This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsCredential ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC Node localhost { AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyConfigurationPartner "AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyConfigurationPartner" { PartnerTenantId = "e7a80bcf-696e-40ca-8775-a7f85fbb3ebc"; # O365DSC.onmicrosoft.com AutomaticUserConsentSettings = MSFT_AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyAutomaticUserConsentSettings { InboundAllowed = $False # Updated Property OutboundAllowed = $True }; B2BCollaborationOutbound = MSFT_AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyB2BSetting { Applications = MSFT_AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyTargetConfiguration{ AccessType = 'allowed' Targets = @( MSFT_AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyTarget{ Target = 'AllApplications' TargetType = 'application' } ) } UsersAndGroups = MSFT_AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyTargetConfiguration{ AccessType = 'allowed' Targets = @( MSFT_AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyTarget{ Target = '68bafe64-f86b-4c4e-b33b-9d3eaa11544b' # Office 365 TargetType = 'user' } ) } }; Credential = $credsCredential Ensure = "Present"; } } } |