This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsGlobalAdmin ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { IntuneASRRulesPolicyWindows10 'myASRRulesPolicy' { Identity = '1902b7f6-ac2c-4c00-bc17-8ada967cc6a8' DisplayName = 'test' AdditionalGuardedFolders = @() AdobeReaderLaunchChildProcess = 'auditMode' AdvancedRansomewareProtectionType = 'enable' Assignments = @() AttackSurfaceReductionExcludedPaths = @('c:\Novo') BlockPersistenceThroughWmiType = 'auditMode' Description = '' EmailContentExecutionType = 'auditMode' GuardedFoldersAllowedAppPaths = @() GuardMyFoldersType = 'enable' OfficeAppsExecutableContentCreationOrLaunchType = 'block' OfficeAppsLaunchChildProcessType = 'auditMode' OfficeAppsOtherProcessInjectionType = 'block' OfficeCommunicationAppsLaunchChildProcess = 'auditMode' OfficeMacroCodeAllowWin32ImportsType = 'block' PreventCredentialStealingType = 'enable' ProcessCreationType = 'block' ScriptDownloadedPayloadExecutionType = 'block' ScriptObfuscatedMacroCodeType = 'block' UntrustedExecutableType = 'block' UntrustedUSBProcessType = 'block' Ensure = 'Present' Credential = $credsGlobalAdmin } } } |