<# This method creates a new error log file for each session,
whenever an error is encountered, and appends valuable troubleshooting information to the file; #> function New-M365DSCLogEntry { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object] $Error, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Message, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Source ) try { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' Write-Host "$($Global:M365DSCEmojiRedX)" #region Telemetry $driftedData = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [String]]]::new() $driftedData.Add("Event", "Error") $driftedData.Add("Category", $Error.CategoryInfo.Category.ToString()) $driftedData.Add("Exception", $Error.Exception.ToString()) $driftedData.Add("CustomMessage", $Message) $driftedData.Add("Source", $Source) $driftedData.Add("StackTrace", $Error.ScriptStackTrace) Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Type "Error" -Data $driftedData #endregion # Obtain the ID of the current PowerShell session. While this may # not be unique, it will; $SessionID = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString() # Generate the Error log file name based on the SessionID; $LogFileName = $SessionID + "-M365DSC-ErrorLog.log" # Build up the Error message to append to our log file; $LogContent = "[" + [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss") + "]`r`n" $LogContent += "{" + $Error.CategoryInfo.Category.ToString() + "}`r`n" $LogContent += $Error.Exception.ToString() + "`r`n" $LogContent += "`"" + $Message + "`"`r`n" $LogContent += $Error.ScriptStackTrace + "`r`n" $LogContent += "`r`n`r`n" # Write the error content into the log file; $LogFileName = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $LogFileName $LogContent | Out-File $LogFileName -Append Write-Host "Error Log created at {$LogFileName}" -ForegroundColor Cyan } catch { Write-Warning -Message "An error occured logging an exception: $_" } } function Add-M365DSCEvent { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Source = 'Generic', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Error', 'Information', 'FailureAudit', 'SuccessAudit', 'Warning')] [System.String] $EntryType = 'Information', [Parameter()] [System.UInt32] $EventID = 1 ) $LogName = 'M365DSC' try { if ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($Source)) { $sourceLogName = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::LogNameFromSourceName($Source, ".") if ($LogName -ne $sourceLogName) { Write-Verbose -Message "[ERROR] Specified source {$Source} already exists on log {$sourceLogName}" return } } else { if ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::Exists($LogName) -eq $false) { #Create event log $null = New-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $Source } else { [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource($Source, $LogName) } } Write-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $Source ` -EventID $EventID -Message $Message -EntryType $EntryType } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ $Message = "Could not write to event log" New-M365DSCLogEntry -Error $_ -Message $Message -Source "[M365DSCLogEngine]" } } |