This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $Credscredential ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { EXOTransportConfig 'EXOTransportConfig ' { IsSingleInstance = "Yes"; AddressBookPolicyRoutingEnabled = $True; ClearCategories = $True; ConvertDisclaimerWrapperToEml = $False; DSNConversionMode = "PreserveDSNBody"; ExternalDelayDsnEnabled = $True; ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled = $True; ExternalDsnSendHtml = $True; ExternalPostmasterAddress = "postmaster@contoso.com"; HeaderPromotionModeSetting = "NoCreate"; InternalDelayDsnEnabled = $True; InternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled = $True; InternalDsnSendHtml = $True; JournalingReportNdrTo = "<>"; JournalMessageExpirationDays = 0; MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit = "Unlimited"; ReplyAllStormBlockDurationHours = 6; ReplyAllStormDetectionMinimumRecipients = 2500; ReplyAllStormDetectionMinimumReplies = 10; ReplyAllStormProtectionEnabled = $True; Rfc2231EncodingEnabled = $False; SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled = $True; Credential = $Credscredential } } } |