class MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments { [Write, Description("The type of the target assignment."), ValueMap{"#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget"}, Values{"#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget"}] String dataType; [Write, Description("The type of filter of the target assignment i.e. Exclude or Include. Possible values are:none, include, exclude."), ValueMap{"none","include","exclude"}, Values{"none","include","exclude"}] String deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType; [Write, Description("The Id of the filter for the target assignment.")] String deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId; [Write, Description("The group Id that is the target of the assignment.")] String groupId; [Write, Description("The collection Id that is the target of the assignment.(ConfigMgr)")] String collectionId; }; [ClassVersion("1.0.0")] class MSFT_IntuneDefenderDetectedMalwareActions { [Write, Description("Specifies the action to take when a low severity malware is detected."), ValueMap{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}, Values{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}] String LowSeverity; [Write, Description("Specifies the action to take when a moderate severity malware is detected."), ValueMap{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}, Values{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}] String ModerateSeverity; [Write, Description("Specifies the action to take when a high severity malware is detected."), ValueMap{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}, Values{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}] String HighSeverity; [Write, Description("Specifies the action to take when a severe malware is detected."), ValueMap{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}, Values{"deviceDefault","clean","quarantine","remove","allow","userDefined","block"}] String SevereSeverity; }; [ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyWindows10")] class MSFT_IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyWindows10 : OMI_BaseResource { [Key, Description("Display name of the device configuration policy for Windows 10.")] String DisplayName; [Write, Description("Description of the device configuration policy for Windows 10.")] String Description; [Write, Description("Represents the assignment to the Intune policy."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments")] String Assignments[]; [Write, Description("Endpoint for discovering cloud printers.")] String EnterpriseCloudPrintDiscoveryEndPoint; [Write, Description("Authentication endpoint for acquiring OAuth tokens.")] String EnterpriseCloudPrintOAuthAuthority; [Write, Description("GUID of a client application authorized to retrieve OAuth tokens from the OAuth Authority.")] String EnterpriseCloudPrintOAuthClientIdentifier; [Write, Description("OAuth resource URI for print service as configured in the Azure portal.")] String EnterpriseCloudPrintResourceIdentifier; [Write, Description("Maximum number of printers that should be queried from a discovery endpoint. This is a mobile only setting. Valid values 1 to 65535")] Uint64 EnterpriseCloudPrintDiscoveryMaxLimit; [Write, Description("OAuth resource URI for printer discovery service as configured in Azure portal.")] String EnterpriseCloudPrintMopriaDiscoveryResourceIdentifier; [Write, Description("Specifies if search can use diacritics.")] Boolean SearchBlockDiacritics; [Write, Description("Specifies whether to use automatic language detection when indexing content and properties.")] Boolean SearchDisableAutoLanguageDetection; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block indexing of WIP-protected items to prevent them from appearing in search results for Cortana or Explorer.")] Boolean SearchDisableIndexingEncryptedItems; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block remote queries of this computer's index.")] Boolean SearchEnableRemoteQueries; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to disable the search indexer backoff feature.")] Boolean SearchDisableIndexerBackoff; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to allow users to add locations on removable drives to libraries and to be indexed.")] Boolean SearchDisableIndexingRemovableDrive; [Write, Description("Specifies minimum amount of hard drive space on the same drive as the index location before indexing stops.")] Boolean SearchEnableAutomaticIndexSizeManangement; [Write, Description("Gets or sets a value allowing the device to send diagnostic and usage telemetry data, such as Watson. Possible values are: userDefined, none, basic, enhanced, full.")] String DiagnosticsDataSubmissionMode; [Write, Description("Gets or sets a value allowing IT admins to prevent apps and features from working with files on OneDrive.")] Boolean OneDriveDisableFileSync; [Write, Description("This property will be deprecated in July 2019 and will be replaced by property SmartScreenAppInstallControl. Allows IT Admins to control whether users are allowed to install apps from places other than the Store.")] Boolean SmartScreenEnableAppInstallControl; [Write, Description("A http or https Url to a jpg, jpeg or png image that needs to be downloaded and used as the Desktop Image or a file Url to a local image on the file system that needs to used as the Desktop Image.")] String PersonalizationDesktopImageUrl; [Write, Description("A http or https Url to a jpg, jpeg or png image that neeeds to be downloaded and used as the Lock Screen Image or a file Url to a local image on the file system that needs to be used as the Lock Screen Image.")] String PersonalizationLockScreenImageUrl; [Write, Description("Specify a list of allowed Bluetooth services and profiles in hex formatted strings.")] String BluetoothAllowedServices[]; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using bluetooth advertising.")] Boolean BluetoothBlockAdvertising; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using bluetooth discoverable mode.")] Boolean BluetoothBlockDiscoverableMode; [Write, Description("Whether or not to block specific bundled Bluetooth peripherals to automatically pair with the host device.")] Boolean BluetoothBlockPrePairing; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block auto fill.")] Boolean EdgeBlockAutofill; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using the Edge browser.")] Boolean EdgeBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates which cookies to block in the Edge browser. Possible values are: userDefined, allow, blockThirdParty, blockAll.")] String EdgeCookiePolicy; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block developer tools in the Edge browser.")] Boolean EdgeBlockDeveloperTools; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from sending the do not track header.")] Boolean EdgeBlockSendingDoNotTrackHeader; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block extensions in the Edge browser.")] Boolean EdgeBlockExtensions; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block InPrivate browsing on corporate networks, in the Edge browser.")] Boolean EdgeBlockInPrivateBrowsing; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using JavaScript.")] Boolean EdgeBlockJavaScript; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block password manager.")] Boolean EdgeBlockPasswordManager; [Write, Description("Block the address bar dropdown functionality in Microsoft Edge. Disable this settings to minimize network connections from Microsoft Edge to Microsoft services.")] Boolean EdgeBlockAddressBarDropdown; [Write, Description("Block Microsoft compatibility list in Microsoft Edge. This list from Microsoft helps Edge properly display sites with known compatibility issues.")] Boolean EdgeBlockCompatibilityList; [Write, Description("Clear browsing data on exiting Microsoft Edge.")] Boolean EdgeClearBrowsingDataOnExit; [Write, Description("Allow users to change Start pages on Edge. Use the EdgeHomepageUrls to specify the Start pages that the user would see by default when they open Edge.")] Boolean EdgeAllowStartPagesModification; [Write, Description("Block the Microsoft web page that opens on the first use of Microsoft Edge. This policy allows enterprises, like those enrolled in zero emissions configurations, to block this page.")] Boolean EdgeDisableFirstRunPage; [Write, Description("Block the collection of information by Microsoft for live tile creation when users pin a site to Start from Microsoft Edge.")] Boolean EdgeBlockLiveTileDataCollection; [Write, Description("Enable favorites sync between Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Additions, deletions, modifications and order changes to favorites are shared between browsers.")] Boolean EdgeSyncFavoritesWithInternetExplorer; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using data over cellular while roaming.")] Boolean CellularBlockDataWhenRoaming; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using VPN over cellular.")] Boolean CellularBlockVpn; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using VPN when roaming over cellular.")] Boolean CellularBlockVpnWhenRoaming; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require real time monitoring.")] Boolean DefenderRequireRealTimeMonitoring; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require behavior monitoring.")] Boolean DefenderRequireBehaviorMonitoring; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require network inspection system.")] Boolean DefenderRequireNetworkInspectionSystem; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan downloads.")] Boolean DefenderScanDownloads; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan scripts loaded in Internet Explorer browser.")] Boolean DefenderScanScriptsLoadedInInternetExplorer; [Write, Description("Whether or not to block end user access to Defender.")] Boolean DefenderBlockEndUserAccess; [Write, Description("The signature update interval in hours. Specify 0 not to check. Valid values 0 to 24")] Uint64 DefenderSignatureUpdateIntervalInHours; [Write, Description("Value for monitoring file activity. Possible values are: userDefined, disable, monitorAllFiles, monitorIncomingFilesOnly, monitorOutgoingFilesOnly.")] String DefenderMonitorFileActivity; [Write, Description("Number of days before deleting quarantined malware. Valid values 0 to 90")] Uint64 DefenderDaysBeforeDeletingQuarantinedMalware; [Write, Description("Max CPU usage percentage during scan. Valid values 0 to 100")] Uint64 DefenderScanMaxCpu; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan archive files.")] Boolean DefenderScanArchiveFiles; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan incoming mail messages.")] Boolean DefenderScanIncomingMail; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan removable drives during full scan.")] Boolean DefenderScanRemovableDrivesDuringFullScan; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan mapped network drives during full scan.")] Boolean DefenderScanMappedNetworkDrivesDuringFullScan; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to scan files opened from a network folder.")] Boolean DefenderScanNetworkFiles; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require cloud protection.")] Boolean DefenderRequireCloudProtection; [Write, Description("Specifies the level of cloud-delivered protection. Possible values are: notConfigured, high, highPlus, zeroTolerance.")] String DefenderCloudBlockLevel; [Write, Description("The configuration for how to prompt user for sample submission. Possible values are: userDefined, alwaysPrompt, promptBeforeSendingPersonalData, neverSendData, sendAllDataWithoutPrompting.")] String DefenderPromptForSampleSubmission; [Write, Description("The time to perform a daily quick scan.")] String DefenderScheduledQuickScanTime; [Write, Description("The defender system scan type. Possible values are: userDefined, disabled, quick, full.")] String DefenderScanType; [Write, Description("Defender day of the week for the system scan. Possible values are: userDefined, everyday, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.")] String DefenderSystemScanSchedule; [Write, Description("The defender time for the system scan.")] String DefenderScheduledScanTime; [Write, Description("Gets or sets Defender’s actions to take on detected Malware per threat level."),EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_IntuneDefenderDetectedMalwareActions")] String DefenderDetectedMalwareActions; [Write, Description("File extensions to exclude from scans and real time protection.")] String DefenderFileExtensionsToExclude[]; [Write, Description("Files and folder to exclude from scans and real time protection.")] String DefenderFilesAndFoldersToExclude[]; [Write, Description("Processes to exclude from scans and real time protection.")] String DefenderProcessesToExclude[]; [Write, Description("Specify whether to show a user-configurable setting to control the screen timeout while on the lock screen of Windows 10 Mobile devices. If this policy is set to Allow, the value set by lockScreenTimeoutInSeconds is ignored.")] Boolean LockScreenAllowTimeoutConfiguration; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block action center notifications over lock screen.")] Boolean LockScreenBlockActionCenterNotifications; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not the user can interact with Cortana using speech while the system is locked.")] Boolean LockScreenBlockCortana; [Write, Description("Indicates whether to allow toast notifications above the device lock screen.")] Boolean LockScreenBlockToastNotifications; [Write, Description("Set the duration (in seconds) from the screen locking to the screen turning off for Windows 10 Mobile devices. Supported values are 11-1800. Valid values 11 to 1800")] Uint64 LockScreenTimeoutInSeconds; [Write, Description("Specify whether PINs or passwords such as '1111' or '1234' are allowed. For Windows 10 desktops, it also controls the use of picture passwords.")] Boolean PasswordBlockSimple; [Write, Description("The password expiration in days. Valid values 0 to 730")] Uint64 PasswordExpirationDays; [Write, Description("The minimum password length. Valid values 4 to 16")] Uint64 PasswordMinimumLength; [Write, Description("The minutes of inactivity before the screen times out.")] Uint64 PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout; [Write, Description("The number of character sets required in the password.")] Uint64 PasswordMinimumCharacterSetCount; [Write, Description("The number of previous passwords to prevent reuse of. Valid values 0 to 50")] Uint64 PasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require the user to have a password.")] Boolean PasswordRequired; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require a password upon resuming from an idle state.")] Boolean PasswordRequireWhenResumeFromIdleState; [Write, Description("The required password type. Possible values are: deviceDefault, alphanumeric, numeric.")] String PasswordRequiredType; [Write, Description("The number of sign in failures before factory reset. Valid values 0 to 999")] Uint64 PasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset; [Write, Description("Enables or disables the use of advertising ID. Added in Windows 10, version 1607. Possible values are: notConfigured, blocked, allowed.")] String PrivacyAdvertisingId; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to allow the automatic acceptance of the pairing and privacy user consent dialog when launching apps.")] Boolean PrivacyAutoAcceptPairingAndConsentPrompts; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the usage of cloud based speech services for Cortana, Dictation, or Store applications.")] Boolean PrivacyBlockInputPersonalization; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from unpinning apps from taskbar.")] Boolean StartBlockUnpinningAppsFromTaskbar; [Write, Description("Setting the value of this collapses the app list, removes the app list entirely, or disables the corresponding toggle in the Settings app. Possible values are: userDefined, collapse, remove, disableSettingsApp.")] String StartMenuAppListVisibility; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides the change account setting from appearing in the user tile in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideChangeAccountSettings; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides the most used apps from appearing on the start menu and disables the corresponding toggle in the Settings app.")] Boolean StartMenuHideFrequentlyUsedApps; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides hibernate from appearing in the power button in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideHibernate; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides lock from appearing in the user tile in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideLock; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides the power button from appearing in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHidePowerButton; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides recent jump lists from appearing on the start menu/taskbar and disables the corresponding toggle in the Settings app.")] Boolean StartMenuHideRecentJumpLists; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides recently added apps from appearing on the start menu and disables the corresponding toggle in the Settings app.")] Boolean StartMenuHideRecentlyAddedApps; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides 'Restart/Update and Restart' from appearing in the power button in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideRestartOptions; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides shut down/update and shut down from appearing in the power button in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideShutDown; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides sign out from appearing in the user tile in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideSignOut; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides sleep from appearing in the power button in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideSleep; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides switch account from appearing in the user tile in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideSwitchAccount; [Write, Description("Enabling this policy hides the user tile from appearing in the start menu.")] Boolean StartMenuHideUserTile; [Write, Description("This policy setting allows you to import Edge assets to be used with startMenuLayoutXml policy. Start layout can contain secondary tile from Edge app which looks for Edge local asset file. Edge local asset would not exist and cause Edge secondary tile to appear empty in this case. This policy only gets applied when startMenuLayoutXml policy is modified. The value should be a UTF-8 Base64 encoded byte array.")] String StartMenuLayoutEdgeAssetsXml; [Write, Description("Allows admins to override the default Start menu layout and prevents the user from changing it. The layout is modified by specifying an XML file based on a layout modification schema. XML needs to be in a UTF8 encoded byte array format.")] String StartMenuLayoutXml; [Write, Description("Allows admins to decide how the Start menu is displayed. Possible values are: userDefined, fullScreen, nonFullScreen.")] String StartMenuMode; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Documents folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderDocuments; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Downloads folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderDownloads; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the FileExplorer shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderFileExplorer; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the HomeGroup folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderHomeGroup; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Music folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderMusic; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Network folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderNetwork; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the PersonalFolder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderPersonalFolder; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Pictures folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderPictures; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Settings folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderSettings; [Write, Description("Enforces the visibility (Show/Hide) of the Videos folder shortcut on the Start menu. Possible values are: notConfigured, hide, show.")] String StartMenuPinnedFolderVideos; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockSettingsApp; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to System in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockSystemPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Devices in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockDevicesPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Network & Internet in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockNetworkInternetPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Personalization in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockPersonalizationPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Accounts in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockAccountsPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Time & Language in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockTimeLanguagePage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Ease of Access in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockEaseOfAccessPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Privacy in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockPrivacyPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Update & Security in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockUpdateSecurityPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Apps in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockAppsPage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block access to Gaming in Settings app.")] Boolean SettingsBlockGamingPage; [Write, Description("Allows IT admins to block experiences that are typically for consumers only, such as Start suggestions, Membership notifications, Post-OOBE app install and redirect tiles.")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlockConsumerSpecificFeatures; [Write, Description("Allows IT admins to turn off all Windows Spotlight features")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlocked; [Write, Description("Block suggestions from Microsoft that show after each OS clean install, upgrade or in an on-going basis to introduce users to what is new or changed")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlockOnActionCenter; [Write, Description("Block personalized content in Windows spotlight based on user’s device usage.")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlockTailoredExperiences; [Write, Description("Block third party content delivered via Windows Spotlight")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlockThirdPartyNotifications; [Write, Description("Block Windows Spotlight Windows welcome experience")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlockWelcomeExperience; [Write, Description("Allows IT admins to turn off the popup of Windows Tips.")] Boolean WindowsSpotlightBlockWindowsTips; [Write, Description("Specifies the type of Spotlight. Possible values are: notConfigured, disabled, enabled.")] String WindowsSpotlightConfigureOnLockScreen; [Write, Description("If set, proxy settings will be applied to all processes and accounts in the device. Otherwise, it will be applied to the user account that’s enrolled into MDM.")] Boolean NetworkProxyApplySettingsDeviceWide; [Write, Description("Disable automatic detection of settings. If enabled, the system will try to find the path to a proxy auto-config (PAC) script.")] Boolean NetworkProxyDisableAutoDetect; [Write, Description("Address to the proxy auto-config (PAC) script you want to use.")] String NetworkProxyAutomaticConfigurationUrl; [Write, Description("Specifies manual proxy server settings.")] String NetworkProxyServer[]; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from adding email accounts to the device that are not associated with a Microsoft account.")] Boolean AccountsBlockAddingNonMicrosoftAccountEmail; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from selecting an AntiTheft mode preference (Windows 10 Mobile only).")] Boolean AntiTheftModeBlocked; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using bluetooth.")] Boolean BluetoothBlocked; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from accessing the camera of the device.")] Boolean CameraBlocked; [Write, Description("Whether or not to block Connected Devices Service which enables discovery and connection to other devices, remote messaging, remote app sessions and other cross-device experiences.")] Boolean ConnectedDevicesServiceBlocked; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from doing manual root certificate installation.")] Boolean CertificatesBlockManualRootCertificateInstallation; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using copy paste.")] Boolean CopyPasteBlocked; [Write, Description("Whether or not to Block the user from using Cortana.")] Boolean CortanaBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from resetting their phone.")] Boolean DeviceManagementBlockFactoryResetOnMobile; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from doing manual un-enrollment from device management.")] Boolean DeviceManagementBlockManualUnenroll; [Write, Description("Specifies what filter level of safe search is required. Possible values are: userDefined, strict, moderate.")] String SafeSearchFilter; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block popups.")] Boolean EdgeBlockPopups; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from using the search suggestions in the address bar.")] Boolean EdgeBlockSearchSuggestions; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to switch the intranet traffic from Edge to Internet Explorer. Note: the name of this property is misleading; the property is obsolete, use EdgeSendIntranetTrafficToInternetExplorer instead.")] Boolean EdgeBlockSendingIntranetTrafficToInternetExplorer; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to switch the intranet traffic from Edge to Internet Explorer.")] Boolean EdgeSendIntranetTrafficToInternetExplorer; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Require the user to use the smart screen filter.")] Boolean EdgeRequireSmartScreen; [Write, Description("Indicates the enterprise mode site list location. Could be a local file, local network or http location.")] String EdgeEnterpriseModeSiteListLocation; [Write, Description("The first run URL for when Edge browser is opened for the first time.")] String EdgeFirstRunUrl; [Write, Description("Allows IT admins to set a default search engine for MDM-Controlled devices. Users can override this and change their default search engine provided the AllowSearchEngineCustomization policy is not set.")] String EdgeSearchEngine; [Write, Description("The list of URLs for homepages shodwn on MDM-enrolled devices on Edge browser.")] String EdgeHomepageUrls[]; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to prevent access to about flags on Edge browser.")] Boolean EdgeBlockAccessToAboutFlags; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not users can override SmartScreen Filter warnings about potentially malicious websites.")] Boolean SmartScreenBlockPromptOverride; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not users can override the SmartScreen Filter warnings about downloading unverified files")] Boolean SmartScreenBlockPromptOverrideForFiles; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not user's localhost IP address is displayed while making phone calls using the WebRTC")] Boolean WebRtcBlockLocalhostIpAddress; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using internet sharing.")] Boolean InternetSharingBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from installing provisioning packages.")] Boolean SettingsBlockAddProvisioningPackage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the runtime configuration agent from removing provisioning packages.")] Boolean SettingsBlockRemoveProvisioningPackage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from changing date and time settings.")] Boolean SettingsBlockChangeSystemTime; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from editing the device name.")] Boolean SettingsBlockEditDeviceName; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from changing the region settings.")] Boolean SettingsBlockChangeRegion; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from changing the language settings.")] Boolean SettingsBlockChangeLanguage; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block the user from changing power and sleep settings.")] Boolean SettingsBlockChangePowerSleep; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from location services.")] Boolean LocationServicesBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block a Microsoft account.")] Boolean MicrosoftAccountBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block Microsoft account settings sync.")] Boolean MicrosoftAccountBlockSettingsSync; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using near field communication.")] Boolean NfcBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from reset protection mode.")] Boolean ResetProtectionModeBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from taking Screenshots.")] Boolean ScreenCaptureBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using removable storage.")] Boolean StorageBlockRemovableStorage; [Write, Description("Indicating whether or not to require encryption on a mobile device.")] Boolean StorageRequireMobileDeviceEncryption; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from USB connection.")] Boolean UsbBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from voice recording.")] Boolean VoiceRecordingBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicating whether or not to block automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots. Has no impact if Wi-Fi is blocked.")] Boolean WiFiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using Wi-Fi.")] Boolean WiFiBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using Wi-Fi manual configuration.")] Boolean WiFiBlockManualConfiguration; [Write, Description("Specify how often devices scan for Wi-Fi networks. Supported values are 1-500, where 100 = default, and 500 = low frequency. Valid values 1 to 500")] Uint64 WiFiScanInterval; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to allow other devices from discovering this PC for projection.")] Boolean WirelessDisplayBlockProjectionToThisDevice; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to allow user input from wireless display receiver.")] Boolean WirelessDisplayBlockUserInputFromReceiver; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to require a PIN for new devices to initiate pairing.")] Boolean WirelessDisplayRequirePinForPairing; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to Block the user from using the Windows store.")] Boolean WindowsStoreBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether apps from AppX packages signed with a trusted certificate can be side loaded. Possible values are: notConfigured, blocked, allowed.")] String AppsAllowTrustedAppsSideloading; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block automatic update of apps from Windows Store.")] Boolean WindowsStoreBlockAutoUpdate; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to allow developer unlock. Possible values are: notConfigured, blocked, allowed.")] String DeveloperUnlockSetting; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block multiple users of the same app to share data.")] Boolean SharedUserAppDataAllowed; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to disable the launch of all apps from Windows Store that came pre-installed or were downloaded.")] Boolean AppsBlockWindowsStoreOriginatedApps; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to enable Private Store Only.")] Boolean WindowsStoreEnablePrivateStoreOnly; [Write, Description("Indicates whether application data is restricted to the system drive.")] Boolean StorageRestrictAppDataToSystemVolume; [Write, Description("Indicates whether the installation of applications is restricted to the system drive.")] Boolean StorageRestrictAppInstallToSystemVolume; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to block DVR and broadcasting.")] Boolean GameDvrBlocked; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to enable device discovery UX.")] Boolean ExperienceBlockDeviceDiscovery; [Write, Description("NIndicates whether or not to allow the error dialog from displaying if no SIM card is detected.")] Boolean ExperienceBlockErrorDialogWhenNoSIM; [Write, Description("Indicates whether or not to enable task switching on the device.")] Boolean ExperienceBlockTaskSwitcher; [Write, Description("Disables the ability to quickly switch between users that are logged on simultaneously without logging off.")] Boolean LogonBlockFastUserSwitching; [Write, Description("Whether the device is required to connect to the network.")] Boolean TenantLockdownRequireNetworkDuringOutOfBoxExperience; [Write, Description("Present ensures the site collection exists, absent ensures it is removed"), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] string Ensure; [Write, Description("Credentials of the Intune Admin"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.")] String ApplicationId; [Write, Description("Name of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication. Format contoso.onmicrosoft.com")] String TenantId; [Write, Description("Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] String ApplicationSecret; [Write, Description("Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.")] String CertificateThumbprint; [Write, Description("Managed ID being used for authentication.")] Boolean ManagedIdentity; }; |