This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsGlobalAdmin ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { SPOTenantSettings MyTenantSettings { IsSingleInstance = "Yes" GlobalAdminAccount = $credsGlobalAdmin MinCompatibilityLevel = 16 MaxCompatibilityLevel = 16 SearchResolveExactEmailOrUPN = $false OfficeClientADALDisabled = $false LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled = $true SignInAccelerationDomain = "" UsePersistentCookiesForExplorerView = $false UserVoiceForFeedbackEnabled = $true PublicCdnEnabled = $false PublicCdnAllowedFileTypes = "CSS,EOT,GIF,ICO,JPEG,JPG,JS,MAP,PNG,SVG,TTF,WOFF" UseFindPeopleInPeoplePicker = $false NotificationsInSharePointEnabled = $true OwnerAnonymousNotification = $true ApplyAppEnforcedRestrictionsToAdHocRecipients = $true FilePickerExternalImageSearchEnabled = $true HideDefaultThemes = $false MarkNewFilesSensitiveByDefault = "AllowExternalSharing" Ensure = "Present" } } } |