class PlannerTaskObject { [string]$PlanId [string]$TaskId [string]$Title [string]$Notes [string]$BucketId [string]$ETag [string[]]$Assignments [System.Collections.Hashtable[]]$Attachments [System.Collections.Hashtable[]]$Checklist [string]$StartDateTime [string]$DueDateTime [string[]]$Categories [string]$CompletedDateTime [int]$PercentComplete [int]$Priority [string]$ConversationThreadId [string]$OrderHint [string]GetTaskCategoryNameByColor([string]$ColorName) { switch ($ColorName) { 'Pink' { return 'category1' } 'Red' { return 'category2' } 'Yellow' { return 'category3' } 'Green' { return 'category4' } 'Blue' { return 'category5' } 'Purple' { return 'category6' } } return $null } [string]GetTaskColorNameByCategory([string]$CategoryName) { switch ($CategoryName) { 'category1' { return 'Pink' } 'category2' { return 'Red' } 'category3' { return 'Yellow' } 'category4' { return 'Green' } 'category5' { return 'Blue' } 'category6' { return 'Purple' } } return $null } [void]PopulateById([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$TaskId) { $uri = "$TaskId" $taskResponse = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method Get $taskDetailsResponse = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri ($uri + '/details') ` -Method Get #region Assignments $assignmentsValue = @() if ($null -ne $taskResponse.assignments) { $allAssignments = $taskResponse.assignments | Get-Member | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' } foreach ($assignment in $allAssignments) { $assignmentsValue += $assignment.Name } } #endregion #region Attachments $attachmentsValue = @() if ($null -ne $taskDetailsResponse.references) { $allAttachments = $taskDetailsResponse.references | Get-Member | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' } foreach ($attachment in $allAttachments) { $hashEntry = @{ Uri = $attachment.Name Alias = $taskDetailsResponse.references.($attachment.Name).alias Type = $taskDetailsResponse.references.($attachment.Name).type } $attachmentsValue += $hashEntry } } #endregion #region Categories $categoriesValue = @() if ($null -ne $taskResponse.appliedCategories) { $allCategories = $taskResponse.appliedCategories | Get-Member | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' } foreach ($category in $allCategories) { $categoriesValue += $this.GetTaskColorNameByCategory($category.Name) } } #endregion #region Checklist $checklistValue = @() if ($null -ne $taskDetailsResponse.checklist) { $allCheckListItems = $taskDetailsResponse.checklist | Get-Member | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' } foreach ($checkListItem in $allCheckListItems) { $hashEntry = @{ Title = $taskDetailsResponse.checklist.($checkListItem.Name).title Completed = [bool]$taskDetailsResponse.checklist.($checkListItem.Name).isChecked } $checklistValue += $hashEntry } } #endregion $this.Etag = $taskResponse.'@odata.etag' $this.Title = $taskResponse.title $this.StartDateTime = $taskResponse.startDateTime $this.ConversationThreadId = $taskResponse.conversationThreadId $this.DueDateTime = $taskResponse.dueDateTime $this.CompletedDateTime = $taskResponse.completedDateTime $this.PlanId = $taskResponse.planId $this.TaskId = $ $this.BucketId = $taskResponse.bucketId $this.Priority = $taskResponse.priority $this.Notes = $taskDetailsResponse.description $this.Assignments = $assignmentsValue $this.Attachments = $attachmentsValue $this.Categories = $categoriesValue $this.Checklist = $checklistValue } [string]ConvertToJSONTask() { $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $sb.Append('{') | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"planId`":`"$($this.PlanId)`"") | Out-Null $sb.Append(",`"title`":`"$($this.Title)`"") | Out-Null if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.BucketId)) { $sb.Append(",`"bucketId`":`"$($this.BucketId)`"") | Out-Null } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Priority)) { $sb.Append(",`"priority`": $($this.Priority.ToString())") | Out-Null } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.StartDateTime)) { $sb.Append(",`"startDateTime`":`"$($this.StartDateTime)`"") | Out-Null } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.DueDateTime)) { $sb.Append(",`"dueDateTime`":`"$($this.DueDateTime)`"") | Out-Null } if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ConversationThreadId)) { $sb.Append(",`"conversationThreadId`":`"$($this.ConversationThreadId)`"") | Out-Null } if ($this.Assignments.Length -gt 0) { $sb.Append(",`"assignments`": {") | Out-Null $id = 1 foreach ($assignment in $this.Assignments) { if ($id -gt 1) { $sb.Append(',') | Out-Null } $sb.Append("`"$assignment`":{") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"@odata.type`":`"#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment`"") | Out-Null if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.OrderHint)) { $sb.Append(",`"orderHint`": `" !`"") } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null $id++ } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null } if ($this.Categories.Length -gt 0) { $sb.Append(",`"appliedCategories`": {") | Out-Null $id = 1 foreach ($category in $this.Categories) { if ($id -gt 1) { $sb.Append(',') | Out-Null } $categoryName = $this.GetTaskCategoryNameByColor($category) $sb.Append("`"$categoryName`":true") | Out-Null $id++ } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null return $sb.ToString() } [string]ConvertToJSONTaskDetails() { $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $sb.Append('{') | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"description`":`"$($this.Notes)`"") | Out-Null if ($this.Attachments.Length -gt 0) { $sb.Append(",`"references`": {") | Out-Null $i = 1 foreach ($attachment in $this.Attachments) { if ($i -gt 1) { $sb.Append(',') | Out-Null } $sb.Append("`"$($attachment.Uri)`": {") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"@odata.type`": `"#microsoft.graph.plannerExternalReference`",") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"alias`":`"$($attachment.Alias)`",") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"type`":`"$($attachment.Type)`"") | Out-Null $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null $i++ } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null } if ($this.Checklist.Length -gt 0) { $sb.Append(",`"checklist`": {") | Out-Null $i = 1 foreach ($checkListItem in $this.Checklist) { if ($i -gt 1) { $sb.Append(',') | Out-Null } $sb.Append("`"$((New-Guid).ToString())`": {") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"@odata.type`": `"#microsoft.graph.plannerChecklistItem`",") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"title`":`"$($checkListItem.Title)`",") | Out-Null $sb.Append("`"isChecked`": $($checkListItem.Completed.ToString().Replace('`$', '').ToLower())") | Out-Null $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null $i++ } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null } $sb.Append('}') | Out-Null return $sb.ToString() } [void]Create([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential) { $uri = '' $body = $this.ConvertToJSONTask() $taskResponse = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method 'POST' ` -Body $body $this.TaskId = $ Write-Verbose -Message "New Planner Task created with Id {$($}" $this.UpdateDetails($Credential) } [void]Update([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential) { $uri = "$($this.TaskId)" $body = $this.ConvertToJSONTask() $Headers = @{} $Headers.Add('If-Match', $this.ETag) $taskResponse = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method 'PATCH' ` -Body $body ` -Headers $Headers } [void]UpdateDetails([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential) { $uri = "$($this.TaskId)/details" $body = $this.ConvertToJSONTaskDetails() # Get ETag for the details $currentTaskDetails = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method 'GET' $Headers = @{} $Headers.Add('If-Match', $currentTaskDetails.'@odata.etag') $taskResponse = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method 'PATCH' ` -Body $body ` -Headers $Headers } [void]Delete([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$TaskId) { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' Write-Verbose -Message "Initiating the Deletion of Task {$TaskId}" $uri = "$TaskId" # Get ETag for the details $currentTaskDetails = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method 'GET' $Headers = @{} $Headers.Add('If-Match', $currentTaskDetails.'@odata.etag') Write-Verbose -Message "Retrieved Task's ETag {$($currentTaskDetails.'@odata.etag')}" $taskResponse = Invoke-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraphAPI -Credential $Credential ` -Uri $uri ` -Method 'DELETE' ` -Headers $Headers } } |