This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsCredential ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC $Domain = $Credscredential.Username.Split('@')[1] node localhost { EXOCalendarProcessing "CalendarProcessing" { AddAdditionalResponse = $False; AddNewRequestsTentatively = $True; AddOrganizerToSubject = $False; # Updated Property AllBookInPolicy = $True; AllowConflicts = $False; AllowRecurringMeetings = $True; AllRequestInPolicy = $False; AllRequestOutOfPolicy = $False; AutomateProcessing = "AutoUpdate"; BookingType = "Standard"; BookingWindowInDays = 180; BookInPolicy = @(); ConflictPercentageAllowed = 0; Credential = $credsCredential; DeleteAttachments = $True; DeleteComments = $True; DeleteNonCalendarItems = $True; DeleteSubject = $True; EnableAutoRelease = $False; EnableResponseDetails = $True; EnforceCapacity = $False; EnforceSchedulingHorizon = $True; Ensure = "Present"; ForwardRequestsToDelegates = $True; Identity = "admin@$Domain"; MaximumConflictInstances = 0; MaximumDurationInMinutes = 1440; MinimumDurationInMinutes = 0; OrganizerInfo = $True; PostReservationMaxClaimTimeInMinutes = 10; ProcessExternalMeetingMessages = $False; RemoveCanceledMeetings = $False; RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications = $False; RemoveOldMeetingMessages = $False; RemovePrivateProperty = $True; RequestInPolicy = @("AlexW@$Domain"); ResourceDelegates = @(); ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours = $False; TentativePendingApproval = $True; } } } |