### ### # Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # This code released under the terms of the # Microsoft Public License (MS-PL, # Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment. # THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided that. # You agree: # (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; # (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; # and (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code <# .Synopsis A means of running multiple instances of a cmdlet/function/scriptblock .DESCRIPTION This function allows you to provide a cmdlet, function or script block with a set of data to allow multithreading. .EXAMPLE $sb = [scriptblock] {param($system) gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $system | select csname,caption} $servers = Get-Content servers.txt $rtn = Invoke-Async -Set $server -SetParam system -ScriptBlock $sb .EXAMPLE $servers = Get-Content servers.txt $rtn = Invoke-Async -Set $servers -SetParam computername -Params @{count=1} -Cmdlet Test-Connection -ThreadCount 50 .INPUTS .OUTPUTS Determined by the provided cmdlet, function or scriptblock. .NOTES This can often times eat up a lot of memory due in part to how some cmdlets work. Test-Connection is a good example of this. Although it is not a good idea to manually run the garbage collector it might be needed in some cases and can be run like so: [gc]::Collect() #> #Get-CrmOrganizations && Get-CrmConnection function Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all CRM Online Organization you belong to, let you select which organization to login, then returns connection information. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery cmdlet lets you retrieves all CRM Online Organization you belong to, let you select which organization to login, then returns connection information. You can use Get-Credential to create Credential information, or you can simply invoke Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery which prompts you to enter username/password. .PARAMETER Credential A PS-Credential. You can invoke Get-Credential. .EXAMPLE Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery Supply values for the following parameters: IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmWebSvc+ManagedTokenOrganizationServiceProxy LastCrmError : LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : contoso ConnectedOrgUniqueName : contoso ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication,], [OrganizationService,], [OrganizationDataService,]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example prompts you to enter username/password, displays all CRM organization, and returns connection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$cred = Get-Credential PS C:\>Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery $cred IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmWebSvc+ManagedTokenOrganizationServiceProxy LastCrmError : LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : contoso ConnectedOrgUniqueName : contoso ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication,], [OrganizationService,], [OrganizationDataService,]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example displays all CRM organization, and returns connection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery -InteractiveMode IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmWebSvc+ManagedTokenOrganizationServiceProxy LastCrmError : LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : contoso ConnectedOrgUniqueName : contoso ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication,], [OrganizationService,], [OrganizationDataService,]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example shows how to use -InteractiveMode switch. By specifying the switch, you can login via GUI tool. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$UseCTP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$InteractiveMode ) if($InteractiveMode) { $global:conn = Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode Write-Verbose "You are now connected and may run any of the CRM Commands." return $global:conn } else { $onlineType = "Office365" if($UseCTP) { $onlineType = "LiveID" } if($Credential -eq $null -And !$Interactive) { $Credential = Get-Credential } $crmOrganizations = Get-CrmOrganizations -Credential $Credential -OnLineType $onlineType -Verbose $i = 0 if($crmOrganizations.Count -gt 0) { if($crmOrganizations.Count -eq 1) { $orgNumber = 0 } else { $crmOrganizations = $crmOrganizations | sort-object FriendlyName; foreach($crmOrganization in $crmOrganizations) { $friendlyName = $crmOrganization.FriendlyName $message = "[$i] $friendlyName (" + $crmOrganization.WebApplicationUrl + ")" Write-Host $message $i++ } $orgNumber = Read-Host "`nSelect CRM Organization by index number" Write-Verbose ($crmOrganizations[$orgNumber]).UniqueName } $global:conn = Get-CrmConnection -Credential $Credential -DeploymentRegion $crmOrganizations[$orgNumber].DiscoveryServerShortname -OnLineType $onlineType -OrganizationName ($crmOrganizations[$orgNumber]).UniqueName #yes, we know this isn't recommended BUT this cmdlet is only valid for user interaction in the console and shouldn't be used for non-interactive scenarios Write-Host "`nYou are now connected to: $(($crmOrganizations[$orgNumber]).UniqueName)" -foregroundcolor yellow Write-Host "For a list of commands run: Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell" -foregroundcolor yellow return $global:conn } } } function Connect-CrmOnline{ <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to CRM Online organization without using Discovery Service. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-CrmOnline cmdlet lets you connect to CRM Online organization without using Discovery Service. You can use Get-Credential to create Credential information. .PARAMETER Credential A PS-Credential. You can invoke Get-Credential. .PARAMETER ServerUrl A Url of your Dynamics CRM Online organization. .EXAMPLE Connect-CrmOnline -Credential (Get-Credential) -Url "" IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmWebSvc+ManagedTokenOrganizationServiceProxy LastCrmError : LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : contoso ConnectedOrgUniqueName : contoso ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication,], [OrganizationService,], [OrganizationDataService,]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern('https://([\w-]+).crm([0-9]*)')] [string]$ServerUrl ) $userName = $Credential.UserName $password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $connectionString = "AuthType=Office365;Username=$userName; Password=$password;Url=$ServerUrl" try { $global:conn = New-Object Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient -ArgumentList $connectionString return $global:conn } catch { throw $_ } } function Connect-CrmOnPremDiscovery{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all CRM OnPrem orgs you belong to, let you select which organization to login, then returns connection information. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-CrmOnPremDiscovery cmdlet lets you retrieve all CRM OnPrem Organization you belong to, let you select which organization to login, then returns connection information. You can use Get-Credential to create Credential information, or you can simply invoke Connect-CrmOnlineDiscovery which prompts you to enter username/password. .PARAMETER Credential A PS-Credential. You can invoke Get-Credential. .PARAMETER ServerUrl A Url of OnPrem Dynamics CRM Server. .PARAMETER OrganizationName An Organization Unique Name .PARAMETER HomeRealmUrl To sepcify HomeRealm when you use Claim Authentication with Multiple STS. .EXAMPLE Connect-CrmOnPremDiscovery Supply values for the following parameters: ServerUrl: http://crm2015:5555 cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters [0] CRM (http://crm2015:5555/CRM) [1] CRM2 (http://crm2015:5555/CRM2) Select CRM Organization by index number: 0 IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True Authority : OAuthUserId : ActiveAuthenticationType : AD OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceProxy OrganizationWebProxyClient : LastCrmError : OrganizationWebProxyClient is null LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : CRM ConnectedOrgUniqueName : CRM ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication, http://crm2015:5555/CRM], [OrganizationService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc], [OrganizationDataService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example asks you to enter ServerUrl and prompts for username/password, displays all CRM organization, and returns connection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$cred = Get-Credential PS C:\>Connect-CrmOnPremDiscovery -Credential $cred -ServerUrl http://crm2015:5555 [0] CRM (http://crm2015:5555/CRM) [1] CRM2 (http://crm2015:5555/CRM2) Select CRM Organization by index number: 0 IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True Authority : OAuthUserId : ActiveAuthenticationType : AD OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceProxy OrganizationWebProxyClient : LastCrmError : OrganizationWebProxyClient is null LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : CRM ConnectedOrgUniqueName : CRM ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication, http://crm2015:5555/CRM], [OrganizationService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc], [OrganizationDataService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example passes credential and ServerUrl. Displays all CRM organization, and returns connection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$cred = Get-Credential PS C:\>Connect-CrmOnPremDiscovery -Credential $cred -ServerUrl http://crm2015:5555 -OrganizationName CRM IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True Authority : OAuthUserId : ActiveAuthenticationType : AD OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceProxy OrganizationWebProxyClient : LastCrmError : OrganizationWebProxyClient is null LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : CRM ConnectedOrgUniqueName : CRM ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication, http://crm2015:5555/CRM], [OrganizationService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc], [OrganizationDataService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example passes credential, ServerUrl and Organization Unique Name. It does not prompt you at all and returns connection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Connect-CrmOnPremDiscovery -InteractiveMode IsReady : True IsBatchOperationsAvailable : True Authority : OAuthUserId : ActiveAuthenticationType : AD OrganizationServiceProxy : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceProxy OrganizationWebProxyClient : LastCrmError : OrganizationWebProxyClient is null LastCrmException : CrmConnectOrgUriActual : http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc ConnectedOrgFriendlyName : CRM ConnectedOrgUniqueName : CRM ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication, http://crm2015:5555/CRM], [OrganizationService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc], [OrganizationDataService, http://crm2015:5555/CRM/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc]} ConnectionLockObject : System.Object ConnectedOrgVersion : This example shows how to use -InteractiveMode switch. By specifying the switch, you can login via GUI tool. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ServerUrl")] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ServerUrl")] [ValidatePattern('http(s)?://[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?')] [Uri]$ServerUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ServerUrl")] [string]$OrganizationName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ServerUrl")] [string]$HomeRealmUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="InteractiveMode")] [switch]$InteractiveMode ) if($InteractiveMode) { $global:conn = Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode Write-Verbose "You are now connected and may run any of the CRM Commands." return $global:conn } else { if($Credential -eq $null -And !$Interactive) { $Credential = Get-Credential } # If Organization Name is pased, use it, otherwise retrieve all organizations the user belongs to. if($OrganizationName -ne '') { $organizationName = $OrganizationName } else { $crmOrganizations = Get-CrmOrganizations -Credential $Credential -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -Verbose if($crmOrganizations.Count -gt 0) { if($crmOrganizations.Count -eq 1) { $orgNumber = 0 } else { $i = 0 $crmOrganizations = $crmOrganizations | sort-object FriendlyName; foreach($crmOrganization in $crmOrganizations) { $friendlyName = $crmOrganization.FriendlyName $message = "[$i] $friendlyName (" + $crmOrganization.WebApplicationUrl + ")" Write-Host $message $i++ } $orgNumber = Read-Host "`nSelect CRM Organization by index number" } # Store the OrganizationName Write-Verbose ($crmOrganizations[$orgNumber]).UniqueName $organizationName = ($crmOrganizations[$orgNumber]).UniqueName } else { Write-Warning "User belongs to no organization." return } } if($HomeRealmUrl -eq '') { $global:conn = Get-CrmConnection -Credential $Credential -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -OrganizationName $organizationName } else { $global:conn = Get-CrmConnection -Credential $Credential -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -OrganizationName $organizationName -HomeRealmUrl $HomeRealmUrl } #yes, we know this isn't recommended BUT this cmdlet is only valid for user interaction in the console and shouldn't be used for non-interactive scenarios Write-Host "`nYou are now connected to: $organizationName" -foregroundcolor yellow Write-Host "For a list of commands run: Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell" -foregroundcolor yellow return $global:conn } } ### Core CRUD Cmdlets ### #CreateNewRecord function New-CrmRecord{ <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new CRM record by specifying field name/value set, and returns record guid. .DESCRIPTION The New-CrmRecord cmdlet lets you create a record to your CRM organization. Use @{"field logical name"="value"} syntax to create Fields, and make sure you specify correct type of value for the field. You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet and check AttributeType to see the field type. In addition, for CRM specific types, you can use New-CrmMoney, New-CrmOptionSetValue or New-CrmEntityReference cmdlets. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to create. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Fields A List of field name/value pair. Use @{"field logical name"="value"} syntax to create Fields, and make sure you specify correct type of value for the field. You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet and check AttributeType to see the field type. In addition, for CRM specific types, you can use New-CrmMoney, New-CrmOptionSetValue or New-CrmEntityReference cmdlets. .EXAMPLE New-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Fields @{"name"="account name";"telephone1"="555-5555"} Guid ---- 57bd1c45-2b17-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c This example creates an account record and set value for account and telephone1 fields. .EXAMPLE New-CrmRecord account @{"name"="account name";"industrycode"=New-CrmOptionSetValue -Value 1} Guid ---- 57bd1c45-2b17-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c This example creates an account record by specifying OptionSetValue to IndustryCode field by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE New-CrmRecord account @{"name"="account name";"overriddencreatedon"=[datetime]"2000-01-01"} Guid ---- 57bd1c45-2b17-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c This example creates an account record by specifying past date for CreatedOn. You can create DateTime object by casting like this Example or use Get-Date cmdlets. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$parentId = New-CrmRecord account @{"name"="parent account name"} PS C:\>$parentReference = New-CrmEntityReference -EntityLogicalName account -Id $parentId PS C:\>$childId = New-CrmRecord account @{"name"="child account name";"parentaccountid"=$parentReference} Guid ---- 59bd1c45-2b17-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c This example creates an account record, then assign the created account as Parent Account field to second account record. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [hashtable]$Fields ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $newfields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper]]' foreach($field in $Fields.GetEnumerator()) { $newfield = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper' switch($field.Value.GetType().Name) { "Boolean" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmBoolean break } "DateTime" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDateTime break } "Decimal" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDecimal break } "Single" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmFloat break } "Money" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "Int32" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmNumber break } "EntityReference" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "OptionSetValue" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "String" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::String break } } $newfield.Value = $field.Value $newfields.Add($field.Key, $newfield) } try { $result = $conn.CreateNewRecord($EntityLogicalName, $newfields, $null, $false, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityDataById function Get-CrmRecord{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a CRM record by specifying EntityLogicalName, record's Id (guid) and field names. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmRecord cmdlet lets you retrieve a record from your CRM organization. The retireve results has two properties for each field like name and name_Property. The field with "_Property" contains field's logicalname and its Type information, and another field contains "readable" value, which is either FormattedValue or extracted value from CRM special type like EntityReference. The output also contains logical name of the Entity and original field which contains raw data. You can ignore these two fields. You can specify fields as fieldname1,fieldname2,fieldname3 syntax or * to retrieve all fields (not recommended for performance reason.) You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributes cmdlet to see all fields logicalname. The retrieved data can be passed to several cmdlets like Set-CrmRecord, Removed-CrmRecord to further process it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to retrieve. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER Fields A List of field logicalnames. Use "fieldname1, fieldname2, fieldname3" syntax to speficy Fields, or ues "*" to retrieve all fields (not recommended for performance reason.) .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 -Fields name,accountnumber name_Property : [name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)] name : A. Datum Corporation (sample) accountid_Property : [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0] accountid : be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 original : {[name_Property, [name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)]], [name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)], [accountid_Property, [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]], [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]} logicalname : account This example retrieves an account record with name and accountnumber fields .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecord account be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 primarycontactid,statuscode accountid_Property : [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0] accountid : be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 primarycontactid_Property : [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference] primarycontactid : Rene Valdes (sample) statuscode_Property : [statuscode, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue] statuscode : Active original : {[accountid_Property, [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]], [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0], [primarycontactid_Property, [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]], [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]...} logicalname : account This example retrieves an account record with PrimaryContact and StateCode fields by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecord account 5b2fe1f3-b503-e511-80d4-c4346bc43dc0 * address2_addresstypecode_Property : [address2_addresstypecode, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue] address2_addresstypecode : Default Value merged_Property : [merged, False] merged : No statecode_Property : [statecode, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue] statecode : Active emailaddress1_Property : [emailaddress1,] emailaddress1 : ...... This example retrieve an account record with all fields (which have values). #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [string[]]$Fields ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($Fields -eq "*") { [Collections.Generic.List[String]]$x = $null } else { [Collections.Generic.List[String]]$x = $Fields; } try { $record = $conn.GetEntityDataById($EntityLogicalName, $Id, $x, [Guid]::Empty) } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } if($record -eq $null) { $error = "Record Id: " + $Id + "Does Not Exist" return $error } $psobj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject foreach($att in $record.GetEnumerator()) { if($att.Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]) { Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $att.Key -Value $att.Value.Name } elseif($att.Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AliasedValue]) { Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $att.Key -Value $att.Value.Value } else { Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $att.Key -Value $att.Value } } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "original" -Value $record Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "logicalname" -Value $EntityLogicalName return $psobj } #UpdateEntity function Set-CrmRecord{ <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a new CRM record by specifying EntityLogicalName, record's Id (guid) and field name/value sets. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmRecord cmdlet lets you update a record of your CRM organization. There are two ways to update a record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id and field name/value set. Use @{"field logical name"="value"} syntax to update Fields, and make sure you specify correct type of value for the field. You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet and check AttributeType to see the field type. In addition, for CRM specific types, you can use New-CrmMoney, New-CrmOptionSetValue or New-CrmEntityReference cmdlets. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, then assign new value for fields. if a field you want to assign value is not available, you need to use first method to update the field. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to update. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER Fields A List of field name/value pair. Use @{"field logical name"="value"} syntax to create Fields, and make sure you specify correct type of value for the field. You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet and check AttributeType to see the field type. In addition, for CRM specific types, you can use New-CrmMoney, New-CrmOptionSetValue or New-CrmEntityReference cmdlets. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id 52a17637-5617-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c -Fields @{"name"="updated name";"telephone1"="555-5555"} This example updates an account record by using Id and new value for name/telephone1 fields. Though any of field value is same as current record, it still tries to update the field. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecord account 52a17637-5617-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c @{"industrycode"=New-CrmOptionSetValue -Value 1} This example updates an account record by using Id and IndustryCode filed by specifying OptionSetValue. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 name PS C:\>$account name_Property : [name, Adventure Works (sample)] name : Adventure Works (sample) accountid_Property : [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0] accountid : b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 original : {[name_Property, [name, Adventure Works (sample)]], [name, Adventure Works (sample)], [accountid_Property, [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]], [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]} logicalname : account PS C:\>$ = $ + " updated!" PS C:\>Set-CrmRecord $account PS C:\>Get-CrmRecord account b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 name name_Property : [name, Adventure Works (sample) updated!] name : Adventure Works (sample)updated! accountid_Property : [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0] accountid : b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 original : {[name_Property, [name, Adventure Works (sample) updated!]], [name, Adventure Works (sample) updated!], [accountid_Property, [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]], [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]} logicalname : account This example retrieves and store an account record to $account object, then assign new value for name field. Then update it by using Set-CrmRecord cmdlet. Finally retrieves it again to display the result. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="account"> <attribute name="name" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ PS C:\>(Get-CrmRecordsByFetch $fetch).CrmRecords | % { $ = $ + " updated!"; Set-CrmRecord -CrmRecord $_} This example retrieves and stores account records by using FetchXML and pipe results (CrmRecords). In the next pipe, it does foreach operation (%) and assign new value for name. Then it updates each record using Set-CrmRecord. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Fields")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="Fields")] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3, ParameterSetName="Fields")] [hashtable]$Fields ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $entityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname } else { $entityLogicalName = $EntityLogicalName } # Some Entity has different pattern for id name. if($entityLogicalName -eq "usersettings") { $primaryKeyField = "systemuserid" } elseif($entityLogicalName -eq "systemform") { $primaryKeyField = "formid" } elseif($entityLogicalName -in ("opportunityclose","socialactivity","campaignresponse","letter","orderclose","appointment","recurringappointmentmaster","fax","email","activitypointer","incidentresolution","bulkoperation","quoteclose","task","campaignactivity","serviceappointment","phonecall")) { $primaryKeyField = "activityid" } else { $primaryKeyField = $entityLogicalName + "id" } $newfields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper]]' if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $originalRecord = $CrmRecord.original $Id = $originalRecord[$primaryKeyField] foreach($crmFieldKey in ($CrmRecord | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name) { $crmFieldValue = $CrmRecord.($crmFieldKey) if(($crmFieldKey -eq "original") -or ($crmFieldKey -eq "logicalname") -or ($crmFieldKey -like "*_Property")) { continue } elseif($originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value -is [bool]) { if($crmFieldValue -is [Int32]) { if(($originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value -and $crmFieldValue -eq 1) -or ` (!$originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value -and $crmFieldValue -eq 0)) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -is [bool]) { if($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey]) { continue } } elseif($originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue]) { if($crmFieldValue -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue]) { if($crmFieldValue.Value -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value.Value) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -is [Int32]) { if($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value.Value) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey]) { continue } } elseif($originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money]) { if($crmFieldValue -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money]) { if($crmFieldValue.Value -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value.Value) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -is [decimal] -or $crmFieldValue -is [Int32]) { if($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value.Value) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey]) { continue } } elseif($originalRecord[$crmFieldKey+"_Property"].Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]) { if(($crmFieldValue -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]) -and ($crmFieldValue.Name -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey].Name)) { continue } elseif($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey].Name) { continue } } elseif($crmFieldValue -eq $originalRecord[$crmFieldKey]) { continue } $newfield = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper' $value = New-Object psobject switch($CrmRecord.($crmFieldKey + "_Property").Value.GetType().Name) { "Boolean" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmBoolean if($crmFieldValue -is [Boolean]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = [Int32]::Parse($crmFieldValue) } break } "DateTime" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDateTime if($crmFieldValue -is [DateTime]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = [DateTime]::Parse($crmFieldValue) } break } "Decimal" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDecimal if($crmFieldValue -is [Decimal]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = [Decimal]::Parse($crmFieldValue) } break } "Single" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmFloat if($crmFieldValue -is [Single]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = [Single]::Parse($crmFieldValue) } break } "Money" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw if($crmFieldValue -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money' $value.Value = $crmFieldValue } break } "Int32" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmNumber if($crmFieldValue -is [Int32]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = [Int32]::Parse($crmFieldValue) } break } "EntityReference" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw $value = $crmFieldValue break } "OptionSetValue" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw if($crmFieldValue -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue]) { $value = $crmFieldValue } else { $value = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue' $value.Value = [Int32]::Parse($crmFieldValue) } break } "String" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::String $value = $crmFieldValue break } } $newfield.Value = $value $newfields.Add($crmFieldKey, $newfield) } } else { foreach($field in $Fields.GetEnumerator()) { $newfield = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper' switch($field.Value.GetType().Name) { "Boolean" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmBoolean break } "DateTime" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDateTime break } "Decimal" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDecimal break } "Single" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmFloat break } "Money" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "Int32" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmNumber break } "EntityReference" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "OptionSetValue" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "String" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::String break } } $newfield.Value = $field.Value $newfields.Add($field.Key, $newfield) } } try { $result = $conn.UpdateEntity($entityLogicalName, $primaryKeyField, $Id, $newfields, $null, $false, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { #TODO: Throw Exceptions back to user return $conn.LastCrmException } } #DeleteEntity function Remove-CrmRecord{ <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a CRM record by specifying EntityLogicalName and record's Id (guid) .DESCRIPTION The Remove-CrmRecord cmdlet lets you delete a record of your CRM organization. There are two ways to delete a record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, then pass it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to delete. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id 52a17637-5617-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c This example deletes an account record by using Id .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 name PS C:\>$account accountid_Property : [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0] accountid : b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 original : {[name_Property, [name, Adventure Works (sample)]], [name, Adventure Works (sample)], [accountid_Property, [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]], [accountid, b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0]} logicalname : account PS C:\>Remove-CrmRecord $account PS C:\>Get-CrmRecord account b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 name WARNING: Record Id: b202caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0Does Not Exist This example retrieves and store an account record to $account object, then pass it to Remove-CrmRecord cmdlet. Finally retrieves it again to confirm it is deleted. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="account"> <attribute name="name" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ PS C:\>(Get-CrmRecordsByFetch $fetch).CrmRecords | % { Remove-CrmRecord $conn -CrmRecord $_} PS C:\>Get-CrmRecordsByFetch $fetch WARNING: No Result This example retrieves and stores account records by using FetchXML and pipe results (CrmRecords). In the next pipe, it updates each record using Remove-CrmRecord. Finally retrieves them again to confirm all records are deleted. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Fields")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="Fields")] [guid]$Id ) begin { $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; } process { if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname $Id = $CrmRecord.($EntityLogicalName + "id") } try { $result = $conn.DeleteEntity($EntityLogicalName, $Id, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } } ### Other Cmdlets from Xrm Tooling ### #AddEntityToQueue function Move-CrmRecordToQueue{ <# .SYNOPSIS Move a CRM record to a Queue .DESCRIPTION The Move-CrmRecordToQueue cmdlet lets you move a record to a queue. There are two ways to specify a record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, then pass it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to move. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER QueueName Queue's Name to move the record. .PARAMETER WorkingUserId An Id (guid) of SystemUser who works on the queue item. .PARAMETER SetWorkingByUser Specify if the record needs to be marked as WorkingByUser. .EXAMPLE Move-CrmRecordToQueue -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName incident -Id 1e005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -QueueName "Support Queue" -WorkingUserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example moves an incident (Case) record to "Support Queue" queue and assigned it to a User as WorkingUser. .EXAMPLE Move-CrmRecordToQueue incident 1e005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 "Support Queue" f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d $True This example moves an incident (Case) record to "Support Queue" queue and assigned it to a User as WorkingUser and mark it as User Working When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$incident = Get-CrmRecord incident 20005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 title PS C:\>Move-CrmRecordToQueue $incident "Support Queue" f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d $True This example retrieves and store an incident record, then pass it to Move-CrmRecordToQueue. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [string]$QueueName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)] [guid]$WorkingUserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)] [bool]$SetWorkingByUser ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname $Id = $CrmRecord.($EntityLogicalName + "id") } try { $result = $conn.AddEntityToQueue($Id, $EntityLogicalName, $QueueName, $WorkingUserId, $SetWorkingByUser, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #AssignEntityToUser function Set-CrmRecordOwner{ <# .SYNOPSIS Assign an user as a CRM record's owner .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmRecordOwner cmdlet lets you assign a user to a record's owner. There are two ways to specify a record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, then pass it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to set an owner. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER PrincipalId An Id (guid) of SystemUser or team to be assigned as owner. .PARAMETER AssignToTeam Switch indicating the PrincipalId Supplied is for a CRM Ownership Team and NOT a CRM User .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecordOwner -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName contact -Id e1d47674-4017-e511-80db-c4346bc42d18 -PrincipalId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example assigns a contact record to an User. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecordOwner -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName contact -Id e1d47674-4017-e511-80db-c4346bc42d18 -PrincipalId f0d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf673 -AssignToTeam This example assigns a contact record to a Team. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecordOwner contact e1d47674-4017-e511-80db-c4346bc42d18 f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example assigns a contact record to an User by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$contact = Get-CrmRecord contact e1d47674-4017-e511-80db-c4346bc42d18 fullname PS C:\>Set-CrmRecordOwner $contact f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example retrieves and store a contact record, then pass it to Set-CrmRecordOwner. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)][alias("UserId")] [guid]$PrincipalId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [switch]$AssignToTeam ) begin { $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; } process { if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname $Id = $CrmRecord.($EntityLogicalName + "id") } try { # As CrmClientService does not have method to assign to team, use Organization Request if($AssignToTeam){ write-verbose "Assigning record with Id: $Id to Team with Id: $PrincipalId" $req = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.AssignRequest $ = New-CrmEntityReference -EntityLogicalName $EntityLogicalName -Id $Id; $req.Assignee = New-CrmEntityReference -EntityLogicalName "team" -Id $PrincipalId; $result = [Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.AssignResponse]$conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($req, $null); # If no result returend, then it had an issue. if($result -eq $null) { $result = $false } } else{ $result = $conn.AssignEntityToUser($PrincipalId, $EntityLogicalName, $Id, [Guid]::Empty) } if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } write-verbose "Completed..." } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } } #CloseActivity function Set-CrmActivityRecordToCloseState{ <# .SYNOPSIS Close an activity record. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmActivityRecordToCloseState cmdlet lets you close an activity record. There are two ways to specify a record. 1. Pass ActivityEntityType and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, then pass it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use ActivityEntityType/ActivityId .PARAMETER ActivityEntityType A logicalname for an Activity Entity to close. i.e.)phonecall, email, task, etc.. .PARAMETER ActivityId An Id (guid) of the activity record .PARAMETER StateCode A State code name. You can use (Get-CrmEntityOptionSet <EntityLogicalName> statecode).Items to get StateCode strings. .PARAMETER StatusCode A Status code name. You can use (Get-CrmEntityOptionSet <EntityLogicalName> statuscode).Items to get StateCode strings. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmActivityRecordToCloseState -conn $conn -ActivityEntityType task -ActivityId a0025a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -StateCode Completed -StatusCode Completed This example closes a task record as Completed/Completed. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmActivityRecordToCloseState task a0025a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 Open "In Progress" This example closes a task record as InProgress/Open. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$task = Get-CrmRecord task a0025a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 subject PS C:\>Set-CrmActivityRecordToCloseState $task Open "Not Started" This example retrieves and store a task record, then pass it to Set-CrmActivityRecordToCloseState #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$ActivityEntityType, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$ActivityId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [string]$StateCode, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)] [string]$StatusCode ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $ActivityEntityType = $CrmRecord.logicalname $ActivityId = $CrmRecord.("activityid") } try { $result = $conn.CloseActivity($ActivityEntityType, $ActivityId, $StateCode, $StatusCode, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #CreateAnnotation function Add-CrmNoteToCrmRecord{ <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new note (annotation) to a record. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmNoteToCrmRecord cmdlet lets you add a note (annoation) to a record. There are two ways to specify a target record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it. You can specify note subject and body by using -Subject and -NoteText parameters .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname of the target record. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER Subject Subject of a note (annotation). .PARAMETER NoteText Body Text of a note (annotation). .EXAMPLE Add-CrmNoteToCrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -Subject "sample subject" -NoteText "sample body" This example add a note (annotation) to an account record. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmNoteToCrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 "sample subject" "sample body" This example add a note (annotation) to an account record by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [string]$Subject, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)] [string]$NoteText ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname $Id = $CrmRecord.($EntityLogicalName + "id") } $newfields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper]]' $subjectfield = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper' $subjectfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::String $subjectfield.Value = $Subject $noteTextfield = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper' $noteTextfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::String $noteTextfield.Value = $NoteText $newfields.Add("subject", $subjectfield) $newfields.Add("notetext", $noteTextfield) try { $result = $conn.CreateAnnotation($EntityLogicalName, $Id, $newfields, [Guid]::Empty) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #CreateEntityAssociation function Add-CrmRecordAssociation{ <# .SYNOPSIS Associates two records for N:N relationship. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmRecordAssociation cmdlet lets you associate two records for N:N relationship by specifying relatioship logical name. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id for both records. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it for both records. You can specify relationship logical name for the association. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord1 A first record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER CrmRecord2 A second record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName1 A logicalname for first Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id1 An Id (guid) of first record .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName2 A logicalname for second Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id2 An Id (guid) of second record .PARAMETER RelationshipName A N:N relationship logical name. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 account -Id1 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -EntityLogicalName2 contact -Id2 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -RelationshipName new_accounts_contacts This example associates an account and a contact records through new_accounts_contacts custom N:N relationship. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmRecordAssociation account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 contact 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 new_accounts_contacts This example associates an account and a contact records through new_accounts_contacts custom N:N relationship by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$contact = Get-CrmRecord contact 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $account -CrmRecord2 $contact -RelationshipName new_accounts_contacts This example retrieves and stores an account and a contact records to variables, then pass them to Add-CrmRecordAssociation cmdlets. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$contact = Get-CrmRecord contact 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>Add-CrmRecordAssociation $account $contact new_accounts_contacts This example retrieves and stores an account and a contact records to variables, then pass them to Add-CrmRecordAssociation cmdlets. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=5)] [string]$RelationshipName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord1 -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName1 = $CrmRecord1.logicalname $Id1 = $CrmRecord1.($EntityLogicalName1 + "id") } if($CrmRecord2 -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName2 = $CrmRecord2.logicalname $Id2 = $CrmRecord2.($EntityLogicalName2 + "id") } try { $result = $conn.CreateEntityAssociation($EntityLogicalName1, $Id1, $EntityLogicalName2, $Id2, $RelationshipName, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #CreateMultiEntityAssociation function Add-CrmMultiRecordAssociation{ <# .SYNOPSIS Associates multiple records to single record for N:N relationship. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmMultiRecordAssociation cmdlet lets you associate multiple records to single record for N:N relationship by specifying relatioship logical name. Use @('<object>','<object>') syntax to specify multiple ids or records. if the relationship is self-referencing, specify $True for -IsReflexiveRelationship Parameter. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id for both records. 2. Get record object(s) by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass them. You can specify relationship logical name for the association. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord1 A first record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER CrmRecord2s An array of records object which are obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName1 A logicalname for first Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id1 An Id (guid) of first record .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName2 A logicalname for second Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id2s An array of Ids (guid) of second records. Specify by using @('66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94','62005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94') synctax. .PARAMETER RelationshipName A N:N relationship logical name. .PARAMETER IsReflexiveRelationship Specify $True if the N:N relationship is self-referencing. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmMultiRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 account -Id1 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -EntityLogicalName2 contact -Id2s @('66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94','62005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94') -RelationshipName new_accounts_contacts This example associates an account and two contact records through new_accounts_contacts custom N:N relationship. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmMultiRecordAssociation account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 contact @('66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94','62005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94') new_accounts_contacts This example associates an account and two contact records through new_accounts_contacts custom N:N relationship by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="contact"> <attribute name="fullname" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="lastname" operator="like" value="%sample%" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ PS C:\>$contacts = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch $fetch PS C:\>Add-CrmMultiRecordAssociation $account $contacts.CrmRecords new_accounts_contacts This example retrieves contacts by using FetchXML and stores to a variable, then retrieves and store an account record to another variable. Then passes those variables Add-CrmMultiRecordAssociation. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject[]]$CrmRecord2s, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid[]]$Id2s, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=5)] [string]$RelationshipName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)] [bool]$IsReflexiveRelationship ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord1 -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName1 = $CrmRecord1.logicalname $Id1 = $CrmRecord1.($EntityLogicalName1 + "id") } if($CrmRecord2s -ne $null) { if($CrmRecord2s.Count -ne 0) { $EntityLogicalName2 = $CrmRecord2s[0].logicalname $Ids = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Guid]' foreach($CrmRecord2 in $CrmRecord2s) { $Ids.Add($CrmRecord2.($EntityLogicalName2 + "id")) } $Id2s = $Ids.ToArray() } else { Write-Warning 'CrmRecords2 does not include any records.' break; } } try { $result = $conn.CreateMultiEntityAssociation($EntityLogicalName1, $Id1, $EntityLogicalName2, $Id2s, $RelationshipName, [Guid]::Empty, $IsReflexiveRelationship) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #CreateNewActivityEntry function Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord{ <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new activity to a record. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord cmdlet lets you add an activity to a record. You use ActivityEntityType to specify Activity Type and Subject/Description to set values. You can use Fields optional Parameter to specify additional Field values. Use @{"field logical name"="value"} syntax to create Fields , and make sure you specify correct type of value for the field. You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet and check AttributeType to see the field type. In addition, for CRM specific types, you can use New-CrmMoney, New-CrmOptionSetValue or New-CrmEntityReference cmdlets. There are two ways to specify a target record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it. You can specify note subject and body by using -Subject and -NoteText parameters .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname of the target record. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER ActivityEntityType A logicalname for an Activity Entity to add. i.e.)phonecall, email, task, etc.. .PARAMETER Subject Subject of the activity record. .PARAMETER Description Description of the activity record. .PARAMETER Fields A List of field name/value pair. Use @{"field logical name"="value"} syntax to create Fields, and make sure you specify correct type of value for the field. You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet and check AttributeType to see the field type. In addition, for CRM specific types, you can use New-CrmMoney, New-CrmOptionSetValue or New-CrmEntityReference cmdlets. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id feff5970-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -ActivityEntityType task -Subject "sample task" -Description "sample task description" -OnwerUserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example adds a task an account record. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord account feff5970-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 task "sample task" "sample task description" f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example adds a task to an account record by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord account feff5970-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 task "sample task" "sample task description" f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d @{"scheduledend"=(Get-Date).AddDays(3);"prioritycode"=New-CrmOptionSetValue 2} This example adds a task to an account record with Due Date and Priority fields. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account feff5970-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>user = Get-MyCrmUserId PS C:\>Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord $account task "sample task" "sample task description" $user This example retrieves and stores an account, and login user Id (guid) to variables. Then passes them to Add-CrmActivityToCrmRecord. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [string]$ActivityEntityType, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)] [string]$Subject, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=5)] [string]$Description, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=6)] [string]$OnwerUserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=7)] [hashtable]$Fields ) begin { $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; } process { if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname $Id = $CrmRecord.($EntityLogicalName + "id") } $newfields = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String], [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper]]' if($Fields -ne $null) { foreach($field in $Fields.GetEnumerator()) { $newfield = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmDataTypeWrapper' switch($field.Value.GetType().Name) { "Boolean" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmBoolean break } "DateTime" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDateTime break } "Decimal" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmDecimal break } "Single" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmFloat break } "Money" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "Int32" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::CrmNumber break } "EntityReference" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "OptionSetValue" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::Raw break } "String" { $newfield.Type = [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmFieldType]::String break } } $newfield.Value = $field.Value $newfields.Add($field.Key, $newfield) } } try { $result = $conn.CreateNewActivityEntry($ActivityEntityType, $EntityLogicalName, $Id, $Subject, $Description, $OnwerUserId, $newfields, [Guid]::Empty) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } } #DeleteEntityAssociation function Remove-CrmRecordAssociation{ <# .SYNOPSIS Associates two records for N:N relationship. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-CrmRecordAssociation cmdlet lets you disassociate two records for N:N relationship by specifying relatioship logical name. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id for both records. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it for both records. You can specify relationship logical name for the disassociation. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord1 A first record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER CrmRecord2 A second record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName1 A logicalname for first Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id1 An Id (guid) of first record .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName2 A logicalname for second Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id2 An Id (guid) of second record .PARAMETER RelationshipName A N:N relationship logical name. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 account -Id1 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -EntityLogicalName2 contact -Id2 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -RelationshipName new_accounts_contacts This example associates an account and a contact records through new_accounts_contacts custom N:N relationship. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmRecordAssociation account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 contact 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 new_accounts_contacts This example associates an account and a contact records through new_accounts_contacts custom N:N relationship by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$contact = Get-CrmRecord contact 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>Remove-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $account -CrmRecord2 $contact -RelationshipName new_accounts_contacts This example retrieves and stores an account and a contact records to variables, then pass them to Remove-CrmRecordAssociation cmdlets. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$contact = Get-CrmRecord contact 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>Remove-CrmRecordAssociation $account $contact new_accounts_contacts This example retrieves and stores an account and a contact records to variables, then pass them to Remove-CrmRecordAssociation cmdlets. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id2, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=5)] [string]$RelationshipName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord1 -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName1 = $CrmRecord1.logicalname $Id1 = $CrmRecord1.($EntityLogicalName1 + "id") } if($CrmRecord2 -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName2 = $CrmRecord2.logicalname $Id2 = $CrmRecord2.($EntityLogicalName2 + "id") } try { $result = $conn.DeleteEntityAssociation($EntityLogicalName1, $Id1, $EntityLogicalName2, $Id2, $RelationshipName, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #ExecuteWorkflowOnEntity function Invoke-CrmRecordWorkflow{ <# .SYNOPSIS Runs an on-demand workflow for a record. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-CrmRecordWorkflow cmdlet lets you run an on-demand workflow for a record. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it. You can specify on-demand workflow by using its name. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use Id. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of first record. .PARAMETER WorkflowName An on-demand workflow name. .EXAMPLE Invoke-CrmRecordWorkflow -conn $conn -Id faff5970-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -WorkflowName "Sample Workflow for Account" This example runs an on-demand workflow named "Sample Workflow for Accoutn" for an account. .EXAMPLE Invoke-CrmRecordWorkflow faff5970-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 "Sample Workflow for Account" This example runs an on-demand workflow named "Sample Workflow for Accoutn" for an account by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$account = Get-CrmRecord account 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>Invoke-CrmRecordWorkflow $account "Sample Workflow for Account" This example runs an on-demand workflow named "Sample Workflow for Accoutn" for an account by ommiting parameter names. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Id")] [Alias("Id")] [string]$StringId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [string]$WorkflowName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $Id = $CrmRecord.($CrmRecord.logicalname + "id") } else { $Id = [guid]::Parse($StringId) } try { $result = $conn.ExecuteWorkflowOnEntity($WorkflowName, $Id, [Guid]::Empty) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetMyCrmUserId function Get-MyCrmUserId{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves login user's CRM UserId (guid). .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyCrmUserId cmdlet retrieves login user's CRM UserId. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Get-MyCrmUserId -conn $conn This example returns login user's CRM UserId. .EXAMPLE Get-MyCrmUserId This example returns login user's CRM UserId by ommiting -conn parameter. To omit conn parameter, you need creating $conn in advance, then cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetMyCrmUserId() if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetAllAttributesForEntity function Get-CrmEntityAttributes{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all attributes metadata for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityAttributes cmdlet lets you retrieve all attributes metadata for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAttributes -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account AttributeOf : preferredcontactmethodcode AttributeType : Virtual AttributeTypeName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName ColumnNumber : 149 Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DeprecatedVersion : IntroducedVersion : EntityLogicalName : account IsAuditEnabled : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.BooleanManagedProperty IsCustomAttribute : False ... This example retrieves all attributes metadata for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAttributes account AttributeOf : preferredcontactmethodcode AttributeType : Virtual AttributeTypeName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName ColumnNumber : 149 Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DeprecatedVersion : IntroducedVersion : EntityLogicalName : account IsAuditEnabled : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.BooleanManagedProperty IsCustomAttribute : False ... This example retrieves all attributes metadata for Account Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAttributes account | Where {$_.IsCustomAttribute -eq $true} | Select logicalname This example retrieves all attributes metadata for an account, and filter for only custom fields. Then displays logicalname field only. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetAllAttributesForEntity($EntityLogicalName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetAllEntityMetadata function Get-CrmEntityAllMetadata{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all Metadata for CRM organization. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityAllMetadata cmdlet lets you retrieve all Metadata for CRM organization. You can specify which type of Metadata you want to retrive by using EntityFilters parameter. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER OnlyPublished Specify $True if you retrieve only published Metadata. .PARAMETER EntityFilters Specify which type of Metadata you want to retrieve. Valid options are "all", "attributes", "entity", "privileges", "relationships". .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAllMetadata -conn $conn -OnlyPublished $True EntityFilters all ActivityTypeMask : 0 Attributes : {, , Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName, ...} AutoRouteToOwnerQueue : False CanTriggerWorkflow : False Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayCollectionName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label EntityHelpUrlEnabled : False EntityHelpUrl : ... This example retrieves all published Metadata. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAllMetadata $True Entity ActivityTypeMask : 0 Attributes : AutoRouteToOwnerQueue : False CanTriggerWorkflow : False Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayCollectionName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label EntityHelpUrlEnabled : False ... This example retrieves all published Entity metadata by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [bool]$OnlyPublished=$true, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [string]$EntityFilters ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; switch($EntityFilters.ToLower()) { "all" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::All break } "attributes" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Attributes break } "entity" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Entity break } "privileges" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Privileges break } "relationships" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Relationships break } default { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Default break } } try { $result = $conn.GetAllEntityMetadata($OnlyPublished, $filter) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityAttributeMetadataForAttribute function Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves an attribute metadata for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata cmdlet lets you retrieve an attribute metadata for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER FieldLogicalName A logicalname for a field. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -FieldLogicalName parentaccountid Targets : {account} AttributeOf : AttributeType : Lookup AttributeTypeName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName ColumnNumber : 57 Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DeprecatedVersion : IntroducedVersion : EntityLogicalName : account ... This example retrieves Parent Account attribute metadata for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityAttributeMetadata account parentaccountid AttributeOf : preferredcontactmethodcode AttributeType : Virtual AttributeTypeName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName ColumnNumber : 149 Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DeprecatedVersion : IntroducedVersion : EntityLogicalName : account IsAuditEnabled : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.BooleanManagedProperty IsCustomAttribute : False ... This example retrieves Parent Account attribute metadata for Account Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [string]$FieldLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetEntityAttributeMetadataForAttribute($EntityLogicalName, $FieldLogicalName) if($result -ne $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityDataByFetchSearch function Get-CrmRecordsByFetch{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM records by using FetchXML query. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmRecordsByFetch cmdlet lets you retrieve up to 5,000 records from your CRM organization by using FetchXML query. The output contains CrmRecords (List or retrieved records), PagingCookie (for next iteration), and NextPage (to indicate if there are more records on the next page). if you need to paging the result, you can also specify TopCount, PageNumber and PagingCookie. You can obtain FetchXML by using Advanced Find tool. As FetchXML query can be multiple lines, use "@ ... @" syntax to speficy the query. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER Fetch A FetchXML query to retrive records. You can obtain FetchXML by using Advanced Find tool. Use "@ ... @" syntax to speficy the query. .PARAMETER TopCount Specify how many records you need to retireve at once (up to 5,000 at once). .PARAMETER PageNumber Specify starting page number for paging. Starting from 1. .PARAMETER PageCookie Specify cookie string for paging. Keep previous PagingCookie value for next iteration. .PARAMETER AllRows By default the first 5000 rows are returned, this switch will bring back all results regardless of how many .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="account"> <attribute name="name" /> <attribute name="primarycontactid" /> <attribute name="telephone1" /> <attribute name="accountid" /> <order attribute="name" descending="false" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{name_Property=[name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)]; name=A. Datum Corporation (s... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><name last="Litware, Inc. (sample)" first="A. Datum Corporation (sa... NextPage False This example retrieves account records by using FetchXML and results contains CrmRecords, PagingCookie and NextPage. Please note that copying and pasting above example may not work due to multiline issue. Please remove all whitespace before last @" .EXAMPLE $result = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="account"> <attribute name="name" /> <attribute name="primarycontactid" /> <attribute name="telephone1" /> <attribute name="accountid" /> <order attribute="name" descending="false" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ PS C:\>$result.CrmRecords name_Property : [name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)] name : A. Datum Corporation (sample) primarycontactid_Property : [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference] primarycontactid : Rene Valdes (sample) telephone1_Property : [telephone1, 555-0158] telephone1 : 555-0158 accountid_Property : [accountid, be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0] accountid : be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 returnProperty_EntityName : account returnProperty_Id : be02caab-6c16-e511-80d6-c4346bc43dc0 original : {[name_Property, [name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)]], [name, A. Datum Corporation (sample)], [primarycontactid_Property, [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]], [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]...} logicalname : account name_Property : [name, Adventure Works (sample)] name : Adventure Works (sample) primarycontactid_Property : [primarycontactid, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference] primarycontactid : Nancy Anderson (sample) telephone1_Property : [telephone1, 555-0152] .... This example stores retrieved result into $result variable, then show records by CrmRecords property. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE $result1 = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="contact"> <attribute name="fullname" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ PS C:\>$result1.CrmRecords.Count 5000 PS C:\>$result1.NextPage True PS C:\>$result1.PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><contactid last="{890FDA88-4217-E511-80DB-C4346BC42D18}" first="{E1D47674-4017-E511-80DB-C4346BC42D18}" /></cookie> PS C:\>$result2 = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="contact"> <attribute name="fullname" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ -TopCount 5000 -PageNumber 2 -PageCookie $result1.PagingCookie PS C:\>$result2.CrmRecords.Count 453 PS C:\>$result2.NextPage False This example stores retrieved result into $result1 variable, then use $result1.PagingCookie data for next iteration. FetchXML is exactly same but specifying additional Parameters for second command. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$Fetch, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [int]$TopCount, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [int]$PageNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [string]$PageCookie, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)] [switch]$AllRows ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; #default page number to 1 if not supplied if($PageNumber -eq 0) { $PageNumber = 1 } $PagingCookie = "" $NextPage = $false if($PageCookie -eq "") { $PageCookie = $null } $recordslist = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]' $resultSet = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[System.String],[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]]' try { Write-Debug "Getting data from CRM" $records = $conn.GetEntityDataByFetchSearch($Fetch, $TopCount, $PageNumber, $PageCookie, [ref]$PagingCookie, [ref]$NextPage, [Guid]::Empty) $xml = [xml]$Fetch $logicalname = $xml.SelectSingleNode("/fetch/entity").Name #if there are zero results returned if($records.Count -eq 0) { $error = "No Result" Write-Warning $error $resultSet.Add("CrmRecords", $recordslist) $resultSet.Add("Count", $recordslist.Count) $resultSet.Add("PagingCookie",$null) $resultSet.Add("NextPage",$false) #EXIT return $resultSet; } #if we have records elseif($records.Count -gt 0) { Write-Debug "Records Found!" foreach($record in $records.Values) { $psobj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject foreach($att in $record.GetEnumerator()) { if($att.Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]) { Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $att.Key -Value $att.Value.Name } elseif($att.Value -is [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AliasedValue]) { Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $att.Key -Value $att.Value.Value } else { Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $att.Key -Value $att.Value } } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "original" -Value $record Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "logicalname" -Value $logicalname $recordslist.Add($psobj) } #IF we have multiple pages! if($NextPage -and $AllRows) { $PageNumber = $PageNumber + 1 Write-Debug "Fetching next page #$PageNumber" $NextRecordSet = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $Fetch -TopCount $TopCount -PageNumber $PageNumber -PageCookie $PagingCookie -AllRows if($NextRecordSet.CrmRecords.Count -gt 0) { Write-Debug "Adding data to original results from page#: $PageNumber" $recordslist.AddRange($NextRecordSet.CrmRecords) } } } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception return $conn.LastCrmException } $resultSet = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[System.String],[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]]' $resultSet.Add("CrmRecords", $recordslist) $resultSet.Add("Count", $recordslist.Count) $resultSet.Add("PagingCookie",$PagingCookie) $resultSet.Add("NextPage",$NextPage) $resultSet.Add("FetchXml", $Fetch) return $resultSet } #GetEntityDisplayName function Get-CrmEntityDisplayName{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Display Name for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityDisplayName cmdlet lets you retrieve Display Name for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityDisplayName -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account Account This example retrieves Display Name for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityDisplayName incident Case This example retrieves Display Name for Incident Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="EntityLogicalName")] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetEntityDisplayName($EntityLogicalName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityDisplayNamePlural function Get-CrmEntityDisplayPluralName{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Display Plural Name for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityDisplayPluralName cmdlet lets you retrieve Display Plural Name for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityDisplayPluralName -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account Accounts This example retrieves Display Name for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityDisplayPluralName incident Cases This example retrieves Display Name for Incident Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetEntityDisplayNamePlural($EntityLogicalName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityMetadata function Get-CrmEntityMetadata{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Metadata for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityMetadata cmdlet lets you retrieve Metadata for an Entity. You can specify which type of Metadata you want to retrive by using EntityFilters parameter. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER EntityFilters Specify which type of Metadata you want to retrieve. Valid options are "all", "attributes", "entity", "privileges", "relationships". .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityMetadata -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account EntityFilters all ActivityTypeMask : 0 Attributes : {Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.StringFormatName, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.StringFormatName, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.StringFormatName...} AutoRouteToOwnerQueue : False CanTriggerWorkflow : True Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayCollectionName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label ... This example retrieves all Metadata for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityMetadata account relationships ActivityTypeMask : 0 Attributes : {Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeDisplayName, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.StringFormatName, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.StringFormatName, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.StringFormatName...} AutoRouteToOwnerQueue : False CanTriggerWorkflow : True Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayCollectionName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label ... This example retrieves all Metadata for Account Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [string]$EntityFilters ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; switch($EntityFilters.ToLower()) { "all" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::All break } "attributes" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Attributes break } "entity" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Entity break } "privileges" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Privileges break } "relationships" { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Relationships break } default { $filter = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.EntityFilters]::Default break } } try { $result = $conn.GetEntityMetadata($EntityLogicalName, $filter) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityName function Get-CrmEntityName{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Entity logicalname for EntityTypeCode. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityName cmdlet lets you retrieve Entity logicalname. You can specify EntityTypeCode. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityTypeCode A number for Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityName -conn $conn -EntityTypeCode 1 account This example retrieves Entity logicalname for EntityTypeCode 1 (Account). .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityName 4200 activitypointer This example retrieves Entity logicalname for EntityTypeCode 4200 (Activity) by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [int]$EntityTypeCode ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetEntityName($EntityTypeCode) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetEntityTypeCode function Get-CrmEntityTypeCode{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves EntityTypeCode for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityTypeCode cmdlet lets you retrieve EntityTypeCode. You can specify EntityLogicalName. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityTypeCode -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account 1 This example retrieves EntityTypeCode for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityTypeCode lead 4 This example retrieves EntityTypeCode for Lead Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetEntityTypeCode($EntityLogicalName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetGlobalOptionSetMetadata function Get-CrmGlobalOptionSet{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a global OptionSet. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmGlobalOptionSet cmdlet lets you retrieve a global OptionSet. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER OptionSetName A logicalname for a global OptionSet. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmGlobalOptionSet -conn $conn -OptionSetName incident_caseorigincode Options : {, , , ...} Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label IsCustomOptionSet : False IsGlobal : True IsManaged : True IsCustomizable : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.BooleanManagedProperty Name : incident_caseorigincode OptionSetType : Picklist IntroducedVersion : MetadataId : 08fa2cb2-e3fe-497a-9b5d-ee887f5cc3cd HasChanged : ExtensionData : System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject This example retrieves incident_caseorigincode global OptionSet. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmGlobalOptionSet incident_caseorigincode Options : {, , , ...} Description : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label DisplayName : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Label IsCustomOptionSet : False IsGlobal : True IsManaged : True IsCustomizable : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.BooleanManagedProperty Name : incident_caseorigincode OptionSetType : Picklist IntroducedVersion : MetadataId : 08fa2cb2-e3fe-497a-9b5d-ee887f5cc3cd HasChanged : ExtensionData : System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject This example retrieves incident_caseorigincode global OptionSet by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$optionset = Get-CrmGlobalOptionSet incident_caseorigincode PS C:\>$optionset.Options | % {[string]$_.Value + ":" + $_.Label.LocalizedLabels.Label} 1:Phone 2:Email 3:Web 2483:Facebook 3986:Twitter This example retrieves incident_caseorigincode global OptionSet and stores to variable, then query its value and display name. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$OptionSetName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetGlobalOptionSetMetadata($OptionSetName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #GetPickListElementFromMetadataEntity function Get-CrmEntityOptionSet{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a picklist field of an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityOptionSet cmdlet lets you retrieve a picklist field of an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER FieldLogicalName A logicalname for a picklist filed. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityOptionSet -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -FieldLogicalName statuscode ActualValue PickListLabel DisplayValue Items ----------- ------------- ------------ ----- Status Reason {1, 2} This example retrieves statuscode picklist for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityOptionSet account statuscode ActualValue PickListLabel DisplayValue Items ----------- ------------- ------------ ----- Status Reason {1, 2} This example retrieves statuscode picklist for Account Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityOptionSet account statuscode | % {$_.Items} DisplayLabel PickListItemId ------------ -------------- Active 1 Inactive 2 This example retrieves statuscode picklist for Account Entity and displays Label and Id. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [string]$FieldLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.GetPickListElementFromMetadataEntity($EntityLogicalName, $FieldLogicalName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #ImportSolutionToCrm function Import-CrmSolution{ <# .SYNOPSIS Imports solution file to CRM Organization. .DESCRIPTION The Import-CrmSolution cmdlet lets you import solution file to CRM Organization and returns Job Id. You can use the Job Id to check import progress. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER SolutionFilePath A file path to solution zip file. .PARAMETER ActivatePlugIns Specify the parameter to active plug-ins when importing solution. .PARAMETER OverwriteUnManagedCustomizations Specify the parameter to overwrite conflicting unmanaged customizations when importing solution. .PARAMETER SkipDependancyOnProductUpdateCheckOnInstall Specify the parameter to skip dependency check when importing solution. .PARAMETER PublishChanges Specify the parameter to publish all customizations (applicable only for unmanaged solution) .PARAMETER MaxWaitTimeInSeconds Specify the parameter to override the default maximum 900 seconds (15 minutes) to wait for an imported solution to complete. .EXAMPLE Import-CrmSolution -conn $conn -SolutionFilePath "C:\" This example imports solution and returns JobId. .EXAMPLE Import-CrmSolution "C:\" $True This example imports solution by activating plug-ins and returns JobId by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$SolutionFilePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [switch]$ActivatePlugIns, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [switch]$OverwriteUnManagedCustomizations, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [switch]$SkipDependancyOnProductUpdateCheckOnInstall, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)] [switch]$PublishChanges, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)] [int64]$MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = 900 ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $importId = [guid]::Empty try { $tmpDest = $conn.CrmConnectOrgUriActual Write-Host "Importing solution file $SolutionFilePath into: $tmpDest" Write-Verbose "OverwriteCustomizations: $OverwriteUnManagedCustomizations" Write-Verbose "SkipDependancyCheck: $SkipDependancyOnProductUpdateCheckOnInstall" Write-Verbose "Maximum seconds to poll for successful completion: $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds" Write-Verbose "Calling .ImportSolutionToCrm() this process can take minutes..." $result = $conn.ImportSolutionToCrm($SolutionFilePath, [ref]$importId, $ActivatePlugIns, $OverwriteUnManagedCustomizations, $SkipDependancyOnProductUpdateCheckOnInstall) $pollingStart = Get-Date; $isProcessing = $true; $secondsSpentPolling = 0; $pollingDelaySeconds = 5; Write-Host "Import of file completed, waiting on completion of importId: $importId" try{ while($isProcessing -and $secondsSpentPolling -lt $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds){ #delay Start-Sleep -Seconds $pollingDelaySeconds; #check the import job for success/fail/inProgress $import = Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName importjob -Id $importId -Fields solutionname,data,completedon,startedon,progress #Option to use Get-CrmRecords so we can force a no-lock to prevent hangs in the retrieve #$import = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName importjob -FilterAttribute importjobid -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue $importId -Fields data,completedon,startedon,progress).CrmRecords[0] $importManifest = ([xml]($import).data).importexportxml.solutionManifests.solutionManifest; $ProcPercent = [double](Coalesce $import.progress "0") #Check for import completion if($import.completedon -eq $null -and $importManifest.result -ne "success"){ $isProcessing = $true; $secondsSpentPolling = ([Int]((Get-Date) - $pollingStart).TotalSeconds) Write-Output "$($secondsSPentPolling.ToString("000")) seconds of max: $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds ... ImportJob%: $ProcPercent"; } else{ Write-Verbose "Processing Completed at: $($import.completedon)" $ProcPercent = 100.0; $isProcessing = $false; break; } } } Catch { Write-Error "ImportJob with ID: $importId has encountered an exception: $_ "; } Finally{ $ProcPercent = ([double](Coalesce $ProcPercent 0)) } #User provided timeout and exit function with an error if($secondsSpentPolling -gt $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds){ throw "Import-CrmSolution halted due to exceeding the maximum timeout of $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds." } #detect a failure by a failure result OR the percent being less than 100% if($importresult.result -eq "failure") #Must look at %age instead of this result as the result is usually wrong! { Write-Verbose "Import result: $($importManifest.result) - job with ID: $importId failed at $ProcPercent complete." throw $importresult.errortext } elseif($ProcPercent -lt 100){ try{ #lets try to dump the failure data as a best effort: ([xml]$|foreach { if($_.result.result -ne $null -and $_.result.result -eq 'failure'){ write-output "Name: $($_.LocalizedName) Result: $($_.result.errorcode) Details: $($_.result.errortext)" write-error "Name: $($_.LocalizedName) Result: $($_.result.errorcode) Details: $($_.result.errortext)" } } #webresource problems ([xml]$|foreach { if($_.result.result -ne $null -and $_.result.result -eq 'failure'){ write-output "Name: $($_.LocalizedName) Result: $($_.result.errorcode) Details: $($_.result.errortext)" write-error "Name: $($_.LocalizedName) Result: $($_.result.errorcode) Details: $($_.result.errortext)" } } #optionset problems ([xml]$|foreach { if($_.result.result -ne $null -and $_.result.result -eq 'failure'){ write-output "Name: $($_.LocalizedName) Result: $($_.result.errorcode) Details: $($_.result.errortext)" write-error "Name: $($_.LocalizedName) Result: $($_.result.errorcode) Details: $($_.result.errortext)" } } }catch{} $erroText = "Import result: Job with ID: $importId failed at $ProcPercent percent complete." throw $erroText; } else { #at this point we appear to have imported successfully $managedsolution = $importManifest.Managed if($managedsolution -ne 1) { if($PublishChanges){ Write-Verbose "PublishChanges set, executing: Publish-CrmAllCustomization using the same connection." Publish-CrmAllCustomization -conn $conn } else{ Write-Output "Import Complete, don't forget to publish customizations." } } else{ #managed Write-Output "Import of managed solution complete." } } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception } } #InstallSampleDataToCrm function Add-CrmSampleData{ <# .SYNOPSIS Add sample data CRM Organization. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmSampleData cmdlet lets you add sample data to CRM Organization and returns Job Id. You can confirm the status by using Test-CrmSampleDataInstalled cmdlet. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSampleData -conn $conn Guid ---- 9f7ff9ec-d2b5-4599-9909-04a072e0a546 This example adds sample data. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSampleData Guid ---- 9f7ff9ec-d2b5-4599-9909-04a072e0a546 This example adds sample data by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.InstallSampleDataToCrm() if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #IsSampleDataInstalled function Test-CrmSampleDataInstalled{ <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if sample data has been installed to CRM Organization. .DESCRIPTION The Test-CrmSampleDataInstalled cmdlet lets you Check if sample data has been installed to CRM Organization. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmSampleDataInstalled -conn $conn Completed This example checks if sample data has been installed. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmSampleDataInstalled Completed This example checks if sample data has been installed by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.IsSampleDataInstalled() } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #PublishEntity function Publish-CrmEntity{ <# .SYNOPSIS Publishes customization for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Publish-CrmEntity cmdlet lets you publish customization for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Publish-CrmEntity -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account True This example publishes customization for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Publish-CrmEntity lead True This example publishes customization for Lead Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.PublishEntity($EntityLogicalName) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #ResetLocalMetadataCache function Remove-CrmEntityMetadataCache{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes metadata cache for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-CrmEntityMetadataCache cmdlet lets you remove metadata cache for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for Entity. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmEntityMetadataCache -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account True This example removes metadata cache for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmEntityMetadataCache lead True This example removes metadata cache for Lead Entity by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($EntityLogicalName -eq "") { $EntityLogicalName = $null } try { $result = $conn.ResetLocalMetadataCache($EntityLogicalName) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } #UninstallSampleDataFromCrm function Remove-CrmSampleData{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes sample data CRM Organization. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-CrmSampleData cmdlet lets you remove sample data to CRM Organization and returns Job Id. You can confirm the status by using Test-CrmSampleDataInstalled cmdlet. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmSampleData -conn $conn Guid ---- 9f7ff9ec-d2b5-4599-9909-04a072e0a546 This example removes sample data. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSampleData Guid ---- 9f7ff9ec-d2b5-4599-9909-04a072e0a546 This example removes sample data by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = $conn.UninstallSampleDataFromCrm() } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } #UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity function Set-CrmRecordState{ <# .SYNOPSIS Sets Status/State for a CRM record. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmRecordState cmdlet lets you set Status/State for a CRM record. There are two ways to specify a record. 1. Pass EntityLogicalName and record's Id. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, then pass it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use EntityLogicalName/Id. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to set an owner. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .PARAMETER StateCode StateCode value for a record. You can retrieve values by using Get-CrmEntityOptionSet <EntityLogicalName> statecode | % {$_.Items} .PARAMETER StatusCode StatusCode value for a record. You can retrieve values by using Get-CrmEntityOptionSet <EntityLogicalName> statuscode | % {$_.Items} .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecordState -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id 1bf8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -StateCode Inactive -StatusCode Inactive This example sets disabled state for an account record. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmRecordState account 1bf8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 Inactive Inactive This example sets disabled state for an account record by ommiting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$contact = Get-CrmRecord contact 81f8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>Set-CrmRecordState $contact Inactive Inactive This example retrieves and store a contact record, then pass it to Set-CrmRecordState to disable it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject]$CrmRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="NameWithId")] [guid]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [string]$StateCode, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)] [string]$StatusCode ) begin { $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; } process { if($CrmRecord -ne $null) { $EntityLogicalName = $CrmRecord.logicalname $Id = $CrmRecord.($EntityLogicalName + "id") } try { $result = $conn.UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity($EntityLogicalName, $Id, $stateCode, $statusCode, [Guid]::Empty) if(!$result) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } } ### Other Cmdlets added by Dynamics CRM PFE ### function Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam{ <# .SYNOPSIS Assigns a security role to a team. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam cmdlet lets you assign a security role to a team. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass record's Id for both records. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it for both records. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER TeamRecord A team record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use UserId. .PARAMETER SecurityRoleRecord A security role record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use SecurityRoleId. .PARAMETER TeamId An Id (guid) of team record .PARAMETER SecurityRoleId An Id (guid) of security role record .PARAMETER SecurityRoleName A name of security role record .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam -conn $conn -TeamId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -SecurityRoleId 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example assigns the security role to the team by using Id. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example assigns the security role to the team by using Id by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$team = Get-CrmRecord team 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$role = Get-CrmRecord role 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam $team $role This example assigns the security role to the team by using record objects. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser -conn $conn -TeamId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -SecurityRoleName "salesperson" This example assigns the salesperson role to the team by using Id and role name. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$TeamRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$SecurityRoleRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$TeamId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$SecurityRoleId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [string]$SecurityRoleName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($SecurityRoleRecord -eq $null -and $SecurityRoleId -eq "" -and $SecurityRoleName -eq "") { Write-Warning "You need to specify Security Role information" return } if($SecurityRoleName -ne "") { if($TeamRecord -eq $null -or $TeamRecord.businessunitid -eq $null) { $TeamRecord = Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName team -Id $TeamId -Fields businessunitid } $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="role"> <attribute name="businessunitid" /> <attribute name="roleid" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="{0}" /> <condition attribute="businessunitid" operator="eq" value="{1}" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ -F $SecurityRoleName, $TeamRecord.businessunitid_Property.Value.Id $roles = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch) if($roles.CrmRecords.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Not Security Role found" return } else { $role = $roles.CrmRecords[0] } } if($SecurityRoleName -ne "") { Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $TeamRecord -CrmRecord2 $role -RelationshipName teamroles_association } elseif($TeamRecord -ne $null) { Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $TeamRecord -CrmRecord2 $SecurityRoleRecord -RelationshipName teamroles_association } else { Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 team -Id1 $TeamId -EntityLogicalName2 role -Id2 $SecurityRoleId -RelationshipName teamroles_association } } function Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser{ <# .SYNOPSIS Assigns a security role to a user. .DESCRIPTION The Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser cmdlet lets you assign a security role to a user. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass record's Id for both records. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it for both records. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserRecord A user record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use UserId. .PARAMETER SecurityRoleRecord A security role record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use SecurityRoleId. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of user record .PARAMETER SecurityRoleId An Id (guid) of security role record .PARAMETER SecurityRoleName A name of security role record .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser -conn $conn -UserId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -SecurityRoleId 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example assigns the security role to the user by using Id. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example assigns the security role to the user by using Id by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$user = Get-CrmRecord sysetmuser 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>$role = Get-CrmRecord role 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser $user $role This example assigns the security role to the user by using record objects. .EXAMPLE Add-CrmSecurityRoleToUser -conn $conn -UserId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -SecurityRoleName "salesperson" This example assigns the salesperson role to the user by using Id and role name. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$UserRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$SecurityRoleRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$SecurityRoleId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [string]$SecurityRoleName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($SecurityRoleRecord -eq $null -and $SecurityRoleId -eq "" -and $SecurityRoleName -eq "") { Write-Warning "You need to specify Security Role information" return } if($SecurityRoleName -ne "") { if($UserRecord -eq $null -or $UserRecord.businessunitid -eq $null) { $UserRecord = Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName systemuser -Id $UserId -Fields businessunitid } $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="role"> <attribute name="businessunitid" /> <attribute name="roleid" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="{0}" /> <condition attribute="businessunitid" operator="eq" value="{1}" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ -F $SecurityRoleName, $UserRecord.businessunitid_Property.Value.Id $roles = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch) if($roles.CrmRecords.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Not Security Role found" return } else { $role = $roles.CrmRecords[0] } } if($SecurityRoleName -ne "") { Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $UserRecord -CrmRecord2 $role -RelationshipName systemuserroles_association } elseif($UserRecord -ne $null) { Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $UserRecord -CrmRecord2 $SecurityRoleRecord -RelationshipName systemuserroles_association } else { Add-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 systemuser -Id1 $UserId -EntityLogicalName2 role -Id2 $SecurityRoleId -RelationshipName systemuserroles_association } } function Approve-CrmEmailAddress{ <# .SYNOPSIS Approve email address change of a user or a queue. .DESCRIPTION The Approve-CrmEmailAddress cmdlet lets you approves email address change of a user or a queue. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId A record Id of User. .PARAMETER QueueId A record Id of Queue. .EXAMPLE Approve-CrmEmailAddress -conn $conn -UserId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example approves email address for a user. .EXAMPLE Approve-CrmEmailAddress -UserId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example approves email address for a user by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Approve-CrmEmailAddress -conn $conn -QueueId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example approves email address for a queue. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="UserId")] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="QueueId")] [string]$QueueId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($UserId -ne "") { Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName systemuser -Id $UserId -Fields @{"emailrouteraccessapproval"=(New-CrmOptionSetValue 1)} } else { Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName queue -Id $QueueId -Fields @{"emailrouteraccessapproval"=(New-CrmOptionSetValue 1)} } } function Disable-CrmLanguagePack{ <# .SYNOPSIS Executes DeprovisionLanguageRequest Organization Request. .DESCRIPTION The Disable-CrmLanguagePack cmdlet lets you deprovision LanguagePack. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER LCID A Language ID. .EXAMPLE Disable-CrmLanguagePack -conn $conn -LCID 1041 This example deprovisions Japanese Language Pack. .EXAMPLE Disable-CrmLanguagePack 1041 This example deprovisions Japanese Language Pack by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [Int]$LCID ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.DeprovisionLanguageRequest $request.Language = $LCID try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } function Enable-CrmLanguagePack{ <# .SYNOPSIS Executes ProvisionLanguageRequest Organization Request. .DESCRIPTION The Enable-CrmLanguagePack cmdlet lets you provision LanguagePack. For OnPremise, you need to install corresponding Language Pack inadvance. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER LCID A Language ID. .EXAMPLE Enable-CrmLanguagePack -conn $conn -LCID 1041 This example provisions Japanese Language Pack. .EXAMPLE Enable-CrmLanguagePack 1041 This example provisions Japanese Language Pack by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [Int]$LCID ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ProvisionLanguageRequest $request.Language = $LCID try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } function Export-CrmSolution{ <# .SYNOPSIS Exports a solution by Name from a CRM Organization. .DESCRIPTION The Export-CrmSolution cmdlet lets you export a solution file from CRM. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER SolutionName An unique name of the exporting solution. .PARAMETER SolutionFilePath A path to save exporting solution. .PARAMETER SolutionZipFileName A file name of exporting solution zip file. .PARAMETER Managed Specify the parameter to export the solution as managed. if you don't give this parameter, the solution will be exported as unmanaged. .PARAMETER TargetVersion Specify TargetVersion of exporting solution. .PARAMETER ExportAutoNumberingSettings Specify the parameter to export auto numbering settings. .PARAMETER ExportCalendarSettings Specify the parameter to export calendar settings. .PARAMETER ExportCustomizationSettings Specify the parameter to export customization settings. .PARAMETER ExportEmailTrackingSettings Specify the parameter to export email tracking settings. .PARAMETER ExportGeneralSettings Specify the parameter to export general settings. .PARAMETER ExportMarketingSettings Specify the parameter to export marketing settings. .PARAMETER ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings Specify the parameter to export outlook synchronization settings. .PARAMETER ExportRelationshipRoles Specify the parameter to export relationship roles. .PARAMETER ExportIsvConfig Specify the parameter to export ISV config. .PARAMETER ExportSales Specify the parameter to export sales settings. .EXAMPLE Export-CrmSolution -conn $conn -SolutionName "MySolution" ExportSolutionResponse SolutionPath ---------------------- ------------ Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportSolutionResponse C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\ This example exports "MySolution" solution as unmanaged with current path and default name. .EXAMPLE ExportSolutionResponse SolutionPath ---------------------- ------------ Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportSolutionResponse C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\ This example exports "MySolution" solution as unmanaged with current path and default name by ommiting $conn parameter. When ommiting $conn parameter, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Export-CrmSolution -conn $conn -SolutionName "MySolution" -Managed -SolutionFilePath "C:\temp" -SolutionZipFileName "" ExportSolutionResponse SolutionPath ---------------------- ------------ Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportSolutionResponse C:\temp\ This example exports "MySolution" solution as managed with specified path and name. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$SolutionName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [string]$SolutionFilePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SolutionZipFileName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Managed, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$TargetVersion, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportAutoNumberingSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportCalendarSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportCustomizationSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportEmailTrackingSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportGeneralSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportMarketingSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportRelationshipRoles, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportIsvConfig, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ExportSales ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $solutionRecords = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName solution -FilterAttribute uniquename -FilterOperator "like" -FilterValue $SolutionName -Fields uniquename,publisherid,version ) #if we can't find just one solution matching then ERROR if($solutionRecords.CrmRecords.Count -ne 1) { $friendlyName = $conn.ConnectedOrgFriendlyName.ToString(); Write-Error "Solution with name `"$SolutionName`" in CRM Instance: `"$friendlyName`" not found!" break; } #else PROCEED $crmSolutionRecord = $solutionRecords.CrmRecords[0]; $version = $crmSolutionRecord.version; $solutionUniqueName = $crmSolutionRecord.uniquename; write-verbose "Solution found with version# $version" $exportPath = if($SolutionFilePath -ne ""){Get-Item $SolutionFilePath} else {Get-Location} #if a filename is not given, then we'll default one to [solutionname]_[managed]_[version].zip if($SolutionZipFileName.Length -eq 0) { $version = $version.Replace('.','_') $managedFileName = if($Managed) {"_managed_"} else {"_unmanaged_"} $solutionZipFileName = "$solutionUniqueName$managedFileName$"; } #now we should have the final path $path = Join-Path $exportPath $solutionZipFileName Write-Verbose "Solution path: $path" #create the export request then set all the properties $exportRequest = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportSolutionRequest; $exportRequest.ExportAutoNumberingSettings =$ExportAutoNumberingSettings $exportRequest.ExportCalendarSettings =$ExportCalendarSettings $exportRequest.ExportCustomizationSettings =$ExportCustomizationSettings $exportRequest.ExportEmailTrackingSettings =$ExportEmailTrackingSettings $exportRequest.ExportGeneralSettings =$ExportGeneralSettings $exportRequest.ExportIsvConfig =$ExportIsvConfig $exportRequest.ExportMarketingSettings =$ExportMarketingSettings $exportRequest.ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings =$ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings $exportRequest.ExportRelationshipRoles =$ExportRelationshipRoles $exportRequest.ExportSales =$ExportSales $exportRequest.Managed =$Managed $exportRequest.SolutionName =$solutionUniqueName $exportRequest.TargetVersion =$TargetVersion Write-Verbose 'ExportSolutionRequests may take several minutes to complete execution.' $response = [Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportSolutionResponse]($conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($exportRequest)); Write-Verbose 'Using solution file to path: $path' [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($path,$response.ExportSolutionFile); Write-Verbose "Successfully wrote file" $result = New-Object psObject Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ExportSolutionResponse" -Value $response Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SolutionPath" -Value $path return $result; } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception #return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } function Export-CrmSolutionTranslation{ <# .SYNOPSIS Exports a translation from a solution. .DESCRIPTION The Export-CrmSolutionTranslation cmdlet lets you export a translation from a solution. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER SolutionName An unique name of the exporting solution. .PARAMETER TranslationFilePath A path to save exporting solution translation. .PARAMETER TranslationFileName A file name of exporting solution translation zip file. .EXAMPLE Export-CrmSolutionTranslation -conn $conn -SolutionName "MySolution" ExportTranslationResponse SolutionTranslationPath ------------------------- ----------------------- Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportTranslationResponse C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\ This example exports translation file of "MySolution" solution with current path and default name. .EXAMPLE Export-CrmSolutionTranslation -SolutionName "MySolution" ExportTranslationResponse SolutionTranslationPath ------------------------- ----------------------- Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportTranslationResponse C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\ This example exports translation file of "MySolution" solution with current path and default name by ommiting $conn parameter. When ommiting $conn parameter, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Export-CrmSolutionTranslation -conn $conn -SolutionName "MySolution" -TranslationFilePath "C:\temp" -TranslationZipFileName "" ExportTranslationResponse SolutionTranslationPath ------------------------- ----------------------- Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportTranslationResponse C:\temp\ This example exports translation file of "MySolution" solution with specified path and name. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$SolutionName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$TranslationFilePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$TranslationZipFileName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $solutionRecords = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName solution -FilterAttribute uniquename -FilterOperator "like" -FilterValue $SolutionName -Fields publisherid,version ) #if we can't find just one solution matching then ERROR if($solutionRecords.CrmRecords.Count -ne 1) { $friendlyName = $conn.ConnectedOrgFriendlyName.ToString(); Write-Error "Solution with name `"$SolutionName`" in CRM Instance: `"$friendlyName`" not found!" break; } #else PROCEED $version = $solutionRecords.CrmRecords[0].version write-verbose "Solution found with version# $version" $exportPath = if($TranslationFilePath -ne ""){ $TranslationFilePath } else { Get-Location } #if a filename is not given, then we'll default one to CrmTranslations_[solutionname]_[version].zip if($TranslationZipFileName.Length -eq 0) { $version = $version.Replace('.','_') $translationZipFileName = "CrmTranslations_$SolutionName`_$"; } #now we should have the final path $path = Join-Path $exportPath $translationZipFileName Write-Verbose "Solution path: $path" #create the export translation request then set all the properties $exportRequest = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportTranslationRequest; $exportRequest.SolutionName = $SolutionName Write-Verbose 'ExportTranslationRequest may take several minutes to complete execution.' $response = [Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ExportTranslationResponse]($conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($exportRequest)); [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($path,$response.ExportTranslationFile); Write-Verbose "Successfully wrote file: $path" $result = New-Object psObject Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ExportTranslationResponse" -Value $response Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SolutionTranslationPath" -Value $path return $result; } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception #return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } function Get-CrmAllLanguagePacks{ <# .SYNOPSIS Executes RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest Organization Request. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmAllLanguagePacks cmdlet lets you retrieve all available LanguagePack. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-CrmAllLanguagePacks -conn $conn 1041 1033 2052 ... This example retrieves all available Language Pack. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-CrmAllLanguagePacks 1041 1033 2052 ... This example etrieves all available Language Pack by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest try { $response = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $response.LocaleIds } function Get-CrmEntityRecordCount{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves total record count for an Entity. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmEntityRecordCount cmdlet lets you retrieve total record count for an Entity. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to retrieve. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityRecordCount -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account 10 This example retrieves total record count for Account Entity. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmEntityRecordCount contact 8413 This example retrieves total record count for Contact Entity by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $count = 0 $query = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression' $pageInfo = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.PagingInfo' $query.EntityName = $EntityLogicalName $pageInfo.Count = 5000 $pageInfo.PageNumber = 1 $pageInfo.PagingCookie = $null $query.PageInfo = $pageInfo while($True) { $request = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.RetrieveMultipleRequest' $request.Query = $query try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } $count += $result.EntityCollection.Entities.Count if($result.EntityCollection.MoreRecords) { $pageInfo.PageNumber += 1 $pageInfo.PagingCookie = $result.EntityCollection.PagingCookie } else { break; } } return $count } function Get-CrmFailedWorkflows{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves alert notifications from CRM organization. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmFailedWorkflows cmdlet lets you retrieve failed workflows from a CRM organization. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{startedon_Property=[startedon, 9/14/2015 8:03:11 AM]; startedon=9/14/2015 3:03 AM;.... Count 2565 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><modifiedon last="2015-05-10T01:43:22-03:00" first="2015-05-10T01:4... NextPage False FetchXml <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">... This example retrieves failed workflow (asyncoperation) records. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmFailedWorkflows Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{startedon_Property=[startedon, 9/14/2015 8:03:11 AM]; startedon=9/14/2015 3:03 AM;.... Count 2565 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><modifiedon last="2015-05-10T01:43:22-03:00" first="2015-05-10T01:4... NextPage False FetchXml <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">... This example retrieves failed workflow records notifications by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmFailedWorkflows | % {$_.CrmRecords} | select message,startedon startedon message --------- ------- 9/14/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/13/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/12/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/11/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/10/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/9/2015 2:46 PM Plugin Trace:... 9/9/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/8/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/7/2015 3:02 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/6/2015 3:03 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/5/2015 3:02 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/4/2015 7:30 AM Plugin Trace:... 9/4/2015 3:02 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/3/2015 3:02 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/2/2015 3:02 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 9/1/2015 3:02 AM Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault... 8/31/2015 4:49 PM Plugin Trace:... 8/31/2015 4:33 PM Plugin Trace:... 8/31/2015 4:33 PM Plugin Trace:... ... This example retrieves workflow errors and displays them with the startedon and message attributes. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [int]$TopCount, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [int]$PageNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [string]$PageCookie, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)] [switch]$AllRows ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="asyncoperation"> <attribute name="asyncoperationid" /> <attribute name="name" /> <attribute name="regardingobjectid" /> <attribute name="operationtype" /> <attribute name="statuscode" /> <attribute name="ownerid" /> <attribute name="startedon" /> <attribute name="statecode" /> <attribute name="workflowstagename" /> <attribute name="postponeuntil" /> <attribute name="owningextensionid" /> <attribute name="modifiedon" /> <attribute name="modifiedonbehalfby" /> <attribute name="modifiedby" /> <attribute name="messagename" /> <attribute name="message" /> <attribute name="friendlymessage" /> <attribute name="errorcode" /> <attribute name="createdon" /> <attribute name="createdonbehalfby" /> <attribute name="createdby" /> <attribute name="completedon" /> <order attribute="startedon" descending="true" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="recurrencestarttime" operator="null" /> <condition attribute="message" operator="not-null" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ if($AllRows){ $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch -TopCount $TopCount -PageNumber $PageNumber -PageCookie $PagingCookie -AllRows } else{ $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch -TopCount $TopCount -PageNumber $PageNumber -PageCookie $PagingCookie } if($results.CrmRecords.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning 'No failed worklfows found.' } else { return $results } } function Get-CrmLicenseSummary{ <# .SYNOPSIS Displays License assignment and AccessMode/CalType summery. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmLicenseSummery cmdlet lets you display License assignment and AccessMode/CalType summery. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmLicenseSummery -conn $conn IsLicensed: Count Name ----- ---- 4 Yes 2 No AccessMode: 3 Read-Write 1 Non-interactive 2 Administrative CalType: 3 Read-Write 1 Non-interactive 2 Administrative This example displays License assignment and AccessMode/CalType summery. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmLicenseSummery IsLicensed: Count Name ----- ---- 4 Yes 2 No AccessMode: 3 Read-Write 1 Non-interactive 2 Administrative CalType: 3 Read-Write 1 Non-interactive 2 Administrative This example displays License assignment and AccessMode/CalType summery by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="systemuser"> <attribute name="islicensed" /> <attribute name="accessmode" /> <attribute name="caltype" /> <filter type='and'> <condition attribute='accessmode' operator='ne' value='3' /> <condition attribute='domainname' operator='ne' value='' /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ $users = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch Write-Output 'IsLicensed:' ($users.CrmRecords | group islicensed | select count, name) Write-Output 'AccessMode:' ($users.CrmRecords | group accessmode | select count, name) Write-Output 'CalType:' ($users.CrmRecords | group accessmode | select count, name) } function Get-CrmOrgDbOrgSettings{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CrmOrgDbOrgSettings. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmOrgDbOrgSettings cmdlet lets you retrieve CrmOrgDbOrgSettings. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmOrgDbOrgSettings -conn $conn ActivateAdditionalRefreshOfWorkflowConditions : false ActivityConvertDlgCampaignUnchecked : true ClientUEIPDisabled : false CreateSPFoldersUsingNameandGuid : true DisableSmartMatching : false This example retrieves CrmOrgDbOrgSettings. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmOrgDbOrgSettings contact Get-CrmOrgDbOrgSettings -conn $conn ActivateAdditionalRefreshOfWorkflowConditions : false ActivityConvertDlgCampaignUnchecked : true ClientUEIPDisabled : false CreateSPFoldersUsingNameandGuid : true DisableSmartMatching : false This example retrieves CrmOrgDbOrgSettings by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="organization"> <attribute name="orgdborgsettings" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $result = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch $record = $result.CrmRecords[0] if($record.orgdborgsettings -eq $null) { Write-Warning 'No settings found.' } else { $xml = [xml]$record.orgdborgsettings return $xml.SelectSingleNode("/OrgSettings") } } function Get-CrmRecords{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM records by using single filter condition. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmRecords cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM records by using single filter condition. It my return more than a record. You can specify condition operator by using PowerShell operator like "eq", "ne", "lt", "like", etc. You can specify desired fields as fieldname1,fieldname2,fieldname3 syntax or * to retrieve all fields (not recommended for performance reason.) You can use Get-CrmEntityAttributes cmdlet to see all fields logicalname. The retrieved data can be passed to several cmdlets like Set-CrmRecord, Removed-CrmRecord to further process it. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to retrieve. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER FilterAttribute A field logical name for filtering. .PARAMETER FilterOperator An condition operator like "eq", "ne", "lt", "like", etc. .PARAMETER FilterValue A field value for filtering .PARAMETER Fields A List of field logicalnames. Use "fieldname1, fieldname2, fieldname3" syntax to speficy Fields, or ues "*" to retrieve all fields (not recommended for performance reason.) .PARAMETER AllRows By default the first 5000 rows are returned, this switch will bring back all results regardless of how many .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -AttributeName name -Operator "eq" -Value "Adventure Works (sample)" -Fields name,accountnumber Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{name_Property=[name, Adventure Works (sample)]; name=A... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><accountid last="{1FF8D93D-1F18-E511-80D... NextPage False This example retrieves account(s) which name is "Adventure Works (sample)", with specified fields. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecords account name "like" "%(sample)%" name,accountnumber -AllRows Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{name_Property=[name, Adventure Works (sample)]; name=A... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><accountid last="{1FF8D93D-1F18-E511-80D... NextPage False This example retrieves account(s) which name includes "sample", with specified fields by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][alias("EntityName")] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)][alias("FieldName")] [string]$FilterAttribute, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)][alias("Op")] [string]$FilterOperator, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)][alias("Value", "FieldValue")] [string]$FilterValue, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)] [string[]]$Fields, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)] [switch]$AllRows, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=7)] [int]$TopCount ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($FilterOperator) { $FilterOperator = $FilterOperator.Replace("-","") } if( !($EntityLogicalName -cmatch "^[a-z]*$") ) { $EntityLogicalName = $EntityLogicalName.ToLower(); Write-Verbose "EntityLogicalName contains uppercase which isn't possible in CRM, overwritting with ToLower() new value: $EntityLogicalName" } if( ($Fields -eq "*") -OR ($Fields -eq "%") ) { Write-Warning 'PERFORMANCE: All attributes were requested' $fetchAttributes = "<all-attributes/>" } elseif ($Fields) { foreach($Field in $Fields) { if($field -ne $null){ $fetchAttributes += "<attribute name='{0}' />" -F $Field } } } else { #lookup the primary attribute $primaryAttribute = $conn.GetEntityMetadata($EntityLogicalName.ToLower()).PrimaryIdAttribute; $fetchAttributes = "<attribute name='{0}' />" -F $primaryAttribute } #if any of the values are missing, but they're not *ALL* missing if( (!$FilterAttribute -OR !$FilterOperator -OR !$FilterValue) -AND ($FilterAttribute -Or $FilterOperator -Or $FilterValue) -And !($FilterAttribute -And $FilterOperator -And $FilterValue)) { #TODO: convert this to a parameter set to avoid this extra logic Write-Error "One of the `$FilterAttribute `$FilterOperator `$FilterValue parameters is empty, to query all records exclude all filter parameters." return; } if($FilterAttribute -and $FilterOperator -and $FilterValue) { # Escape XML charactors $FilterValue = [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($FilterValue) Write-Verbose "Using the supplied single filter of $FilterAttribute '$FilterOperator' $FilterValue" $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="{0}"> {1} <filter type='and'> <condition attribute='{2}' operator='{3}' value='{4}' /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ } else { Write-Warning "PERFORMANCE: `$FilterAttribute `$FilterOperator `$FilterValue were not supplied, fetching all records with NO filter." $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="{0}"> {1} </entity> </fetch> "@ } $fetch = $fetch -F $EntityLogicalName, $fetchAttributes, $FilterAttribute, $FilterOperator, $FilterValue if($AllRows) { Write-Warning "PERFORMANCE: All rows were requested instead of the first 5000" $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch -AllRows } else { $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch -TopCount $TopCount } return $results } function Get-CrmRecordsByViewName{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM records by using View Name. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmRecordsByViewName cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM records by using View Name. You can use IsUserView parameter to select SystemView or UserView. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER ViewName A name of a view, which contains desired FetchXML. .PARAMETER IsUserView Speficy $True if the view is User View. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecordsByViewName -conn $conn -ViewName "Active Accounts" Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{accountid_Property=[accountid, 2bf8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94]; accountid=2... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><name last="account907" first="A. Datum Corporation (sample)" /><ac... NextPage True This example retrieves account records by using "Active Accounts" system view. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecordsByViewName "My Custom Account View" $True Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{accountid_Property=[accountid, 2bf8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94]; accountid=2... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><name last="account907" first="A. Datum Corporation (sample)" /><ac... NextPage True This example retrieves account records by using "My Custom Account View" user view by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$ViewName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [bool]$IsUserView, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [switch]$AllRows, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [int]$TopCount ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; # Escape XML charactor $ViewName = [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($ViewName) if($IsUserView) { $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="userquery"> <attribute name="fetchxml" /> <filter type='and'> <condition attribute='name' operator='eq' value='{0}' /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ } else { $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="savedquery"> <attribute name="fetchxml" /> <filter type='and'> <condition attribute='name' operator='eq' value='{0}' /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ } $fetch = $fetch -F $ViewName #get the views matching the search phrase $views = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch if($views.CrmRecords.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Couldn't find the view" break } if($AllRows) { $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $views.CrmRecords[0].fetchxml -AllRows } else { $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $views.CrmRecords[0].fetchxml -TopCount $TopCount } return $results } function Get-CrmRecordsCount{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM entity total record counts. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmRecordsCount cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM entity total record counts. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to retrieve. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecordsCount -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account 5677 This example retrieves total number of Account entity records. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmRecordsCount account 5677 This example retrieves total number of Account entity records by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][alias("EntityName")] [string]$EntityLogicalName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="{0}"> <attribute name='{1}' /> </entity> </fetch> "@ if($EntityLogicalName -eq "usersettings") { $PrimaryKeyField = "systemuserid" } else { $PrimaryKeyField = "$EntityLogicalName`id" } $fetch = $fetch -F $EntityLogicalName, $PrimaryKeyField $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch -AllRows return $results.Count } function Get-CrmSdkMessageProcessingStepsForPluginAssembly{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all registered steps for Plugin. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmSdkMessageProcessingStepsForPluginAssembly cmdlet lets you retrieve all registered steps for Plugin. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER PluginAssemblyName A plugin assembly name. .PARAMETER OnlyCustomizable By specifying this swich returns only customizable steps. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSdkMessageProcessingStepsForPluginAssembly -conn $conn -PluginAssemblyName YourPluginAssemblyName This example retrieves all registered steps for the plugin assembly. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSdkMessageProcessingStepsForPluginAssembly -conn $conn -PluginAssemblyName YourPluginAssemblyName -OnlyCustomizable This example retrieves all registered customizable steps for the plugin assembly. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSdkMessageProcessingStepsForPluginAssembly -PluginAssemblyName YourPluginAssemblyName This example retrieves all registered steps for the plugin assembly by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$PluginAssemblyName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [switch]$OnlyCustomizable ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($OnlyCustomizable){ $isCustom = "<value>1</value>" } else { $isCustom = "<value>0</value><value>1</value>" } $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="sdkmessageprocessingstep"> <all-attributes/> <link-entity name="sdkmessagefilter" from="sdkmessagefilterid" to="sdkmessagefilterid" visible="false" link-type="outer" alias="a1"> <attribute name="secondaryobjecttypecode" /> <attribute name="primaryobjecttypecode" /> </link-entity> <link-entity name="plugintype" from="plugintypeid" to="plugintypeid" alias="ab"> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="assemblyname" operator="eq" value="{0}" /> </filter> </link-entity> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="iscustomizable" operator="in"> {1} </condition> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ -F $PluginAssemblyName, $isCustom $results = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords return $results } function Get-CrmSiteMap{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM Organization's SiteMap information. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmSiteMap cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM Organization's SiteMap information. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER SiteXml Specify SiteXml switch to retrive SiteMapXml xml data. .PARAMETER Areas Specify Areas switch to retrive AreaIds list. .PARAMETER GroupsOfArea Passing AreaId to GroupsOfArea parameter retrievs GroupIds of the specified Area. .PARAMETER SubAreasOfArea Passing AreaId to SubAreasOfArea parameter retrievs SubAreaIds of the specified Area. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSiteMap -conn $conn -SiteXml <SiteMap IntroducedVersion=""><Area Id="SFA" ResourceId="Area_Sales".. This example retrieves CRM Organization's SiteMap data. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSiteMap -conn $conn -Areas SFA CS MA Settings HLP This example retrieves AreaIds of CRM Organization's SiteMap. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSiteMap -conn $conn -GroupsOfArea SFA MyWork Customers SFA Collateral MA Goals Tools This example retrieves GroupIds of CRM Organization's SiteMap. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSiteMap -SubAreasOfArea SFA nav_dashboards nav_personalwall nav_activities nav_accts nav_conts nav_leads nav_oppts ... This example retrieves SubAreaIds of CRM Organization's SiteMap by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ShowXml")] [switch]$SiteXml, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ShowArea")] [switch]$Areas, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ShowGroupOfArea")] [string]$GroupsOfArea, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ShowSubAreaOfArea")] [string]$SubAreasOfArea ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="sitemap"> <attribute name="sitemapxml" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $record = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords[0] $sitemap = [xml]$record.sitemapxml if($SiteXml.IsPresent) { return $sitemap.InnerXml } if($Areas.IsPresent) { return $sitemap.SelectNodes("/SiteMap").Area.Id } if($GroupsOfArea.Length -ne 0) { return $sitemap.SelectNodes("/SiteMap/Area[@Id='$GroupsOfArea']/Group").Id } if($SubAreasOfArea.Length -ne 0) { return $sitemap.SelectNodes("/SiteMap/Area[@Id='$SubAreasOfArea']/Group/SubArea").Id } } function Get-CrmSystemSettings{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM Organization's System Settings. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmSystemSettings cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM Organization's System Settings. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER ShowDisplayName When you specify the ShowDisplayName switch, you see DisplayName for all fields, otherwise you see SchemaName. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSystemSettings -conn $conn AllowUsersSeeAppdownloadMessage : Yes IsPresenceEnabled : Yes defaultemailsettings:incomingemaildeliverymethod : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router defaultemailsettings:outgoingemaildeliverymethod : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router defaultemailsettings:actdeliverymethod : Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook ... This example retrieves CRM Organization's System Settings. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSystemSettings -conn $conn -ShowDisplayName Allow the showing tablet application notification bars in a browser. : Yes Presence Enabled : Yes Default Email Settings:Incoming Email : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router Default Email Settings:Outgoing Email : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router Default Email Settings:Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks : Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook ... This example retrieves CRM Organization's System Settings and show DisplayName for fields. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSystemSettings AllowUsersSeeAppdownloadMessage : Yes IsPresenceEnabled : Yes defaultemailsettings:incomingemaildeliverymethod : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router defaultemailsettings:outgoingemaildeliverymethod : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router defaultemailsettings:actdeliverymethod : Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook ... This example retrieves CRM Organization's System Settings by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmSystemSettings -ShowDisplayName Allow the showing tablet application notification bars in a browser. : Yes Presence Enabled : Yes Default Email Settings:Incoming Email : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router Default Email Settings:Outgoing Email : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router Default Email Settings:Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks : Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook ... This example retrieves CRM Organization's System Settings and show DisplayName for fields by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ShowDisplayName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="organization"> <all-attributes /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $record = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords[0] $attributes = Get-CrmEntityAttributes -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName organization $psobj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject foreach($att in $record.original.GetEnumerator()) { if(($att.Key.Contains("Property")) -or ($att.Key -eq "organizationid")) { continue } if($att.Key -eq "defaultemailsettings") { if($ShowDisplayName) { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).Displayname.UserLocalizedLabel.Label + ":" +((Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox incomingemaildeliverymethod).DisplayValue) } else { $name = "defaultemailsettings:incomingemaildeliverymethod" } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value ((Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox incomingemaildeliverymethod).Items.DisplayLabel)[([xml]$att.Value).FirstChild.IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod] if($ShowDisplayName) { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).Displayname.UserLocalizedLabel.Label + ":" +((Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox outgoingemaildeliverymethod).DisplayValue) } else { $name = "defaultemailsettings:outgoingemaildeliverymethod" } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value ((Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox outgoingemaildeliverymethod).Items.DisplayLabel)[([xml]$att.Value).FirstChild.OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod] if($ShowDisplayName) { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).Displayname.UserLocalizedLabel.Label + ":" +((Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox actdeliverymethod).DisplayValue) } else { $name = "defaultemailsettings:actdeliverymethod" } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value ((Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox actdeliverymethod).Items.DisplayLabel)[([xml]$att.Value).FirstChild.ACTDeliveryMethod] continue } if($ShowDisplayName) { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).Displayname.UserLocalizedLabel.Label if($name -eq $null) { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).SchemaName } } else { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).SchemaName } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $record.($att.Key) } return $psobj } function Get-CrmTimeZones{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM Timezone information. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmTimeZones cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM Timezone information. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmTimeZones -conn $conn Timezone Name TimeZoneCode ------------- ------------ (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West 0 (GMT+13:00) Samoa 1 (GMT-10:00) Hawaii 2 (GMT-09:00) Alaska 3 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 4 ... This example retrieves timezone information. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmTimeZones Timezone Name TimeZoneCode ------------- ------------ (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West 0 (GMT+13:00) Samoa 1 (GMT-10:00) Hawaii 2 (GMT-09:00) Alaska 3 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 4 ... This example retrieves timezone information by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="timezonedefinition"> <attribute name="standardname" /> <attribute name="timezonecode" /> <attribute name="userinterfacename" /> <order attribute="timezonecode" descending="false" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch return $results.CrmRecords | select @{name="Timezone Name";expression={$_.userinterfacename}},@{name="TimeZone Code";expression={$_.timezonecode}} } function Get-CrmTraceAlerts{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves alert notifications from CRM organization. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmTraceAlerts cmdlet lets you retrieve alert notifications from CRM organization. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmTraceAlerts -conn $conn Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{tracecode_Property=[tracecode, 66]; tracecode=66; text_Property=[text, One or mor... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><modifiedon last="2015-05-10T01:43:22-03:00" first="2015-05-10T01:4... NextPage False This example retrieves alert notifications. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmTraceAlerts Key Value --- ----- CrmRecords {@{tracecode_Property=[tracecode, 66]; tracecode=66; text_Property=[text, One or mor... Count 5 PagingCookie <cookie page="1"><modifiedon last="2015-05-10T01:43:22-03:00" first="2015-05-10T01:4... NextPage False This example retrieves alert notifications by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmTraceAlerts | % {$_.CrmRecords} | select text,level text level ---- ----- One or more mailboxes associated with the email server profile @[9605,7eedeb22-6a30-... Error Appointments, contacts and tasks can't be synchronized for mailbox @[9606,d0deee3f-6... Information Appointments, contacts, and tasks can't be synchronized for your mailbox @[9606,d0de... Information Email cannnot be be received because the email address of the mailbox @[9606,28c1e1a... Error The mailbox @[9606,e453c89b-6417-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c,"Support Queue"] can't recei... Information Your mailbox @[9606,e453c89b-6417-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c,"Support Queue"] can't rece... Information The mailbox @[9606,d0deee3f-6a17-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c,"<sample team>"] can't recei... Information Your mailbox @[9606,d0deee3f-6a17-e511-80dc-c4346bc4fc6c,"<sample team>"] can't rece... Information Appointments, contacts and tasks can't be synchronized for mailbox @[9606,28c1e1af-6... Information ... This example retrieves alert notifications and display its text and level. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="tracelog"> <attribute name="level" /> <attribute name="regardingobjectid" /> <attribute name="createdon" /> <attribute name="modifiedon" /> <attribute name="tracecode" /> <attribute name="text" /> <attribute name="modifiedby" /> <attribute name="createdby" /> <order attribute="modifiedon" descending="true" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $results = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch if($results.CrmRecords.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning 'No alert found.' } else { return $results } } function Get-CrmUserMailbox{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM user's mailbox. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmUserMailbox cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM user's mailbox. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User. .PARAMETER ShowDisplayName When you specify the ShowDisplayName switch, you see DisplayName for all fields, otherwise you see SchemaName. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserMailbox -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d EnabledForOutgoingEmail : No ProcessAndDeleteEmails : No EmailServerProfile : Microsoft Exchange Online IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router OwnerId : nakamura kenichiro IsForwardMailbox : No ... This example retrieves User's mailbox. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserMailbox -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -ShowDisplayName Enabled For Outgoing Email : No Delete Emails after Processing : No Server Profile : Microsoft Exchange Online Incoming Email : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router Owner : nakamura kenichiro Is Forward Mailbox : No ... This example retrieves User's mailbox and shows DisplayName for each field. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserMailbox f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -ShowDisplayName Enabled For Outgoing Email : No Delete Emails after Processing : No Server Profile : Microsoft Exchange Online Incoming Email : Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router Owner : nakamura kenichiro Is Forward Mailbox : No ... This example retrieves User's mailbox and shows DisplayName for each field by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$ShowDisplayName ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="mailbox"> <attribute name="name" /> <attribute name="ownerid" /> <attribute name="mailboxid" /> <attribute name="emailserverprofile" /> <attribute name="processemailreceivedafter" /> <attribute name="outgoingemailstatus" /> <attribute name="outgoingemaildeliverymethod" /> <attribute name="testmailboxaccesscompletedon" /> <attribute name="isforwardmailbox" /> <attribute name="incomingemailstatus" /> <attribute name="incomingemaildeliverymethod" /> <attribute name="enabledforoutgoingemail" /> <attribute name="enabledforincomingemail" /> <attribute name="enabledforact" /> <attribute name="emailaddress" /> <attribute name="processanddeleteemails" /> <attribute name="processinglastattemptedon" /> <attribute name="actstatus" /> <attribute name="actdeliverymethod" /> <attribute name="allowemailconnectortousecredentials" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="regardingobjectid" operator="eq" value="{$UserId}" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ $record = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords[0] $attributes = Get-CrmEntityAttributes -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName mailbox $psobj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject foreach($att in $record.original.GetEnumerator()) { if(($att.Key.Contains("Property")) -or ($att.Key -eq "mailboxid")) { continue } $value = $record.($att.Key) if($ShowDisplayName -and (($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).Displayname.UserLocalizedLabel -ne $null)) { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).Displayname.UserLocalizedLabel.Label } else { $name = ($attributes | where {$_.LogicalName -eq $att.Key}).SchemaName } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $value } return $psobj } function Get-CrmUserPrivileges{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves privileges a CRM User has. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmUserPrivileges cmdlet lets you retrieve privileges a CRM User has. Result set contains following properties. Depth: Accumulated privilege Depth PrivilegeId: Privilege ID PrivilegeName: Privilege Name Origin: Indicate where the privilege comes from. RoleName:Depth format PrincipalType: User or Team PrincipalName: User's fullname or Team's name BusinessUnitName: User's or Team's BusinessUnitName .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserPrivileges -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d Depth : Global PrivilegeId : 59f49e9a-a621-4836-8a35-b44f1f7122fb PrivilegeName : prvAppendToConvertRule Origin : Marketing Manager:Global,System Administrator:Global PrincipalType : User PrincipalName : kenichiro nakamura BusinessUnitName : Contoso Depth : Global PrivilegeId : 368aff3b-95b1-45c1-bf73-01a7becdedc5 PrivilegeName : prvAppendToCustomerOpportunityRole Origin : Salesperson:Global PrincipalType : Team PrincipalName : TeamA BusinessUnitName : Contoso ... This example retrieves privileges assigned to the CRM User. Get-CrmUserPrivileges f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d Depth : Global PrivilegeId : 59f49e9a-a621-4836-8a35-b44f1f7122fb PrivilegeName : prvAppendToConvertRule Origin : Marketing Manager:Global,System Administrator:Global PrincipalType : User PrincipalName : kenichiro nakamura BusinessUnitName : Contoso Depth : Global PrivilegeId : 368aff3b-95b1-45c1-bf73-01a7becdedc5 PrivilegeName : prvAppendToCustomerOpportunityRole Origin : Salesperson:Global PrincipalType : Team PrincipalName : TeamA BusinessUnitName : Contoso ... This example retrieves privileges assigned to the CRM User by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$UserId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; # Get User Rolls including Team $roles = Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles -conn $conn -UserId $UserId -IncludeTeamRoles # Get User name $user = Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName systemuser -Id $UserId -Fields fullname # Get all privilege records for PrivilegeName $privilegeRecords = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName privilege -Fields name,privilegeid -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).CrmRecords # Create hash for performance reason $privileges = @{} $privilegeRecords | % {$privileges[$_.privilegeid] = $} # Create Result as hash for performance reason $results = @{} $isUserRoleInitialized = $false foreach($role in $roles | sort TeamName) { # Get all privileges for the role $request = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest try { $request.RoleId = $role.RoleId $rolePrivileges = ($conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null)).RolePrivileges } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } foreach($rolePrivilege in $rolePrivileges) { # Create origin as "RoleName:Depth" format $origin = $role.RoleName + ":" + $rolePrivilege.Depth # If the role is assigned to a team, then add them separately. # For roles assign to the user, then accumulate them. if($isUserRoleInitialized -and $results.Contains($rolePrivilege.PrivilegeId)) { $existingObj = $results[$rolePrivilege.PrivilegeId] # Overwrite Depth only if it has higher privilege if([Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PrivilegeDepth]::($rolePrivilege.Depth) -gt [Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PrivilegeDepth]::($existingObj.Depth)) { $existingObj.Depth = $rolePrivilege.Depth } $existingObj.Origin += "," + $origin } else { # Create new result object $psobj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject if($role.TeamName -eq $null) { $principalType = "User" $principalName = $user.fullname $key = $rolePrivilege.PrivilegeId } else { $principalType = "Team" $principalName = $role.TeamName $key = $rolePrivilege.PrivilegeId.Guid + $origin } Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Depth" -Value $rolePrivilege.Depth Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PrivilegeId" -Value $rolePrivilege.PrivilegeId Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PrivilegeName" -Value $privileges[($rolePrivilege.PrivilegeId)] Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Origin" -Value $origin Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PrincipalType" -Value $principalType Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PrincipalName" -Value $principalName Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "BusinessUnitName" -Value $role.BusinessUnitName $results[$key] = $psobj } } if($role.TeamName -eq $null) {$isUserRoleInitialized = $true} } return $results.Values | sort principalName, PrivilegeName } function Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Security Roles assigned to a CRM User. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles cmdlet lets you retrieve Security Roles assigned to a CRM User. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User. .PARAMETER IncludeTeamRoles When you specify the IncludeTeamRoles switch, Security Roles from teams are also retured. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d RoleId RoleName TeamName BusinessUnitName ------ -------- -------- ---------------- cac2d2c7-c6f7-e411-80de-c4346bc520c0 Marketing Manager TeamA Contoso 57d5d2c7-c6f7-e411-80de-c4346bc520c0 Salesperson Contoso ... This example retrieves Security Roles assigned to the CRM User. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -IncludeTeamRoles RoleId RoleName TeamName BusinessUnitName ------ -------- -------- ---------------- cac2d2c7-c6f7-e411-80de-c4346bc520c0 Marketing Manager TeamA Contoso 57d5d2c7-c6f7-e411-80de-c4346bc520c0 Salesperson Contoso ... This example retrieves Security Roles assigned to the CRM User and Teams which the CRM User belongs to. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -IncludeTeamRoles RoleId RoleName TeamName BusinessUnitName ------ -------- -------- ---------------- cac2d2c7-c6f7-e411-80de-c4346bc520c0 Marketing Manager TeamA Contoso 57d5d2c7-c6f7-e411-80de-c4346bc520c0 Salesperson Contoso ... This example retrieves Security Roles assigned to the CRM User and Teams which the CRM User belongs to by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$IncludeTeamRoles ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $roles = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject] if($IncludeTeamRoles) { $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true" no-lock="true"> <entity name="role"> <attribute name="name"/> <attribute name="roleid" /> <link-entity name="teamroles" from="roleid" to="roleid" visible="false" intersect="true"> <link-entity name="team" from="teamid" to="teamid" alias="team"> <attribute name="name"/> <attribute name="businessunitid"/> <link-entity name="teammembership" from="teamid" to="teamid" visible="false" intersect="true"> <link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="systemuserid" alias="af"> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="systemuserid" operator="eq" value="{0}" /> </filter> </link-entity> </link-entity> </link-entity> </link-entity> </entity> </fetch> "@ -F $UserId (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords | ` select @{name="RoleId";expression={$_.roleid}}, @{name="RoleName";expression={$}}, ` @{name="TeamName";expression={$_.''}}, @{name="BusinessUnitName";expression={($_.'team.businessunitid').Name}} | ` % {$roles.Add($_)} } $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true" no-lock="true"> <entity name="role"> <attribute name="name" /> <attribute name="roleid" /> <order attribute="name" descending="false" /> <link-entity name="systemuserroles" from="roleid" to="roleid" visible="false" intersect="true"> <link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="systemuserid" alias="user"> <attribute name="businessunitid"/> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="systemuserid" operator="eq" value="{0}" /> </filter> </link-entity> </link-entity> </entity> </fetch> "@ -F $UserId (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords | ` select @{name="RoleId";expression={$_.roleid}}, @{name="RoleName";expression={$}}, ` @{name="BusinessUnitName";expression={($_.'user.businessunitid').Name}} | % { $roles.Add($_) } return $roles } function Get-CrmUserSettings{ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CRM user's settings. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrmUserSettings cmdlet lets you retrieve CRM user's settings. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User. .PARAMETER Fields A List of field logicalnames. Use "fieldname1, fieldname2, fieldname3" syntax to speficy Fields, or ues "*" to retrieve all fields (not recommended for performance reason.) .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserSettings -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -Fields * timeformatcode_Property : [timeformatcode, 0] timeformatcode : 0 timezonestandardminute_Property : [timezonestandardminute, 0] timezonestandardminute : 0 synccontactcompany_Property : [synccontactcompany, True] synccontactcompany : Yes ... This example retrieves all fields from specified User's UserSettings. .EXAMPLE Get-CrmUserSettings (Get-MyCrmUserId) * timeformatcode_Property : [timeformatcode, 0] timeformatcode : 0 timezonestandardminute_Property : [timezonestandardminute, 0] timezonestandardminute : 0 synccontactcompany_Property : [synccontactcompany, True] synccontactcompany : Yes ... This example retrieves all fields from login User's UserSettings by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [string[]]$Fields ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; return Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName usersettings -Id $UserId -Fields $Fields } function Import-CrmSolutionTranslation{ <# .SYNOPSIS Imports a translation to a solution. .DESCRIPTION The Import-CrmSolutionTranslation cmdlet lets you export a translation to a solution. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER TranslationFileName A file name and path of importing solution translation zip file. .PARAMETER PublishChanges Specify the parameter to publish all customizations. .EXAMPLE Import-CrmSolutionTranslation -conn $conn -TranslationZipFileName "C:\temp\" This example imports translation file "CrmTranslations_MySolution_1_0_0_0". .EXAMPLE Import-CrmSolutionTranslation -conn $conn -TranslationZipFileName "C:\temp\" This example imports translation file "CrmTranslations_MySolution_1_0_0_0" by ommiting $conn parameter. When ommiting $conn parameter, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Import-CrmSolutionTranslation -conn $conn -TranslationZipFileName "C:\temp\" -PublishChanges This example imports translation file "CrmTranslations_MySolution_1_0_0_0" and publish all customizations. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$TranslationFileName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [switch]$PublishChanges ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $importId = [guid]::NewGuid() $translationFile = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($TranslationFileName); #create the import translation request then set all the properties $importRequest = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ImportTranslationRequest ; $importRequest.TranslationFile = $translationFile $importRequest.ImportJobId = $importId Write-Verbose 'ImportTranslationRequest may take several minutes to complete execution.' $response = [Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ImportTranslationResponse]($conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($importRequest)); Write-Verbose "Confirming the result" $xml = [xml](Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName importjob -Id $importId -Fields data).data $importresult = $xml.importtranslations if($importresult.status -ne "Succeeded") { $importerrordetails = $importresult.errordetails Write-Verbose "Import result: $importerrordetails" throw $importerrordetails } else { if($PublishChanges){ Write-Verbose "Guid populated and user requested publish changes request..." Write-Verbose "Executing command: Publish-CrmAllCustomization, passing in the same connection" Publish-CrmAllCustomization -conn $conn } else{ Write-Verbose "Import Complete don't forget to publish customizations." } } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception #return $conn.LastCrmException } } function Invoke-CrmWhoAmI{ <# .SYNOPSIS Executes WhoAmI Organization Request and returns current user's Id (guid), belonging BusinessUnit Id (guid) and CRM Organization Id (guid). .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-CrmWhoAmI cmdlet lets you execute WhoAmI request and obtain UserId, BusinessUnitId and OrganizationId. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Invoke-CrmWhoAmI -conn $conn This example executes WhoAmI organization request and returns current user's Id (guid), belonging BusinessUnit Id (guid) and CRM Organization Id (guid). .EXAMPLE Invoke-CrmWhoAmI This example executes WhoAmI by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.WhoAmIRequest try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } return $result } function Publish-CrmAllCustomization{ <# .SYNOPSIS Publishes all customizations for a CRM Organization. .DESCRIPTION The Publish-CrmAllCustomization cmdlet lets you publish all customizations. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .EXAMPLE Publish-CrmAllCustomization -conn $conn This example publishes all customizations. .EXAMPLE Publish-CrmAllCustomization This example publishes all customizations by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PublishAllXmlRequest try { $response = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } #return $response } function Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromTeam{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a security role from a team. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmSecurityRoleToUser cmdlet lets you remove a security role from a team. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass record's Id for both records. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it for both records. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER TeamRecord A team record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use UserId. .PARAMETER SecurityRoleRecord A security role record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use SecurityRoleId. .PARAMETER TeamId An Id (guid) of team record .PARAMETER SecurityRoleId An Id (guid) of security role record .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromTeam -conn $conn -TeamId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -SecurityRoleId 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example removes a security role to a team by using Id. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromTeam 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example removes a security role to a team by using Id by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$team = Get-CrmRecord team 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>$role = Get-CrmRecord role 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromTeam $team $role This example removes a security role to a team by using record objects. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$TeamRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$SecurityRoleRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$TeamId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$SecurityRoleId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($PrincipalRecord -ne $null) { Remove-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $UserRecord -CrmRecord2 $SecurityRoleRecord -RelationshipName systemuserroles_association } else { Remove-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 team -Id1 $TeamId -EntityLogicalName2 role -Id2 $SecurityRoleId -RelationshipName teamroles_association } } function Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromUser{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a security role to a user. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromUser cmdlet lets you remove a security role to a user. There are two ways to specify records. 1. Pass record's Id for both records. 2. Get a record object by using Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords cmdlets, and pass it for both records. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserRecord A user record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use UserId. .PARAMETER SecurityRoleRecord A security role record object which is obtained via Get-CrmRecord/Get-CrmRecords. When you pass CrmRecord, then you don't use SecurityRoleId. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of user record .PARAMETER SecurityRoleId An Id (guid) of security role record .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromUser -conn $conn -UserId 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 -SecurityRoleId 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example removes a security role to a user by using Id. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromUser 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 This example removes a security role to a user by using Id by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$user = Get-CrmRecord sysetmuser 00005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 fullname PS C:\>$role = Get-CrmRecord role 66005a70-6317-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 name PS C:\>Remove-CrmSecurityRoleFromUser $user $role This example removes a security role to a user by using record objects. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$UserRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$SecurityRoleRecord, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="Id")] [string]$SecurityRoleId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($PrincipalRecord -ne $null) { Remove-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -CrmRecord1 $UserRecord -CrmRecord2 $SecurityRoleRecord -RelationshipName systemuserroles_association } else { Remove-CrmRecordAssociation -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName1 systemuser -Id1 $UserId -EntityLogicalName2 role -Id2 $SecurityRoleId -RelationshipName systemuserroles_association } } function Remove-CrmUserManager{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes CRM user's manager. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-CrmUserManager lets you remove CRM user's manager. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmUserManager -conn $conn -UserId 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 This example removes a manager from a CRM user. .EXAMPLE Remove-CrmUserManager 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 This example removes a manager from a CRM user by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [guid]$UserId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.RemoveParentRequest' $target = New-CrmEntityReference systemuser $UserId $request.Target = $target try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } function Set-CrmConnectionCallerId{ <# .SYNOPSIS Sets CRM Connection CallerId to impersonate. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmConnectionCallerId lets you set CRM Connection CallerId to impersonate. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CallerId A guid of the User to impersonate. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmConnectionCallerId -conn $conn -CallerId 2eded89d-be89-e511-80f0-c4346bc4ef0c This example sets CRM Connection CallerId to 2eded89d-be89-e511-80f0-c4346bc4ef0c. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, position=1)][Alias("UserId")] [guid]$CallerId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; # We may need to check if the CallerId exists and enabled. $conn.OrganizationServiceProxy.CallerId = $CallerId } function Set-CrmConnectionTimeout{ <# .SYNOPSIS Sets CRM Connection timeout value in seconds. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmConnectionTimeout lets you set CRM Connection timeout value in seconds. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER TimeoutInSeconds Timeout value for CRM connection. .PARAMETER SetDefault Specyfing SetDefault will set default value to the connection. (120 seconds) .EXAMPLE Set-CrmConnectionTimeout -conn $conn -TimeoutInSeconds 1000 This example sets CRM Connection timeout to 1000 seconds. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmConnectionTimeout -conn $conn -SetDefault This example sets CRM Connection timeout to default. (120 seconds) #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, position=1)] [Int64]$TimeoutInSeconds, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, position=1)] [switch]$SetDefault ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($SetDefault) { $timeSpan = New-Object System.TimeSpan -ArgumentList 0,0,120 } else { $currentTimeout = $conn.OrganizationServiceProxy.Timeout.TotalSeconds Write-Verbose "Current Timeout is $currentTimeout seconds" $timeSpan = New-Object System.TimeSpan -ArgumentList 0,0,$TimeoutInSeconds } $conn.OrganizationServiceProxy.Timeout = $timeSpan } function Set-CrmSystemSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Update CRM Organization's System Settings. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmSystemSettings cmdlet lets you update CRM Organization's System Settings. Use Get-CrmSystemSettings to confirm current settings. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER ACTDeliveryMethod Change "Appointments, Contact, and Tasks" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox actdeliverymethod | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER AllowAddressBookSyncs Change "Users can schedule background address book synchronization" setting. .PARAMETER AllowAutoResponseCreation Indicates whether automatic response creation is allowed. .PARAMETER AllowAutoUnsubscribe Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe is allowed. .PARAMETER AllowAutoUnsubscribeAcknowledgement Change "Send acknowledgement to customers when they unsubscribe" setting. .PARAMETER AllowClientMessageBarAd Change "Users see "Get CRM for Outlook" option displayed in the message bar" setting. .PARAMETER AllowEntityOnlyAudit Indicates whether auditing of changes to an entity is allowed when no attributes have changed. .PARAMETER AllowMarketingEmailExecution Indicates whether marketing emails execution is allowed .PARAMETER AllowOfflineScheduledSyncs Change "Users can schedule background local data synchronization" setting. .PARAMETER AllowOutlookScheduledSyncs Change "Users can schedule synchronization" setting. .PARAMETER AllowUnresolvedPartiesOnEmailSend Change "Allw messages with unresolved email recipients to be sent" setting. .PARAMETER AllowUsersSeeAppdownloadMessage Change "Users see app download message" setting. .PARAMETER AllowWebExcelExport Indicates whether web-based export of grids to Microsoft Office Excel is allowed. .PARAMETER BlockedAttachments Update "Set blocked file extensions for attachements" list. .PARAMETER CampaignPrefix Prefix used for campaign numbering. .PARAMETER CasePrefix Prefix to use for all cases throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. .PARAMETER ContractPrefix Prefix to use for all contracts throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. .PARAMETER CurrencyDisplayOption Change "Display currencies by using" setting. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet organization currencydisplayoption | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER CurrentCampaignNumber Current campaign number. .PARAMETER CurrentCaseNumber First case number to use. .PARAMETER CurrentContractNumber First contract number to use. .PARAMETER CurrentInvoiceNumber First invoice number to use. .PARAMETER CurrentKbNumber First article number to use. .PARAMETER CurrentOrderNumber First order number to use. .PARAMETER CurrentQuoteNumber First quote number to use. .PARAMETER DefaultCountryCode Chnage "Country/Region Code Prefix" value. .PARAMETER DefaultEmailServerProfileId Change "Server Profile" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts Email Server Profile record's guid. To get all profiles, use Get-CrmEmailServerProfiles command and use ProfileId. .PARAMETER DisableSocialCare Change "Prevent feature from receiving social data in CRM" setting. .PARAMETER DisplayNavigationTour Change "Display welcome screen to users when they sign in" setting. .PARAMETER EmailConnectionChannel Change "Process Email Using" setting. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet organization emailcommunicationchannel | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER EmailCorrelationEnabled Change "User correlation to track email conversations" setting. .PARAMETER EnableBingMapsIntegration Change "Show Bing Maps on forms" setting. .PARAMETER EnableSmartMatching Change "Use Smart Matching" setting. .PARAMETER FullNameConventionCode Change "Name Format" setting for full-name fields. This parameters accept int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet organization fullnameconventioncode | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER GenerateAlertsForErrors Change "Erorr level of Configure Alerts" setting. .PARAMETER GenerateAlertsForWarnings Change "Warning level of Configure Alerts" setting. .PARAMETER GenerateAlertsForInformation Change "Information level of Configure Alerts" setting. .PARAMETER GlobalHelpUrlEnabled Change "Use custom Help for customizable entities" setting. .PARAMETER GlobalHelpUrl Change "Global custom Help URL" value. .PARAMETER GlobalAppendUrlParametersEnabled Change "Append parameters to URL" setting. .PARAMETER HashDeltaSubjectCount Change "Maximum difference allowed between subject keywords" setting. .PARAMETER HashFilterKeywords Change "Filter subject keywords" setting. .PARAMETER HashMaxCount Change "Maximum number of subject keywords or recipients" setting. .PARAMETER HashMinAddressCount Change "Minimum number of recipients required to match" setting. .PARAMETER IgnoreInternalEmail Change "Track emails sent between CRM users as two activities" setting. .PARAMETER IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod Change "Incoming Email" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox incomingemaildeliverymethod | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER InvoicePrefix Prefix to use for all invoice numbers throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. .PARAMETER IsAutoSaveEnabled Change "Enable auto save on all forms" setting. .PARAMETER IsDefaultCountryCodeCheckEnabled Change "Enable country/region code prefixing" setting. .PARAMETER IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled Indicates whether duplicate detection of records is enabled. .PARAMETER IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForImport Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during import is enabled. .PARAMETER IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOfflineSync Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during offline synchronization is enabled. .PARAMETER IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOnlineCreateUpdate Indicates whether duplicate detection during online create or update is enabled. .PARAMETER IsFolderBasedTrackingEnabled Change "Use folder-level tracking for Exchange folders" setting. Supported at v7.1 or above. .PARAMETER IsFullTextSearchEnabled Change "Enable full-text search for Quick Find" setting. .PARAMETER IsHierarchicalSecurityModelEnabled Indicates whether the hierarchical security model is enabled. .PARAMETER IsPresenceEnabled Change "Enable presence for the system" setting. .PARAMETER IsUserAccessAuditEnabled Change "Audit user access" setting. .PARAMETER KbPrefix Prefix to use for all articles in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. .PARAMETER MaxAppointmentDurationDays Set "Maximum durations of an appointment in days" setting. .PARAMETER MaxDepthForHierarchicalSecurityModel Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. .PARAMETER MaxFolderBasedTrackingMappings Maximum number of Folder Based Tracking mappings user can add. .PARAMETER MaximumActiveBusinessProcessFlowsAllowedPerEntity Maximum number of active business process flows allowed per entity. .PARAMETER MaximumDynamicPropertiesAllowed Maximum number of product properties for a product family or bundle. .PARAMETER MaximumTrackingNumber Change "Number of digits for incremental message counter" setting. Specify 999 will set 3 as setting, 9999 will set 4 as setting and you can set up to 999999999. You can disable "Use Tracking Token" by setting 0. .PARAMETER MaxProductsInBundle Maximum number of items in a bundle. .PARAMETER MaxRecordsForExportToExcel Maximum number of records that will be exported to a static Microsoft Office Excel worksheet when exporting from the grid. .PARAMETER MaxRecordsForLookupFilters Maximum number of lookup and picklist records that can be selected by user for filtering. .PARAMETER MaxUploadFileSize Maximum allowed size of an attachment. .PARAMETER MinAddressBookSyncInterval Change "Minimum time between address book synchronizations" setting. .PARAMETER MinOfflineSyncInterval Change "Minimum time between background local data synchronizations" setting. .PARAMETER MinOutlookSyncInterval Change "Minimum time between synchronizations" setting. .PARAMETER NotifyMailboxOwnerOfEmailServerLevelAlerts Change "Notify mailbox owner" setting. .PARAMETER OrderPrefix Prefix to use for all orders throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. .PARAMETER OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod Change "Outgoing Email" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox outgoingemaildeliverymethod | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER PluginTraceLogSetting Change "Enable logging to plug-in trace log" setting. 0:Off 1:Exception 2:All .PARAMETER PricingDecimalPrecision Change "Pricing Decimal Precision" setting. .PARAMETER QuickFindRecordLimitEnabled Change "Enable Quick Find record limits" setting. .PARAMETER QuotePrefix Prefix to use for all quotes throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. .PARAMETER RenderSecureIFrameForEmail Change "Use secure frames to restrict email message content" setting. .PARAMETER RequireApprovalForUserEmail Change "Process emails only for approved users" setting. .PARAMETER RequireApprovalForQueueEmail Change "Process emails only for approved queues" setting. .PARAMETER ShareToPreviousOwnerOnAssign Change "Share reassigned records with original owner" setting. .PARAMETER TrackingPrefix Change Tracking Token "Prefix" setting. .PARAMETER TrackingTokenIdBase Change "Deployment base tracking number" setting. .PARAMETER TrackingTokenIdDigits Change "Number of digits for user numbers" setting .PARAMETER UniqueSpecifierLength Number of characters appended to invoice, quote, and order numbers. .PARAMETER UseLegacyRendering Change "Use legacy form rendering" setting. .PARAMETER UsePositionHierarchy Indicates whether to use position hierarchy. .PARAMETER UseSkypeProtocol Change "Select provider for Click to call" setting. $true: Skype $false: Lync .EXAMPLE Set-CrmSystemSettings -conn $conn -IsAutoSaveEnabled $false This example disables "Enable auto save on all forms" System setting. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmSystemSettings -conn $conn -FullNameConventionCode 7 This example updates "Name Format" of Set the full-name format to "Last NameFirst Name" System setting. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmSystemSettings -IsAutoSaveEnabled $false This example disables "Enable auto save on all forms" System setting by ommiting -conn parameter. When ommiting conn parameter, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$ACTDeliveryMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowAddressBookSyncs, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowAutoResponseCreation, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowAutoUnsubscribe, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowAutoUnsubscribeAcknowledgement, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowClientMessageBarAd, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowEntityOnlyAudit, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowMarketingEmailExecution, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowOfflineScheduledSyncs, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowOutlookScheduledSyncs, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowUnresolvedPartiesOnEmailSend, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowUsersSeeAppdownloadMessage, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$AllowWebExcelExport, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BlockedAttachments, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$CampaignPrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$CasePrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ContractPrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrencyDisplayOption, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentCampaignNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentCaseNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentContractNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentInvoiceNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentKbNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentOrderNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CurrentQuoteNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('\+{1}\d{1,}')] [string]$DefaultCountryCode, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [guid]$DefaultEmailServerProfileId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$DisableSocialCare, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$DisplayNavigationTour, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$EmailConnectionChannel, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$EmailCorrelationEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$EnableBingMapsIntegration, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$EnableSmartMatching, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$FullNameConventionCode, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$GenerateAlertsForErrors, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$GenerateAlertsForWarnings, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$GenerateAlertsForInformation, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$GlobalAppendUrlParametersEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('http(s)?://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?')] [string]$GlobalHelpUrl, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$GlobalHelpUrlEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$HashDeltaSubjectCount, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$HashFilterKeywords, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$HashMaxCount, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$HashMinAddressCount, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IgnoreInternalEmail, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$InvoicePrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsAutoSaveEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsDefaultCountryCodeCheckEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForImport, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOfflineSync, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOnlineCreateUpdate, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsFolderBasedTrackingEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsFullTextSearchEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsHierarchicalSecurityModelEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsPresenceEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$IsUserAccessAuditEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$KbPrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaxAppointmentDurationDays, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaxDepthForHierarchicalSecurityModel, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaximumActiveBusinessProcessFlowsAllowedPerEntity, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaximumDynamicPropertiesAllowed, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaximumTrackingNumber, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaxProductsInBundle, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaxRecordsForExportToExcel, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaxRecordsForLookupFilters, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MaxUploadFileSize, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MinAddressBookSyncInterval, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MinOfflineSyncInterval, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$MinOutlookSyncInterval, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$NotifyMailboxOwnerOfEmailServerLevelAlerts, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$OrderPrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet(0,1,2)] [int]$PluginTraceLogSetting, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet(0,1,2,3,4)] [int]$PricingDecimalPrecision, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$QuickFindRecordLimitEnabled, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$QuotePrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$RequireApprovalForUserEmail, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$RequireApprovalForQueueEmail, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$ShareToPreviousOwnerOnAssign, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$TrackingPrefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$TrackingTokenIdBase, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$TrackingTokenIdDigits, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$UniqueSpecifierLength, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$UseLegacyRendering, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$UsePositionHierarchy, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$UseSkypeProtocol ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $updateFields = @{} $attributesMetadata = Get-CrmEntityAttributes -EntityLogicalName organization $defaultEmailSettings = @{} foreach($parameter in $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $attributeMetadata = $attributesMetadata | ? {$_.SchemaName -eq $parameter.Key} if($parameter.Key -in ("IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod","OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod","ACTDeliveryMethod")) { $defaultEmailSettings.Add($parameter.Key,$parameter.Value) } elseif($attributeMetadata -eq $null) { continue } elseif($attributeMetadata.AttributeType -eq "Picklist") { $updateFields.Add($parameter.Key.ToLower(), (New-CrmOptionSetValue $parameter.Value)) } elseif($attributeMetadata.AttributeType -eq "Lookup") { $updateFields.Add($parameter.Key.ToLower(), (New-CrmEntityReference emailserverprofile $parameter.Value)) } else { $updateFields.Add($parameter.Key.ToLower(), $parameter.Value) } } $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="organization"> <attribute name="organizationid" /> <attribute name="defaultemailsettings" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $systemSettings = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords[0] $recordid = $systemSettings.organizationid if($defaultEmailSettings.Count -ne 0) { $emailSettings = [xml]$systemSettings.defaultemailsettings if($defaultEmailSettings.ContainsKey("IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod")) { $emailSettings.SelectSingleNode("/EmailSettings/IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod").InnerText = $defaultEmailSettings["IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod"].Value } if($defaultEmailSettings.ContainsKey("OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod")) { $emailSettings.SelectSingleNode("/EmailSettings/OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod").InnerText = $defaultEmailSettings["OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod"].Value } if($defaultEmailSettings.ContainsKey("ACTDeliveryMethod")) { $emailSettings.SelectSingleNode("/EmailSettings/ACTDeliveryMethod").InnerText = $defaultEmailSettings["ACTDeliveryMethod"].Value } $updateFields.Add("defaultemailsettings",$emailSettings.OuterXml); } Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName organization -Id $recordid -Fields $updateFields } function Set-CrmUserBusinessUnit{ <# .SYNOPSIS Moves Crm User to another Business Unit. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmUserBusinessUnit lets you move Crm User to another Business Unit. You can specify different CRM UserId to ReassignUserId to update ownership of records as well. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User which moves to another Business Unit. .PARAMETER BusinessUnitId An Id (guid) of Business Unit. .PARAMETER ReassignUserId An Id (guid) of CRM User to own records of Moving CRM User. You can specify same Id as UserId if you want to keep records ownership. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserBusinessUnit -conn $conn -UserId 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 -BusinessUnitId 5a18974c-ae18-e511-80dd-c4346bc44d24 -ReassignUserId 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 This example moves a CRM User to specified BusinessUnit, then keeps the records ownership. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserBusinessUnit 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 5a18974c-ae18-e511-80dd-c4346bc44d24 f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example moves a CRM User to specified BusinessUnit, then reassign the records ownership by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [guid]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [guid]$BusinessUnitId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [guid]$ReassignUserId ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $ReassignPrincipal = New-CrmEntityReference -EntityLogicalName systemuser -Id $ReassignUserId $request = New-Object 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.SetBusinessSystemUserRequest' $request.BusinessId = $BusinessUnitId $request.UserId = $UserId $request.ReassignPrincipal = $ReassignPrincipal try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } function Set-CrmUserMailbox { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates CRM user's mailibox. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmUserMailbox cmdlet lets you update CRM user's mailibox. Use Get-CrmUserMailbox to confirm current values. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id of CRM user. .PARAMETER EmailAddress An EmailAddress of CRM user. .PARAMETER EmailServerProfile Change "Server Profile" setting of Synchronization Method. This parameter accepts Email Server Profile record's guid. To get all profiles, use Get-CrmEmailServerProfiles command and use ProfileId. .PARAMETER IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod Change "Incoming Email" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox incomingemaildeliverymethod | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod Change "Outgoing Email" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox outgoingemaildeliverymethod | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .PARAMETER ACTDeliveryMethod Change "Appointments, Contact, and Tasks" setting for Configure default synchronization method. This parameter accepts int. To get all options, use Get-CrmEntityOptionSet mailbox actdeliverymethod | % Items command and use PickListItemId. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserMailbox -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod 0 This example updates "Incoming Email" setting to "None". .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserMailbox -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -EmailServerProfile 1b2d4b03-831e-e511-80e1-c4346bc44d24 This example updates "Server Profile" setting to specified Profile. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserMailbox -conn $conn -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -ApplyDefaultEmailSettings This example updates mailbox email settings to default settings, which is in System Settings. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserMailbox -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod 0 This example disables "Incoming Email" setting to "None" by ommiting -conn parameter. When ommiting conn parameter, cmdlets automatically finds it. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserMailbox -UserId f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d -ApplyDefaultEmailSettings This example updates mailbox email settings to default settings, which is in System Settings by ommiting -conn parameter. When ommiting conn parameter, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/')] [string]$EmailAddress, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Custom")] [guid]$EmailServerProfile, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Custom")] [int]$IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Custom")] [int]$OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Custom")] [int]$ACTDeliveryMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default")] [switch]$ApplyDefaultEmailSettings ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $updateFields = @{} if($ApplyDefaultEmailSettings) { $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no-lock="true"> <entity name="organization"> <attribute name="defaultemailserverprofileid" /> <attribute name="defaultemailsettings" /> </entity> </fetch> "@ $record = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords[0] $updateFields.Add("emailserverprofile", $record.defaultemailserverprofileid_Property.Value) $xml = [xml]$record.defaultemailsettings $updateFields.Add("incomingemaildeliverymethod", (New-CrmOptionSetValue $xml.ChildNodes.IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod)) $updateFields.Add("outgoingemaildeliverymethod", (New-CrmOptionSetValue $xml.ChildNodes.OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod)) $updateFields.Add("actdeliverymethod", (New-CrmOptionSetValue $xml.ChildNodes.ACTDeliveryMethod)) } foreach($parameter in $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if($parameter.Key -in ("UserId", "applydefaultemailsettings")) { continue } if($parameter.Key -in ("EmailServerProfile")) { $updateFields.Add($parameter.Key.ToLower(), (New-CrmEntityReference emailserverprofile $parameter.Value)) } elseif($parameter.Key -in ("IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod","OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod","ACTDeliveryMethod")) { $updateFields.Add($parameter.Key.ToLower(), (New-CrmOptionSetValue $parameter.Value)) } else { $updateFields.Add($parameter.Key.ToLower(), $parameter.Value) } } $fetch = @" <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" no> <entity name="mailbox"> <attribute name="mailboxid" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="regardingobjectid" operator="eq" value="{$UserId}" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch> "@ $Id = (`-conn $conn -Fetch $fetch).CrmRecords[0].MailboxId Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName mailbox -Id $Id -Fields $updateFields } function Set-CrmUserManager{ <# .SYNOPSIS Sets CRM user's manager. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmUserManager lets you set CRM user's manager. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER UserId An Id (guid) of CRM User. .PARAMETER ManagerId An Id (guid) of Manager. .PARAMETER KeepChildUsers Specify if you keep child users for the user. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserManager -conn $conn -UserId 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 -ManagerId 5a18974c-ae18-e511-80dd-c4346bc44d24 -KeepChildUsers $True This example sets a manager to a CRM User and keeps its child users. .EXAMPLE Set-CrmUserManager 3772fe6e-8a18-e511-80dc-c4346bc42d48 5a18974c-ae18-e511-80dd-c4346bc44d24 $True This example sets a manager to a CRM User and keeps its child users by ommiting parameters names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [guid]$UserId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [guid]$ManagerId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [bool]$KeepChildUsers ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; $request = New-Object 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.SetParentSystemUserRequest' $request.ParentId = $ManagerId $request.UserId = $UserId $request.KeepChildUsers = $KeepChildUsers try { $result = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($request, $null) if($result -eq $null) { return $conn.LastCrmException } } catch { return $conn.LastCrmException } } function Set-CrmUserSettings{ <# .SYNOPSIS Update CRM user's settings. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CrmUserSettings cmdlet lets you update CRM user's settings. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER CrmRecord A CRMUserSettings object. Use Get-CrmUserSettings to retrieve the setting. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$userSettings = Get-CrmUserSettings -conn $conn -UserId (Get-MyCrmUserId) -Fields * PS C:\>$userSettings.timezonecode = 4 PS C:\>Set-CrmUserSettings -conn $conn -CrmRecord $userSettings This example retrieves retrieves all fields from login User's UserSettings update TimeZone to Pacific Time. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$userSettings = Get-CrmUserSettings (Get-MyCrmUserId) * PS C:\>$userSettings.paginglimit = 100 PS C:\>Set-CrmUserSettings $userSettings This example retrieves all fields from login User's UserSettings and update PagingLimit to 100 by omitting parameter names. When ommiting parameter names, you do not provide $conn, cmdlets automatically finds it. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [Alias("UserSettingsRecord")] [PSObject]$CrmRecord ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; try { $result = Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -CrmRecord $CrmRecord } catch { throw } } ### Get CRM Types object ### function New-CrmMoney{ <# .SYNOPSIS Instantiates Money type object. .DESCRIPTION The New-CrmMoney cmdlet lets you instantiates Money type object. .PARAMETER Value Money Value. .EXAMPLE New-CrmMoney -Value 1000 Value ExtensionData ----- ------------- 1000 This example instantiates Money object with Value of 1000. .EXAMPLE New-CrmMoney 1000.01 Value ExtensionData ----- ------------- 1000.01 This example instantiates Money object with Value of 1000.01 by ommiting parameter names. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [double]$Value ) $crmMoney = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money $crmMoney.Value = $Value return $crmMoney } function New-CrmOptionSetValue{ <# .SYNOPSIS Instantiates OptionSetValue type object. .DESCRIPTION The New-CrmOptionSetValue cmdlet lets you instantiates OptionSetValue type object. .PARAMETER Value OptionSetValue Value. .EXAMPLE New-CrmOptionSetValue -Value 20 Value ExtensionData ----- ------------- 20 This example instantiates OptionSetValue object with Value of 20. .EXAMPLE New-CrmOptionSetValue 20 Value ExtensionData ----- ------------- 20 This example instantiates OptionSetValue object with Value of 20 by ommiting parameter names. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [int]$Value ) $crmOptionSetValue = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue $crmOptionSetValue.Value = $Value return $crmOptionSetValue } function New-CrmEntityReference{ <# .SYNOPSIS Instantiates EntityReference type object. .DESCRIPTION The New-CrmEntityReference cmdlet lets you instantiates EntityReference type object. .PARAMETER EntityLogicalName A logicalname for an Entity to update. i.e.)accout, contact, lead, etc.. .PARAMETER Id An Id (guid) of the record .EXAMPLE New-CrmEntityReference -EntityLogicalName account -Id 1df8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 Id : 1df8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 LogicalName : account Name : KeyAttributes : {} RowVersion : ExtensionData : This example instantiates CrmEntityReference object for an account record. .EXAMPLE New-CrmEntityReference account 1df8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 Id : 1df8d93d-1f18-e511-80da-c4346bc43d94 LogicalName : account Name : KeyAttributes : {} RowVersion : ExtensionData : This example instantiates CrmEntityReference object for an account record by ommiting parameter names. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [string]$EntityLogicalName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [guid]$Id ) $crmEntityReference = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference $crmEntityReference.LogicalName = $EntityLogicalName $crmEntityReference.Id = $Id return $crmEntityReference } ### Performance Test cmdlets ### function Test-CrmViewPerformance{ <# .SYNOPSIS Test CRM View performance. .DESCRIPTION The Test-CrmViewPerformance cmdlet lets you test CRM View performance. .PARAMETER conn A connection to your CRM organizatoin. Use $conn = Get-CrmConnection <Parameters> to generate it. .PARAMETER View A view record object to test performance. .PARAMETER ViewId A view id to test performance. .PARAMETER ViewName A view name to test performance. .PARAMETER RunAsViewOwner Indicate if using view owner's id to run the view to test performance. .PARAMETER RunAs Specify User Id to run the view to test performance. .PARAMETER IsUserView Indicate if the view is user owned view. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmViewPerformance -conn $conn -ViewName "Active Accounts" This example test "Active Accounts" system view performance by using user of the connection. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmViewPerformance -conn $conn -ViewId 00000000-0000-0000-00aa-000010001002 This example test view which has id of 00000000-0000-0000-00aa-000010001002 performance by using user of the connection. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmViewPerformance -conn $conn -ViewName "Active Accounts" This example test "Active Accounts" system view performance by using user of the connection. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmViewPerformance -conn $conn -ViewName "Active Accounts" -RunAs f9d40920-7a43-4f51-9749-0549c4caf67d This example test "Active Accounts" system view performance by using specified user. .EXAMPLE Test-CrmViewPerformance -conn $conn -ViewName "My Custom View" -RunAsViewOwner -IsUserView This example test "My Custom View" user view performance by using view owner. #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="CrmRecord")][Alias("CrmRecord")] [PSObject]$View, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Id")][Alias("Id")] [guid]$ViewId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Name")] [string]$ViewName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$RunAsViewOwner, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [guid]$RunAs, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$IsUserView ) $conn = VerifyCrmConnectionParam $conn; if($IsUserView) { $logicalName = "userquery" $fields = "name,fetchxml,layoutxml,returnedtypecode,ownerid" } else { $logicalName = "savedquery" $fields = "name,fetchxml,layoutxml,returnedtypecode" } try { if($ViewId -ne $null) { $View = Get-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName $logicalName -Id $viewId -Fields $fields } elseif($viewName -ne "") { $views = Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName $logicalName -FilterAttribute name -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue $viewName -Fields $fields if($views.CrmRecords.Count -eq 0) { return } else { $view = $views.CrmRecords[0] } } # if the view has ownerid, then its User Defined View if($View.ownerid -ne $null) { if($RunAsViewOwner) { Set-CrmConnectionCallerId -conn $conn -CallerId $view.ownerid_property.Value.Id } elseif($RunAs -ne $null) { Set-CrmConnectionCallerId -conn $conn -CallerId $RunAs } else { Set-CrmConnectionCallerId -conn $conn -CallerId (Get-MyCrmUserId -conn $conn) } # Get all records by using Fetch Test-XrmTimerStart $records = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $View.fetchxml -AllRows -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $perf = Test-XrmTimerStop $owner = $View.ownerid $totalCount = $records.Count } else { if($RunAs -ne $null) { Set-CrmConnectionCallerId -conn $conn -CallerId $RunAs } else { Set-CrmConnectionCallerId -conn $conn -CallerId (Get-MyCrmUserId -conn $conn) } # Get all records by using Fetch Test-XrmTimerStart $records = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $View.fetchxml -AllRows -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $perf = Test-XrmTimerStop $owner = "System" $totalCount = $records.Count } # Create result set $psobj = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ViewName" -Value $ Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FetchXml" -Value $View.fetchxml Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Entity" -Value $View.returnedtypecode Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Columns" -Value ([xml]$view.layoutxml).grid.row.cell.Count Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LayoutXml" -Value $view.layoutxml Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TotalRecords" -Value $totalCount Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Owner" -Value $owner Add-Member -InputObject $psobj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Performance" -Value $perf return $psobj } catch { return } } function Test-XrmTimerStart{ <# .SYNOPSIS Instantiate timer object and start it. .DESCRIPTION The Test-XrmTimerStart cmdlet lets you instantiate timer object and start it. Use with Text-XrmTimerStop. .EXAMPLE Test-XrmTimerStart; $result = Get-MyCrmUserId; Test-XrmTimerStop The operation took 00:00:00.0816009 This example shows performance result of Get-MyCrmUserId. #> $script:crmtimer = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch' $script:crmtimer.Start() } function Test-XrmTimerStop{ <# .SYNOPSIS Find timer object which started by Test-XrmTimerStart and stop it. Then display the elapsed time. .DESCRIPTION The Test-XrmTimerStop cmdlet lets you see the elapsed time after you call Test-XrmTimerStart. .EXAMPLE Test-XrmTimerStart; $result = Get-MyCrmUserId; Test-XrmTimerStop The operation took 00:00:00.0816009 This example shows performance result of Get-MyCrmUserId. #> $crmtimerobj = Get-Variable crmtimer -Scope Script if($crmtimerobj.Value -ne $null) { $crmtimer = $crmtimerobj.Value $crmtimer.Stop() $perf = "The operation took " + $crmtimer.Elapsed.ToString() Remove-Variable crmtimer -Scope Script return $perf } } ### Internal Helpers function Coalesce { foreach($i in $args){ if($i -ne $null){ return $i; } } } function VerifyCrmConnectionParam { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient]$conn ) if($conn -eq $null) { $connobj = Get-Variable conn -Scope global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($connobj.Value -eq $null) { Write-Warning 'You need to create Connect to CRM Organization. Use Get-CrmConnection to create it.' break; } else { $conn = $connobj.Value } } return $conn; } |