This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $Credscredential ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { IntuneDeviceConfigurationVpnPolicyWindows10 'Example' { Assignments = @( MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments{ deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none' dataType = '#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget' } ); AuthenticationMethod = "usernameAndPassword"; ConnectionName = "Cisco VPN"; ConnectionType = "ciscoAnyConnect"; Credential = $Credscredential; CustomXml = ""; DisplayName = "VPN"; DnsRules = @( MSFT_MicrosoftGraphvpnDnsRule{ Servers = @('') Name = 'NRPT rule' Persistent = $True AutoTrigger = $True } ); DnsSuffixes = @("mydomain.com"); EnableAlwaysOn = $True; EnableConditionalAccess = $True; EnableDnsRegistration = $True; EnableSingleSignOnWithAlternateCertificate = $False; EnableSplitTunneling = $False; Ensure = "Present"; ProfileTarget = "user"; ProxyServer = MSFT_MicrosoftGraphwindows10VpnProxyServer{ Port = 8081 BypassProxyServerForLocalAddress = $True AutomaticConfigurationScriptUrl = '' Address = '' }; RememberUserCredentials = $True; ServerCollection = @( MSFT_MicrosoftGraphvpnServer{ IsDefaultServer = $True Description = 'gateway1' Address = '' } ); TrafficRules = @( MSFT_MicrosoftGraphvpnTrafficRule{ Name = 'VPN rule' AppType = 'none' LocalAddressRanges = @( MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIPv4Range{ UpperAddress = '' LowerAddress = '' } ) RoutingPolicyType = 'forceTunnel' VpnTrafficDirection = 'outbound' } ); TrustedNetworkDomains = @(); } } } |