function Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Value ) return $Value.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $Value.Substring(1,$Value.length-1) } function Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Value ) return $Value.Substring(0,1).ToLower() + $Value.Substring(1,$Value.length-1) } function Remove-M365DSCCimInstanceTrailingCharacterFromExport { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $DSCBlock ) $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.replace(" ,`r`n" , " `r`n" ) $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.replace("`r`n;`r`n" , "`r`n" ) $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.replace("`r`n,`r`n" , "`r`n" ) return $DSCBlock } function Rename-M365DSCCimInstanceParameter { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable], [System.Collections.Hashtable[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Properties, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $KeyMapping = @{'odataType' = '@odata.type'} ) $result = $Properties $type = $Properties.getType().FullName #region Array if ($type -like '*[[\]]') { $values = @() foreach ($item in $Properties) { try { $values += Rename-M365DSCCimInstanceParameter $item -KeyMapping $KeyMapping } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Error getting values for item {$item}" } } $result = $values return , $result } #endregion #region Single if ($type -like '*Hashtable') { $result = ([Hashtable]$Properties).clone() } if ($type -like '*CimInstance*' -or $type -like '*Hashtable*' -or $type -like '*Object*') { $hashProperties = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $result $keys = ($hashProperties.clone()).keys foreach ($key in $keys) { $keyName = $key.substring(0, 1).tolower() + $key.substring(1, $key.length - 1) if ($key -in $KeyMapping.Keys) { $keyName = $KeyMapping.$key } $property = $hashProperties.$key if ($null -ne $property) { $hashProperties.Remove($key) try { $subValue = Rename-M365DSCCimInstanceParameter $property -KeyMapping $KeyMapping if ($null -ne $subValue) { $hashProperties.add($keyName, $subValue) } } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Error adding $property" } } } $result = $hashProperties } return $result #endregion } function Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable], [hashtable[]])] param( [Parameter()] $ComplexObject ) if ($null -eq $ComplexObject) { return $null } if ($ComplexObject.gettype().fullname -like '*[[\]]') { $results = @() foreach ($item in $ComplexObject) { if ($item) { $hash = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $item $results += $hash } } # PowerShell returns all non-captured stream output, not just the argument of the return statement. #An empty array is mangled into $null in the process. #However, an array can be preserved on return by prepending it with the array construction operator (,) return , [hashtable[]]$results } if ($ComplexObject.getType().fullname -like '*Dictionary*') { $results = @{} $ComplexObject = [hashtable]::new($ComplexObject) $keys = $ComplexObject.Keys foreach ($key in $keys) { if ($null -ne $ComplexObject.$key) { $keyName = $key $keyType = $ComplexObject.$key.gettype().fullname if ($keyType -like '*CimInstance*' -or $keyType -like '*Dictionary*' -or $keyType -like 'Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.*' -or $keyType -like 'Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PowerShell.Models.*' -or $keyType -like '*[[\]]') { $hash = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $ComplexObject.$key $results.Add($keyName, $hash) } else { $results.Add($keyName, $ComplexObject.$key) } } } return [hashtable]$results } $results = @{} if ($ComplexObject.getType().Fullname -like '*hashtable') { $keys = $ComplexObject.keys } else { $keys = $ComplexObject | Get-Member | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.MemberType -eq 'Property' } } foreach ($key in $keys) { $keyName = $key if ($ComplexObject.getType().Fullname -notlike '*hashtable') { $keyName = $key.Name } if ($null -ne $ComplexObject.$keyName) { $keyType = $ComplexObject.$keyName.gettype().fullname if ($keyType -like '*CimInstance*' -or $keyType -like '*Dictionary*' -or $keyType -like 'Microsoft.Graph.*PowerShell.Models.*') { $hash = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $ComplexObject.$keyName if ($null -ne $hash -and $hash.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $results.Add($keyName, $hash) } } else { $results.Add($keyName, $ComplexObject.$keyName) } } } return [hashtable]$results } <# Use ComplexTypeMapping to overwrite the type of nested CIM Example $complexMapping=@( @{ Name="ApprovalStages" CimInstanceName="MSFT_MicrosoftGraphapprovalstage1" IsRequired=$false } @{ Name="PrimaryApprovers" CimInstanceName="MicrosoftGraphuserset" IsRequired=$false } @{ Name="EscalationApprovers" CimInstanceName="MicrosoftGraphuserset" IsRequired=$false } ) With Name: the name of the parameter to be overwritten CimInstanceName: The type of the CIM instance (can include or not the prefix MSFT_) IsRequired: If isRequired equals true, an empty hashtable or array will be returned. Some of the Graph parameters are required even though they are empty #> function Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToString { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] $ComplexObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $CIMInstanceName, [Parameter()] [Array] $ComplexTypeMapping, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Whitespace = '', [Parameter()] [System.uint32] $IndentLevel = 3, [Parameter()] [switch] $isArray = $false ) if ($null -eq $ComplexObject) { return $null } $indent = '' for ($i = 0; $i -lt $IndentLevel ; $i++) { $indent += ' ' } #If ComplexObject is an Array if ($ComplexObject.GetType().FullName -like '*[[\]]') { $currentProperty = @() $IndentLevel++ foreach ($item in $ComplexObject) { $splat = @{ 'ComplexObject' = $item 'CIMInstanceName' = $CIMInstanceName 'IndentLevel' = $IndentLevel } if ($ComplexTypeMapping) { $splat.add('ComplexTypeMapping', $ComplexTypeMapping) } $currentProperty += Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToString -isArray:$true @splat } # PowerShell returns all non-captured stream output, not just the argument of the return statement. #An empty array is mangled into $null in the process. #However, an array can be preserved on return by prepending it with the array construction operator (,) return , $currentProperty } $currentProperty = '' if ($isArray) { $currentProperty += "`r`n" $currentProperty += $indent } $CIMInstanceName = $CIMInstanceName.replace('MSFT_', '') $currentProperty += "MSFT_$CIMInstanceName{`r`n" $IndentLevel++ $indent = ' ' * $IndentLevel $keyNotNull = 0 if ($ComplexObject.Keys.count -eq 0) { return $null } foreach ($key in $ComplexObject.Keys) { if ($null -ne $ComplexObject.$key) { $keyNotNull++ if ($ComplexObject.$key.GetType().FullName -like 'Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.*' -or $key -in $ComplexTypeMapping.Name) { $hashPropertyType = $ComplexObject[$key].GetType().Name.tolower() $isArray = $false if ($ComplexObject[$key].GetType().FullName -like '*[[\]]') { $isArray = $true } #overwrite type if object defined in mapping complextypemapping if ($key -in $ComplexTypeMapping.Name) { $hashPropertyType = ([Array]($ComplexTypeMapping | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $key }).CimInstanceName)[0] $hashProperty = $ComplexObject[$key] $currentProperty += "`r`n" } else { $hashProperty = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $ComplexObject[$key] } if (-not $isArray) { $currentProperty += $indent + $key + ' = ' } if ($isArray -and $key -in $ComplexTypeMapping.Name) { if ($ComplexObject.$key.count -gt 0) { $currentProperty += $indent + $key + ' = ' $currentProperty += '@(' } } if ($isArray) { $IndentLevel++ foreach ($item in $ComplexObject[$key]) { if ($ComplexObject.$key.GetType().FullName -like 'Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.*') { $item = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $item } $nestedPropertyString = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToString ` -ComplexObject $item ` -CIMInstanceName $hashPropertyType ` -IndentLevel $IndentLevel ` -ComplexTypeMapping $ComplexTypeMapping ` -IsArray:$true if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($nestedPropertyString)) { $nestedPropertyString = "@()`r`n" } $currentProperty += $nestedPropertyString } $IndentLevel-- } else { $nestedPropertyString = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToString ` -ComplexObject $hashProperty ` -CIMInstanceName $hashPropertyType ` -IndentLevel $IndentLevel ` -ComplexTypeMapping $ComplexTypeMapping if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($nestedPropertyString)) { $nestedPropertyString = "`$null`r`n" } $currentProperty += $nestedPropertyString } if ($isArray) { if ($ComplexObject.$key.count -gt 0) { $currentProperty += $indent $currentProperty += ')' $currentProperty += "`r`n" } } $isArray = $PSBoundParameters.IsArray } else { $currentValue = $ComplexObject[$key] if ($currentValue.GetType().Name -eq 'String') { $currentValue = $ComplexObject[$key].Replace("'", "''").Replace("�", "''") } $currentProperty += Get-M365DSCDRGSimpleObjectTypeToString -Key $key -Value $currentValue -Space ($indent) } } else { $mappedKey = $ComplexTypeMapping | Where-Object -FilterScript { $ -eq $key } if ($mappedKey -and $mappedKey.isRequired) { if ($mappedKey.isArray) { $currentProperty += "$indent$key = @()`r`n" } else { $currentProperty += "$indent$key = `$null`r`n" } } } } $indent = '' $indent = ' ' * ($IndentLevel -1) if ($key -in $ComplexTypeMapping.Name) { $currentProperty += "`r`n" } $currentProperty += "$indent}" if ($isArray -or $IndentLevel -gt 4) { $currentProperty += "`r`n" } #Indenting last parenthesis when the cim instance is an array if ($IndentLevel -eq 5) { $indent = ' ' * ($IndentLevel -2) $currentProperty += $indent } $emptyCIM = $currentProperty.replace(' ', '').replace("`r`n", '') if ($emptyCIM -eq "MSFT_$CIMInstanceName{}") { $currentProperty = $null } if ($null -ne $currentProperty) { $fancySingleQuotes = "[\u2019\u2018]" $fancyDoubleQuotes = "[\u201C\u201D]" $currentProperty = [regex]::Replace($currentProperty, $fancySingleQuotes, "''") $currentProperty = [regex]::Replace($currentProperty, $fancyDoubleQuotes, '"') } return $currentProperty } function Get-M365DSCDRGSimpleObjectTypeToString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Key, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Value, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Space = ' ' ) $returnValue = '' switch -Wildcard ($Value.GetType().Fullname ) { '*.Boolean' { $returnValue = $Space + $Key + " = `$" + $Value.ToString() + "`r`n" } '*.String' { if ($key -eq '@odata.type') { $key = 'odataType' } $returnValue = $Space + $Key + " = '" + $Value + "'`r`n" } '*.DateTime' { $returnValue = $Space + $Key + " = '" + $Value + "'`r`n" } '*[[\]]' { $returnValue = $Space + $key + ' = @(' $whitespace = '' $newline = '' if ($Value.count -gt 1) { $returnValue += "`r`n" $whitespace = $Space + ' ' $newline = "`r`n" } foreach ($item in ($Value | Where-Object -FilterScript { $null -ne $_ })) { switch -Wildcard ($item.GetType().Fullname) { '*.String' { $returnValue += "$whitespace'$item'$newline" } '*.DateTime' { $returnValue += "$whitespace'$item'$newline" } Default { $returnValue += "$whitespace$item$newline" } } } if ($Value.count -gt 1) { $returnValue += "$Space)`r`n" } else { $returnValue += ")`r`n" } } Default { $returnValue = $Space + $Key + ' = ' + $Value + "`r`n" } } return $returnValue } function Compare-M365DSCComplexObject { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param( [Parameter()] $Source, [Parameter()] $Target ) #Comparing full objects if ($null -eq $Source -and $null -eq $Target) { return $true } $sourceValue = '' $targetValue = '' if (($null -eq $Source) -xor ($null -eq $Target)) { if ($null -eq $Source) { $sourceValue = 'Source is null' } if ($null -eq $Target) { $targetValue = 'Target is null' } Write-Verbose -Message "Configuration drift - Complex object: {$sourceValue$targetValue}" return $false } if ($Source.GetType().FullName -like '*CimInstance[[\]]' -or $Source.GetType().FullName -like '*Hashtable[[\]]') { if ($source.Count -ne $target.Count) { Write-Verbose -Message "Configuration drift - The complex array have different number of items: Source {$($source.Count)} Target {$($target.Count)}" return $false } if ($source.Count -eq 0) { return $true } foreach ($item in $Source) { foreach ($targetItem in $Target) { $compareResult = Compare-M365DSCComplexObject ` -Source $item ` -Target $targetItem if ($compareResult) { break } } if (-not $compareResult) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Configuration drift - The complex array items are not identical' return $false } } return $true } if ($Source.GetType().FullName -like "*CimInstance") { $keys = $Source.CimInstanceProperties.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notin @('PSComputerName', 'CimClass', 'CmiInstanceProperties', 'CimSystemProperties') } } else { $keys = $Source.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -ne 'PSComputerName' } } foreach ($key in $keys) { #Matching possible key names between Source and Target $skey = $key $tkey = $key $sourceValue = $Source.$key $targetValue = $Target.$tkey #One of the item is null and not the other if (($null -eq $Source.$key) -xor ($null -eq $Target.$tkey)) { if ($null -eq $Source.$key) { $sourceValue = 'null' } if ($null -eq $Target.$tkey) { $targetValue = 'null' } #Write-Verbose -Message "Configuration drift - key: $key Source {$sourceValue} Target {$targetValue}" return $false } #Both keys aren't null or empty if (($null -ne $Source.$key) -and ($null -ne $Target.$tkey)) { if ($Source.$key.GetType().FullName -like '*CimInstance*' -or $Source.$key.GetType().FullName -like '*hashtable*') { if ($Source.$key.GetType().FullName -like '*CimInstance' -and ( $Source.$key.CimClass.CimClassName -eq 'MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments' -or $Source.$key.CimClass.CimClassName -like 'MSFT_Intune*Assignments')) { $compareResult = Compare-M365DSCIntunePolicyAssignment ` -Source @($Source.$key) ` -Target @($Target.$tkey) } else { #Recursive call for complex object $compareResult = Compare-M365DSCComplexObject ` -Source $Source.$key ` -Target $Target.$tkey } if (-not $compareResult) { #Write-Verbose -Message "Configuration drift - complex object key: $key Source {$sourceValue} Target {$targetValue}" return $false } } else { #Simple object comparison $referenceObject = $Target.$tkey $differenceObject = $Source.$key #Identifying date from the current values $targetType = ($Target.$tkey.GetType()).Name if ($targetType -like '*Date*') { $compareResult = $true $sourceDate = [DateTime]$Source.$key if ($sourceDate -ne $targetType) { $compareResult = $null } } else { $compareResult = Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject ($referenceObject) ` -DifferenceObject ($differenceObject) } if ($null -ne $compareResult) { #Write-Verbose -Message "Configuration drift - simple object key: $key Source {$sourceValue} Target {$targetValue}" return $false } } } } return $true } function Convert-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable], [hashtable[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ComplexObject ) if ($ComplexObject.getType().Fullname -like '*[[\]]') { $results = @() foreach ($item in $ComplexObject) { $hash = Convert-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $item $results += $hash } #Write-Verbose -Message ("Convert-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable >>> results: "+(convertTo-JSON $results -Depth 20)) # PowerShell returns all non-captured stream output, not just the argument of the return statement. #An empty array is mangled into $null in the process. #However, an array can be preserved on return by prepending it with the array construction operator (,) return , [hashtable[]]$results } $hashComplexObject = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $ComplexObject if ($null -ne $hashComplexObject) { $results = $hashComplexObject.clone() $keys = $hashComplexObject.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -ne 'PSComputerName' } foreach ($key in $keys) { if ($hashComplexObject[$key] -and $hashComplexObject[$key].getType().Fullname -like '*CimInstance*') { $results[$key] = Convert-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject $hashComplexObject[$key] } else { $propertyName = $key[0].ToString().ToLower() + $key.Substring(1, $key.Length - 1) $propertyValue = $results[$key] $results.remove($key) | Out-Null $results.add($propertyName, $propertyValue) } } } return [hashtable]$results } function Get-SettingCatalogSettingValue { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable],[System.Collections.Hashtable[]])] param ( [Parameter()] $SettingValue, [Parameter()] $SettingValueType ) switch -Wildcard ($SettingValueType) { '*ChoiceSettingInstance' { $complexValue = @{} $complexValue.Add('odataType',$SettingValue.'@odata.type') $complexValue.Add('Value',$SettingValue.value) $children = @() foreach($child in $SettingValue.children) { $complexChild = @{} $complexChild.Add('SettingDefinitionId', $child.settingDefinitionId) $complexChild.Add('odataType', $child.'@odata.type') $valueName = $child.'@odata.type'.replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').replace('Instance', 'Value') $valueName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $valueName $rawValue = $child.$valueName $childSettingValue = Get-SettingCatalogSettingValue -SettingValue $rawValue -SettingValueType $child.'@odata.type' $complexChild.Add($valueName,$childSettingValue) $children += $complexChild } $complexValue.Add('Children',$children) } '*ChoiceSettingCollectionInstance' { $complexCollection = @() foreach($item in $SettingValue) { $complexValue = @{} $complexValue.Add('Value',$item.value) $children = @() foreach($child in $item.children) { $complexChild = @{} $complexChild.Add('SettingDefinitionId', $child.settingDefinitionId) $complexChild.Add('odataType', $child.'@odata.type') $valueName = $child.'@odata.type'.replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').replace('Instance', 'Value') $valueName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $valueName $rawValue = $child.$valueName $childSettingValue = Get-SettingCatalogSettingValue -SettingValue $rawValue -SettingValueType $child.'@odata.type' $complexChild.Add($valueName,$childSettingValue) $children += $complexChild } $complexValue.Add('Children',$children) $complexCollection += $complexValue } return ,([hashtable[]]$complexCollection) } '*SimpleSettingInstance' { $complexValue = @{} $complexValue.Add('odataType',$SettingValue.'@odata.type') $valueName = 'IntValue' $value = $SettingValue.value if($SettingValue.'@odata.type' -ne '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationIntegerSettingValue') { $valueName = 'StringValue' } $complexValue.Add($valueName,$value) if($SettingValue.'@odata.type' -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSecretSettingValue') { $complexValue.Add('ValueState',$SettingValue.valueState) } } '*SimpleSettingCollectionInstance' { $complexCollection = @() foreach($item in $SettingValue) { $complexValue = @{} $complexValue.Add('odataType',$item.'@odata.type') $valueName = 'IntValue' $value = $item.value if($item.'@odata.type' -ne '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationIntegerSettingValue') { $valueName = 'StringValue' } $complexValue.Add($valueName,$value) if($item.'@odata.type' -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSecretSettingValue') { $complexValue.Add('ValueState',$item.valueState) } $complexCollection += $complexValue } return ,([hashtable[]]$complexCollection) } '*GroupSettingInstance' { $complexValue = @{} $complexValue.Add('odataType',$SettingValue.'@odata.type') $children = @() foreach($child in $SettingValue.children) { $complexChild = @{} $complexChild.Add('SettingDefinitionId', $child.settingDefinitionId) $complexChild.Add('odataType', $child.'@odata.type') $valueName = $child.'@odata.type'.replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').replace('Instance', 'Value') $valueName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $valueName $rawValue = $child.$valueName $settingValue = Get-SettingCatalogSettingValue -SettingValue $rawValue -SettingValueType $child.'@odata.type' $complexChild.Add($valueName,$settingValue) $children += $complexChild } $complexValue.Add('Children',$children) } '*GroupSettingCollectionInstance' { $complexCollection = @() foreach($groupSettingValue in $SettingValue) { $complexValue = @{} #$complexValue.Add('odataType',$SettingValue.'@odata.type') $children = @() foreach($child in $groupSettingValue.children) { $complexChild = @{} $complexChild.Add('SettingDefinitionId', $child.settingDefinitionId) $complexChild.Add('odataType', $child.'@odata.type') $valueName = $child.'@odata.type'.replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').replace('Instance', 'Value') $valueName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $valueName $rawValue = $child.$valueName $settingValue = Get-SettingCatalogSettingValue -SettingValue $rawValue -SettingValueType $child.'@odata.type' $complexChild.Add($valueName,$settingValue) $children += $complexChild } $complexValue.Add('Children',$children) $complexCollection += $complexValue } return ,([hashtable[]]$complexCollection) } } return $complexValue } function Get-SettingCatalogPolicySettingsFromTemplate { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Array])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $DSCParams, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $templateReferenceId ) $DSCParams.Remove('Identity') | Out-Null $DSCParams.Remove('DisplayName') | Out-Null $DSCParams.Remove('Description') | Out-Null $settings = @() $templateSettings = Get-MgDeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyTemplateSettingTemplate -DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyTemplateId $templateReferenceId $simpleSettings = @() $simpleSettings += $templateSettings.SettingInstanceTemplate | Where-Object -FilterScript ` { $_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -ne '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationGroupSettingCollectionInstanceTemplate' } foreach ($templateSetting in $simpleSettings) { $setting = @{} $settingKey = $DSCParams.keys | Where-Object -FilterScript { $templateSetting.settingDefinitionId -like "*$($_)" } if ((-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($settingKey)) -and $DSCParams."$settingKey") { $setting.add('@odata.type', '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSetting') $myFormattedSetting = Format-M365DSCParamsToSettingInstance -DSCParams @{$settingKey = $DSCParams."$settingKey" } ` -TemplateSetting $templateSetting $setting.add('settingInstance', $myFormattedSetting) $settings += $setting $DSCParams.Remove($settingKey) | Out-Null } } #Prepare attacksurfacereductionrules groupCollectionTemplateSettings $groupCollectionTemplateSettings = @() $groupCollectionTemplateSettings += $templateSettings.SettingInstanceTemplate | Where-Object -FilterScript ` { $_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationGroupSettingCollectionInstanceTemplate' } foreach ($groupCollectionTemplateSetting in $groupCollectionTemplateSettings) { $setting = @{} $setting.add('@odata.type', '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSetting') $settingInstance = [ordered]@{} $settingInstance.add('@odata.type', '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationGroupSettingCollectionInstance') $settingInstance.add('settingDefinitionId', $groupCollectionTemplateSetting.settingDefinitionId) $settingInstance.add('settingInstanceTemplateReference', @{ '@odata.type' = '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSettingInstanceTemplateReference' 'settingInstanceTemplateId' = $groupCollectionTemplateSetting.settingInstanceTemplateId }) $groupSettingCollectionValues = @() $groupSettingCollectionValueChildren = @() $groupSettingCollectionValue = @{} $groupSettingCollectionValue.add('@odata.type', '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationGroupSettingValue') $settingValueTemplateId = $groupCollectionTemplateSetting.AdditionalProperties.groupSettingCollectionValueTemplate.settingValueTemplateId if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($settingValueTemplateId)) { $groupSettingCollectionValue.add('settingValueTemplateReference', @{'settingValueTemplateId' = $SettingValueTemplateId }) } foreach ($key in $DSCParams.keys) { $templateValue = $groupCollectionTemplateSetting.AdditionalProperties.groupSettingCollectionValueTemplate.children | Where-Object ` -FilterScript { $_.settingDefinitionId -like "*$key" } if ($templateValue) { $groupSettingCollectionValueChild = Format-M365DSCParamsToSettingInstance ` -DSCParams @{$key = $DSCParams."$key" } ` -TemplateSetting $templateValue ` -IncludeSettingValueTemplateId $false ` -IncludeSettingInstanceTemplateId $false $groupSettingCollectionValueChildren += $groupSettingCollectionValueChild } } $groupSettingCollectionValue.add('children', $groupSettingCollectionValueChildren) $groupSettingCollectionValues += $groupSettingCollectionValue $settingInstance.add('groupSettingCollectionValue', $groupSettingCollectionValues) $setting.add('settingInstance', $settingInstance) if ($setting.settingInstance.groupSettingCollectionValue.children.count -gt 0) { $settings += $setting } } return $settings } function ConvertFrom-IntunePolicyAssignment { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Array] $Assignments, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IncludeDeviceFilter = $true ) $assignmentResult = @() foreach ($assignment in $Assignments) { $hashAssignment = @{} $dataType = $assignment.Target.AdditionalProperties."@odata.type" $groupId = $assignment.Target.AdditionalProperties.groupId $collectionId = $assignment.Target.AdditionalProperties.collectionId $hashAssignment.Add('dataType',$dataType) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($groupId)) { $hashAssignment.Add('groupId', $groupId) $group = Get-MgGroup -GroupId ($groupId) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $group) { $groupDisplayName = $group.DisplayName } } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($collectionId)) { $hashAssignment.Add('collectionId', $collectionId) } if ($dataType -eq '#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget') { $groupDisplayName = 'All users' } if ($dataType -eq '#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget') { $groupDisplayName = 'All devices' } if ($null -ne $groupDisplayName) { $hashAssignment.Add('groupDisplayName', $groupDisplayName) } if ($IncludeDeviceFilter) { if ($null -ne $assignment.Target.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType) { $hashAssignment.Add('deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType', $assignment.Target.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType.ToString()) } if ($null -ne $assignment.Target.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId) { $hashAssignment.Add('deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId', $assignment.Target.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId) } } $assignmentResult += $hashAssignment } return ,$assignmentResult } function ConvertTo-IntunePolicyAssignment { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowNull()] $Assignments, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IncludeDeviceFilter = $true ) if ($null -eq $Assignments) { return ,@() } $assignmentResult = @() foreach ($assignment in $Assignments) { $target = @{"@odata.type" = $assignment.dataType} if ($IncludeDeviceFilter) { if ($null -ne $assignment.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType) { $target.Add('deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType', $assignment.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType) $target.Add('deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId', $assignment.DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId) } } if ($assignment.dataType -like '*CollectionAssignmentTarget') { $target.add('collectionId', $assignment.collectionId) } elseif ($assignment.dataType -like '*GroupAssignmentTarget') { $group = Get-MgGroup -GroupId ($assignment.groupId) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $group) { if ($assignment.groupDisplayName) { $group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$($assignment.groupDisplayName)'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $group) { $message = "Skipping assignment for the group with DisplayName {$($assignment.groupDisplayName)} as it could not be found in the directory.`r`n" $message += "Please update your DSC resource extract with the correct groupId or groupDisplayName." Write-Verbose -Message $message $target = $null } if ($group -and $group.Count -gt 1) { $message = "Skipping assignment for the group with DisplayName {$($assignment.groupDisplayName)} as it is not unique in the directory.`r`n" $message += "Please update your DSC resource extract with the correct groupId or a unique group DisplayName." Write-Verbose -Message $message $group = $null $target = $null } } else { $message = "Skipping assignment for the group with Id {$($assignment.groupId)} as it could not be found in the directory.`r`n" $message += "Please update your DSC resource extract with the correct groupId or a unique group DisplayName." Write-Verbose -Message $message $target = $null } } #Skipping assignment if group not found from either groupId or groupDisplayName if ($null -ne $group) { $target.Add('groupId', $group.Id) } } if ($target) { $assignmentResult += @{target = $target} } } return ,$assignmentResult } function Compare-M365DSCIntunePolicyAssignment { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter()] [array]$Source, [Parameter()] [array]$Target ) $testResult = $Source.Count -eq $Target.Count if ($testResult) { foreach ($assignment in $Source) { if ($assignment.dataType -like '*AssignmentTarget') { $assignmentTarget = $Target | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.dataType -eq $assignment.DataType -and $_.groupId -eq $assignment.groupId } $testResult = $null -ne $assignmentTarget # Using assignment groupDisplayName only if the groupId is not found in the directory otherwise groupId should be the key if (-not $testResult) { $groupNotFound = $null -eq (Get-MgGroup -GroupId ($assignment.groupId) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } if (-not $testResult -and $groupNotFound) { $assignmentTarget = $Target | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.dataType -eq $assignment.DataType -and $_.groupDisplayName -eq $assignment.groupDisplayName } $testResult = $null -ne $assignmentTarget } if ($testResult) { $isFilterIdSpecified = $assignment.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType -ne 'none' $testResult = $assignment.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType -eq $assignmentTarget.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType if ($testResult -and $isFilterIdSpecified) { $testResult = $assignment.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId -eq $assignmentTarget.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId } } if ($testResult) { $testResult = $assignment.collectionId -eq $assignmentTarget.collectionId } } else { $testResult = $null -ne ($Target | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.dataType -eq $assignment.DataType }) } if (-not $testResult) { break } } } return $testResult } function Update-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $DeviceConfigurationPolicyId, [Parameter()] [Array] $Targets, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Repository = 'deviceManagement/configurationPolicies', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('v1.0','beta')] [System.String] $APIVersion = 'beta', [Parameter()] [System.String] $RootIdentifier = 'assignments' ) try { $deviceManagementPolicyAssignments = @() $Uri = "/$APIVersion/$Repository/$DeviceConfigurationPolicyId/assign" foreach ($target in $targets) { if ($ -is [hashtable]) { $target = $ } $formattedTarget = @{"@odata.type" = $target.dataType} if(-not $formattedTarget."@odata.type" -and $target."@odata.type") { $formattedTarget."@odata.type" = $target."@odata.type" } if ($target.groupId) { $group = Get-MgGroup -GroupId ($target.groupId) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $group) { if ($target.groupDisplayName) { $group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$($target.groupDisplayName)'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $group) { $message = "Skipping assignment for the group with DisplayName {$($target.groupDisplayName)} as it could not be found in the directory.`r`n" $message += "Please update your DSC resource extract with the correct groupId or groupDisplayName." write-verbose -Message $message $target = $null } if ($group -and $group.count -gt 1) { $message = "Skipping assignment for the group with DisplayName {$($target.groupDisplayName)} as it is not unique in the directory.`r`n" $message += "Please update your DSC resource extract with the correct groupId or a unique group DisplayName." write-verbose -Message $message $group = $null $target = $null } } else { $message = "Skipping assignment for the group with Id {$($target.groupId)} as it could not be found in the directory.`r`n" $message += "Please update your DSC resource extract with the correct groupId or a unique group DisplayName." write-verbose -Message $message $target = $null } } #Skipping assignment if group not found from either groupId or groupDisplayName if ($null -ne $group) { $formattedTarget.add('groupId',$group.Id) } } if ($target.collectionId) { $formattedTarget.Add('collectionId',$target.collectionId) } if ($target.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType) { $formattedTarget.Add('deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType',$target.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType) } if ($target.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId) { $formattedTarget.Add('deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId',$target.deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId) } $deviceManagementPolicyAssignments += @{'target' = $formattedTarget} } $body = @{$RootIdentifier = $deviceManagementPolicyAssignments} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 Write-Verbose -Message $body Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri $Uri -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop } catch { New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message 'Error updating data:' ` -Exception $_ ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -Credential $Credential return $null } } function Get-OmaSettingPlainTextValue { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $SecretReferenceValueId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] [System.String] $APIVersion = 'beta' ) try { <# e.g. PolicyId for SecretReferenceValueId '35ea58ec-2a79-471d-8eea-7e28e6cd2722_bdf6c690-05fb-4d02-835d-5a7406c35d58_abe32712-2255-445f-a35e-0c6f143d82ca' is 'bdf6c690-05fb-4d02-835d-5a7406c35d58' #> $SplitSecretReferenceValueId = $SecretReferenceValueId.Split("_") if ($SplitSecretReferenceValueId.Count -eq 3) { $PolicyId = $SplitSecretReferenceValueId[1] } else { return $null } } catch { return $null } $Repository = 'deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations' $Uri = "/{0}/{1}/{2}/getOmaSettingPlainTextValue(secretReferenceValueId='{3}')" -f $APIVersion, $Repository, $PolicyId, $SecretReferenceValueId try { $Result = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Message = "Error decrypting OmaSetting with SecretReferenceValueId {0}:" -f $SecretReferenceValueId New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message $Message ` -Exception $_ ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -Credential $Credential return $null } if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result.Value)) { return $Result.Value } else { return $null } } function Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySetting { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Array])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = 'true')] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $DSCParams, [Parameter(Mandatory = 'true')] [System.String] $TemplateId ) $global:excludedDefinitionIds = @() $DSCParams.Remove('Identity') | Out-Null $DSCParams.Remove('DisplayName') | Out-Null $DSCParams.Remove('Description') | Out-Null # Prepare setting definitions mapping $settingTemplates = Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyTemplateSettingTemplate -DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyTemplateId $TemplateId -ExpandProperty 'SettingDefinitions' $settingInstances = @() # Iterate over all setting instance templates foreach ($settingInstanceTemplate in $settingTemplates.SettingInstanceTemplate) { $settingInstance = @{} $settingDefinition = $settingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $settingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId -and ` ($_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.Count -eq 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.Count -eq 0) } $settingName = $settingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId.split('_') | Select-Object -Last 1 $settingType = $settingInstanceTemplate.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type'.Replace('InstanceTemplate', 'Instance') $settingInstance.Add('@odata.type', $settingType) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($settingInstanceTemplate.settingInstanceTemplateId)) { $settingInstance.Add('settingInstanceTemplateReference', @{'settingInstanceTemplateId' = $settingInstanceTemplate.settingInstanceTemplateId }) } $settingValueName = $settingType.Replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').Replace('Instance', 'Value') $settingValueName = $settingValueName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $settingValueName.Substring(1, $settingValueName.length - 1 ) $settingValueType = $settingInstanceTemplate.AdditionalProperties."$($settingValueName)Template".'@odata.type' if ($null -ne $settingValueType) { $settingValueType = $settingValueType.Replace('ValueTemplate', 'Value') } $settingValueTemplateId = $settingInstanceTemplate.AdditionalProperties."$($settingValueName)Template".settingValueTemplateId # Get all the values in the setting instance $settingValue = Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettingInstanceValue ` -DSCParams $DSCParams ` -SettingDefinition $settingDefinition ` -SettingTemplates $settingTemplates ` -SettingName $settingName ` -SettingType $settingType ` -SettingValueName $settingValueName ` -SettingValueType $settingValueType ` -SettingValueTemplateId $settingValueTemplateId if ($settingValue.Count -gt 0) { $settingInstance += [Hashtable]$settingValue if ($settingInstance.Keys -notcontains 'settingDefinitionId') { $settingInstance.Add('settingDefinitionId', $settingInstanceTemplate.settingDefinitionId) } $settingInstances += @{ '@odata.type' = '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSetting' 'settingInstance' = $settingInstance } } } return $settingInstances } function Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettingInstanceValue { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = 'true')] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $DSCParams, [Parameter()] $SettingDefinition, [Parameter()] $SettingTemplates, [Parameter()] [System.String] $SettingType, [Parameter()] [System.String] $SettingName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $SettingValueName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $SettingValueType, [Parameter()] [System.String] $SettingValueTemplateId ) $settingValuesToReturn = @{} if ($null -eq $global:excludedDefinitionIds) { $global:excludedDefinitionIds = @() } if ($null -eq $global:excludedDscParams) { $global:excludedDscParams = @() } # Depending on the setting type, there is other logic involved switch ($settingType) { # GroupSettingCollections are a collection of settings without a value of their own '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationGroupSettingCollectionInstance' { $groupSettingCollectionValue = @{} $groupSettingCollectionValueChildren = @() $groupSettingCollectionDefinitionChildren = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { ($_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($SettingDefinition.Id)) -or ($_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($SettingDefinition.Id)) } foreach ($childDefinition in $groupSettingCollectionDefinitionChildren) { $childSettingName = $childDefinition.Name $childSettingType = $childDefinition.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type'.Replace('Definition', 'Instance') $childSettingValueName = $childSettingType.Replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').Replace('Instance', 'Value') $childSettingValueType = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration$($childSettingValueName)" $childSettingValueName = $childSettingValueName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $childSettingValueName.Substring(1, $childSettingValueName.length - 1 ) $childSettingValue = Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettingInstanceValue ` -DSCParams $DSCParams ` -SettingDefinition $childDefinition ` -SettingTemplates $SettingTemplates ` -SettingName $childSettingName ` -SettingType $childDefinition.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' ` -SettingValueName $childSettingValueName ` -SettingValueType $childSettingValueType if ($childSettingValue.Keys.Count -gt 0) { if ($childSettingValue.Keys -notcontains 'settingDefinitionId') { $childSettingValue.Add('settingDefinitionId', $childDefinition.Id) } $childSettingValue.Add('@odata.type', $childSettingType) $groupSettingCollectionValueChildren += $childSettingValue } } if ($groupSettingCollectionDefinitionChildren.Count -gt 0) { $groupSettingCollectionValue.Add('children', $groupSettingCollectionValueChildren) $settingValuesToReturn.Add('groupSettingCollectionValue', @($groupSettingCollectionValue)) } } # ChoiceSetting is a choice (e.g. dropdown) setting that, depending on the choice, can have children settings { $_ -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationChoiceSettingInstance' -or $_ -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationChoiceSettingDefinition' } { $choiceSettingValue = @{} $choiceSettingValueChildren = @() # Choice settings almost always have children settings, so we need to fetch those $choiceSettingDefinitionChildren = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { ($_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($SettingDefinition.Id)) -or ($_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($SettingDefinition.Id)) } foreach ($childDefinition in $choiceSettingDefinitionChildren) { $childSettingName = $childDefinition.Name $childSettingType = $childDefinition.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type'.Replace('Definition', 'Instance') $childSettingValueName = $childSettingType.Replace('#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration', '').Replace('Instance', 'Value') $childSettingValueType = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration$($childSettingValueName)" $childSettingValueName = $childSettingValueName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $childSettingValueName.Substring(1, $childSettingValueName.Length - 1 ) $childSettingValue = Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettingInstanceValue ` -DSCParams $DSCParams ` -SettingDefinition $childDefinition ` -SettingTemplates $SettingTemplates ` -SettingName $childSettingName ` -SettingType $childDefinition.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' ` -SettingValueName $childSettingValueName ` -SettingValueType $childSettingValueType if ($childSettingValue.Keys.Count -gt 0) { if ($childSettingValue.Keys -notcontains 'settingDefinitionId') { $childSettingValue.Add('settingDefinitionId', $childDefinition.Id) } $childSettingValue.Add('@odata.type', $childSettingType) $choiceSettingValueChildren += $childSettingValue } } # Depending on the children count, we add the children to the choice setting or an empty array since the children property is required if ($choiceSettingDefinitionChildren.Count -gt 0) { $choiceSettingValue.Add('children', $choiceSettingValueChildren) } else { $choiceSettingValue.Add('children', @()) } $paramKey = $null $paramKey = $DSCParams.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -eq $SettingName } if ($null -eq $paramKey) { $paramKey = $SettingName } # If there is a value in the DSC params, we add that to the choice setting if ($null -ne $DSCParams[$paramKey]) { $value = "$($SettingDefinition.Id)_$($DSCParams[$paramKey])" $choiceSettingValue.Add('value', $value) $odataType = $SettingType.Replace('Definition', 'Value').Replace('Instance', 'Value') $choiceSettingValue.Add('@odata.type', $odataType) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SettingValueTemplateId)) { $choiceSettingValue.Add('settingValueTemplateReference', @{'settingValueTemplateId' = $SettingValueTemplateId }) } } # If there are children or a value is configured, we add the choice setting to the return values if ($choiceSettingValue.Children.Count -gt 0 -or $null -ne $choiceSettingValue.value) { $settingValuesToReturn.Add('choiceSettingValue', $choiceSettingValue) } } # SimpleSettingCollections are collections of simple settings, e.g. strings or integers { $_ -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSimpleSettingCollectionInstance' -or $_ -eq '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSimpleSettingCollectionDefinition' } { [array]$values = @() # Go over all the values that have not yet been processed foreach ($key in ($DSCParams.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notin $global:excludedDscParams })) { $matchCombined = $false $matchesId = $false $name = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -eq $key } if ($name.Count -ne 1) { # Key might have been combined with parent setting, try to split it if ($key -like "*_*") { $parentSettingName = $key.Split('_')[0] $childSettingName = $key.Replace("$($parentSettingName)_", '') $parentDefinition = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $parentSettingName } $childDefinition = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $childSettingName -and $_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($parentDefinition.Id) } if ($null -ne $parentDefinition -and $null -ne $childDefinition) { # Parent was combined with child setting. Since there can be multiple settings with the same Name, we need to check the Id as well if ($SettingDefinition.Id -eq $childDefinition.Id) { $global:excludedDscParams += $key $matchCombined = $true } } } if (-not $matchCombined) { # Parent was not combined, look for the Id $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Id -notin $global:excludedDefinitionIds -and $_.Name -eq $SettingName -and $_.Id -like "*$key") { $global:excludedDefinitionIds += $_.Id $matchesId = $true } } } } # If there is exactly one setting with the name, the setting is combined or the id matches, we add the DSC value to the values array and update the real setting value type if (($name.Count -eq 1 -and $SettingName -eq $key) -or $matchCombined -or $matchesId) { if ($SettingValueType -like "*Simple*") { if ($DSCParams[$key] -is [System.String[]]) { $SettingValueType = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationStringSettingValue" } elseif ($DSCParams[$key] -is [System.Int32[]]) { $SettingValueType = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationIntegerSettingValue" } } $values += $DSCParams[$key] break } } $settingValueCollection = @() foreach ($v in $values) { $settingValueCollection += @{ value = $v '@odata.type' = $SettingValueType } } if ($settingValueCollection.Count -gt 0) { $settingValuesToReturn.Add($SettingValueName, $settingValueCollection) } } # For all other types, e.g. Integer, String, Boolean, etc., we add the value directly Default { $value = $null # Go over all the values that have not yet been processed foreach ($key in ($DSCParams.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notin $global:excludedDscParams })) { $matchCombined = $false $matchesId = $false $name = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -eq $key } if ($name.Count -ne 1) { # Key might have been combined with parent setting, try to split it if ($key -like "*_*") { $parentSettingName = $key.Split('_')[0] $childSettingName = $key.Replace("$($parentSettingName)_", '') $parentDefinition = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $parentSettingName } $childDefinition = $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $childSettingName } if ($null -ne $parentDefinition -and $null -ne $childDefinition) { # Parent was combined with child setting $global:excludedDscParams += $key $matchCombined = $true } } if (-not $matchCombined) { # Parent was not combined, look for the id $SettingTemplates.SettingDefinitions | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Id -notin $global:excludedDefinitionIds -and $_.Name -eq $SettingName -and $_.Id -like "*$key") { $global:excludedDefinitionIds += $_.Id $matchesId = $true $SettingDefinition = $_ } } } } # If there is exactly one setting with the name, the setting is combined or the id matches, we get the DSC value update the real setting value type if (($name.Count -eq 1 -and $SettingName -eq $key) -or $matchCombined -or $matchesId) { if ($SettingValueType -like "*Simple*") { if ($DSCParams[$key] -is [System.String]) { $SettingValueType = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationStringSettingValue" } elseif ($DSCParams[$key] -is [System.Int32]) { $SettingValueType = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationIntegerSettingValue" } } if ($SettingValueType -like "*Simple*" -or $SettingValueType -in @("#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationIntegerSettingValue", "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationStringSettingValue")) { $value = $DSCParams[$key] } else { $value = "$($SettingDefinition.Id)_$($DSCParams[$key])" } break } } if ($null -eq $value) { return $null } $settingValue = @{} if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SettingValueType)) { $settingValue.Add('@odata.type', $SettingValueType) } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($settingValueTemplateId)) { $settingValue.Add('settingValueTemplateReference', @{'settingValueTemplateId' = $settingValueTemplateId }) } $settingValue.Add('value', $value) $settingValuesToReturn.Add($SettingValueName, $settingValue) $settingValuesToReturn.Add('settingDefinitionId', $SettingDefinition.Id) } } return $settingValuesToReturn } function Export-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettings { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Start' )] $Settings, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [System.Collections.Hashtable]$ReturnHashtable, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Setting' )] $SettingInstance, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Setting' )] $SettingDefinitions, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Setting' )] [switch]$IsRoot ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Start') { foreach ($setting in $Settings) { Export-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettings -SettingInstance $setting.SettingInstance -SettingDefinitions $setting.SettingDefinitions -ReturnHashtable $ReturnHashtable -IsRoot } return $ReturnHashtable } $addToParameters = $true $settingDefinition = $SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Id -eq $SettingInstance.settingDefinitionId } $settingName = $settingDefinition.Name # Check if the name is unique $settingMatches = @($SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $settingName }) if ($settingMatches.Count -gt 1) { if ($settingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Count -gt 0) { $parentSetting = $SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Id -eq $($settingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId | Select-Object -Unique -First 1) } } elseif ($settingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Count -gt 0) { $parentSetting = $SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Id -eq $($settingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId | Select-Object -Unique -First 1) } } $combinationMatches = $SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $settingName -and ` (($_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($parentSetting.Id)) -or ` ($_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.parentSettingId.Contains($parentSetting.Id))) } # If the combination of parent setting and setting name is unique, add the parent setting name to the setting name if ($combinationMatches.Count -eq 1) { $settingName = $($parentSetting.Name) + "_" + $settingName } # If the combination of parent setting and setting name is still not unique, grab the last part of the setting id else { $parentSettingIdProperty = $parentSetting.Id.Split('_')[-1] $parentSettingIdWithoutProperty = $parentSetting.Id.Replace("_$parentSettingIdProperty", "") # We can't use the entire setting here, because the child setting id does not have to come after the parent setting id $settingName = $settingDefinition.Id.Replace($parentSettingIdWithoutProperty + "_", "").Replace($parentSettingIdProperty + "_", "") } } $odataType = if ($IsRoot) { $SettingInstance.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' } else { $SettingInstance.'@odata.type' } switch ($odataType) { '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSimpleSettingInstance' { $settingValue = if ($IsRoot) { $SettingInstance.AdditionalProperties.simpleSettingValue.value } else { $SettingInstance.simpleSettingValue.value } } '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationChoiceSettingInstance' { $settingValue = if ($IsRoot) { $SettingInstance.AdditionalProperties.choiceSettingValue.value } else { $SettingInstance.choiceSettingValue.value } $settingValue = $settingValue.Split('_') | Select-Object -Last 1 $childSettings = if ($IsRoot) { $SettingInstance.AdditionalProperties.choiceSettingValue.children } else { $SettingInstance.choiceSettingValue.children } foreach ($childSetting in $childSettings) { Export-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettings -SettingInstance $childSetting -SettingDefinitions $SettingDefinitions -ReturnHashtable $ReturnHashtable } } '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationGroupSettingCollectionInstance' { $values = @() $childSettings = if ($IsRoot) { $SettingInstance.AdditionalProperties.groupSettingCollectionValue.children } else { $SettingInstance.groupSettingCollectionValue.children } foreach ($value in $childSettings) { Export-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettings -SettingInstance $value -SettingDefinitions $SettingDefinitions -ReturnHashtable $ReturnHashtable $addToParameters = $false } } '#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSimpleSettingCollectionInstance' { $values = @() $childValues = if ($IsRoot) { $SettingInstance.AdditionalProperties.simpleSettingCollectionValue.value } else { $SettingInstance.simpleSettingCollectionValue.value } foreach ($value in $childValues) { $values += $value } $settingValue = $values } Default { $settingValue = $SettingInstance.value } } if ($addToParameters) { $ReturnHashtable.Add($settingName, $settingValue) } } function Update-IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicy { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = 'true')] [System.String] $DeviceConfigurationPolicyId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Name, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Description, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Platforms, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Technologies, [Parameter()] [System.String] $TemplateReferenceId, [Parameter()] [Array] $Settings ) try { $Uri = "$DeviceConfigurationPolicyId" $policy = @{ 'name' = $Name 'description' = $Description 'platforms' = $Platforms 'templateReference' = @{'templateId' = $TemplateReferenceId } 'technologies' = $Technologies 'settings' = $Settings } $body = $policy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 #write-verbose -Message $body Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method PUT -Uri $Uri -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop } catch { New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message 'Error updating data:' ` -Exception $_ ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -Credential $Credential return $null } } function Get-ComplexFunctionsFromFilterQuery { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Array])] param ( [string]$FilterQuery ) $complexFunctionsRegex = "startswith\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'\)|endswith\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'\)|contains\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'\)" [array]$complexFunctions = [regex]::Matches($FilterQuery, $complexFunctionsRegex) | ForEach-Object { $_.Value } return $complexFunctions } function Remove-ComplexFunctionsFromFilterQuery { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [string]$FilterQuery ) $complexFunctionsRegex = "startswith\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'\)|endswith\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'\)|contains\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'\)" $basicFilterQuery = [regex]::Replace($FilterQuery, $complexFunctionsRegex, "").Trim() $basicFilterQuery = $basicFilterQuery -replace "^and\s","" -replace "\sand$","" -replace "\sand\s+", " and " -replace "\sor\s+", " or " return $basicFilterQuery } function Find-GraphDataUsingComplexFunctions { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Array])] param ( [array]$Policies, [array]$ComplexFunctions ) foreach ($function in $ComplexFunctions) { if ($function -match "startswith\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'") { $property = $matches[1] $value = $matches[2] $Policies = $Policies | Where-Object { $_.$property -like "$value*" } } elseif ($function -match "endswith\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'") { $property = $matches[1] $value = $matches[2] $Policies = $Policies | Where-Object { $_.$property -like "*$value" } } elseif ($function -match "contains\((.*?),\s*'(.*?)'") { $property = $matches[1] $value = $matches[2] $Policies = $Policies | Where-Object { $_.$property -like "*$value*" } } } return $Policies } |