#Requires -Module PSAuthClient using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands using namespace System.Management.Automation $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' #region Model class MvpActivity { [int]$id [int]$userProfileId [string]$tenant [string]$title [string]$description [string]$privateDescription [Nullable[datetime]]$date [Nullable[datetime]]$dateEnd [string]$url [string]$imageUrl [string]$activityTypeName [string]$activityTypeLocKey [string]$technologyFocusArea [string[]]$targetAudience [string[]]$additionalTechnologyAreas [int]$quantity [int]$reach [string]$role [string]$contributionRoleLocKey [string]$companySize [string]$companyName [string]$microsoftEvent [string]$microsoftEventOther } Update-TypeData -TypeName 'MvpActivity' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet 'id', 'title', 'activityTypeName', 'date' -Force class MvpSearch { [int]$pageIndex = 1 [int]$pageSize = 3 [string]$searchKey [string]$tenant = $SCRIPT:Tenant [string]$userProfileIdentifier = $SCRIPT:MvpProfile.userProfileIdentifier [string[]]$contributionTargetAudience = @() [string[]]$technologyFocusArea = @() [string[]]$type = @() } class MvpSearchResult { [int]$searchScore [int]$id [string]$title [string]$description [Nullable[datetime]]$date [string]$imageUrl [bool]$isFirstParty [bool]$isHighImpact [string]$type [string]$typeLocKey [string]$tenantName [bool]$deletable [bool]$editable [bool]$highImpactToggleable } Update-TypeData -TypeName 'MvpSearchResult' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet 'id', 'date', 'title', 'type' -Force class ActivityTypes: IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [string[]] GetValidValues() { return (Get-MvpActivityData) } } class TechnologyArea: IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [string[]] GetValidValues() { return (Get-MvpActivityData).technologyArea.technologyName } } class TargetAudience: IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [string[]] GetValidValues() { return (Get-MvpActivityData) } } #endregion Model #region Engine [PSCredential]$SCRIPT:Credential = $null $SCRIPT:MvpProfile = $null $SCRIPT:Tenant = 'MVP' [string]$SCRIPT:BaseUri = '' $SCRIPT:Data = @{} function Connect-Mvp { param( # A credential that includes your email address and your API token taken from the Bearer header of the browser in DevTools [PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$BaseUri = $SCRIPT:BaseUri, [string]$Tenant = $SCRIPT:Tenant, [Switch]$Force ) if ($Profile.userProfileIdentifier -and -not $Force) { Write-Warning "You are already connected as $($Credential.UserName). Use -Force to reconnect." } else { Disconnect-Mvp } if (-not $Credential) { $code = Invoke-OAuth2AuthorizationEndpoint -uri '' -client_id 'e83f495c-dfa2-48e2-b1d9-3680b16e74e4' -scope 'openid profile User.Read offline_access' -redirect_uri '' -response_type 'code' -response_mode 'fragment' $graphToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method Post -Body @{ client_id = $code.client_id redirect_uri = $code.redirect_uri scope = 'openid profile User.Read offline_access' code = $code.code code_verifier = $code.code_verifier grant_type = 'authorization_code' client_info = 1 } -Headers @{ Origin = '' Referer = '' } $me = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Authentication Bearer -Token ($graphToken.access_token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText) $mvpToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method Post -Body @{ client_id = $code.client_id refresh_token = $graphToken.refresh_token scope = 'api://6dabb447-da84-4b4c-b68f-99f5215b2ca7/User.All openid profile offline_access' grant_type = 'refresh_token' client_info = 1 } -Headers @{ Origin = '' Referer = '' } $Credential = [pscredential]::new($me.userPrincipalName, ($mvpToken.access_token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText)) } $SCRIPT:MvpProfile = (Invoke-MvpRestMethod "UserStatus/$($Credential.UserName)" -Credential $Credential).userStatusModel if (-not $SCRIPT:MvpProfile.userProfileIdentifier) { throw 'There was an error saving the profile. This is probably a bug.' } $SCRIPT:Credential = $Credential $SCRIPT:Tenant = $Tenant Write-Verbose "Connected as $($Credential.UserName) to $BaseUri" } function Disconnect-Mvp { $SCRIPT:MvpProfile = $null $SCRIPT:Credential = $null $SCRIPT:Tenant = 'MVP' $SCRIPT:Data = @{} } function Invoke-MvpRestMethod { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')] [string]$Endpoint, $Body, [WebRequestMethod]$Method = 'GET', [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Uri')] [string]$Uri = $BaseUri, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCredential]$Credential = $SCRIPT:Credential ) if (-not $Credential) { throw 'You must connect to the MVP API first using Connect-Mvp' } if ($Endpoint) { $Uri = $BaseUri + $Endpoint } $irmParams = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = $Method Body = $Body Authentication = 'Bearer' Token = $Credential.Password Debug = $false Verbose = $false } #Use the JSON content type for all methods except GET if ($Method -ne 'GET') { $irmParams['ContentType'] = 'application/json' $irmParams['Body'] = if ($irmParams['Body']) { $irmParams['Body'] | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } } Write-Debug "MVP: $("$Method".ToUpper()) $Uri$(if ($irmParams['Body']) {' with body ' + $irmParams['Body']})" try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams } catch { $jsonError = $($PSItem.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($jsonError.error) { $PSItem | ThrowCmdletError "$($jsonError.error.code): $($jsonError.error.message) $($jsonError.error.Details)" return } if ($jsonError.errors) { $PSItem | ThrowCmdletError "$($jsonError.title)`n$($jsonError.errors | Format-List | Out-String)" } throw $PSItem } return $response } function Get-MvpActivityData { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetches the activity data for the current tenant. Used for dynamic intellisense #> if (-not $SCRIPT:Data.Activity) { Write-Verbose 'MVP: Fetching Activity Data' $response = Invoke-MvpRestMethod 'SiteContent/Activity/Common/Data' -Body @{tenant = $SCRIPT:Tenant } $SCRIPT:Data.Activity = $ } return $SCRIPT:Data.Activity } #endregion Engine function Search-MvpActivitySummary { [OutputType('MvpSearchResult')] param( [string]$Filter, [int]$First = 100, [int]$Skip = 0 ) $Search = [MvpSearch]@{ userProfileIdentifier = $MvpProfile.userProfileIdentifier pageIndex = $Skip + 1 pageSize = $First } if ($Filter) { $Search.SearchKey = $Filter } $response = (Invoke-MvpRestMethod -Endpoint 'Contributions/CommunityLeaderActivities/search' -Body $Search -Method 'POST') return [MvpSearchResult[]]$response.CommunityLeaderActivities } filter Get-MvpActivity { [OutputType('MvpActivity')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Id')] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Filter')][string]$Filter, [int]$First = 100, [int]$Skip = 0, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Id')][int]$Id ) if (-not $Id) { Search-MvpActivitySummary -Filter $Filter -First $First -Skip $Skip | Get-MvpActivity return } try { [MvpActivity](Invoke-MvpRestMethod "Activities/$Id") } catch { $PSItem | ThrowCmdletError } } filter Set-MvpActivity { [OutputType('MvpActivity')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][MvpActivity]$Activity ) try { $response = Invoke-MvpRestMethod -Endpoint 'Activities' -Body @{activity = $Activity } -Method 'PUT' #HACK: Workaround for the fact the returned info is not the same type. Slight performance impact Get-MvpActivity -Id $ } catch { $PSItem | ThrowCmdletError } } filter Add-MvpActivity { [OutputType('MvpActivity')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][MvpActivity]$Activity ) if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New Activity $($Activity.title): $($Activity | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2)", 'Create Activity')) { return } try { $response = Invoke-MvpRestMethod -Endpoint 'Activities' -Body @{activity = $Activity } -Method 'POST' #HACK: Workaround for the fact the returned info is not the same type. Slight performance impact Get-MvpActivity -Id $response.contributionId } catch { $PSItem | ThrowCmdletError } } filter New-MvpActivity { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Title, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Description, [ValidateSet([ActivityTypes])] [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Type, [ValidateSet([TechnologyArea])] [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$TechnologyFocusArea, [ValidateSet([TargetAudience])] [Parameter(Mandatory)][string[]]$TargetAudience, [DateTime]$Date, [DateTime]$EndDate, [int]$Quantity, [int]$Reach ) return [MvpActivity]@{ userProfileId = $ tenant = $SCRIPT:Tenant title = $Title description = $Description date = $Date ?? (Get-Date) dateEnd = $EndDate ?? (Get-Date) activityTypeName = $Type technologyFocusArea = $TechnologyFocusArea quantity = $Quantity ?? 1 reach = $Reach ?? 100 url = '' targetAudience = $TargetAudience } } filter Remove-MvpActivity { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High', DefaultParameterSetName = 'Activity')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Activity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [MvpActivity]$MvpActivity, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SearchResult', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [MvpSearchResult]$SearchResult ) #TODO: Should probably use an interface or a base class $Activity = $SearchResult ?? $MvpActivity if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ $($Activity.title)", 'Delete Activity')) { return } try { $response = Invoke-MvpRestMethod -Endpoint "Activities/$($" -Method 'DELETE' if ($response -notmatch $ { throw "Expected $($ to be deleted but $response was returned. This is probably a bug." } } catch { $PSItem | ThrowCmdletError } } filter ThrowCmdletError { param( [string]$Message, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][ErrorRecord]$ErrorRecord, $ThisCmdlet = $(Get-Variable -Scope 1 -Name PSCmdlet -ValueOnly) ) if ($Message) { $ErrorRecord.ErrorDetails = $Message } $ThisCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($ErrorRecord) } |