]$WhatIf ) # Define functions # Office 365 Logon Function o365Logon([switch]$Compliance, $Credential) { If (!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-Credential } Else { $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $Credential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session } Connect-MsolService -Credential $Credential If ($Compliance) { $ComplianceSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.compliance.protection.outlook.com/powershell-liveid -Credential $Credential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $ComplianceSession -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking } } function Write-Log([string[]]$Message, [string]$LogFile = $Script:LogFile, [switch]$ConsoleOutput, [ValidateSet("SUCCESS", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG", "WHATIF")][string]$LogLevel) { $Message = $Message + $Input If (!$LogLevel) { $LogLevel = "INFO" } switch ($LogLevel) { SUCCESS { $Color = "Green" } INFO { $Color = "White" } WARN { $Color = "Yellow" } ERROR { $Color = "Red" } DEBUG { $Color = "Gray" } WHATIF { $Color = "Magenta"} } if ($Message -ne $null -and $Message.Length -gt 0) { $TimeStamp = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") if ($LogFile -ne $null -and $LogFile -ne [System.String]::Empty) { Out-File -Append -FilePath $LogFile -InputObject "[$TimeStamp] [$LogLevel] :: $Message" } if ($ConsoleOutput -eq $true) { Write-Host "[$TimeStamp] [$LogLevel] :: $Message" -ForegroundColor $Color } } } # Test for Office 365 available commands $Command1 = (Get-Command Get-MailboxSearch -ea silentlycontinue) $Command2 = (Get-Command Get-ComplianceCase -ea silentlycontinue) If (!$Command1 -and !$Command2) { o365Logon -Credential $Credential -Compliance } # Get old cases, which are MailboxSearches in Exchange Online If ($Identity) { [array]$MailboxSearches = Get-MailboxSearch $Identity } Else { $MailboxSearches = Get-MailboxSearch -Resultsize Unlimited } # Get all existing Compliance Cases, since we need to have uniqueness in case names [array]$ExistingCases = (Get-ComplianceCase).Name # Create new cases Foreach ($Search in $MailboxSearches) { $Error.Clear() # Null potentially used vars $SearchDetails = $null $Case = $null $CaseHoldPolicy = $null $CaseHoldPolicyParams = $null $CaseHoldRuleParams = $null $CaseHoldRule = $null $ComplianceSearchParams = $null $ComplianceSearch = $null $ContentMatchQuery = $null $ContentMatchQueryTemp = $null # Retrieve Search Details $SearchDetails = (Get-MailboxSearch -Identity $Search.Identity) If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Processing $($Search.Name)" } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Processing $($Search.Name)"} # Create the Description value $Description = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $Description.AppendLine("$($SearchDetails.Description)") | Out-Null $Description.AppendLine("=========================================================") | Out-Null $Description.AppendLine("Reference object identifiers from original Mailbox Search") | Out-Null $Description.AppendLine("=========================================================") | Out-Null If ($SearchDetails.InPlaceHoldIdentity) { $Description.AppendLine("Original InPlaceHold Identity: $($SearchDetails.InPlaceHoldIdentity)") | Out-Null } $Description.AppendLine("Original Search Identity: $($SearchDetails.Identity)") | Out-Null $Description = $Description.ToString() # Create the Case Hold Container If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Creating new compliance case." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Creating new compliance case."} # Check for case uniqueness $CaseName = $SearchDetails.Name If ($ExistingCases -match $CaseName) { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel WARN -ConsoleOutput -Message " Case name $($CaseName) already in use. Generating new name." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Case name $($CaseName) already in use. Generating new name." } Do { $RandomValue = ([guid]::NewGuid()).Guid.ToString().SubString(0, 16) $CaseName = $($SearchDetails.Name) + "_$($RandomValue)" If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " New case name is $($CaseName)." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "New case name is $($CaseName)." } } Until ($Cases -notmatch $CaseName) } try { If (!$WhatIf) { $Case = New-ComplianceCase -CaseType eDiscovery -Name $CaseName -Description $Description -ea stop } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The cmdlet that would be run is:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "`$Case = New-ComplianceCase -CaseType eDiscovery -Name $($CaseName) -Description $($Description)" } } catch { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel ERROR -ConsoleOutput -Message $Error[0].Exception } If ($Case) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel SUCCESS -ConsoleOutput -Message " Successfully created case $($Case.Name)." $ExistingCases += $CaseName } # Add the 'CreatedBy' member to the Case Membership If (!$WhatIf) { [array]$ComplianceCaseMembers = (Get-ComplianceCaseMember -Case $Case.Identity).PrimarySmtpAddress } If ($SearchDetails.CreatedBy -match $ComplianceCaseMembers) { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " User $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) is already a member of the case." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "User $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) is already a member of the case." } } Else { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Adding $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) as case member." Add-ComplianceCaseMember -Case $Case.Identity -Member $SearchDetails.CreatedBy } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The cmdlet that would be run is:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Add-ComplianceCaseMember -Case $($Case.Identity) -Member $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy)" } } # If the AddCreatedByToEDiscoveryManagers switch is set, add the user listed # in the CreatedBy property of the mailbox search to the eDiscoveryManager # RoleGroup If ($AddCreatedByToEDiscoveryManagers) { $eDiscoveryManagers = (Get-RolegroupMember -ResultSize Unlimited -Identity 'eDiscoveryManager').PrimarySmtpAddress $eDiscoveryCaseAdmins = (Get-EDiscoveryCaseAdmin -ResultSize Unlimited).PrimarySmtpAddress If (($eDiscoveryManagers -match $SearchDetails.CreatedBy) -or ($eDiscoveryCaseAdmins -match $SearchDetails.CreatedBy)) { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) is already a member of eDiscovery managers." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "$($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) is already a member of eDiscovery managers."} } Else { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Adding $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) to eDiscovery managers." Add-RoleGroupMember -Identity eDiscoveryManager -Member $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy) -ea SilentlyContinue } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The cmdlet that would be run is:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Add-RoleGroupMember -Identity eDiscoveryManager -Member $($SearchDetails.CreatedBy)" } } } ## If InPlaceHold is applied, then create a case hold; otherwise, just create a search Switch ($SearchDetails.InPlaceHoldEnabled) { $true { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Mailbox search has hold applied. Creating case hold policy." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Mailbox search has hold applied." } # Create the Case Hold Policy ## Case Hold Policy Parameters $script:CaseHoldPolicyParams = @{ } # Case hold name can only be 50 characters long If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Case.Name.Length -gt 50) { $CaseName = $Case.Name.Substring(0, 49) } Else { $CaseName = $Case.Name } } else { $Case = New-Object PSObject } $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("Name", "$($CaseName)") If (!$WhatIf) { $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("Case", $($Case.Identity)) } $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("Enabled", $true) If ($SearchDetails.SourceMailboxes) { $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("ExchangeLocation", $SearchDetails.SourceMailboxes) } # If Get-MailboxSearch has a source mailbox but also specifies AllMailboxes, then assume all mailboxes for ExchangeLocation If ($SearchDetails.AllSourceMailboxes -eq $true) { $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Remove("ExchangeLocation") $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("ExchangeLocation", "All") } If ($SearchDetails.PublicFolderSources) { $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("PublicFolderLocation", $SearchDetails.PublicFolderSources) } # If Get-MailboxSearch has a source public folder location but also specifies AllPublicFolders, then assume all mailboxes for PublicFolderLocation If ($SearchDetails.AllPublicFolderSources -eq $true) { $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Remove("PublicFolderLocation") $CaseHoldPolicyParams.Add("PublicFolderLocation", "All") } Try { If (!$WhatIf) { $CaseHoldPolicy = New-CaseHoldPolicy @CaseHoldPolicyParams -ea stop } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The cmdlet that would be run is:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "`$CaseHoldPolicy = New-CaseHoldPolicy @CaseHoldPolicyParams" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The @CaseHoldPolicyParams splatting variable contains the following values:" $CaseHoldPolicyParams.GetEnumerator() | % { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message " $($_.Name) : $($_.Value)"} } } Catch { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel ERROR -ConsoleOutput -Message $Error[0].Exception } If ($CaseHoldPolicy) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel SUCCESS -ConsoleOutput -Message " Case hold policy successfully created." If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -ConsoleOutput -Message " CaseHoldPolicy Name: $($CaseHoldPolicy.Name)" Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -ConsoleOutput -Message " CaseHoldPolicy Guid: $($CaseHoldPolicy.Guid)" Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -ConsoleOutput -Message " CaseHoldPolicy Identity: $($CaseHoldPolicy.Identity)" $CaseHoldPolicyParams.GetEnumerator() | % { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " $($_.Name) : $($_.Value)"} } } # Case Hold Rule Parameters If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Creating case hold policy rule." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Creating case hold policy rule." } $CaseHoldRuleParams = @{ } $CaseHoldRuleParams.Add("Name", "Migrated Search Query") # Content Match Query If ($SearchDetails.SearchQuery -or $SearchDetails.StartDate -or $SearchDetails.EndDate -or $SearchDetails.Senders -or $SearchDetails.Recipients) { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Processing content match query details." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Processing content match query details." } $ContentMatchQuery = $null # Content Match Builder # Check if the SearchQuery exists; if it does, use it as the base of the # ContentMatchQuery If ($SearchDetails.SearchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQuery = "(" + $SearchDetails.SearchQuery + ")" If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message $ContentMatchQuery -ConsoleOutput } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "Current content match query after processing SearchQuery parameter:" -ConsoleOutput Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" -ConsoleOutput } } # Check if MessageTypes exists If ($SearchDetails.MessageTypes) { [array]$MessageTypes = $SearchDetails.MessageTypes # Check to see if we already have content for the ContentMatchQuery. # If so, create a temp var, prepend the ContentMatchQuery value with # an open parenthesis, join the MessageTypes values together with # "kind:<MessageTpye> OR" and then add a close parenthesis to the # variable. Set the ContentMatchQuery variable with the temp variable. If ($ContentMatchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND (kind:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR kind:", [array]$SearchDetails.MessageTypes) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } # If ContentMatchQuery doesn't exist, just start an open parenthesis # and add join the MessageTypes values together, and then add a # closing parenthesis Else { [string]$ContentMatchQuery = "(kind:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR kind:", [array]$SearchDetails.MessageTypes) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += ")" } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message $ContentMatchQuery -ConsoleOutput } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Current content match query after processing MessageTypes parameter:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" } } # Check to see if date values exist If ($SearchDetails.StartDate -or $SearchDetails.EndDate) { # Populate the StartDate and EndDate values $StartDate = $SearchDetails.StartDate $EndDate = $SearchDetails.EndDate # Build the appropriate search operator and property syntax, depending # on which date values are available. If ($StartDate -and $EndDate) { $SearchDate = "between:$($StartDate)..$($EndDate)" } If ($StartDate -and !($EndDate)) { $SearchDate = "sent OR received>$($StartDate)" } If (!($StartDate) -and $EndDate) { $SearchDate = "sent OR received<$($EndDate)" } # Check to see if ContentMatchQuery already exists. If so, add an # AND operator, an open parenthesis, the $SearchDate variable, and a # closing parenthesis. If ($ContentMatchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND ( $($SearchDate))" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } Else { [string]$ContentMatchQuery = "($($SearchDate))" } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message $ContentMatchQuery -ConsoleOutput } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Current content match query after processing StartDate and EndDate parameters:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" } } If ($SearchDetails.Senders) { If ($ContentMatchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND (from:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR from:", [array]$SearchDetails.Senders) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } Else { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = "(from:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR from:", [array]$SearchDetails.Senders) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery = $ContentMatchQueryTemp } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message $ContentMatchQuery -ConsoleOutput } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Current content match query after processing Senders parameter:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" } } If ($SearchDetails.Recipients) { If ($ContentMatchQuery) { $ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND (to:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR to:", [array]$SearchDetails.Recipients) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } Else { $ContentMatchQueryTemp = "(from:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR to:", [array]$SearchDetails.Recipients) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery = $ContentMatchQueryTemp } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message $ContentMatchQuery -ConsoleOutput } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Current content match query after processing Recipients parameter:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" } } } If ($ContentMatchQuery) { $CaseHoldRuleParams.Add("ContentMatchQuery", $ContentMatchQuery) If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message "ContentMatchQuery DEBUG data" Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message "ContentMatchQuery Length is $($ContentMatchQuery.Length)" } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "ContentMatchQuery WHATIF data" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "ContentMatchQuery Length is $($ContentMatchQuery.Length)" } } $CaseHoldRuleParams.Add("Policy", $CaseHoldPolicy.Guid) try { If (!$WhatIf) { $CaseHoldRule = New-CaseHoldRule @CaseHoldRuleParams -ea stop } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The cmdlet that would run is:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "`$CaseHoldRule = New-CaseHoldRule @CaseHoldRuleParams" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The @CaseHoldRuleParams splatting variable contains the following values:" $CaseHoldRuleParams.GetEnumerator() | % { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message " $($_.Name) : $($_.Value)" } } } catch { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel ERROR -ConsoleOutput -Message $Error[0].Exception } If ($CaseHoldRule) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel SUCCESS -ConsoleOutput -Message " Case hold rule successfully created. " } } $false { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Mailbox search has does not have hold applied. Creating case content search." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Mailbox search has does not have hold applied. Creating case content search." } # Create the Compliance Search $ComplianceSearchParams = @{ } $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("Name", "$($Case.Name) Search") $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("Case", "$($Case.Identity)") # Add the SourceMailboxes If ($SearchDetails.SourceMailboxes) { $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("ExchangeLocation", "$($SearchDetails.SourceMailboxes)") } # If Get-MailboxSearch has a source mailbox but also specifies AllMailboxes, then assume all mailboxes for ExchangeLocation If ($SearchDetails.AllSourceMailboxes -eq $true) { $ComplianceSearchParams.Remove("ExchangeLocation") $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("ExchangeLocation", "All") } # Add the Public Folders $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("PublicFolderLocation", "$($SearchDetails.PublicFolderSources)") # If Get-MailboxSearch has a source public folder location but also specifies AllPublicFolders, then assume all mailboxes for PublicFolderLocation If ($SearchDetails.AllPublicFolderSources -eq $true) { $ComplianceSearchParams.Remove("PublicFolderLocation") $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("PublicFolderLocation", "All") } If ($SearchDetails.SearchQuery -or $SearchDetails.StartDate -or $SearchDetails.EndDate -or $SearchDetails.Senders -or $SearchDetails.Recipients) { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -ConsoleOutput -Message " Processing content match query details." } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "Processing content match query details."} $ContentMatchQuery = $null # Content Match Builder # Check if the SearchQuery exists; if it does, use it as the base of the # ContentMatchQuery If ($SearchDetails.SearchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQuery = "( " + $SearchDetails.SearchQuery + " )" } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " Current content match query after processing SearchQuery parameter:" Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " $($ContentMatchQuery)" } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "Current content match query after processing SearchQuery parameter:" -ConsoleOutput Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" -ConsoleOutput } # Check if MessageTypes exists If ($SearchDetails.MessageTypes) { # Check to see if we already have content for the ContentMatchQuery. # If so, create a temp var, prepend the ContentMatchQuery value with # an open parenthesis, join the MessageTypes values together with # "kind:<MessageTpye> OR" and then add a close parenthesis to the # variable. Set the ContentMatchQuery variable with the temp variable. If ($ContentMatchQuery) { # $ContentMatchQueryTemp = "( " + $ContentMatchQuery + ") AND (kind:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND (kind:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR kind:", [array]$SearchDetails.MessageTypes) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } # If ContentMatchQuery doesn't exist, just start an open parenthesis # and add join the MessageTypes values together, and then add a # closing parenthesis Else { $ContentMatchQuery = "(kind:" $ContentMatchQuery += [string]::Join(" OR kind:", [array]$SearchDetails.MessageTypes) $ContentMatchQuery += ")" } } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " Current content match query after processing MessageTypes parameter:" Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " $($ContentMatchQuery)" } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "Current content match query after processing MessageTypes parameter:" -ConsoleOutput Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" -ConsoleOutput } # Check to see if date values exist If ($SearchDetails.StartDate -or $SearchDetails.EndDate) { # Popuylate the StartDate and EndDate values $StartDate = $SearchDetails.StartDate $EndDate = $SearchDetails.EndDate # Build the appropriate search operator and property syntax, depending # on which date values are available. If ($StartDate -and $EndDate) { $SearchDate = "between:$($StartDate)..$($EndDate)" } If ($StartDate -and !($EndDate)) { $SearchDate = "sent OR received>$($StartDate)" } If (!($StartDate) -and $EndDate) { $SearchDate = "sent OR received<$($EndDate)" } # Check to see if ContentMatchQuery already exists. If so, add an # AND operator, an open parenthesis, the $SearchDate variable, and a # closing parenthesis. If ($ContentMatchQuery) { $ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND ( $($SearchDate))" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } Else { [string]$ContentMatchQuery = "($($SearchDate))" } } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " Current content match query after processing StartDate and EndDate parameters:" Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " $($ContentMatchQuery)" } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "Current content match query after processing StartDate and EndDate parameters:" -ConsoleOutput Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" -ConsoleOutput } If ($SearchDetails.Senders) { If ($ContentMatchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND (from:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR from:", [array]$SearchDetails.Senders) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } Else { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = "(from:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR from:", [array]$SearchDetails.Senders) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " Current content match query after processing Sender parameter:" Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " $($ContentMatchQuery)" } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "Current content match query after processing Sender parameter:" -ConsoleOutput Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" -ConsoleOutput } If ($SearchDetails.Recipients) { If ($ContentMatchQuery) { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = " AND (to:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR to:", [array]$SearchDetails.Recipients) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } Else { [string]$ContentMatchQueryTemp = "(to:" $ContentMatchQueryTemp += [string]::Join(" OR to:", [array]$SearchDetails.Recipients) $ContentMatchQueryTemp += ")" $ContentMatchQuery += $ContentMatchQueryTemp } } If (!$WhatIf) { If ($Debug) { Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " Current content match query after processing Recipients parameter:" Write-Log -Logfile $Logfile -LogLevel DEBUG -Message " $($ContentMatchQuery)" } } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "Current content match query after processing Recipients parameter:" -ConsoleOutput Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -Message "$($ContentMatchQuery)" -ConsoleOutput } } If ($ContentMatchQuery) { $ComplianceSearchParams.Add("ContentMatchQuery", $ContentMatchQuery) } If (!$WhatIf) { $ComplianceSearch = New-ComplianceSearch @ComplianceSearchParams } Else { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The cmdlet that would be run is:" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "`$ComplianceSearch = New-ComplianceSearch @ComplianceSearchParams" Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message "The @ComplianceSearchParams splatting variable contains the following values:" $ComplianceSearchParams.GetEnumerator() | % { Write-Log -LogLevel WHATIF -ConsoleOutput -Message " $($_.Name) : $($_.Value)" } } If ($ComplianceSearch) { If (!$WhatIf) { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel SUCCESS -ConsoleOutput -Message " Compliance Search for case $($Case.Name) successfully created. " Start-ComplianceSearch $ComplianceSearch.Identity } } } } } |