#requires -version 7 -Modules MicrosoftMvp <# .SYNOPSIS Updates your MVP profile with your Github repositories. Supports -WhatIf #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $User, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $TechnologyFocusArea, #A regex filter for repo titles, can be useful to select certain repos to update for different technology focus areas. $Filter, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [int]$MinimumStars = 5, [int]$ThrottleLimit = 20 ) $apiUrl = "https://api.github.com/users/$User/repos?per_page=100&sort=pushed" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -FollowRelLink -Uri $apiUrl #Flatten the multi-valued response $repos = foreach ($i in $response) { foreach ($y in $i) { $y } } $existingActivities = Search-MvpActivitySummary -First 10000 | Where-Object type -Like 'Open Source*' $targetRepos = $repos | Where-Object stargazers_count -GT $MinimumStars | Where-Object title -Match $Filter #TODO: This "upsert" logic should probably be available in the main module $mvpModulePath = (Get-Module MicrosoftMvp).path $InformationPreference = 'Continue' $targetRepos | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit -Parallel { Import-Module -Force $USING:mvpModulePath $VerbosePreference = $USING:VerbosePreference $WhatIfPreference = $USING:WhatIfPreference $DebugPreference = $USING:DebugPreference $repo = $PSItem $activityTitle = "GitHub: $($repo.name)" $existingActivity = $USING:existingActivities | Where-Object title -EQ $activityTitle | Get-MvpActivity | Where-Object url -EQ $repo.url if ($existingActivity.count -gt 1) { Write-Warning "Multiple activities found for '$activityTitle' with url $($repo.url). Remove one from your MVP profile to update this." continue } $activity = $existingActivity ? ($existingActivity | Get-MvpActivity) : $( $newMvpActivityParams = @{ Title = $activityTitle Type = 'Open Source/Project/Sample code/Tools' TechnologyFocusArea = $USING:TechnologyFocusArea TargetAudience = 'Developer', 'IT Pro' Description = $repo.description ?? 'No description provided.' Date = $repo.pushed_at EndDate = $repo.pushed_at Quantity = 1 Reach = $repo.stargazers_count } $newActivity = New-MvpActivity @newMvpActivityParams $newActivity.url = $repo.url $newActivity ) if ($existingActivity) { #Workaround for whatif not working as it is supposed to in parallel if ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "WhatIf: Updating repository '$activityTitle' with url $($repo.url)" return } Write-Verbose "Updating repository '$activityTitle' with url $($repo.url)" #Update the activity with the latest data $activity.Date = $repo.created_at $activity.DateEnd = $repo.updated_at $activity.Reach = $repo.stargazers_count $activity.Description = $repo.description Set-MvpActivity $activity -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference } else { if ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "WhatIf: Adding repository '$activityTitle' with url $($repo.url)" return } Write-Verbose "Adding new repository '$activityTitle' with url $($repo.url)" Add-MvpActivity $activity -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference } } |