#region Session Objects $Global:SessionSecurityCompliance = $null #endregion #region Extraction Modes $Global:DefaultComponents = @('SPOApp', 'SPOSiteDesign') $Global:FullComponents = @('AADGroup', 'AADServicePrincipal', 'EXOMailboxSettings', 'EXOManagementRole', 'O365Group', 'AADUSer', ` 'PlannerPlan', 'PlannerBucket', 'PlannerTask', 'PPPowerAppsEnvironment', 'PPTenantSettings', ` 'SPOSiteAuditSettings', 'SPOSiteGroup', 'SPOSite', 'SPOUserProfileProperty', 'SPOPropertyBag', 'TeamsTeam', 'TeamsChannel', ` 'TeamsUser', 'TeamsChannelTab', 'TeamsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings', 'TeamsUserCallingSettings') #endregion <# .Description This function cleans up an EXO parameter hashtable .Functionality Internal, Hidden #> function Format-EXOParams { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $InputEXOParams, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('New', 'Set')] [System.String] $Operation ) $EXOParams = $InputEXOParams $EXOParams.Remove('Credential') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('Ensure') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('Verbose') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('ApplicationId') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('TenantId') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('CertificateThumbprint') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('CertificatePath') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('CertificatePassword') | Out-Null if ('New' -eq $Operation) { $EXOParams += @{ Name = $EXOParams.Identity } $EXOParams.Remove('Identity') | Out-Null $EXOParams.Remove('MakeDefault') | Out-Null return $EXOParams } if ('Set' -eq $Operation) { $EXOParams.Remove('Enabled') | Out-Null return $EXOParams } } <# .Description This function retrieves a Teams team by its name .Functionality Internal #> function Get-TeamByName { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $TeamName ) try { $loopCounter = 0 do { $team = Get-Team -DisplayName $TeamName | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DisplayName -eq [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($TeamName) } if ($null -eq $team) { Start-Sleep 5 } $loopCounter += 1 if ($loopCounter -gt 5) { break } } while ($null -eq $team) if ($null -eq $team) { throw "Team with Name $TeamName doesn't exist in tenant" } elseif ($teams.Length -gt 1) { Write-Warning -Message "More than one Team with name {$TeamName} was found. This could prevent your configuration from compiling properly." } return $team } catch { return $null } } <# .Description This function converts a parameter hastable to a string, for outputting to screen .Functionality Internal #> function Convert-M365DscHashtableToString { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Hashtable ) $values = @() $parametersToObfuscate = @('ApplicationId', 'ApplicationSecret', 'TenantId', 'CertificateThumnbprint', 'CertificatePath', 'CertificatePassword', 'Credential') foreach ($pair in $Hashtable.GetEnumerator()) { try { if ($pair.Value -is [System.Array]) { $str = "$($pair.Key)=$(Convert-M365DSCArrayToString -Array $pair.Value)" } elseif ($pair.Value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { $str = "$($pair.Key)={$(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $pair.Value)}" } elseif ($pair.Value -is [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]) { $str = "$($pair.Key)=$(Convert-M365DSCCIMInstanceToString -CIMInstance $pair.Value)" } else { if ($null -eq $pair.Value) { $str = "$($pair.Key)=`$null" } else { if ($parametersToObfuscate.Contains($pair.Key)) { $str = "$($pair.Key)=***" } else { $str = "$($pair.Key)=$($pair.Value)" } } } $values += $str } catch { Write-Warning "There was an error converting the Hashtable to a string: $_" } } [array]::Sort($values) return ($values -join "`r`n") } <# .Description This function converts a parameter array to a string, for outputting to screen .Functionality Internal #> function Convert-M365DscArrayToString { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Array] $Array ) $str = '(' for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array.Count; $i++) { $item = $Array[$i] if ($item -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { $str += '{' $str += Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $item $str += '}' } elseif ($Array[$i] -is [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]) { $str += Convert-M365DSCCIMInstanceToString -CIMInstance $item } else { $str += $item } if ($i -lt ($Array.Count - 1)) { $str += ',' } } $str += ')' return $str } <# .Description This function converts a parameter CimInstance to a string, for outputting to screen .Functionality Internal #> function Convert-M365DscCIMInstanceToString { param ( [Parameter()] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] $CIMInstance ) $str = '{' foreach ($prop in $CIMInstance.CimInstanceProperties) { if ($str -notmatch '{$') { $str += '; ' } $str += "$($prop.Name)=$($prop.Value)" } $str += '}' return $str } <# .Description This function creates a new EXO Safe Attachment rule .Functionality Internal #> function New-EXOSafeAttachmentRule { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $SafeAttachmentRuleParams ) try { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $BuiltParams = (Format-EXOParams -InputEXOParams $SafeAttachmentRuleParams -Operation 'New' ) Write-Verbose -Message "Creating New SafeAttachmentRule $($BuiltParams.Name) with values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $BuiltParams)" New-SafeAttachmentRule @BuiltParams -Confirm:$false $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } catch { Write-M365DSCLogEvent -Message $_ -EventSource $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) -TenantId $tenantid -Credential $Credential } } <# .Description This function creates a new EXO Safe Links rule .Functionality Internal #> function New-EXOSafeLinksRule { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $SafeLinksRuleParams ) try { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $BuiltParams = (Format-EXOParams -InputEXOParams $SafeLinksRuleParams -Operation 'New' ) Write-Verbose -Message "Creating New SafeLinksRule $($BuiltParams.Name) with values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $BuiltParams)" New-SafeLinksRule @BuiltParams -Confirm:$false $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } catch { Write-M365DSCLogEvent -Message $_ -EventSource $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) -TenantId $tenantid -Credential $Credential } } <# .Description This function checks if the specified cmdlet is available or not .Functionality Internal #> function Confirm-ImportedCmdletIsAvailable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $CmdletName ) try { $CmdletIsAvailable = (Get-Command -Name $CmdletName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($CmdletIsAvailable) { return $true } else { return $false } } catch { return $false } } <# .Description This function updates a new EXO Safe Attachment rule .Functionality Internal #> function Set-EXOSafeAttachmentRule { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $SafeAttachmentRuleParams ) try { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $BuiltParams = (Format-EXOParams -InputEXOParams $SafeAttachmentRuleParams -Operation 'Set' ) if ($BuiltParams.keys -gt 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "Setting SafeAttachmentRule $($BuiltParams.Identity) with values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $BuiltParams)" Set-SafeAttachmentRule @BuiltParams -Confirm:$false $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } else { Write-Verbose -Message "No more values to Set on SafeAttachmentRule $($BuiltParams.Identity) using supplied values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $BuiltParams)" $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } } catch { Write-M365DSCLogEvent -Message $_ -EventSource $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) -TenantId $tenantid -Credential $Credential } } <# .Description This function creates a new EXO Safe Links rule .Functionality Internal #> function Set-EXOSafeLinksRule { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $SafeLinksRuleParams ) try { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $BuiltParams = (Format-EXOParams -InputEXOParams $SafeLinksRuleParams -Operation 'Set' ) if ($BuiltParams.keys -gt 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "Setting SafeLinksRule $($BuiltParams.Identity) with values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $BuiltParams)" Set-SafeLinksRule @BuiltParams -Confirm:$false $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } else { Write-Verbose -Message "No more values to Set on SafeLinksRule $($BuiltParams.Identity) using supplied values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $BuiltParams)" $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } } catch { Write-M365DSCLogEvent -Message $_ -EventSource $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) -TenantId $tenantid -Credential $Credential } } <# .Description This function compares two arrays with PSCustomObject objects .Functionality Internal, Hidden #> function Compare-PSCustomObjectArrays { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object[]] $DesiredValues, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object[]] $CurrentValues ) $DriftedProperties = @() foreach ($DesiredEntry in $DesiredValues) { $Properties = $DesiredEntry.PSObject.Properties $KeyProperty = $Properties.Name[0] $EquivalentEntryInCurrent = $CurrentValues | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.$KeyProperty -eq $DesiredEntry.$KeyProperty } if ($null -eq $EquivalentEntryInCurrent) { $result = @{ Property = $DesiredEntry PropertyName = $KeyProperty Desired = $DesiredEntry.$KeyProperty Current = $null } $DriftedProperties += $DesiredEntry } else { foreach ($property in $Properties) { $propertyName = $property.Name if ($DesiredEntry.$PropertyName -ne $EquivalentEntryInCurrent.$PropertyName) { $result = @{ Property = $DesiredEntry PropertyName = $PropertyName Desired = $DesiredEntry.$PropertyName Current = $EquivalentEntryInCurrent.$PropertyName } $DriftedProperties += $result } } } } return $DriftedProperties } <# .Description This function retrieves the current tenant's name based on received authentication parameters. .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCTenantNameFromParameterSet { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [System.Collections.HashTable] $ParameterSet ) if ($ParameterSet.TenantId) { return $ParameterSet.TenantId } elseif ($ParameterSet.Credential) { try { $tenantName = $ParameterSet.Credential.Username.Split('@')[1] return $tenantName } catch { return $null } } } <# .Description This function tests if the DSC hashtables have the same values .Functionality Internal #> function Test-M365DSCParameterState { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [HashTable] $CurrentValues, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [Object] $DesiredValues, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [Array] $ValuesToCheck, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [System.String] $Source = 'Generic', [Parameter(Position = 5)] [System.String] $Tenant ) #region Telemetry $data = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [String]]]::new() $data.Add('Resource', "$Source") $data.Add('Method', 'Test-TargetResource') #endregion $returnValue = $true $DriftedParameters = @{ } if (($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -ne 'HashTable') ` -and ($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -ne 'CimInstance') ` -and ($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -ne 'PSBoundParametersDictionary')) { throw ("Property 'DesiredValues' in Test-M365DSCParameterState must be either a " + ` "Hashtable or CimInstance. Type detected was $($DesiredValues.GetType().Name)") } if (($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -eq 'CimInstance') -and ($null -eq $ValuesToCheck)) { throw ("If 'DesiredValues' is a CimInstance then property 'ValuesToCheck' must contain " + ` 'a value') } if (($null -eq $ValuesToCheck) -or ($ValuesToCheck.Count -lt 1)) { $KeyList = $DesiredValues.Keys } else { $KeyList = $ValuesToCheck } $KeyList | ForEach-Object -Process { if (($_ -ne 'Verbose') -and ($_ -ne 'Credential') ` -and ($_ -ne 'ApplicationId') -and ($_ -ne 'CertificateThumbprint') ` -and ($_ -ne 'CertificatePath') -and ($_ -ne 'CertificatePassword') ` -and ($_ -ne 'TenantId') -and ($_ -ne 'ApplicationSecret') ` -and ($_ -ne 'ManagedIdentity')) { if (($CurrentValues.ContainsKey($_) -eq $false) ` -or ($CurrentValues.$_ -ne $DesiredValues.$_) ` -or (($DesiredValues.ContainsKey($_) -eq $true) -and ($null -ne $DesiredValues.$_ -and $DesiredValues.$_.GetType().IsArray))) { if ($DesiredValues.GetType().Name -eq 'HashTable' -or ` $DesiredValues.GetType().Name -eq 'PSBoundParametersDictionary') { $CheckDesiredValue = $DesiredValues.ContainsKey($_) } else { $CheckDesiredValue = Test-M365DSCObjectHasProperty -Object $DesiredValues -PropertyName $_ } if ($CheckDesiredValue) { $desiredType = $DesiredValues.$_.GetType() $fieldName = $_ if ($desiredType.IsArray -eq $true) { if (($CurrentValues.ContainsKey($fieldName) -eq $false) ` -or ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName)) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Expected to find an array value for ' + ` "property $fieldName in the current " + ` 'values, but it was either not present or ' + ` 'was null. This has caused the test method ' + ` 'to return false.') $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, '') $returnValue = $false } elseif ($desiredType.Name -eq 'ciminstance[]') { Write-Verbose "The current property {$_} is a CimInstance[]" $AllDesiredValuesAsArray = @() foreach ($item in $DesiredValues.$_) { $currentEntry = @{ } foreach ($prop in $item.CIMInstanceProperties) { $value = $prop.Value if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $value = $null } $currentEntry.Add($prop.Name, $value) } $AllDesiredValuesAsArray += [PSCustomObject]$currentEntry } $arrayCompare = Compare-PSCustomObjectArrays -CurrentValues $CurrentValues.$fieldName ` -DesiredValues $AllDesiredValuesAsArray if ($null -ne $arrayCompare) { foreach ($item in $arrayCompare) { $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>[$($item.PropertyName)]$($item.CurrentValue)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>[$($item.PropertyName)]$($item.DesiredValue)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) } $returnValue = $false } } else { $arrayCompare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CurrentValues.$fieldName ` -DifferenceObject $DesiredValues.$fieldName if ($null -ne $arrayCompare -and -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($arrayCompare.InputObject)) { Write-Verbose -Message ("Found an array for property $fieldName " + ` 'in the current values, but this array ' + ` 'does not match the desired state. ' + ` 'Details of the changes are below.') $arrayCompare | ForEach-Object -Process { Write-Verbose -Message "$($_.InputObject) - $($_.SideIndicator)" } $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } } else { switch ($desiredType.Name) { 'String' { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CurrentValues.$fieldName) ` -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DesiredValues.$fieldName)) { } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('String value for property ' + ` "$fieldName does not match. " + ` 'Current state is ' + ` "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + ` 'and desired state is ' + ` "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'") $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } 'Int32' { if (($DesiredValues.$fieldName -eq 0) ` -and ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName)) { } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('Int32 value for property ' + ` "$fieldName does not match. " + ` 'Current state is ' + ` "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + ` 'and desired state is ' + ` "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'") $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } 'Int16' { if (($DesiredValues.$fieldName -eq 0) ` -and ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName)) { } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('Int16 value for property ' + ` "$fieldName does not match. " + ` 'Current state is ' + ` "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + ` 'and desired state is ' + ` "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'") $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } 'Boolean' { if ($CurrentValues.$fieldName -ne $DesiredValues.$fieldName) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Boolean value for property ' + ` "$fieldName does not match. " + ` 'Current state is ' + ` "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + ` 'and desired state is ' + ` "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'") $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } 'Single' { if (($DesiredValues.$fieldName -eq 0) ` -and ($null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName)) { } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('Single value for property ' + ` "$fieldName does not match. " + ` 'Current state is ' + ` "'$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)' " + ` 'and desired state is ' + ` "'$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)'") $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } 'Hashtable' { Write-Verbose -Message "The current property {$fieldName} is a Hashtable" $AllDesiredValuesAsArray = @() foreach ($item in $DesiredValues.$fieldName) { $currentEntry = @{ } foreach ($key in $item.Keys) { $value = $item.$key if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $value = $null } $currentEntry.Add($key, $value) } $AllDesiredValuesAsArray += [PSCustomObject]$currentEntry } if ($null -ne $DesiredValues.$fieldName -and $null -eq $CurrentValues.$fieldName) { $returnValue = $false } else { $AllCurrentValuesAsArray = @() foreach ($item in $CurrentValues.$fieldName) { $currentEntry = @{ } foreach ($key in $item.Keys) { $value = $item.$key if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $value = $null } $currentEntry.Add($key, $value) } $AllCurrentValuesAsArray += [PSCustomObject]$currentEntry } $arrayCompare = Compare-PSCustomObjectArrays -CurrentValues $AllCurrentValuesAsArray ` -DesiredValues $AllDesiredValuesAsArray if ($null -ne $arrayCompare) { foreach ($item in $arrayCompare) { $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>[$($item.PropertyName)]$($item.CurrentValue)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>[$($item.PropertyName)]$($item.DesiredValue)</DesiredValue>" if (-not $DriftedParameters.ContainsKey($fieldName)) { $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) } } $returnValue = $false } } } default { Write-Verbose -Message ("Unable to compare property $fieldName " + ` "as the type ($($desiredType.Name)) is " + ` 'not handled by the ' + ` 'Test-M365DSCParameterState cmdlet') $EventValue = "<CurrentValue>$($CurrentValues.$fieldName)</CurrentValue>" $EventValue += "<DesiredValue>$($DesiredValues.$fieldName)</DesiredValue>" $DriftedParameters.Add($fieldName, $EventValue) $returnValue = $false } } } } } } } $includeNonDriftsInformation = $false try { $includeNonDriftsInformation = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('M365DSCEventLogIncludeNonDrifted', ` [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } if ($returnValue -eq $false) { $EventMessage = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $EventMessage.Append("<M365DSCEvent>`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append(" <ConfigurationDrift Source=`"$Source`">`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append(" <ParametersNotInDesiredState>`r`n") | Out-Null foreach ($key in $DriftedParameters.Keys) { Write-Verbose -Message "Detected Drifted Parameter [$Source]$key" #region Telemetry $driftedData = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [String]]]::new() $driftedData.Add('Event', 'DriftedParameter') $driftedData.Add('Parameter', "[$Source]$key") # If custom App Insights is specified, allow for the current and desired values to be captured; # ISSUE #1222 if ($null -ne $env:M365DSCTelemetryInstrumentationKey -and ` $env:M365DSCTelemetryInstrumentationKey -ne 'bc5aa204-0b1e-4499-a955-d6a639bdb4fa') { $driftedData.Add('CurrentValue', [string]($CurrentValues[$key])) $driftedData.Add('DesiredValue', [string]($DesiredValues[$key])) } $TenantName = Get-M365DSCTenantNameFromParameterSet -ParameterSet $DesiredValues $driftedData.Add('Tenant', $TenantName) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Type 'DriftInfo' -Data $driftedData #endregion $EventMessage.Append(" <Param Name=`"$key`">" + $DriftedParameters.$key + "</Param>`r`n") | Out-Null } #region Telemetry $TenantName = Get-M365DSCTenantNameFromParameterSet -ParameterSet $DesiredValues $data.Add('Event', 'ConfigurationDrift') $data.Add('Tenant', $TenantName) #endregion $EventMessage.Append(" </ParametersNotInDesiredState>`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append(" </ConfigurationDrift>`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append(" <DesiredValues>`r`n") | Out-Null foreach ($Key in $DesiredValues.Keys) { $Value = $DesiredValues.$Key if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) { $Value = "`$null" } $EventMessage.Append(" <Param Name =`"$key`">$Value</Param>`r`n") | Out-Null } $EventMessage.Append(" </DesiredValues>`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append('</M365DSCEvent>') | Out-Null Add-M365DSCEvent -Message $EventMessage.ToString() -EventType 'Drift' -EntryType 'Warning' ` -EventID 1 -Source $Source } elseif ($includeNonDriftsInformation -eq $true) { # Include details about non-drifted resources. $EventMessage = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $EventMessage.Append("<M365DSCEvent>`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append(" <ConfigurationDrift Source=`"$Source`" />`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append(" <DesiredValues>`r`n") | Out-Null foreach ($Key in $DesiredValues.Keys) { $Value = $DesiredValues.$Key if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) { $Value = "`$null" } $EventMessage.Append(" <Param Name =`"$key`">$Value</Param>`r`n") | Out-Null } $EventMessage.Append(" </DesiredValues>`r`n") | Out-Null $EventMessage.Append('</M365DSCEvent>') | Out-Null Add-M365DSCEvent -Message $EventMessage.ToString() -EventType 'NonDrift' -EntryType 'Information' ` -EventID 2 -Source $Source } #region Telemetry Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data #endregion return $returnValue } <# .Description This is the main Microsoft365DSC.Reverse function that extracts the DSC configuration from an existing Microsoft 365 Tenant. .Parameter LaunchWebUI Adding this parameter will open the WebUI in a browser. .Parameter Path Specifies the path in which the exported DSC configuration should be stored. .Parameter FileName Specifies the name of the file in which the exported DSC configuration should be stored. .Parameter ConfigurationName Specifies the name of the configuration that will be generated. .Parameter Components Specifies the components for which an export should be created. .Parameter Workloads Specifies the workload for which an export should be created for all resources. .Parameter Mode Specifies the mode of the export: Lite, Default or Full. .Parameter MaxProcesses Specifies the maximum number of processes that should run simultanious. .Parameter GenerateInfo Specifies if each exported resource should get a link to the Wiki article of the resource. .Parameter ApplicationId Specifies the application id to be used for authentication. .Parameter ApplicationSecret Specifies the application secret of the application to be used for authentication. .Parameter TenantId Specifies the id of the tenant. .Parameter CertificateThumbprint Specifies the thumbprint to be used for authentication. .Parameter Credential Specifies the credentials to be used for authentication. .Parameter CertificatePassword Specifies the password of the PFX file which is used for authentication. .Parameter CertificatePath Specifies the path of the PFX file which is used for authentication. .Parameter Filters Specifies resource level filters to apply in order to reduce the number of instances exported. .Parameter ManagedIdentity Specifies use of managed identity for authentication. .Parameter Validate Specifies that the configuration needs to be validated for conflicts or issues after its extraction is completed. .Example Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components @("AADApplication", "AADConditionalAccessPolicy", "AADGroupsSettings") -Credential $Credential .Example Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Mode 'Default' -ApplicationId '2560bb7c-bc85-415f-a799-841e10ec4f9a' -TenantId '' -ApplicationSecret 'abcdefghijkl' .Example Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components @("AADApplication", "AADConditionalAccessPolicy", "AADGroupsSettings") -Credential $Credential -Path 'C:\DSC' -FileName 'MyConfig.ps1' .Example Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Credential $Credential -Filters @{AADApplication = "DisplayName eq 'MyApp'"} .Functionality Public #> function Export-M365DSCConfiguration { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Export')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'WebUI')] [Switch] $LaunchWebUI, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $FileName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $ConfigurationName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String[]] $Components, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [ValidateSet('AAD', 'SPO', 'EXO', 'INTUNE', 'SC', 'OD', 'O365', 'PLANNER', 'PP', 'TEAMS')] [System.String[]] $Workloads, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [ValidateSet('Lite', 'Default', 'Full')] [System.String] $Mode = 'Default', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [ValidateRange(1, 100)] $MaxProcesses, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.Boolean] $GenerateInfo = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Filters, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $ApplicationId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [ValidateScript({ $invalid = $false try { [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null $invalid = $true } catch { $invalid = $false } if ($invalid) { throw "Please provide the tenant name (e.g., for TenantId instead of its GUID." } else { $invalid = $_ -notmatch ".onmicrosoft." if (-not $invalid) { return $true } else { Write-Host -Object "[WARNING] We recommend providing the TenantId property in the format of <tenant>.onmicrosoft.*" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } return $true })] [System.String] $TenantId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $ApplicationSecret, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $CertificatePassword, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [System.String] $CertificatePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [Switch] $ManagedIdentity, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Export')] [Switch] $Validate ) # Define the exported resource instances' names Global variable $Global:M365DSCExportedResourceInstancesNames = @() # LaunchWebUI specified, launching that now if ($LaunchWebUI) { Write-Output -InputObject "Launching web page ''" explorer '' return } # Suppress Progress overlays $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Suppress Warnings $Global:WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' ##### FIRST CHECK AUTH PARAMETERS if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential') -eq $true -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Credential)) { if ($Credential.Username -notmatch ".onmicrosoft.") { Write-Host -Object "[WARNING] We recommend providing the username in the format of <tenant>.onmicrosoft.* for the Credential property." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePath') -eq $true -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePassword') -eq $false) { Write-Host -Object '[ERROR] You have to specify CertificatePassword when you specify CertificatePath' -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePassword') -eq $true -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePath') -eq $false) { Write-Host -Object '[ERROR] You have to specify CertificatePath when you specify CertificatePassword' -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationId') -eq $true -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential') -eq $false -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TenantId') -eq $false) { Write-Host -Object '[ERROR] You have to specify TenantId when you specify ApplicationId' -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationId') -eq $false -and ` $ManagedIdentity.IsPresent -eq $false -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TenantId') -eq $true) { Write-Host -Object '[ERROR] You have to specify ApplicationId when you specify TenantId' -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationId') -eq $true -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TenantId') -eq $true -and ` ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') -eq $false -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationSecret') -eq $false -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePath') -eq $false)) { Write-Host -Object '[ERROR] You have to specify ApplicationSecret, CertificateThumbprint or CertificatePath when you specify ApplicationId/TenantId' -ForegroundColor Red return } if (($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationId') -eq $false -or ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TenantId') -eq $false) -and ` ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential') -eq $false -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') -eq $true -or ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationSecret') -eq $true -or ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePath') -eq $true)) { Write-Host -Message '[ERROR] You have to specify ApplicationId and TenantId when you specify ApplicationSecret, CertificateThumbprint or CertificatePath' -ForegroundColor Red return } # Default to Credential if no authentication mechanism were provided if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential') -eq $false -and ` $ManagedIdentity.IsPresent -eq $false -and ` $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationId') -eq $false) { $Credential = Get-Credential } #region Telemetry $data = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [String]]]::new() $data.Add('Event', 'Extraction') $data.Add('Path', [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) $data.Add('FileName', $null -ne [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FileName)) $data.Add('Components', $null -ne $Components) $data.Add('Workloads', $null -ne $Workloads) $data.Add('MaxProcesses', $null -ne $MaxProcesses) #endregion if ($null -eq $MaxProcesses) { $MaxProcesses = 16 } # Make sure we are not connected to Microsoft Graph on another tenant try { Disconnect-MgGraph -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null $global:MsCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.Connected = $false } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'No existing connections to Microsoft Graph' } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($TenantId)) { $data.Add('Tenant', $TenantId) } else { if ($Credential) { $tenant = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1] $data.Add('Tenant', $tenant) } } Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data if ($null -ne $Workloads) { Write-Output -InputObject "Exporting Microsoft 365 configuration for Workloads: $($Workloads -join ', ')" Start-M365DSCConfigurationExtract -Credential $Credential ` -Workloads $Workloads ` -Mode $Mode ` -Path $Path -FileName $FileName ` -MaxProcesses $MaxProcesses ` -ConfigurationName $ConfigurationName ` -ApplicationId $ApplicationId ` -ApplicationSecret $ApplicationSecret ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint ` -CertificatePath $CertificatePath ` -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword ` -ManagedIdentity:$ManagedIdentity ` -GenerateInfo $GenerateInfo ` -Filters $Filters ` -Validate:$Validate } elseif ($null -ne $Components) { Write-Output -InputObject "Exporting Microsoft 365 configuration for Components: $($Components -join ', ')" Start-M365DSCConfigurationExtract -Credential $Credential ` -Components $Components ` -Path $Path -FileName $FileName ` -MaxProcesses $MaxProcesses ` -ConfigurationName $ConfigurationName ` -ApplicationId $ApplicationId ` -ApplicationSecret $ApplicationSecret ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint ` -CertificatePath $CertificatePath ` -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword ` -ManagedIdentity:$ManagedIdentity ` -GenerateInfo $GenerateInfo ` -Filters $Filters ` -Validate:$Validate } elseif ($null -ne $Mode) { Write-Output -InputObject "Exporting Microsoft 365 configuration for Mode: $Mode" Start-M365DSCConfigurationExtract -Credential $Credential ` -Mode $Mode ` -Path $Path -FileName $FileName ` -MaxProcesses $MaxProcesses ` -ConfigurationName $ConfigurationName ` -ApplicationId $ApplicationId ` -ApplicationSecret $ApplicationSecret ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint ` -CertificatePath $CertificatePath ` -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword ` -ManagedIdentity:$ManagedIdentity ` -GenerateInfo $GenerateInfo ` -AllComponents ` -Filters $Filters ` -Validate:$Validate } # Clear the exported resource instances' names Global variable $Global:M365DSCExportedResourceInstancesNames = $null } $Script:M365DSCDependenciesValidated = $false <# .Description This function checks if all M365DSC dependencies are present .Functionality Internal #> function Confirm-M365DSCDependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param() if (-not $Script:M365DSCDependenciesValidated) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Dependencies were not already validated.' $result = Update-M365DSCDependencies -ValidateOnly if ($result.Length -gt 0) { $ErrorMessage = "The following dependencies need updating:`r`n" foreach ($invalidDependency in $result) { $ErrorMessage += ' * ' + $invalidDependency.ModuleName + "`r`n" } $ErrorMessage += 'Please run Update-M365DSCDependencies as Administrator.' $ErrorMessage += 'Please run Uninstall-M365DSCOutdatedDependencies.' $Script:M365DSCDependenciesValidated = $false Add-M365DSCEvent -Message $ErrorMessage -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 1 -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -TenantId $tenantIdValue throw $ErrorMessage } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Dependencies were all successfully validated.' $Script:M365DSCDependenciesValidated = $true } } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Dependencies were already successfully validated.' } } <# .Description This function re-imports all M365DSC dependencies, if not properly done before .Example Import-M365DSCDependencies .Functionality Public #> function Import-M365DSCDependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter()] [switch]$Global ) $currentPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\' -Resolve $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$currentPath/Dependencies/Manifest.psd1" $dependencies = $manifest.Dependencies foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { Import-Module $dependency.ModuleName -RequiredVersion $dependency.RequiredVersion -Force -Global:$Global } } <# .Description This function removes all versions of dependencies that are not specified in the manifest from the current PowerShell session. .Example Remove-M365DSCInvalidDependenciesFromSession .Functionality Private #> function Remove-M365DSCInvalidDependenciesFromSession { [CmdletBinding()] param() $currentPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\' -Resolve $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$currentPath/Dependencies/Manifest.psd1" $dependencies = $manifest.Dependencies foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { $loadedModuleInstances = Get-Module $dependency.ModuleName $incorrectModuleVersions = $null if ($loadedModuleInstances) { $incorrectModuleVersions = $loadedModuleInstances | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -ne $dependency.RequiredVersion } if ($incorrectModuleVersions) { foreach ($incorrectVersion in $incorrectModuleVersions) { $FQN = @{ ModuleName = $incorrectVersion.Name ModuleVersion = $incorrectVersion.Version } Write-Verbose -Message "Removing Module {$($incorrectVersion.Name)} version {$($incorrectVersion.Version)} from the current PowerShell session" Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName $FQN -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } } } <# .Description This function gets the name of the tenant .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCTenantDomain { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AppId')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AppId', Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ApplicationId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $TenantId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AppId')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ApplicationSecret, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AppId')] [System.String] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AppId')] [System.String] $CertificatePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'MID')] [Switch] $ManagedIdentity ) if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($CertificatePath)) { $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'MicrosoftGraph' ` -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters try { $tenantDetails = Get-MgOrganization -ErrorAction 'Stop' $defaultDomain = $tenantDetails.VerifiedDomains | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsInitial } return $defaultDomain.Name } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -eq 'Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.') { New-M365DSCLogEntry ` -Message 'Error retrieving Organizational information: Missing Organization.Read.All permission. ' ` -Exception $_ ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -Credential $Credential return '' } throw $_ } } if ($TenantId.Contains('onmicrosoft')) { return $TenantId } else { throw 'TenantID must be in format' } } <# .Description This function gets the DNS domain used in the specified credential .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCOrganization { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [System.String] $TenantId ) if ($null -ne $Credential -and $Credential.UserName.Contains('@')) { $organization = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1] return $organization } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($TenantId)) { if ($TenantId.contains('.')) { $organization = $TenantId return $organization } else { Throw 'Tenant ID must be name of tenant not a GUID. Ex' } } } <# .Description This function creates a new connection to the specifiek M365 workload .Functionality Internal #> function New-M365DSCConnection { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('ExchangeOnline', 'Intune', ` 'SecurityComplianceCenter', 'PnP', 'PowerPlatforms', ` 'MicrosoftTeams', 'MicrosoftGraph')] [System.String] $Workload, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if ($null -ne $_.Credential) { $invalid = $_.Credential.Username -notmatch ".onmicrosoft." if (-not $invalid) { return $true } else { Write-Warning -Message "We recommend providing the username in the format of <tenant>.onmicrosoft.* for the Credential property." } } if ($null -ne $_.TenantId) { $invalid = $false try { [System.Guid]::Parse($_.TenantId) | Out-Null $invalid = $true } catch { $invalid = $false } if ($invalid) { throw "Please provide the tenant name (e.g., for TenantId instead of its GUID." } else { $invalid = $_.TenantId -notmatch ".onmicrosoft." if (-not $invalid) { return $true } else { Write-Warning -Message "We recommend providing the tenant name in format <tenant>.onmicrosoft.* for TenantId." } } } return $true })] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $InboundParameters, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Url, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $SkipModuleReload = $false, [Parameter()] [System.String] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] $ProfileName = 'v1.0' ) if ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftTeams') { try { $cmdlet = Get-Command 'Connect-MicrosoftTeams' -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Import-Module 'MicrosoftTeams' -Global -Force | Out-Null } } Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting connection to {$Workload} with:" Write-Verbose -Message "$($InboundParameters | Out-String)" if ($SkipModuleReload -eq $true) { $Global:CurrentModeIsExport = $true } else { $Global:CurrentModeIsExport = $false } #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment. Confirm-M365DSCDependencies #region Telemetry $data = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [String]]]::new() $data.Add('Source', 'M365DSCUtil') $data.Add('Platform', $Workload) # Get the ApplicationSecret parameter back as a string. if ($InboundParameters.ApplicationSecret) { $InboundParameters.ApplicationSecret = $InboundParameters.ApplicationSecret.GetNetworkCredential().Password } # Case both authentication methods are attempted if ($null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -or ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint))) { $message = 'Both Authentication methods are attempted' Write-Verbose -Message $message $data.Add('Event', 'Error') $data.Add('Exception', $message) $errorText = "You can't specify both the Credential and one of {TenantId, CertificateThumbprint}" $data.Add('CustomMessage', $errorText) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Type 'Error' -Data $data throw $errorText } # Case no authentication method is specified elseif ($null -eq $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint) -and ` -not $InboundParameters.ManagedIdentity) { $message = 'No Authentication method was provided' Write-Verbose -Message $message $message += "`r`nProvided Keys --> $($InboundParameters.Keys)" $data.Add('Event', 'Error') $data.Add('Exception', $message) $errorText = 'You must specify either the Credential or ApplicationId, TenantId and CertificateThumbprint parameters.' $data.Add('CustomMessage', $errorText) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Type 'Error' -Data $data throw $errorText } # Case only Credential is specified elseif ($null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Credential was specified. Connecting via User Principal' if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Url)) { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -Credential $InboundParameters.Credential ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'Credential') try { $tenantId = $InboundParameters.Credential.Username.Split('@')[1] $data.Add('Tenant', $tenantId) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'Credentials' } if ($InboundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential') -and $null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential) { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -Credential $InboundParameters.Credential ` -Url $Url ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'Credential') try { $tenantId = $InboundParameters.Credential.Username.Split('@')[1] $data.Add('Tenant', $tenantId) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'Credentials' } } # Case only Credential with ApplicationId is specified elseif ($null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint)) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Url)) { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -Credential $InboundParameters.Credential ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'CredentialsWithApplicationId') try { $tenantId = $InboundParameters.Credential.Username.Split('@')[1] $data.Add('Tenant', $tenantId) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'CredentialsWithApplicationId' } else { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -Credential $InboundParameters.Credential ` -Url $Url ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'CredentialsWithApplicationId') try { $tenantId = $InboundParameters.Credential.Username.Split('@')[1] $data.Add('Tenant', $tenantId) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'CredentialsWithApplicationId' } } # Case only the ServicePrincipal with Thumbprint parameters are specified elseif ($null -eq $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificatePath) -and ` $null -ne $InboundParameters.CertificatePassword) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($url)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'ApplicationId, TenantId, CertificatePath & CertificatePassword were specified. Connecting via Service Principal' Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -TenantId $InboundParameters.TenantId ` -CertificatePassword $InboundParameters.CertificatePassword.Password ` -CertificatePath $InboundParameters.CertificatePath ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'ServicePrincipalWithPath') $data.Add('Tenant', $InboundParameters.TenantId) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'ServicePrincipalWithPath' } #endregion # Case both authentication methods are attempted if ($null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -or ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint))) { $message = 'Both Authentication methods are attempted' Write-Verbose -Message $message $data.Add('Event', 'Error') $data.Add('Exception', $message) $errorText = "You can't specify both the Credential and one of {TenantId, CertificateThumbprint}" $data.Add('CustomMessage', $errorText) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Type 'Error' -Data $data throw $errorText } # Case no authentication method is specified elseif ($null -eq $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint)) { $message = 'No Authentication method was provided' Write-Verbose -Message $message $message += "`r`nProvided Keys --> $($InboundParameters.Keys)" $data.Add('Event', 'Error') $data.Add('Exception', $message) $errorText = 'You must specify either the Credential or ApplicationId, TenantId and CertificateThumbprint parameters.' $data.Add('CustomMessage', $errorText) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Type 'Error' -Data $data throw $errorText } # Case only Credential is specified elseif ($null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Credential was specified. Connecting via User Principal' if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Url)) { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Platform ` -Credential $InboundParameters.Credential ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName } else { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Platform ` -Credential $InboundParameters.Credential ` -ConnectionUrl $Url ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName } #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile-Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'Credential') try { $tenantId = $InboundParameters.Credential.Username.Split('@')[1] $data.Add('Tenant', $tenantId) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'Credentials' } # Case only the ApplicationID and Credentials parameters are specified elseif ($null -ne $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId)) { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -TenantId $InboundParameters.TenantId ` -CertificatePassword $InboundParameters.CertificatePassword.Password ` -CertificatePath $InboundParameters.CertificatePath ` -Url $Url ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'ServicePrincipalWithPath') $data.Add('Tenant', $InboundParameters.TenantId) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'ServicePrincipalWithPath' } # Case only the ApplicationSecret, TenantId and ApplicationID are specified elseif ($null -eq $InboundParameters.Credential -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationId) -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId) -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.ApplicationSecret)) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($url)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'ApplicationId, TenantId, ApplicationSecret were specified. Connecting via Service Principal' Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -TenantId $InboundParameters.TenantId ` -ApplicationSecret $InboundParameters.ApplicationSecret ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret') $data.Add('Tenant', $InboundParameters.TenantId) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret' } else { Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -TenantId $InboundParameters.TenantId ` -ApplicationSecret $InboundParameters.ApplicationSecret ` -Url $Url ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret') $data.Add('Tenant', $InboundParameters.TenantId) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret' } } elseif ($InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint -and $InboundParameters.ApplicationId -and $InboundParameters.TenantId) { Write-Verbose -Message 'ApplicationId, TenantId, CertificateThumbprint were specified. Connecting via Service Principal' Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -ApplicationId $InboundParameters.ApplicationId ` -TenantId $InboundParameters.TenantId ` -CertificateThumbprint $InboundParameters.CertificateThumbprint ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName ` -Url $Url #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint') $data.Add('Tenant', $InboundParameters.TenantId) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint' } # Case only Managed Identity and TenantId are specified elseif ($InboundParameters.ManagedIdentity -and ` -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InboundParameters.TenantId)) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Connecting via managed identity' Connect-M365Tenant -Workload $Workload ` -Identity ` -TenantId $InboundParameters.TenantId ` -SkipModuleReload $Global:CurrentModeIsExport ` -ProfileName $ProfileName #2942 - check correct profile applied if (($ProfileName -ne $global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.ProfileName) -and ($Workload -eq 'MicrosoftGraph') ) { Select-MgProfile -Name $ProfileName } $data.Add('ConnectionType', 'ManagedIdentity') $data.Add('Tenant', $Global:MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile.MicrosoftGraph.TenantId) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data -Type 'Connection' return 'ManagedIdentity' } else { throw 'Could not determine authentication method' } } <# .Description This function gets the URL of the SPO Administration site .Functionality Internal #> function Get-SPOAdministrationUrl { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UseMFA, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) if ($UseMFA) { $UseMFASwitch = @{UseMFA = $true } } else { $UseMFASwitch = @{ } } Write-Verbose -Message 'Connection to Azure AD is required to automatically determine SharePoint Online admin URL...' $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'MicrosoftGraph' ` -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting SharePoint Online admin URL...' [Array]$defaultDomain = Get-MgDomain | Where-Object { ($_.Id -like '*' -or $_.Id -like '*' -or $_.Id -like '*') -and $_.IsInitial -eq $true } # We don't use IsDefault here because the default could be a custom domain if ($defaultDomain[0].Id -like '**') { $global:tenantName = $defaultDomain[0].Id -replace '', '' } elseif ($defaultDomain[0].Id -like '**') { $global:tenantName = $defaultDomain[0].Id -replace '', '' } $global:AdminUrl = "https://$" Write-Verbose -Message "SharePoint Online admin URL is $global:AdminUrl" return $global:AdminUrl } <# .Description This function gets the name of the M365 tenant .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365TenantName { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UseMFA, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) if ($UseMFA) { $UseMFASwitch = @{UseMFA = $true } } else { $UseMFASwitch = @{ } } Write-Verbose -Message 'Connection to Azure AD is required to automatically determine SharePoint Online admin URL...' $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'MicrosoftGraph' ` -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting SharePoint Online admin URL...' [Array]$defaultDomain = Get-MgDomain | Where-Object { ($_.Id -like '*' -or $_.Id -like '*') -and $_.IsInitial -eq $true } # We don't use IsDefault here because the default could be a custom domain if ($defaultDomain[0].Id -like '**') { $tenantName = $defaultDomain[0].Id -replace '', '' } elseif ($defaultDomain[0].Id -like '**') { $tenantName = $defaultDomain[0].Id -replace '', '' } Write-Verbose -Message "M365 tenant name is $tenantName" return $tenantName } <# .Description This function splits the provided array in the specified number of arrays .Functionality Internal #> function Split-ArrayByParts { [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object[]] $Array, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Uint32] $Parts ) if ($Parts) { $PartSize = [Math]::Ceiling($Array.Count / $Parts) } $outArray = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]' for ($i = 1; $i -le $Parts; $i++) { $start = (($i - 1) * $PartSize) if ($start -lt $Array.Count) { $end = (($i) * $PartSize) - 1 if ($end -ge $Array.count) { $end = $Array.count - 1 } $outArray.Add(@($Array[$start..$end])) } } return , $outArray } <# .Description This function runs provided code and makes sure throtteling is not causing any issues .Functionality Internal #> function Invoke-M365DSCCommand { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter()] [System.String] $InvokationPath, [Parameter()] [Object[]] $Arguments, [Parameter()] [System.UInt32] $Backoff = 2 ) $InformationPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' try { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InvokationPath)) { $baseScript = "Import-Module '$InvokationPath\*.psm1' -Force;" } $invokeArgs = @{ ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($baseScript + $ScriptBlock.ToString()) } if ($null -ne $Arguments) { $invokeArgs.Add('ArgumentList', $Arguments) } return Invoke-Command @invokeArgs } catch { if ($_.Exception -like '*M365DSC - *') { Write-Warning $_.Exception } else { if ($Backoff -le 128) { $NewBackoff = $Backoff * 2 Write-Warning " * Throttling detected. Waiting for {$NewBackoff seconds}" Start-Sleep -Seconds $NewBackoff return Invoke-M365DSCCommand -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Backoff $NewBackoff -Arguments $Arguments -InvokationPath $InvokationPath } else { Write-Warning $_ } } } } <# .Description This function creates a PSCustomObject of the provided input values .Functionality Internal #> function Get-SPOUserProfilePropertyInstance { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Key, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Value ) $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key Value = $Value } return $result } <# .Description This function downloads and installs the Dev branch of Microsoft365DSC on the local machine .Example Install-M365DSCDevBranch .Functionality Public #> function Install-M365DSCDevBranch { [CmdletBinding()] param() #region Download and Extract Dev branch's ZIP Write-Host 'Downloading the Zip package...' -NoNewline $url = '' $output = "$($env:Temp)\" $extractPath = $env:Temp + '\O365Dev' Write-Host 'Done' -ForegroundColor Green Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output Expand-Archive $output -DestinationPath $extractPath -Force #endregion #region Install All Dependencies $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$extractPath\Microsoft365DSC-Dev\Modules\Microsoft365DSC\Microsoft365DSC.psd1" $dependencies = $manifest.RequiredModules if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { Write-Host "Installing {$($dependency.ModuleName)}..." -NoNewline $existingModule = Get-Module $dependency.ModuleName -ListAvailable | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -eq $dependency.RequiredVersion } if ($null -eq $existingModule) { Install-Module $dependency.ModuleName -RequiredVersion $dependency.RequiredVersion -Force -AllowClobber -Scope 'AllUsers' | Out-Null } Import-Module $dependency.ModuleName -Force | Out-Null Write-Host 'Done' -ForegroundColor Green } } else { Write-Error 'Cannot update the dependencies for Microsoft365DSC. You need to run this command as a local administrator.' } #endregion #region Install M365DSC Write-Host 'Updating the Core Microsoft365DSC module...' -NoNewline $defaultPath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Microsoft365DSC\' $currentVersionPath = $defaultPath + ([Version]$($manifest.ModuleVersion)).ToString() Copy-Item "$extractPath\Microsoft365DSC-Dev\Modules\Microsoft365DSC\*" ` -Destination $defaultPath -Recurse -Force Import-Module ($defaultPath + 'Microsoft365DSC.psd1') -Force | Out-Null $oldModule = Get-Module 'Microsoft365DSC' | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ModuleBase -eq $currentVersionPath } Remove-Module $oldModule -Force | Out-Null if (Test-Path $currentVersionPath) { try { Remove-Item $currentVersionPath -Recurse -Confirm:$false -Force ` -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } } Write-Host 'Done' -ForegroundColor Green #endregion } <# .Description This function downloads all apps installed in SPO .Functionality Internal #> function Get-AllSPOPackages { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable[]])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ApplicationId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $TenantId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificatePath, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $CertificatePassword, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ManagedIdentity ) try { $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'PnP' ` -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters $tenantAppCatalogUrl = Get-PnPTenantAppCatalogUrl -ErrorAction Stop $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'PnP' ` -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters ` -Url $tenantAppCatalogUrl $filesToDownload = @() if ($null -ne $tenantAppCatalogUrl) { $spfxFiles = Find-PnPFile -List 'AppCatalog' -Match '*.sppkg' $appFiles = Find-PnPFile -List 'AppCatalog' -Match '*.app' $allFiles = $spfxFiles + $appFiles foreach ($file in $allFiles) { $filesToDownload += @{Name = $file.Name; Site = $tenantAppCatalogUrl; Title = $file.Title } } } return $filesToDownload } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } return $null } <# .Description This function removes all items that have a Null value from the provided hashtable .Functionality Internal #> function Remove-NullEntriesFromHashtable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.COllections.HashTable] $Hash ) $keysToRemove = @() foreach ($key in $Hash.Keys) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hash.$key)) { $keysToRemove += $key } } foreach ($key in $keysToRemove) { $Hash.Remove($key) | Out-Null } return $Hash } <# .Description This function compares a created export with the specified M365DSC Blueprint .Parameter BluePrintUrl Specifies the url to the blueprint to which the tenant should be compared. .Parameter OutputReportPath Specifies the path of the report that will be created. .Parameter Credentials Specifies the credentials that will be used for authentication. .Parameter ApplicationId Specifies the application id to be used for authentication. .Parameter ApplicationSecret Specifies the application secret of the application to be used for authentication. .Parameter TenantId Specifies the id of the tenant. .Parameter CertificateThumbprint Specifies the thumbprint to be used for authentication. .Parameter CertificatePassword Specifies the password of the PFX file which is used for authentication. .Parameter CertificatePath Specifies the path of the PFX file which is used for authentication. .Parameter HeaderFilePath Specifies that file that contains a custom header for the report. .Parameter ExcludedProperties Specifies the name of parameters that should not be assessed as part of the report. The names speficied will apply to all resources where they are encountered. .Parameter ExcludedResources Specifies the name of resources that should not be assessed as part of the report. .Example Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl 'C:\DS\blueprint.m365' -OutputReportPath 'C:\DSC\BlueprintReport.html' .Example Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl 'C:\DS\blueprint.m365' -OutputReportPath 'C:\DSC\BlueprintReport.html' -Credentials $credentials -HeaderFilePath 'C:\DSC\ReportCustomHeader.html' .Example Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl 'C:\DS\blueprint.m365' -OutputReportPath 'C:\DSC\BlueprintReport.html' -ApplicationId $clientid -TenantId $tenantId -CertificateThumbprint $certthumbprint -HeaderFilePath 'C:\DSC\ReportCustomHeader.html' .Functionality Public #> function Assert-M365DSCBlueprint { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $BluePrintUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $OutputReportPath, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credentials, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ApplicationId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $TenantId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificatePath, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $CertificatePassword, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter()] [System.String] $HeaderFilePath, [Parameter()] [System.String] [ValidateSet('HTML', 'JSON')] $Type = 'HTML', [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $ExcludedProperties, [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $ExcludedResources ) $InformationPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment. Confirm-M365DSCDependencies #region Telemetry $data = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [String]]]::new() $data.Add('Event', 'AssertBlueprint') $data.Add('BluePrint', $BluePrintUrl) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data #endregion $TempBluePrintName = (New-Guid).ToString() + '.M365' $LocalBluePrintPath = Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath $TempBluePrintName try { # Download the BluePrint locally in a temp location Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BluePrintUrl -OutFile $LocalBluePrintPath } catch { # If the download failed, we assume the provided Url was a local path # and we try copying the item instead. try { Copy-Item -Path $BluePrintUrl -Destination $LocalBluePrintPath } catch { throw $_ } } if ((Test-Path -Path $LocalBluePrintPath)) { # Parse the content of the BluePrint into an array of PowerShell Objects $fileContent = Get-Content $LocalBluePrintPath -Raw $startPosition = $fileContent.IndexOf(' -ModuleVersion') if ($startPosition -gt 0) { $endPosition = $fileContent.IndexOf("`r", $startPosition) $fileContent = $fileContent.Remove($startPosition, $endPosition - $startPosition) } try { $parsedBluePrint = ConvertTo-DSCObject -Content $fileContent } catch { throw $_ } # Generate an Array of Resource Types contained in the BluePrint $ResourcesInBluePrint = @() foreach ($resource in $parsedBluePrint) { if ($resource.ResourceName -in $ExcludedResources) { continue } if ($ResourcesInBluePrint -notcontains $resource.ResourceName) { $ResourcesInBluePrint += $resource.ResourceName } } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourcesInBluePrint)) { if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExcludedResources)) { Write-Host 'All resources were excluded from BluePrint, aborting' } else { Write-Host 'Malformed BluePrint, aborting' } break } Write-Host "Selected BluePrint contains ($($ResourcesInBluePrint.Length)) components to assess." # Call the Export-M365DSCConfiguration cmdlet to extract only the resource # types contained within the BluePrint; Write-Host "Initiating the Export of those ($($ResourcesInBluePrint.Length)) components from the tenant..." $TempExportName = (New-Guid).ToString() + '.ps1' Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components $ResourcesInBluePrint ` -Path $env:temp ` -FileName $TempExportName ` -Credential $Credentials ` -ApplicationId $ApplicationId ` -ApplicationSecret $ApplicationSecret ` -TenantId $TenantId ` -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint ` -CertificatePath $CertificatePath ` -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword # Call the New-M365DSCDeltaReport configuration to generate the Delta Report between # the BluePrint and the extracted resources; $ExportPath = Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath $TempExportName New-M365DSCDeltaReport -Source $ExportPath ` -Destination $LocalBluePrintPath ` -OutputPath $OutputReportPath ` -DriftOnly:$true ` -IsBlueprintAssessment:$true ` -HeaderFilePath $HeaderFilePath ` -Type $Type ` -ExcludedProperties $ExcludedProperties ` -ExcludedResources $ExcludedResources } else { Write-Error "M365DSC Template Path {$LocalBluePrintPath} does not exist." } } <# .Description This function checks if new versions are available for the M365DSC dependencies .Example Test-M365DSCDependenciesForNewVersions .Functionality Public #> function Test-M365DSCDependenciesForNewVersions { [CmdletBinding()] param () $InformationPreference = 'Continue' $currentPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\' -Resolve $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$currentPath/Dependencies/Manifest.psd1" $dependencies = $manifest.Dependencies $i = 1 Import-Module PowerShellGet -Force foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Scanning Dependencies' -PercentComplete ($i / $dependencies.Count * 100) try { $moduleInGallery = Find-Module $dependency.ModuleName [array]$moduleInstalled = Get-Module $dependency.ModuleName -ListAvailable | Select-Object Version if ($moduleInstalled) { $modules = $moduleInstalled | Sort-Object Version -Descending } $moduleInstalled = $modules[0] if (-not $modules -or [Version]($moduleInGallery.Version) -gt [Version]($moduleInstalled[0].Version)) { Write-Host "New version of {$($dependency.ModuleName)} is available {$($moduleInGallery.Version)}" } } catch { Write-Host $_ Write-Host "New version of {$($dependency.ModuleName)} is available" } $i++ } # The progress bar seems to hang sometimes. Make sure it is no longer displayed. Write-Progress -Activity 'Scanning Dependencies' -Completed } <# .Description This function installs all missing M365DSC dependencies .Parameter Force Specifies that all dependencies should be forcefully imported again. .Example Update-M365DSCDependencies .Example Update-M365DSCDependencies -Force .Functionality Public #> function Update-M365DSCDependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ValidateOnly ) $InformationPreference = 'Continue' $currentPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\' -Resolve $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$currentPath/Dependencies/Manifest.psd1" $dependencies = $manifest.Dependencies $i = 1 $returnValue = @() foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Scanning Dependencies' -PercentComplete ($i / $dependencies.Count * 100) try { if (-not $Force) { $found = Get-Module $dependency.ModuleName -ListAvailable | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -eq $dependency.RequiredVersion } } if ((-not $found -or $Force) -and -not $ValidateOnly) { if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { Write-Information -MessageData "Installing $($dependency.ModuleName) version {$($dependency.RequiredVersion)}" Remove-Module $dependency.ModuleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Install-Module $dependency.ModuleName -RequiredVersion $dependency.RequiredVersion -AllowClobber -Force -Scope 'AllUsers' Import-Module $dependency.ModuleName -Force } else { Write-Error 'Cannot update the dependencies for Microsoft365DSC. You need to run this command as a local administrator.' } } if (-not $found -and $validateOnly) { $returnValue += $dependency } } catch { Write-Host "Could not update {$($dependency.ModuleName)}" } $i++ } # The progress bar seems to hang sometimes. Make sure it is no longer displayed. Write-Progress -Activity 'Scanning Dependencies' -Completed if ($ValidateOnly) { return $returnValue } } <# .Description This function uninstalls all previous M365DSC dependencies and older versions of the module. .Example Uninstall-M365DSCOutdatedDependencies .Functionality Public #> function Uninstall-M365DSCOutdatedDependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param() $InformationPreference = 'Continue' [array]$microsoft365DscModules = Get-Module Microsoft365DSC -ListAvailable $outdatedMicrosoft365DscModules = $microsoft365DscModules | Sort-Object Version | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 foreach ($module in $outdatedMicrosoft365DscModules) { try { Write-Information -MessageData "Uninstalling $($module.Name) Version {$($module.Version)}" if (Test-Path -Path $($module.Path)) { Remove-Item $($module.Path) -Force -Recurse } } catch { Write-Host "Could not uninstall $($module.Name) Version $($module.Version) " } } $currentPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\' -Resolve $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$currentPath\Dependencies\Manifest.psd1" $allDependenciesExceptAuth = $manifest.Dependencies | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -ne 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication' } $i = 1 foreach ($dependency in $allDependenciesExceptAuth) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Scanning Dependencies' -PercentComplete ($i / $allDependenciesExceptAuth.Count * 100) try { $found = Get-Module $dependency.ModuleName -ListAvailable | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -ne $dependency.RequiredVersion } foreach ($foundModule in $found) { try { Write-Information -MessageData "Uninstalling $($foundModule.Name) Version {$($foundModule.Version)}" if (Test-Path -Path $($foundModule.Path)) { Remove-Item $($foundModule.ModuleBase) -Force -Recurse } } catch { Write-Host "Could not uninstall $($foundModule.Name) Version $($foundModule.Version) " } } } catch { Write-Host "Could not uninstall {$($dependency.ModuleName)}" } $i++ } $authModule = $manifest.Dependencies | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -eq 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication' } try { Write-Information -MessageData 'Checking Microsoft.Graph.Authentication' $found = Get-Module $authModule.ModuleName -ListAvailable | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -ne $authModule.RequiredVersion } foreach ($foundModule in $found) { try { Write-Information -MessageData "Uninstalling $($foundModule.Name) version {$($foundModule.Version)}" if (Test-Path -Path $($foundModule.Path)) { Remove-Item $($foundModule.ModuleBase) -Force -Recurse } } catch { Write-Host "Could not uninstall $($foundModule.Name) Version $($foundModule.Version) " } } } catch { Write-Host "Could not uninstall {$($dependency.ModuleName)}" } } <# .Description This function removes all empty values from a dictionary object .Functionality Internal #> function Remove-EmptyValue { [alias('Remove-EmptyValues')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [alias('Splat', 'IDictionary')][Parameter(Mandatory)][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Hashtable, [string[]] $ExcludeParameter, [switch] $Recursive, [int] $Rerun ) foreach ($Key in [string[]] $Hashtable.Keys) { if ($Key -notin $ExcludeParameter) { if ($Recursive) { if ($Hashtable[$Key] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { if ($Hashtable[$Key].Count -eq 0) { $Hashtable.Remove($Key) } else { Remove-EmptyValue -Hashtable $Hashtable[$Key] -Recursive:$Recursive } } else { if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$Key] -or ($Hashtable[$Key] -is [string] -and $Hashtable[$Key] -eq '') -or ($Hashtable[$Key] -is [System.Collections.IList] -and $Hashtable[$Key].Count -eq 0)) { $Hashtable.Remove($Key) } } } else { if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$Key] -or ($Hashtable[$Key] -is [string] -and $Hashtable[$Key] -eq '') -or ($Hashtable[$Key] -is [System.Collections.IList] -and $Hashtable[$Key].Count -eq 0)) { $Hashtable.Remove($Key) } } } } if ($Rerun) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Rerun; $i++) { Remove-EmptyValue -Hashtable $Hashtable -Recursive:$Recursive } } } <# .Description This function updates the exported results with the specified authentication method .Functionality Internal #> function Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] [ValidateSet('ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint', 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret', 'ServicePrincipalWithPath', 'CredentialsWithApplicationId', 'Credentials', 'ManagedIdentity')] $ConnectionMode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Results ) if ($Results.ContainsKey('ManagedIdentity') -and -not $Results.ManagedIdentity) { $Results.Remove('ManagedIdentity') } if ($ConnectionMode -eq 'Credentials') { $Results.Credential = Resolve-Credentials -UserName 'credential' if ($Results.ContainsKey('ApplicationId')) { $Results.Remove('ApplicationId') | Out-Null } if ($Results.ContainsKey('TenantId')) { $Results.Remove('TenantId') | Out-Null } if ($Results.ContainsKey('ApplicationSecret')) { $Results.Remove('ApplicationSecret') | Out-Null } if ($Results.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint')) { $Results.Remove('CertificateThumbprint') | Out-Null } if ($Results.ContainsKey('CertificatePath')) { $Results.Remove('CertificatePath') | Out-Null } if ($Results.ContainsKey('CertificatePassword')) { $Results.Remove('CertificatePassword') | Out-Null } } else { if ($Results.ContainsKey('Credential') -and $ConnectionMode -ne 'CredentialsWithApplicationId') { $Results.Remove('Credential') | Out-Null } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('Credential') -and $ConnectionMode -eq 'CredentialsWithApplicationId') { $Results.Credential = Resolve-Credentials -UserName 'credential' } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.ApplicationId)) { $Results.ApplicationId = "`$ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.ApplicationId" } else { try { $Results.Remove('ApplicationId') | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Error removing ApplicationId from Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults' } } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.CertificateThumbprint)) { $Results.CertificateThumbprint = "`$ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.CertificateThumbprint" } else { try { $Results.Remove('CertificateThumbprint') | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Error removing CertificateThumbprint from Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults' } } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.CertificatePath)) { $Results.CertificatePath = "`$ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.CertificatePath" } else { try { $Results.Remove('CertificatePath') | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Error removing CertificatePath from Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults' } } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.TenantId)) { $Results.TenantId = "`$ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.TenantId" } else { try { $Results.Remove('TenantId') | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Error removing TenantId from Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults' } } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.ApplicationSecret)) { $Results.ApplicationSecret = "New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('ApplicationSecret', (ConvertTo-SecureString `$ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.ApplicationSecret -AsPlainText -Force))" } else { try { $Results.Remove('ApplicationSecret') | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Error removing ApplicationSecret from Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults' } } if ($null -ne $Results.CertificatePassword) { $Results.CertificatePassword = Resolve-Credentials -UserName 'CertificatePassword' } else { try { $Results.Remove('CertificatePassword') | Out-Null } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Error removing CertificatePassword from Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults' } } } return $Results } <# .Description This function generates DSC string from an exported result hashtable .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCExportContentForResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] [ValidateSet('ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint', 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret', 'ServicePrincipalWithPath', 'CredentialsWithApplicationId', 'Credentials', 'ManagedIdentity')] $ConnectionMode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ModulePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Results, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) $OrganizationName = '' if ($ConnectionMode -like 'ServicePrincipal*' -or ` $ConnectionMode -eq 'ManagedIdentity') { $OrganizationName = $Results.TenantId } else { $OrganizationName = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1] } # Ensure the string properties are properly formatted; $Results = Format-M365DSCString -Properties $Results ` -ResourceName $ResourceName $primaryKey = '' if ($Results.ContainsKey('IsSingleInstance')) { $primaryKey = '' } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('DisplayName')) { $primaryKey = $Results.DisplayName } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('Identity')) { $primaryKey = $Results.Identity } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('Id')) { $primaryKey = $Results.Id } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('Name')) { $primaryKey = $Results.Name } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('Title')) { $primaryKey = $Results.Title } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('CdnType')) { $primaryKey = $Results.CdnType } elseif ($Results.ContainsKey('Usage')) { $primaryKey = $Results.Usage } $instanceName = $ResourceName if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($primaryKey)) { $instanceName += "-$primaryKey" } if ($Results.ContainsKey('Workload')) { $instanceName += "-$($Results.Workload)" } # Check to see if a resource with this exact name was already exported, if so, append a number to the end. $i = 2 $tempName = $instanceName while ($null -ne $Global:M365DSCExportedResourceInstancesNames -and ` $Global:M365DSCExportedResourceInstancesNames.Contains($tempName)) { $tempName = $instanceName + "-" + $i.ToString() $i++ } $instanceName = $tempName $Global:M365DSCExportedResourceInstancesNames += $tempName $content = " $ResourceName `"$instanceName`"`r`n" $content += " {`r`n" $partialContent = Get-DSCBlock -Params $Results -ModulePath $ModulePath # Test for both Credentials and CredentialsWithApplicationId if ($ConnectionMode -match 'Credentials') { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'Credential' if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.ApplicationId)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'ApplicationId' } } else { if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.ApplicationId)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'ApplicationId' } if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.TenantId)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'TenantId' } if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.ApplicationSecret)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'ApplicationSecret' } if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.CertificatePath)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'CertificatePath' } if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.CertificateThumbprint)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'CertificateThumbprint' } if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.CertificatePassword)) { $partialContent = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $partialContent ` -ParameterName 'CertificatePassword' } } if ($partialContent.ToLower().IndexOf($OrganizationName.ToLower()) -gt 0) { $partialContent = $partialContent -ireplace [regex]::Escape($OrganizationName + ':'), "`$($OrganizationName):" $partialContent = $partialContent -ireplace [regex]::Escape($OrganizationName), "`$OrganizationName" $partialContent = $partialContent -ireplace [regex]::Escape('@' + $OrganizationName), "@`$OrganizationName" } $content += $partialContent $content += " }`r`n" return $content } <# .Description This function gets all resources that support the specified authentication method .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCComponentsForAuthenticationType { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String[]])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] [ValidateSet('Application', 'ApplicationWithSecret', 'Certificate', 'Credentials')] $AuthenticationMethod, [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $ResourcesToExport ) $modules = Get-ChildItem -Path ($PSScriptRoot + '\..\DSCResources\') -Recurse -Filter '*.psm1' $Components = @() foreach ($resource in $modules) { if ($ResourcesToExport.Contains($resource.Name.Replace('MSFT_', '').Split('.')[0])) { Import-Module $resource.FullName -Force $parameters = (Get-Command 'Set-TargetResource').Parameters.Keys # Case - Resource only supports AppID & GlobalAdmin if ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('Application') -and ` $AuthenticationMethod.Contains('Credentials') -and ` ($parameters.Contains('ApplicationId') -and ` $parameters.Contains('Credential') -and ` -not $parameters.Contains('CertificateThumbprint') -and ` -not $parameters.Contains('CertificatePath') -and ` -not $parameters.Contains('CertificatePassword') -and ` -not $parameters.Contains('TenantId'))) { $Components += $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' } #Case - Resource certificate info and TenantId elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('Certificate') -and ` ($parameters.Contains('CertificateThumbprint') -or ` $parameters.Contains('CertificatePath') -or ` $parameters.Contains('CertificatePassword')) -and ` $parameters.Contains('TenantId')) { $Components += $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' } # Case - Resource contains ApplicationSecret elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('ApplicationWithSecret') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ApplicationId') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ApplicationSecret') -and ` $parameters.Contains('TenantId')) { $Components += $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' } # Case - Resource contains Credential elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('Credentials') -and ` $parameters.Contains('Credential')) { $Components += $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' } elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('ManagedIdentity') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ManagedIdentity')) { $Components += $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' } } } return $Components } <# .Description This function gets all resources that support the specified authentication method and determines the most secure authentication method supported by the resource. .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCComponentsWithMostSecureAuthenticationType { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String[]])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] [ValidateSet('ApplicationWithSecret', 'CertificateThumbprint', 'CertificatePath', 'Credentials', 'CredentialsWithApplicationId', 'ManagedIdentity')] $AuthenticationMethod ) $modules = Get-ChildItem -Path ($PSScriptRoot + '\..\DSCResources\') -Recurse -Filter '*.psm1' $Components = @() foreach ($resource in $modules) { Import-Module $resource.FullName -Force $parameters = (Get-Command 'Set-TargetResource').Parameters.Keys #Case - Resource supports CertificateThumbprint if ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('CertificateThumbprint') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ApplicationId') -and ` $parameters.Contains('CertificateThumbprint') -and ` $parameters.Contains('TenantId')) { $Components += @{ Resource = $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' AuthMethod = 'CertificateThumbprint' } } # Case - Resource supports CertificatePath elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('CertificatePath') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ApplicationId') -and ` $parameters.Contains('CertificatePath') -and ` $parameters.Contains('TenantId')) { $Components += @{ Resource = $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' AuthMethod = 'CertificatePath' } } # Case - Resource supports ApplicationSecret elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('ApplicationWithSecret') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ApplicationId') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ApplicationSecret') -and ` $parameters.Contains('TenantId')) { $Components += @{ Resource = $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' AuthMethod = 'ApplicationSecret' } } # Case - Resource supports Credential using CredentialsWithApplicationId elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('CredentialsWithApplicationId') -and ` $parameters.Contains('Credential')) { $Components += @{ Resource = $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' AuthMethod = 'CredentialsWithApplicationId' } } # Case - Resource supports Credential elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('Credentials') -and ` $parameters.Contains('Credential')) { $Components += @{ Resource = $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' AuthMethod = 'Credentials' } } elseif ($AuthenticationMethod.Contains('ManagedIdentity') -and ` $parameters.Contains('ManagedIdentity')) { $Components += @{ Resource = $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' AuthMethod = 'ManagedIdentity' } } } return $Components } <# .Description This function gets all available M365DSC resources in the module .Example Get-M365DSCAllResources .Functionality Public #> function Get-M365DSCAllResources { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String[]])] [CmdletBinding()] param () $allResources = Get-ChildItem -Path ($PSScriptRoot + '\..\DSCResources\') -Recurse -Filter '*.psm1' $result = @() foreach ($resource in $allResources) { $result += $resource.Name -replace 'MSFT_', '' -replace '.psm1', '' } return $result } <# .Description This function checks if the specified object has the specified property .Functionality Internal, Hidden #> function Test-M365DSCObjectHasProperty { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [Object] $Object, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [String] $PropertyName ) if (([bool]($ -contains $PropertyName)) -eq $true) { if ($null -ne $Object.$PropertyName) { return $true } } return $false } <# .Description This function returns the used workloads for the specified DSC resources .Parameter ResourceNames Specifies the resources for which the workloads should be determined. .Example Get-M365DSCWorkloadsListFromResourceNames -ResourceNames AADUSer .Functionality Public #> function Get-M365DSCWorkloadsListFromResourceNames { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String[]] $ResourceNames ) [Array] $workloads = @() foreach ($resource in $ResourceNames) { switch ($resource.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper()) { 'AA' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('MicrosoftGraph')) { $workloads += 'MicrosoftGraph' } } 'EX' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('ExchangeOnline')) { $workloads += 'ExchangeOnline' } } 'In' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('MicrosoftGraph')) { $workloads += 'MicrosoftGraph' } } 'O3' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('MicrosoftGraph') -and $resource -eq 'O365Group') { $workloads += 'MicrosoftGraph' } elseif (-not $workloads.Contains('ExchangeOnline')) { $workloads += 'ExchangeOnline' } } 'OD' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('PnP')) { $workloads += 'PnP' } } 'Pl' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('MicrosoftGraph')) { $workloads += 'MicrosoftGraph' } } 'SP' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('PnP')) { $workloads += 'PnP' } } 'SC' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('SecurityComplianceCenter')) { $workloads += 'SecurityComplianceCenter' } } 'Te' { if (-not $workloads.Contains('MicrosoftTeams')) { $workloads += 'MicrosoftTeams' } } } } return ($workloads | Sort-Object) } <# .Description This function gets the used authentication mode based on the specified parameters .Functionality Internal #> function Get-M365DSCAuthenticationMode { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Parameters ) if ($Parameters.ApplicationId -and $Parameters.TenantId -and $Parameters.CertificateThumbprint) { $AuthenticationType = 'ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint' } elseif ($Parameters.ApplicationId -and $Parameters.TenantId -and $Parameters.ApplicationSecret) { $AuthenticationType = 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret' } elseif ($Parameters.ApplicationId -and $Parameters.TenantId -and $Parameters.CertificatePath -and $Parameters.CertificatePassword) { $AuthenticationType = 'ServicePrincipalWithPath' } elseif ($Parameters.Credentials -and $Parameters.ApplicationId) { $AuthenticationType = 'CredentialsWithApplicationId' } elseif ($Parameters.Credentials) { $AuthenticationType = 'Credentials' } elseif ($Parameters.ManagedIdentity) { $AuthenticationType = 'ManagedIdentity' } else { $AuthenticationType = 'Interactive' } return $AuthenticationType } <# .Description This function creates Markdown documentation of all public M365DSC cmdlets and places these in the correct location of the docs folder. .Functionality Internal #> function New-M365DSCCmdletDocumentation { param() $cmdletDocsRoot = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\..\docs\docs\user-guide\cmdlets' if ((Test-Path -Path $cmdletDocsRoot) -eq $false) { $null = New-Item -Path $cmdletDocsRoot -ItemType Directory } $filesInFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path $cmdletDocsRoot if ($filesInFolder.Count -ne 0) { Remove-Item -Path $filesInFolder.FullName -Confirm:$false } Write-Host -Object ' ' Write-Host -Object 'Creating Markdown documentation for M365DSC cmdlets:' -ForegroundColor Gray $counter = 0 foreach ($command in (Get-Module Microsoft365Dsc).ExportedCommands.GetEnumerator()) { $commandName = $command.Key $helpInfo = Get-Help $commandName $functionality = $helpInfo.Functionality -split ', ' if ('Public' -in $functionality) { Write-Host -Object " * $commandName " -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline $output = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder $null = $output.AppendLine("# $($commandName)") $null = $output.AppendLine('') $helpInfo = Get-Help -Name $commandName if ($helpInfo.description.Count -ne 0) { $null = $output.AppendLine('## Description') $null = $output.AppendLine('') $null = $output.AppendLine($helpInfo.Description[0].Text) $null = $output.AppendLine('') } $cmd = Get-Command -Name $commandName if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($cmd.OutputType) -eq $false) { $null = $output.AppendLine('## Output') $null = $output.AppendLine('') $null = $output.AppendLine('This function outputs information as the following type:') $null = $output.AppendLine("**$($cmd.OutputType)**") $null = $output.AppendLine('') } else { $null = $output.AppendLine('## Output') $null = $output.AppendLine('') $null = $output.AppendLine('This function does not generate any output.') $null = $output.AppendLine('') } $ast = $cmd.ScriptBlock.Ast $parameters = $null $parameters = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }, $true) $null = $output.AppendLine('## Parameters') $null = $output.AppendLine('') if ($parameters.Count -gt 0) { $null = $output.AppendLine('| Parameter | Required | DataType | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |') $null = $output.AppendLine('| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |') $ast = $cmd.ScriptBlock.Ast $parameters = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }, $true) foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { $paramName = $parameter.Name.VariablePath.UserPath $paramHelp = $helpInfo.parameters.parameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $paramName } $description = '' if ($paramHelp.description.Count -gt 0) { $description = $paramHelp.description[0].Text } $mandatory = $parameter.Attributes.Where({ $_.TypeName.FullName -eq 'Parameter' }).NamedArguments.Where({ $_.ArgumentName -eq 'Mandatory' }).Argument.VariablePath.UserPath if ($null -eq $mandatory) { $mandatory = 'False' } $mandatory = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($mandatory.ToLower()) $null = $output.AppendLine("| $($paramName) | $($mandatory) | $($parameter.StaticType.Name) | $($parameter.DefaultValue.Value) | $($parameter.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeName.FullName -eq 'ValidateSet'}).PositionalArguments.Value -join ', ') | $($description) |") } $null = $output.AppendLine('') } else { $null = $output.AppendLine('This function does not have any input parameters.') } if ($helpInfo.examples.example.Count -ne 0) { $null = $output.AppendLine('## Examples') $null = $output.AppendLine('') foreach ($example in $helpInfo.examples.example) { $null = $output.AppendLine($example.title) $null = $output.AppendLine('') $null = $output.AppendLine("``$($example.code)``") $null = $output.AppendLine('') } } $savePath = Join-Path -Path $cmdletDocsRoot -ChildPath "$" $null = Out-File ` -InputObject ($output.ToString() -replace '\r?\n', "`r`n") ` -FilePath $savePath ` -Encoding utf8 ` -Force:$Force Write-Host -Object $Global:M365DSCEmojiGreenCheckmark -ForegroundColor Gray $counter++ } } Write-Host -Object ' ' Write-Host -Object "Total number files created: $counter" -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host -Object ' ' } <# .Description This function creates an example from the resource schema, using ReverseDSC code. .Parameter ResourceName Specifies the resource name for which the example should be generated. .Functionality Internal, Hidden #> function Create-M365DSCResourceExample { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ResourceName ) $resource = Get-DscResource -Name $ResourceName $params = Get-DSCFakeParameters -ModulePath $resource.Path $params.Credential = '$credsGlobalAdmin' if ($params.ContainsKey('ApplicationId')) { $params.Remove('ApplicationId') } if ($params.ContainsKey('TenantId')) { $params.Remove('TenantId') } if ($params.ContainsKey('ApplicationSecret')) { $params.Remove('ApplicationSecret') } if ($params.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint')) { $params.Remove('CertificateThumbprint') } if ($params.ContainsKey('CertificatePath')) { $params.Remove('CertificatePath') } if ($params.ContainsKey('CertificatePassword')) { $params.Remove('CertificatePassword') } [string]$userName = '' [string]$userPassword = 'dummypassword' [securestring]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $userPassword -AsPlainText -Force [pscredential]$credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($userName, $secStringPassword) $resourceExample = Get-M365DSCExportContentForResource -ResourceName $ResourceName -ModulePath $resource.Path -Results $params -ConnectionMode Credentials -Credential $credObject $resourceExample = $resourceExample.TrimEnd() -replace ';', '' $exampleText = @" <# This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = `$true)] [PSCredential] `$credsGlobalAdmin ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { $resourceExample } } "@ return $exampleText } <# .Description This function creates an example from the resource schema, using ReverseDSC code. .Parameter ResourceName Specifies the resource name for which the example should be generated. .Functionality Internal #> function New-M365DSCMissingResourcesExample { $location = $PSScriptRoot $m365Resources = Get-DscResource -Module Microsoft365DSC | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $examplesPath = Join-Path $location -ChildPath '..\Examples\Resources' $examples = Get-ChildItem -Path $examplesPath | Where-Object { $_.PsIsContainer } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name [array]$differences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $m365Resources -DifferenceObject $examples $count = 1 $total = $differences.Count foreach ($difference in $differences) { Write-Host "[$count/$total] Processing $($difference.InputObject)" $path = Join-Path -Path '.\Modules\Microsoft365DSC\Examples\Resources' -ChildPath $difference.InputObject switch ($difference.SideIndicator) { '<=' { Write-Host ' - Example missing, generating!' $null = New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory $exampleFile = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath '1-Configure.ps1' Set-Content -Path $exampleFile -Value (Create-M365DSCResourceExample -ResourceName $difference.InputObject) } '=>' { Write-Host ' - No resource for existing example, removing!' Remove-Item -Path $path -Force -Confirm:$false } } $count++ } } <# .Description This function validates there are no updates to the module or it's dependencies and no multiple versions are present on the local system. .Example Test-M365DSCModuleValidity .Example Test-M365DSCModuleValidity -Force .Functionality Public #> function Test-M365DSCModuleValidity { [CmdletBinding()] param() if ('AzureAutomation/' -eq $env:AZUREPS_HOST_ENVIRONMENT) { $message = 'Skipping check for newer version of Microsoft365DSC due to Azure Automation Environment restrictions.' Write-Verbose -Message $message return } $InformationPreference = 'Continue' # validate only one installation of the module is present (and it's the latest version available from the psgallery) $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name 'Microsoft365DSC').Version $localVersion = (Get-Module -Name 'Microsoft365DSC').Version if ($latestVersion -gt $localVersion) { Write-Host "There is a newer version of the 'Microsoft365DSC' module available on the gallery." Write-Host "To update the module and it's dependencies, run the following command:" Write-Host 'Update-M365DSCModule' -ForegroundColor Blue } } <# .Description This function updates the module, dependencies and uninstalls outdated dependencies. .Example Update-M365DSCModule .Functionality Public #> function Update-M365DSCModule { [CmdletBinding()] param() Update-Module -Name 'Microsoft365DSC' Update-M365DSCDependencies Uninstall-M365DSCOutdatedDependencies } <# .Description This function writes messages and adds M365DSCEvents to Eventlog .Example Write-M365DSCLogEvent -Message $_ -EventSource $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) -TenantId $tenantid -Credential $Credential .Functionality Internal #> function Write-M365DSCLogEvent { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Message, [Parameter()] [System.String] $EventSource = 'M365DSC', [Parameter()] [System.Uint32] $EventID = 1, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Error', 'Information', 'FailureAudit', 'SuccessAudit', 'Warning')] [System.String] $EventEntryType = 'Error', [Parameter()] [System.String] $TenantId, [Parameter()] [PSCredential] $Credential ) try { Write-Verbose -Message $Message $tenantIdValue = '' if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($TenantId)) { $tenantIdValue = $TenantId } elseif ($null -ne $Credential) { $tenantIdValue = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1] } Add-M365DSCEvent -Message $Message -EntryType $EventEntryType -EventID $EventID -Source $EventSource -TenantId $tenantIdValue } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } return $nullReturn } <# .Description This function removes the authentication parameters from the hashtable. .Functionality Internal #> function Remove-M365DSCAuthenticationParameter { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $BoundParameters ) if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('Ensure')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('Ensure') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('Credential') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationId')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('ApplicationId') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApplicationSecret')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('ApplicationSecret') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('TenantId')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('TenantId') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePassword')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('CertificatePassword') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificatePath')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('CertificatePath') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('CertificateThumbprint') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('ManagedIdentity')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('ManagedIdentity') | Out-Null } if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $BoundParameters.Remove('Verbose') | Out-Null } return $BoundParameters } <# .Description This function analyzes an M365DSC configuration file and returns information about potential issues (e.g., duplicate primary keys). .Example Get-M365DSCConfigurationConflict -ConfigurationContent "content" .Functionality Public #> function Get-M365DSCConfigurationConflict { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Array])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ConfigurationContent ) $results = @() Write-Verbose -Message "Converting configuration's content into a PowerShell Object using DSCParser" $parsedContent = ConvertTo-DSCObject -Content $ConfigurationContent $resourcesPrimaryIdentities = @() $resourcesInModule = Get-DSCResource -Module 'Microsoft365DSC' foreach ($component in $parsedContent) { $resourceDefinition = $resourcesInModule | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $component.ResourceName} [Array]$mandatoryProperties = $resourceDefinition.Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.IsMandatory} $primaryKeyValues = "" foreach ($mandatoryKey in $mandatoryProperties.Name) { $primaryKeyValues += "$($component.$mandatoryKey)|" } $entryValue = "[$($component.ResourceName)]$primaryKeyValues" if ($resourcesPrimaryIdentities.Contains($entryValue)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Found primary key conflict in resource {$($component.ResourceInstanceName)}" $currentEntry = @{ ResourceName = $component.ResourceName InstanceName = $component.ResourceInstanceName AdditionalProperties = @{} Reason = "DuplicatePrimaryKey" } foreach ($mandatoryKey in $mandatoryProperties.Name) { $currentEntry.AdditionalProperties.Add($mandatoryKey, $component.$mandatoryKey) } $results += $currentEntry } else { $resourcesPrimaryIdentities += $entryValue } } return $results } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'Assert-M365DSCBlueprint', 'Confirm-ImportedCmdletIsAvailable', 'Confirm-M365DSCDependencies', 'Convert-M365DscHashtableToString', 'ConvertTo-SPOUserProfilePropertyInstanceString', 'Export-M365DSCConfiguration', 'Get-AllSPOPackages', 'Get-M365DSCAllResources', 'Get-M365DSCAuthenticationMode', 'Get-M365DSCComponentsForAuthenticationType', 'Get-M365DSCComponentsWithMostSecureAuthenticationType', 'Get-M365DSCConfigurationConflict', 'Get-M365DSCExportContentForResource', 'Get-M365DSCOrganization', 'Get-M365DSCTenantDomain', 'Get-M365DSCWorkloadsListFromResourceNames', 'Get-M365TenantName', 'Get-SPOAdministrationUrl', 'Get-SPOUserProfilePropertyInstance', 'Get-TeamByName', 'Import-M365DSCDependencies', 'Install-M365DSCDevBranch', 'Invoke-M365DSCCommand', 'New-EXOSafeAttachmentRule', 'New-EXOSafeLinksRule', 'New-M365DSCCmdletDocumentation', 'New-M365DSCConnection', 'New-M365DSCMissingResourcesExample', 'Remove-EmptyValue', 'Remove-M365DSCAuthenticationParameter', 'Remove-NullEntriesFromHashtable', 'Set-EXOSafeAttachmentRule', 'Set-EXOSafeLinksRule', 'Split-ArrayByParts', 'Test-M365DSCDependenciesForNewVersions', 'Test-M365DSCModuleValidity', 'Test-M365DSCParameterState', 'Uninstall-M365DSCOutdatedDependencies', 'Update-M365DSCDependencies', 'Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults', 'Update-M365DSCModule', 'Write-M365DSCLogEvent' ) |