class MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope { [Write, Description("The @odata.type for the Scope.")] String OdataType; [Write, Description("The rule associated with the Scope.")] String Rule; }; [ClassVersion("1.0.0")] class MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger { [Write, Description("The @odata.type for the Trigger.")] String OdataType; [Write, Description("The time-based attribute for the Trigger.")] String TimeBasedAttribute; [Write, Description("The offset in days for the Trigger.")] SInt32 OffsetInDays; }; [ClassVersion("1.0.0")] class MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions { [Write, Description("The @odata.type for the Workflow Execution Conditions.")] String OdataType; [Write, Description("The scope for the Workflow Execution Conditions."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope")] String ScopeValue; [Write, Description("The trigger for the Workflow Execution Conditions."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger")] String TriggerValue; }; [ClassVersion("1.0.0")] class MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments { [Key, Description("The name of the key")] String Name; [Write, Description("The value associated with the key")] String Value; }; [ClassVersion("1.0.0")] class MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask { [Write, Description("Specifies the display name of the Workflow Task")] String DisplayName; [Write, Description("Description of the Workflow Task")] String Description; [Write, Description("Category of the Workflow Task")] String Category; [Write, Description("Indicates if the Workflow Task is enabled or not")] Boolean IsEnabled; [Write, Description("The sequence in which the task is executed")] SInt32 ExecutionSequence; [Write, Description("Specifies whether the task should continue on error")] Boolean ContinueOnError; [Write, Description("ID of the task definition associated with this Workflow Task")] String TaskDefinitionId; [Write, Description("Arguments for the Workflow Task"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments")] String Arguments[]; }; [ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow")] class MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow : OMI_BaseResource { [Key, Description("Specifies the Display Name of the Workflow")] String DisplayName; [Write, Description("Description of the Workflow")] String Description; [Write, Description("Category of the Workflow")] String Category; [Write, Description("Indicates if the Workflow is enabled")] Boolean IsEnabled; [Write, Description("Indicates if scheduling is enabled for the Workflow")] Boolean IsSchedulingEnabled; [Write, Description("Tasks associated with this workflow"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask")] String Tasks[]; [Write, Description("ExecutionConditions for this workflow"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions")] String ExecutionConditions; [Write, Description("Present ensures the instance exists, absent ensures it is removed."), ValueMap{"Absent","Present"}, Values{"Absent","Present"}] string Ensure; [Write, Description("Credentials of the workload's Admin"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.")] String ApplicationId; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.")] String TenantId; [Write, Description("Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.")] String CertificateThumbprint; [Write, Description("Managed ID being used for authentication.")] Boolean ManagedIdentity; [Write, Description("Access token used for authentication.")] String AccessTokens[]; }; |