
This function replaces all special characters by their correct counterparts

function Format-M365DSCString
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $InvalidCharacters = @(
            # Tilted Apostrophe
            InvalidCharacter = '[\u2019]'
            MainReplaceBy    = "'"
            CimReplaceBy     = "''"
            # Tilted Left Quotes
            InvalidCharacter = '[\u201C]'
            MainReplaceBy    = "`""
            CimReplaceBy     = '"'
            # Tilted Right Quotes
            InvalidCharacter = '[\u201D]'
            MainReplaceBy    = "`""
            CimReplaceBy     = '"'

    # Cache the DSC resource to a script-scope variable.
    # This avoids fetching the definition multiple times for the same resource, increasing overall speed.
    if (-not ($DSCResource.Name -eq $ResourceName)) {
        $Script:DSCResource = Get-DscResource -Module 'Microsoft365DSC' -Name $ResourceName

    # For each invalid character, look for an instance in the string,
    # if an instance is found,
    $newProperties = @{}
    foreach ($key in $Properties.Keys)
        $newProperties.Add($key, $Properties.$key)
        if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($newProperties.$key) -and `
                $newProperties.$key.GetType().ToString() -eq 'System.String')
            # Obtain the type for this property from the module;
            $foundProperty = $DSCResource.Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $key }
            foreach ($entry in $InvalidCharacters)
                $found = $newProperties.$key -match $entry.InvalidCharacter

                while ($found)
                    if ($foundProperty.PropertyType -eq '[string]')
                        $newProperties.$key = $newProperties.$key -replace $entry.InvalidCharacter, $entry.MainReplaceBy
                    elseif ($foundProperty.PropertyType -like '`[MSFT_*`]')
                        # Case property is a CIMInstance
                        $newProperties.$key = $newProperties.$key -replace $entry.InvalidCharacter, $entry.CimReplaceBy
                    $found = $newProperties.$key -match $entry.InvalidCharacter

    return $newProperties

Export-ModuleMember -Function @(