This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsGlobalAdmin ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { SCDLPComplianceRule 'ConfigureDLPComplianceRule' { AccessScope = "InOrganization" BlockAccess = $True BlockAccessScope = "All" ContentContainsSensitiveInformation = @( MSFT_SCDLPSensitiveInformation { name = 'EU Debit Card Number' id = '0e9b3178-9678-47dd-a509-37222ca96b42' maxconfidence = '100' minconfidence = '75' classifiertype = 'Content' mincount = '1' maxcount = '9' } ) Disabled = $False DocumentIsPasswordProtected = $False DocumentIsUnsupported = $False ExceptIfDocumentIsPasswordProtected = $False ExceptIfDocumentIsUnsupported = $False ExceptIfHasSenderOverride = $False ExceptIfProcessingLimitExceeded = $False GenerateIncidentReport = @("SiteAdmin") HasSenderOverride = $False IncidentReportContent = @("DocumentLastModifier", "Detections", "Severity", "DetectionDetails", "OriginalContent") Name = "Low volume EU Sensitive content found" NotifyUser = @("LastModifier") Policy = "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" ProcessingLimitExceeded = $False RemoveRMSTemplate = $False ReportSeverityLevel = "Low" StopPolicyProcessing = $False Ensure = "Present" Credential = $Credsglobaladmin } } } |