
class MSFT_SCFilePlanProperty
    [Write, Description("File plan department. Can get list by running Get-FilePlanPropertyDepartment.")] String FilePlanPropertyDepartment;
    [Write, Description("File plan Authority. Can get list by running Get-FilePlanPropertyAuthority.")] String FilePlanPropertyAuthority;
    [Write, Description("File plan category. Can get a list by running Get-FilePlanPropertyCategory.")] String FilePlanPropertyCategory;
    [Write, Description("File plan citation. Can get a list by running Get-FilePlanPropertyCitation.")] String FilePlanPropertyCitation;
    [Write, Description("File plan reference id. Can get a list by running Get-FilePlanPropertyReferenceId.")] String FilePlanPropertyReferenceId;
    [Write, Description("File plan subcategory. Can get a list by running Get-FilePlanPropertySubCategory.")] String FilePlanPropertySubCategory;
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("SCComplianceTag")]
class MSFT_SCComplianceTag : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("The Name parameter specifies the unique name of the complaiance tag.")] String Name;
    [Write, Description("Specify if this rule should exist or not."), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure;
    [Write, Description("The Comment parameter specifies an optional comment.")] String Comment;
    [Write, Description("The EventType parameter specifies the retention rule that's associated with the label.")] String EventType;
    [Write, Description("The IsRecordLabel parameter specifies whether the label is a record label.")] Boolean IsRecordLabel;
    [Write, Description("The Notes parameter specifies an optional note. If you specify a value that contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks, for example: 'This is a user note'")] String Notes;
    [Write, Description("Regulatory description")] Boolean Regulatory;
    [Write, Description("The FilePlanProperty parameter specifies the file plan properties to include in the label."),EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_SCFilePlanProperty")] String FilePlanProperty;
    [Write, Description("The ReviewerEmail parameter specifies the email address of a reviewer for Delete and KeepAndDelete retention actions. You can specify multiple email addresses separated by commas.")] String ReviewerEmail[];
    [Write, Description("The RetentionDuration parameter specifies the hold duration for the retention rule. Valid values are: An integer - The hold duration in days, Unlimited - The content is held indefinitely.")] String RetentionDuration;
    [Write, Description("The RetentionAction parameter specifies the action for the label. Valid values are: Delete, Keep or KeepAndDelete."), ValueMap{"Delete","Keep","KeepAndDelete"}, Values{"Delete","Keep","KeepAndDelete"}] String RetentionAction;
    [Write, Description("The RetentionType parameter specifies whether the retention duration is calculated from the content creation date, tagged date, or last modification date. Valid values are: CreationAgeInDays, EventAgeInDays,ModificationAgeInDays, or TaggedAgeInDays."), ValueMap{"CreationAgeInDays","EventAgeInDays","ModificationAgeInDays","TaggedAgeInDays"}, Values{"CreationAgeInDays","EventAgeInDays","ModificationAgeInDays","TaggedAgeInDays"}] String RetentionType;
    [Write, Description("Credentials of the Exchange Global Admin"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential;
    [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.")] String ApplicationId;
    [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.")] String TenantId;
    [Write, Description("Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.")] String CertificateThumbprint;
    [Write, Description("Username can be made up to anything but password will be used for CertificatePassword"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] String CertificatePassword;
    [Write, Description("Path to certificate used in service principal usually a PFX file.")] String CertificatePath;